I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Code: Sub populate() Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer Dim r, c, num As Integer
The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.
but is there a way to loop through a series of variables like var0...var9? You can obviously loop through and make a set of strings with the right names,
Dim I As Integer Dim Var As String For I = 1 To 5 Var = "Var" & I Next I
Is there a way to use the contents of a string variable to call a variable with the same name as contents of the string? or somehow concatenate the a string with a number like array[i]=var.[i]?
I am trying to define my variables with a for loop and if I run the code to the line after the first variable is defined, it shows that the variable is equal to the appropriate value, but after the for loop is done all of the variables are empty.
i dont know if it is possible but can you concatinate two variables i.e in the example below can i move from Sum1 to Sum6 using the intiger stored in i as the end of the sum variable
Sub Sum() Dim i As Integer Dim Sum1, Sum2, Sum3, Sum4, Sum5, Sum6 As Integer Dim Ltr As String Dim Sum As String Sum = "Sum"
They correspond to a date from a cell and I just format one for "Monday" through "Saturday". In another module I'm opening a file that has worksheets named "Monday" through "Saturday" as well. I need to do the same thing to each of these sheets so I'm trying to setup a For/Next loop. I'm assuming you can't put a variable to a variable as I keep getting 'variable not defined' when I try to insert 'i'? Or am I just going about this all wrong?
For i = 1 To 6 Workbooks.Open ("J:AcctMgtITrepADIinf-v2-WE0922.xls") Sheets(dDDDD & i).Unprotect Password:="hownowbrowncow" Sheets(dDDDD1).Columns("C:E").Insert Shift:=xlToRight Sheets(dDDDD1).Columns("B:B").TextToColumns Destination:=Range("B1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _ Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=True, Other:=False, FieldInfo:= _ Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True With Sheets(dDDDD1) Set RngCol = .Range("A1", .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) End With ConcName = "=B1&"", ""&C1" LastRow = RngCol.Rows.Count Sheets(dDDDD1).Range("$E$1:$E$" & LastRow).Formula = ConcName Next i
I'm having difficulty with concatenation and the use of a string variable. On my attached spreadsheet I have a row called Must Fund Tasks. The binary variable in the cell is entered by a selection on a user form. If the value of the cell is "1" then that particular task must be funded. The code I developed forces solver to keep the binary value of 1 in that particular cell when looking for the optimal solution. This same row of binary variables is the row of values that I have solver change to find my optimal solution.
My problem is that I have another set of contraints based on mutually exclusive tasks. If there is a binary value of "1" in at least two of those cells then only one of the tasks may be funded and they are said to be mutually exclusive. In other words, if the user form indicated that tasks 1 and 5 were mutually exclusive then the binary values are Task1=1 and Task2=1 and the constraint would be Task1+Task2<=1. The code I've written looks for a value of 1 in the Mutually Exclusive row and if it finds one it adds the name of the corresponding "Must Fund" cell 4 rows above to a set called ExclusiveSet. ExclusiveSet is defined as a string and I'm having trouble with the concatenation, I keep geting a "+" out in front because of the intial loop when ExclusiveSet="" ( it returns "+$F$29+$H$29"). I'm also not sure if Range("CalcsStartcell").Offset(I + 15, 3).Formula = "=ExclusiveSet" is the appropriate way for me to return the value of the ExclusiveSet in the desired cell.
Sub constraint() Dim p As Integer, CalcsStartcell As String, I As Integer, T As Integer T = 7 I = 5 CalcsStartcell = "C16"
'setting Mutually Exclusive constraints With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(CalcsStartcell) For p = 0 To T - 1 If .Offset(I + 12, p + 1).Formula = "1" Then..................
I am having trouble defining a variable in a For loop. When I run the loop the first time everything seems to work fine, but when the loop goes back through the second time it carries its previous value with it. Here in lies the problem if the variable is supposed to be empty (not assigned a value). So, for example: 'Variable' in the code below may or may not be given a value depending on the conditions in the For i loop. If it is given a value then 'Variable' will still have that value on the next pass through the For j loop. And if none of the conditions are met for the If statement in the For i loop the second time through the For j loop, it should be an empty variable, but instead the code is reading it as having a value (from the previous pass through the For j loop).
[Code] .....
I have tried using:
[Code] .....
After the For j line, and instead of using:
[Code] ....
I tried using:
[Code] ....
and I've tried:
[Code] .....
I get an Object error with either line I use. I just want to be able to reset the variables each time through the For j loop so in the case of an empty variable, it doesn't try to calculate based on the previous value.
I need to write a FOR... Next loop that will loop through a range of rows, select the same cell range on each row, perform a task, then advance to the next row. I can't seem to figure out how to substitute the loop counter for the row index. For example:
Is there any way to add together a portion of an array without using a loop or for statement. i.e.) I have a array variable: arrayvar = array ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
is there a way to sum the last two numbers in the array without using
arrayvar (3) + arrayvar (4) or a loop or for statement.
I am thinking something along the lines of worksheetfunction.sum( arrayvar( 3 to 4)) I know that this does not work but I hope you can see what I am trying to do
I have 2 worksheets. The first sheet has data of which some needs to be copied to a second worksheet. The trigger is a value found in column E. If a match is found, then a copy statement needs to be built. The values in F, G & H are the values to be used in the copy statement. The content of cell H may be numbers or letters or both.
What is the correct format of the copy statement?
Dimension all variables Dim RowPointer As Long Dim wbContrib As Workbook Dim wbMaster As Workbook Dim SheetName As String Dim target_sheet As String Dim target_cell As String Dim Target_value As String Dim CellAddr ' ' Initialize variables Set RowPointer = 1 Set wbMaster = “Master.xls” ' '******************************
I have 2 array variables in a block of code which I need to compare to check if the items in the arrays are exactly the same. The arrays are exactly the same size and I can see the contents of the arrays in the watch window.
When I try to run and IF statement as in: IF VARIABLE1 = VARIABLE2 THEN - I get a compile error saying "type mismatch" on the equal sign.
Okay, I made an epic fail on a previous post that i turned to Solved, a real error on my part of not fully testing before i posted Solved, basically i was so excited that i'd solved it myself, well partially.
I have the following code in the first sub routine that collects which option button has been selected.
[Code] .....
The second sub routine is per following.
[Code] .......
Unfortunately when i tested this with only one variable myRev(1) it worked fine but when i added more myRev variables 2 thru 4 if failed, so is there a trick to passing an array variable between sub routines?
What I am trying to do is to automatically build a "tree" diagram representing the links in a huge model which is dynamically configured. What I have a problem with is the following:
The tree consists of layers, I start off with the top layer and for each entry in the top layer I can add all its subsidiary layers and draw links between them, this uses a function which takes as its arguments the node name and its layer number (how far down the tree it is) and the number of items in that layer so far.
So I start at the first item in Layer 1 and there are as yet no layers below it. I start at the first one and add the first item in layer 2 then I kick the function off again and that adds the first item connected to item 1 in layer 2 in the layer below (3) starting at the first one, and so on. When I reach the bottom I go up one layer and add the second item in the bottom layer and so on. When I have added all the connctions to the first item in the next to bottom layer I go up one layer and add the second item connected to the first item in that layer and then add all the items connected to it and so on and so on.
In this way I build up the network exhaustively (to make things more complex more than one item in a layer may connect to the same item in the layer below).
I can do almost all that, the issue I am struggling with is I need to keep track of how many items there are in each layer (as some layer 1 items connect to 1, 2, 3 ...8 layer 2 items and so on). my idea is to keep a running total of these in an array LevelCount(1), LevelCount(2) etc. so when I add a new item to a layer I know where to put it. However I cant workout how to do this final step.
Currently I have a function that draws the nodes below a specified node this and takes the correct value from the array LevelCount(n) by passing Levelcount(n) (where n represents how far down the tree you are) into the function and the function then updates the value of LevelCount(n) (ByRef) so that next time I use it it is correct. That is fine but what I want to do is to is to call the same function from within itself when it adds each node which would make it work automatically - it would keep calling instances of the function until it reached bottom and then go back one step at a time to the top but I cant work out how to reference the right value in the array to pass into the second (and subsequent) instances of the function.
I don't think I can simply pass (n) into the function and in the body of the function set LevelCount(n) = LevelCount(n)+1
I also dont know ahead of time how many layers the model will have, nor can I tell which layer a node sits in as it depends on the links that are dynamically configured.
Beyond this a node can also be subsidiary to nodes in more than one level so it needs to sit at the lowest level - but I suspect if I can work out how to do the first bit i can do this too.
I am trying to construct an indirect array reference as follows;
Dim A10 As Variant Dim A11 As Variant Dim A12 As Variant For i = 0 To 2 String1 = "A" & (10 + i) String1 = Cells(6, D1_CNum + i).Resize(2995, 1) Next
But the above doesn't work, what would be the correct way of creating a reference to an Array using variables to contruct the name of the active Array?
I was hoping String1 would equal "A10", so that on the Cells command Array A10, A11 and A12 would be filled using the value of String1??
I have a dynamic number of rows each with three colums of values. These varaibles I want to fill an array with but I don't know how.
Now I've just "concated" these three variables into a string and then I intend to split the string into rows by the third comma. (see below)
I think it's easier though to use an array and I really appreciate some assistance. Please tell me also the best way to sort the array. It will be sorted by var_Status which is an integer. (sort order: max positive to max minimum)
I am trying to pass a public variable to another module in the same workbook. On Module1 I declare at the top
Public stores Sub Main() Dim stores(1 To 100, 1 To 10, 1 To 10)
...which then calls the procedure Reader in Module2
Sub Reader() let x=1 let y=1 let z=1 let stores (x,y,z)=activecell.value
I've left out the portions of code that seem irrelevant. When the macro runs, I get a type mismatch error on the "let stores" line. If I move the code from Reader into the procedure Main, it works, so it seems to be an issue with passing the variable. I haven't used multiple modules very often so this is probably a very basic issue.
I'm basically copying and pasting a bunch of columns. Currently, my code is very long because I'm not using a loop to plug in the column header. how I'd store all the column headers in an array (I think) and loop through 1-by-1.
Here's a look at what I'm doing now:
Code: ' ''Project Number x = "Project number" i = Sheets("RawData").Rows(FirstRow).Find(x).Column
[Code].... how to store these column headers in an array and then pull them?
I made the formula work great, however I want to cut it down and simplify it and make it easier to manipulate... as opposed to having the filename written every so many times.. replace with a loop instead.... so:
Private Sub Weeklytestt_Click() Dim varCurDate As String If DateYesterday.Value = True Then Answer = "1" If DateToday.Value = True Then Answer = "2" If DateTyped.Value = True Then Answer = "3"
Select Case Answer Case Is = "1" varCurDate = Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") varCurDate = varCurDate - 1 Case Is = "2" varCurDate = Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")..........
In my VBA project I've declared several public variables as normal (ahead of all procedures) ... Public simolo() As double etc. They are declared in normal modules, and arent declared twice. I set the values in one procedure and then execute a second procedure but, when the variable is encountered in the second procedure, it appears to be empty and I get a "Subscript out of range" error. Clearly, the public variable isn't public since no data is stored in it. What is going on?
I need to be able to locate some important columns in a table of raw data (the column locations are not fixed).
I would like to identify the locations (based on the heading values in Row 1) and store them as Public variables. The Match function works fine for this, however I'd like to make a simple loop to set these variables (opposed to repeating the function for each).
In the example below, I can't figure out how to reference "List1(Count)" as the name of the variable I'm trying to set.
Public Field1 As Long, Field2 As Long, Field3 As Long 'The column numbers will be stored here Sub FindFields() Dim List1(3), List2(3) Dim Count As Long 'Public variables (declared above)
[Code] ......
So after running FindFields(), the Test1() macro should give "1 - 2 - 3" (for example) as the locations of the fields in Sheet1. But currently this doesn't work.
I have a query about using Array Variables in excel VBA. I have a set of lookup tables and a main data table. The data table will be downloaded everyday. I need to replace the ID's in the main table with actual data from the Lookup tables.
e.g. Main Data Table Color Operator 005--325 005 004--326 004 003--327 001--328 002--322
Lookup Color 001 - Red 002 - Blue 003 - Green 004 - Violet 005 - White
I have a huge amount of data in the main table. So I can't use a lookup formula for automation. Rather I would like to use VBA to create array variables, scan and copy the lookup data into the array and replace the ID's in the main table.
Only that I am unable to achieve this using arrays. I am very basic in executing code related to Arrays.
when is it appropriate to us arr(1 to 10) Vs. For i = 1 to 10. I know this may sound like a silly question and expose my ignorance - but I suppose there is no other way to learn :|
I faced a problem to attach this small WB as an XLS
I'm looking for some way to some the red cells without looping.
In this example the array was filled with A1:A10 values. In the real situation the array gets its values from other source than a Worksheet Range.
As you can see I manged to transport the Array Values to F1:F10 and from here I could calculate the sum of F3:F8 but I do not want to use any helper columns.
I have created some code of which this is an extract
Dim i As Variant
i = Array(37, 38, 41, 42)
For Each i In i
'Some Code Next i
the routine works fine when the i variable is hard coded, but once the above is included it fails (Error 10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked).
I've built a simple inventory tracking system, and decided a reporting feature would be nice. There are four categories that are entered when inventory is removed...Date, Employee Name, Item Description, Location, and quantity.
Four my reporting purposes I'm only concerned with Date, Employee name and Item Description.
I've been able to write code that does what I want using a multiple Cases and a For loop once the case is identified. However, the more data there is the longer this takes...so I decided to stretch myself and try my hand at arrays (first time really working with arrays), but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what I need to do.
Here is what I think the steps need to be.
1. Store my data (the categories above) which are located in the Check Out sheet 2. Go through the arrayed data to find exact matches based on my search criteria (here is where the Cases come in) 3. Pull out only that data and write the information to a "Report" Sheet 4. Export that sheet to PDF (this part I already have)
Below is a copy of what my current "working" code looks like (I should mention that the search selections are made from a userform this is what the Cases are deciphering between which ones are blank etc...), also most of my variables are instantiated as Public variables within a Public_Variables module also below.