I am having trouble defining a variable in a For loop. When I run the loop the first time everything seems to work fine, but when the loop goes back through the second time it carries its previous value with it. Here in lies the problem if the variable is supposed to be empty (not assigned a value). So, for example: 'Variable' in the code below may or may not be given a value depending on the conditions in the For i loop. If it is given a value then 'Variable' will still have that value on the next pass through the For j loop. And if none of the conditions are met for the If statement in the For i loop the second time through the For j loop, it should be an empty variable, but instead the code is reading it as having a value (from the previous pass through the For j loop).
[Code] .....
I have tried using:
[Code] .....
After the For j line, and instead of using:
[Code] ....
I tried using:
[Code] ....
and I've tried:
[Code] .....
I get an Object error with either line I use. I just want to be able to reset the variables each time through the For j loop so in the case of an empty variable, it doesn't try to calculate based on the previous value.
Is there a way to reset all numeric variables to zero during a procedure (e.g. at the end of a loop), without having to manually set them all to zero within the code?
I've included the code I'm using to calculate the net weight depending on which option button is selected. I use a flag ("VLAG") to know whether it's the first time the button is pressed. All variables are DIMmed at initialization (different sub).
By using other flags, I can see the code runs perfectly, but the tare weight ("TARRA") is not incremented each time the button is pressed. The formula I'm using to increment is
Is tere a way to reset all public variables in a module. I have a number of sub routines withing the same module and need to carry a variable from one to another so I have decalared tham as public variables.
This works fine except for an instance when I expect the variable to be empty (because nothing has yet been assigned to it) when in fact it contains the value that was assigned to last time another sub was run. So I suppose what I need is a way to reset all the variables in the module when a particular sub ends
Today's question concerns one sub calling another, having the called sub do some stuff that then effects what the calling sub does.
Code: public sub sub1
dim x as integer dim countCall as boolean
x = activesheet.cells(1,1).value countCall = False
call sub2(x, countCall)
Obviously the above is a very simplified version of what I'm trying to do, since everything there could of course be handled in a single sub. It is for illustration purposes only. My actual main sub needs to call the secondary sub repeatedly in some stacked loops and its in-feasible to but the second sub's code into the main thread.
The problem remains though, I know how to call a sub and pass variables to it, i just have no inkling on how to pass results back to the calling sub. I've tried a few things I've found around the web but I seem to be missing something important.
I have a userform with a button that wil run macro "sub1". If "sub1" encounters an error on a worksheet it wil show a custom error messagebox(a userform) that contains the option "Don't ask me again". If true it sets a global variable. Do I need to use global variables to pass to the original procedure "sub1" for the ok/cancel buttons too or is there an other method?
I am trying to pass a public variable to another module in the same workbook. On Module1 I declare at the top
Public stores Sub Main() Dim stores(1 To 100, 1 To 10, 1 To 10)
...which then calls the procedure Reader in Module2
Sub Reader() let x=1 let y=1 let z=1 let stores (x,y,z)=activecell.value
I've left out the portions of code that seem irrelevant. When the macro runs, I get a type mismatch error on the "let stores" line. If I move the code from Reader into the procedure Main, it works, so it seems to be an issue with passing the variable. I haven't used multiple modules very often so this is probably a very basic issue.
I am looking at using forms, as in the Userform... Not used them before, but would like to know, if you create a text box on it, is the value global, so any module can use the var? or how can I, so that value entered can be used on the whole book ?
Here in the code wbResults is a Workbook present in my present folder. In the Sheet1 and Column "I", the result of test cases is entered. The Result of the TEST CASES can be PASS or FAIL. So i am trying to get the total number of PASS test cases and Total FAILED test cases. BUT with the code i have written, i am not able to fetch the right data. Is the method of comparing wrong? or what else? i have tried to debug but nothing comes out.
Do While Not i = 1008 If (wbResults.Worksheets("Sheet1"). Cells(i, 8) = "PASS") Then PASS = PASS + 1 End If i = i +1 Loop
I have a worksheet which I've set to read-only, I am trying to get it to pull in information from external worksheets. I've created a Macro that will automatically bring in the data however it will only go into a pre-defined cell/row. I have another Macro which looks up the next available row (which is where I want the data to go) but can't get it to link into the macro's. In short, Macro1 brings in data, Macro2 finds next available row, Macro3 brings in another worksheet, Macro4 finds next available row etc etc.
When working in an userform, and you call another sub routine within the userform, will all variables passed automatically be byref (no way to do byval?)?
I want to iterate a For Loop changing one variable each iteration until the Total from the For Loop equals zero. Each iteration of the Do Loop keeps the previous Total from the For Loop and adds it. How do I reset the For Loop to start from Total = 0 at the beginning of the For Loop?
I'm using a variable to loop down a column of data. Each time it loops the variable may or may not perform an operation - it will if there is something in the cell but won't if the cell is empty. It writes the answer of the operation to an ajoining cell, before looping again.
The issue is that if the row cell is empty, what's written to the ajoining cell is the pre-existing value of the variable, because its value hasn't changed.
how best to 'empty' the variable each loop to ensure either that the correct value or nothing at all is written to the ajoining cell?
I want to put some colour in the cells B2, B3, B4, B5, etc and a put black the edge of every box. For do that i make a subrutime that put some color in the range that i want (only if i write "B2" or "B2:B5"), but if i want to put a black edge in all the box i can't do "B2:B5". Then i tried to do something like:
For i=2 To 5 Step 1 Call Boxcute(ActiveSheet.Cells(i,2)) Next i
Sub Boxcute (Box As String) Range(Box).Selection etc. End Sub
I've created a variable number (i) of text boxes at run time (i also named them, "txt"&i, at the same time), i'm now trying to get the values entered in these to fit into a column that has been inserted during the same sub routine. I'm having a bit of trouble refering to the text boxes though, this is the patch of code i'm struggling with:
Dim TextBox As String For i = 0 To 2 * NumVar - 1 TextBox = "txt" & i ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = TextBox.Value Next i
I also tried this:
Dim TextBox As Object For i = 0 To 2 * NumVar - 1 TextBox.Name = "txt" & i ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = TextBox.Value Next i
but is there a way to loop through a series of variables like var0...var9? You can obviously loop through and make a set of strings with the right names,
Dim I As Integer Dim Var As String For I = 1 To 5 Var = "Var" & I Next I
Is there a way to use the contents of a string variable to call a variable with the same name as contents of the string? or somehow concatenate the a string with a number like array[i]=var.[i]?
I am trying to define my variables with a for loop and if I run the code to the line after the first variable is defined, it shows that the variable is equal to the appropriate value, but after the for loop is done all of the variables are empty.
i dont know if it is possible but can you concatinate two variables i.e in the example below can i move from Sum1 to Sum6 using the intiger stored in i as the end of the sum variable
Sub Sum() Dim i As Integer Dim Sum1, Sum2, Sum3, Sum4, Sum5, Sum6 As Integer Dim Ltr As String Dim Sum As String Sum = "Sum"
They correspond to a date from a cell and I just format one for "Monday" through "Saturday". In another module I'm opening a file that has worksheets named "Monday" through "Saturday" as well. I need to do the same thing to each of these sheets so I'm trying to setup a For/Next loop. I'm assuming you can't put a variable to a variable as I keep getting 'variable not defined' when I try to insert 'i'? Or am I just going about this all wrong?
For i = 1 To 6 Workbooks.Open ("J:AcctMgtITrepADIinf-v2-WE0922.xls") Sheets(dDDDD & i).Unprotect Password:="hownowbrowncow" Sheets(dDDDD1).Columns("C:E").Insert Shift:=xlToRight Sheets(dDDDD1).Columns("B:B").TextToColumns Destination:=Range("B1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _ Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=True, Other:=False, FieldInfo:= _ Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True With Sheets(dDDDD1) Set RngCol = .Range("A1", .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)) End With ConcName = "=B1&"", ""&C1" LastRow = RngCol.Rows.Count Sheets(dDDDD1).Range("$E$1:$E$" & LastRow).Formula = ConcName Next i
I'm having difficulty with concatenation and the use of a string variable. On my attached spreadsheet I have a row called Must Fund Tasks. The binary variable in the cell is entered by a selection on a user form. If the value of the cell is "1" then that particular task must be funded. The code I developed forces solver to keep the binary value of 1 in that particular cell when looking for the optimal solution. This same row of binary variables is the row of values that I have solver change to find my optimal solution.
My problem is that I have another set of contraints based on mutually exclusive tasks. If there is a binary value of "1" in at least two of those cells then only one of the tasks may be funded and they are said to be mutually exclusive. In other words, if the user form indicated that tasks 1 and 5 were mutually exclusive then the binary values are Task1=1 and Task2=1 and the constraint would be Task1+Task2<=1. The code I've written looks for a value of 1 in the Mutually Exclusive row and if it finds one it adds the name of the corresponding "Must Fund" cell 4 rows above to a set called ExclusiveSet. ExclusiveSet is defined as a string and I'm having trouble with the concatenation, I keep geting a "+" out in front because of the intial loop when ExclusiveSet="" ( it returns "+$F$29+$H$29"). I'm also not sure if Range("CalcsStartcell").Offset(I + 15, 3).Formula = "=ExclusiveSet" is the appropriate way for me to return the value of the ExclusiveSet in the desired cell.
Sub constraint() Dim p As Integer, CalcsStartcell As String, I As Integer, T As Integer T = 7 I = 5 CalcsStartcell = "C16"
'setting Mutually Exclusive constraints With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(CalcsStartcell) For p = 0 To T - 1 If .Offset(I + 12, p + 1).Formula = "1" Then..................
I need to write a FOR... Next loop that will loop through a range of rows, select the same cell range on each row, perform a task, then advance to the next row. I can't seem to figure out how to substitute the loop counter for the row index. For example:
I have 2 worksheets. The first sheet has data of which some needs to be copied to a second worksheet. The trigger is a value found in column E. If a match is found, then a copy statement needs to be built. The values in F, G & H are the values to be used in the copy statement. The content of cell H may be numbers or letters or both.
What is the correct format of the copy statement?
Dimension all variables Dim RowPointer As Long Dim wbContrib As Workbook Dim wbMaster As Workbook Dim SheetName As String Dim target_sheet As String Dim target_cell As String Dim Target_value As String Dim CellAddr ' ' Initialize variables Set RowPointer = 1 Set wbMaster = “Master.xls” ' '******************************
I need to be able to locate some important columns in a table of raw data (the column locations are not fixed).
I would like to identify the locations (based on the heading values in Row 1) and store them as Public variables. The Match function works fine for this, however I'd like to make a simple loop to set these variables (opposed to repeating the function for each).
In the example below, I can't figure out how to reference "List1(Count)" as the name of the variable I'm trying to set.
Public Field1 As Long, Field2 As Long, Field3 As Long 'The column numbers will be stored here Sub FindFields() Dim List1(3), List2(3) Dim Count As Long 'Public variables (declared above)
[Code] ......
So after running FindFields(), the Test1() macro should give "1 - 2 - 3" (for example) as the locations of the fields in Sheet1. But currently this doesn't work.
With Sheets("regrade pharm_standalone") For Each r In .Range("standaloneTerritory") If r.Value = "X101" Then r.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("X101").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End If Next r End With ------------------- I need to repeat this loop for values from X101 to X151. In all cases, the sheet name is equal to the value I'm looking up (eg: value = X102 goes to sheet X102).
I have a named range called 'territories' that contains the list of X101 -> X152.
I'm hoping to make the code perform the loop for each of the territories without my having to copy & paste and change the 'X101' 51 times as this would seem a rather silly thing to do!
Can a Function give two or more output variables. e.g.
Sub a() x = 5 result = Y(x) End Sub
Function Y (x As Integer) As Integer Dim B B = ... * x Y = ... * B
this will give back Y as a result. But if I want to get 2 or more output variables (let's say I need to get also B into sub) from one function, how should I do that? I need this because function works with large matrix and I want to extract some values appeared in between.
I'm trying to loop through a range in excel from access, checking where the titles (in Excel row 1) match with the fields (in a recordset in Access that is passed to the function) - and where they do, I want to dimension a variable to hold the column number - I'm not sure it's possible, but I'd be interested to know either way. The line I'm asking about is at the bottom of the code - the rest of the code is just to give context...
Sub ImportGeneric(rsImported As ADODB.Recordset, rsConfirmed As ADODB.Recordset) Dim fd As FileDialog Dim xl As New Excel.Application Dim wb As Excel.Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim iFilePicked As Integer Dim strFilePath As String fd.Filters.clear fd.Filters.Add "Excel files", "*.xls" fd.ButtonName = "Select" iFilePicked = fd.Show If iFilePicked = -1 Then strFilePath = fd.SelectedItems(1) Else ..................