How To Use VBA Array To Combine User Input Form

Jun 19, 2013

I have a form created using the instructions here [URL] ..... however I only have two boxes that I need completing. What I need to do is combine both inputs from the form into one cell. The code below shows this working but I am unable to get the array to work.

Essentially I need to get the array to drop in the old number and new number into the new cell so it looks something like this:

Old Number - 1234
New Number - 6543
Value in cell 1234 6543

The code I am using is set out below:


Private Sub submitmeterswap_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim myarray As Variant
Set ws = Worksheets("x")


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Prevent The User From Saving The Data Input From The User Form If Any Of Those Three Fields Is Left Blank

Feb 9, 2010

I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.

What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)

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Combine Two Tables Which Change In Rows Depending On Input Of User Using VBA In Excel?

Apr 13, 2014

i have a macro which takes the results generated and puts them into a table and filters the data so that zeros does not show and arranges the table from largest to smallest. Now i have a problem where i need to select the power, fuel oil consumption, weight and area from one table and the other power, fuel oil consumption, weight and area from the other table and combine them together so that i can have all possible combinations of the data, but i don't want the zeros to show in the combinations. i need the combined data to show on a separate sheet. The data of table 1 varies with rows as shown:

The Data of Table 2 varies with rows as shown:

I would like to achieve a result like this in the following columns and rows without having to input them manually:

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Pop-Up Form With User Input - Inventory Control

Jul 16, 2014

I am working on an Inventory control worksheet where i have all parts used in a certain assembly on the left (A) followed by Qty per assembly (B) and then current baseline Inventory (C). In columns D-max i will have at the top a pull down menu to let the user decide if they are subtracting from inventory (Purchase Order) or adding to inventory (Fulfillment). Under both circumstances, depending on which is selected I would like a different form to pop up which allows the user to enter values to control the chart.

If Purchase order is selected then a pop up will ask the order number, date, and quantity. This will then fill in three specific cells in the chart which control an equation to subtract the number of parts based on the order quantity.

If Fulfillment is selected I would like a pop up or the entire parts list to appear with a field to enter the number of parts being stocked. The program will then add these parts to the previous inventory entry.

In the example attached you can see that right now you have to manually enter the number of units ordered, then an If statement takes over to calculate the new inventory level (If statement used to keep things neat and possibly to incorporate fulfillment at a later time). At this time there is no way for me to enter stocking transactions.

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Filter From Workbook Based On User Input Form

Aug 6, 2012

I need to filter data based on criteria based on user input form that is in another workbook. For example, I have a list of departments, I want to create a userform for the user to enter department number and then have excel filter only the data belonging to that department. The person will then update the department records and save the file.

Here is partial code I have been working on but having difficulties:

Dim FilterCriteria
Dim CurrentFileName As String
'Get the current file's name
CurrentFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name 'how do I call another workbook?


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User Input Returns Selected Form Output

Dec 29, 2013

Have a person Input an Assembly Number and,Have Excel return a list of Part Numbers, their Descriptions, and a Quantity for each Part Number that will need to be packaged with the Assembly Number that was Input.

The output needs to be in the form of a check sheet (I can play with the formatting if I can get the information out) for the one Assembly Number input.The output can either be in a separate spreadsheet or a User Form. The spreadsheet is easier for me to work with but the User Form looks cooler.

I can use a VBA Function to Input the Assembly Number but then I need some way of searching a small table (about 20x20 cells) to find the matching Assembly Number and then return the Part Numbers, etc. to a check sheet so the parts can be packaged. Each Assembly Number can have several Part Numbers associated with it. Either unique to that Assembly Number or common to other Assembly Numbers. The Quantities can also be unique or common. A couple of simple examples might be:

Assembly Number - ANA0134
P/N Description Qty.
ANA0118 Widget thing 2
ANB0554 Thing Widget 4

Assembly Number - ANA0431
P/N Description Qty.
ANA0118 Widget thing 3
ANB0554 Thing Widget 4
ANC0023 Plain Widget 1

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Array To Check User Input Match

Feb 22, 2007

This is what i want to do: SEE ATTACHEMENT

•Write codes to pop up an InputBox to ask the user for a customer name.

•The program uses the user’s input to check whether the name is on the list. If it is, display an msgbox saying that the customer name is on the list, and the corresponding cell will be indicated in boldface and in blue. Otherwise, an msgbox will be displayed saying that the customer name is not on the list.

Dim the customer list as an array (string var. type) and Dim Found as Boolean. You will need the If-Then construction and For-Next or Do-While/Until loop too). Create a button to run and another to restore the formatting to its original style.

This is what i did so far and still having problems with it:

Option Explicit

Sub customers()

Dim Arr()
Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim ReturnColumn As Boolean

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Find Value In Array Based On Partial Input From User

Feb 22, 2013

I am trying to find a value in an array based on partial input from a user.

The user will enter the last four digits of a number.

Then the formula should find the number in a list and return that complete number

I will explain using example.

Here is the list of numbers (array):


User input= 3233

formula output = 3003283233

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Create A Dynamic Array So That When A User Enters The First Sheet Name Via An Input Box

Nov 20, 2008

I'm trying to create a dynamic array so that when a user enters the first sheet name via an input box, excel will know to select the other sheets with ending (2), (3), (4) etc.

Currently this code works only if there are 4 sheets present (as I set this way), anything lower/higher is out of range.

How do I make it so that it will select sheets if there are less than 4 sheets present?

I tried nesting, but I pretty sure this array needs redimming or something. Is ubound a better option?

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Add List User Form, List Box And Get Input

Dec 16, 2009

I wrote a macro which creates desired output based on one default variables. But I want to change it to take user selected assumptions and perform the macro for each user selected variables.

I am confused with user forms and controls and what to use.

Can anyone give the code to how to add a list box to a userform and then add items to the listbox, and run macro based on thegiven input in the list box?

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User Form-Easy Selection Of Data To Be Filled In The Form

Jun 3, 2006

find the attached workbook

I have a Database and user form, in the user form i have a field named “Vehicle No” this is a combo box from which a user needs to select the Vehicle numbers, and all these are working fine now, I need your help in the following:

When user selects the second field named "Select Vendor name" i need a pop up window which shows all the Vehicles belongs to the vendor which they have selected, and with the popup window user selects the vehicle number then the Vehicle number combo box should be filled.

Currently users have to select by scrolling through Combo box which takes long time and difficult to find by scrolling.

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Look Up Data And Plug Into Form - User Form In Reverse?

Jan 14, 2009

I have created a registration workbook for this year's youth sports league. All of the information is entered into a User Form and separated onto it's appropriate sheet designated by the child's age. Next year, I would like to use this year's workbook to look up returning players.

Will it be possible to add a "lookup" button into my form, or create a lookup program, that once the registrar clicks on the correct player, the information is plugged into the User Form, the registrar adjusts the age and any necessary info, presses enter, and the information is copied into the appropriate category in the new workbook? I haven't worked with User Forms long enough to know if they can be filled in that way, but if this can be done, you are the people who would know.

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Unload Or Hide User Form On Show Next Form

Dec 2, 2008

I'm using a series of user forms for data entry to a workbook, some of them open next stage user form on completion (OK cmd button).

All that is working fine, but I'd like the initial form to close on showing the next one. I've tried adding Unload and Hide commands following the frmInsertEntry.Show (Next stage form), to no avail, but I'd like this user form to close or hide at the end of the sub.

Private Sub cmdContinueType_Click()

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Records").Activate 'Select starting cell in record sheet

If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then ' Search for next empty cell
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True

If optDrillType = True Then
End If

End Sub

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Check A User Input To See If The User Has Entered The Date Correctly

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to check a user input to see if the user has entered the date correctly. I am using the code below but it keeps giving me a "Type Mismatch" error.

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String Array Values To Array Of User-Defined Types

Oct 2, 2008

I have a class module with several private variables, including one that is an array of a user-defined type. I am trying to set the values of a single element of this array with "Property Let ..." from a string array:

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Combine Two Lists To Form Single Unique

Mar 18, 2010

Is it possible to produce one unique list from two, and preferably in alphabetical order, without resorting to VBA? i.e. a formula solution.

I've attached a sample.

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User Forms- Create A User Form That Will "pop Up"

Oct 25, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with the following headings:

Claims Number





I need to create a user form that will "pop up" and ask the administrator to enter the above details.

A - should be created automatically (ie last claim number + 1)
B - user enters manually
C - data retrieved from a list
D - data retrieved from a list
E - date is the date the information is entered

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Combine Arrays Into One Array

Apr 29, 2007

an array formula to combine the array formulas in columns B, C, and D? I would like the results displayed in one cell....

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How To Input A Form In Excel

Nov 11, 2013

I have a form that I want to input or embed into excel. Im trying to make a training aid and I m stuck on trying to input the form in Excel/ I have seen different forms in excel.

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User Form

Feb 24, 2009

I have a user form that I want to take the information and have it input on the worksheet. I want it to start at A3 and check to see if that cell is "" and if it is not then enter the data from the from horizontally. If A3 is not "" then continue down column A untill the first nonblank cell is and then select that cell and have the data entered horizontally.

I have this code so far but it is not working.

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
Dim Month As Variant

Month = Me.cmbMonth.Value


I have done a bit of excel programming last year but have not done any for the last 4 months so I am a bit rusty.

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Vlookup In Combine With An Array Formula

Nov 27, 2008

I'm looking for a formula to return the correct value without using any help-column and it should be typed in no more than one cell.

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Locking A Form....but Allow Text Input?

Aug 18, 2009

I have created a form to be filled out with different locations such as shipping address, scope of work, start date, completed date, etc. I was wondering if there was a way I can lock the format of the form, but still allow people to enter text into it? I have attached to sheet that im trying to lock. I don't know how to do coding but if that is the only way I'm willing to try it if someone can tell me step-by-step how to do it.

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Userform Form Force Input

Jan 9, 2012

I have a series of Userforms that I would like the user to be forced to enter in some sort of information in one of those userform in the series. I do not want it to be submitted blank. Is there a code or a properties toggle to make this possible.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range("RailcarNumber").Value = TextBox1.Value

[Code] .......

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Form First Only Show Input Box For EmpID

Aug 13, 2008

I need to create a form to update employee details.

The one I created has input boxes for all the details in the form. eg. Name, ID, DOJ, Address, etc. So once you enter all the details and press enter, the details gets updated in the database.

Now, what I want is, my form should first only show input box for EmpID. Once I give the input for EmpID and press enter, the form details should now change to Name. After updating the Name, it should show input box for DOJ.

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Combine Rows With Similar Info In Dropdown Menu Or Selection For User

Nov 29, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that has a long list of charges... some of those charges have multiple codes attached to them... when this happens I am wanting to group them together and let the user pick which one they want to view at one time.

Here is a very small example of what exactly I am referring to... with charge #14 I am wanting it to combine and let the user pick between 2565 and 2566. The problem is that the values can range and will not always be 2565 & 2566 and there is 10,000 + records similar to this.


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Combobox In A User Form

Aug 30, 2007

I've written a workbook that enables my workmates to enter sample information easily (workbook attached). What i need help on i cant get the combobox 's on the user form to pick up the related info in worksheet named "data" and insert it into the relavant coloumn in tab named "Results". I can get it to work without using combobox's and just typing the info into a textbox but i wanted to use combobox's.

Another thing i wanted to do was pick invidual results and send them the "Report" for printing. how would i do that.

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User Form Drop Down Box

May 25, 2008

I have a project, i want to create a user form, basically i have a work book that contains dinner menu's on column A and ingredients in column b.
I would like to create a user form that have a drop down box that would show all the possible menu's referencing my workbook sheet1 column A values. and by selecting a item, i would like to be able to show all ingredients needed, is there a way to do this?.
I hope so, it would be so cool to do this.

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User Form Interaction

Jun 22, 2009

I have created a multi utility user form that user can initialize by a shortcut key. The problem if user want to see the content on sheet or want to change the active cell, he has to close the form and then do any action. This form is initialized by a command and default included in excel as a Add-in. Is there is any way to make the form floating i.e. user can manipulate the data and can see the form as well.

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Using The Scroll Bar In A User Form

Jul 8, 2009

On a userform, I have 5 paragraphs of text that the user needs to read. The problem is the user can't see all 5 paragraphs, the user is only able to see about two paragraphs. I don't want to make the userform larger but I would like to add some type of scroll bar that would allow the user to scroll up and down to view all of the text.

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Comments In User Form ...

Dec 20, 2009

Can anybody help me with a code that shows a comment within the user form when specific a checkbox is selected?

I am attaching a sample file with user form containing 6 checkboxes. I need when Name6 is selected, a comment "Test" to appear inside the user form beside the checkbox.

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