Array To Userform Listbox

Aug 31, 2007

I have been searching the internet and this sight and have found many variations, but I cannot seem to get my listbox on a Userform to populate.

The array is 10 columns by 5 rows. I can get it to add one long column of data, but this is obviously now what I want.

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Fill UserForm ListBox & Show Userform

Nov 11, 2006

having trouble with the details of actually making these features work for me. I figured out how to create a UserForm with a ListBox and 2 buttons, but I don't know how to proceed from here.

1. Populate the ListBox in the UserForm with a list of names from the sheet "Totals_Dropdowns", cells K2:K11

2. Make the UserForm pop up and enter the user's selection into cell C40 of the "Regenerate Request"

I know these are very basic operations, and I'm pretty sure I can figure out the rest of my problems once I can get past the above.

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Listbox Array

Oct 17, 2009

I'm trying to load an array for a list box using sheet "ZIP Codes", cells A3-A? for the ZIP Codes, and cells B3-B? for the city/town associated with the ZIP Codes.


A2 B2
00000 ThisCity
11111 ThisTown
I need to load sheet "ZIP Codes" A3-A? as MyArray(i,0) and load B3-B? as Myarray (i,1), but after putting in soooooo many hours in at work I can't get my brain working right.

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Filling Listbox From Array?

Apr 18, 2012

Im doing an assignment for my VBA class and im in a jam.I have a form with a listbox and numerous textboxes. The user is to select a name and then the information from this name fills the corresponding boxes.

First off, my teacher is horrible, i have to learn by just reading so that's why I'm so puzzled. I have an array i made by importing/parsing a text file. I've attached the .txt file for reference. I currently want to add just the names from the array to then when the user selects the name, fill the remaining boxes with the corresponding information.

This is what I have thus far...

Dim nValues As Integer
textFile = "C:UsersMattDocumentsemployeedata.txt"
Open textFile For Input As #1


need it to ONLY display the name, but then display ALL names in the array. What do i need to do?

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Populate Listbox With Array

Jul 9, 2009

I've got a list box which I want to fill with a two column array, with items from a sheet based on a criteria selected by userform fired from another sheet.

Private Sub VariationsApprovedListMake()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim MyList(10, 2) As String
Dim M%, n%

Set ws = Worksheets("Variations")

LastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Row

'Clear ListBox

With lbVariationsApproved
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnWidths = "25;25"
.Width = 200
.Height = 100
End With.....................

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Populate Listbox From An Array

Aug 2, 2006

I have a set of values stored in an array an I simply want to populate the list box with these. one article on the microsoft website simply gave:

'Assign the array to the listbox
ListBox1.List = LArray

However, I get an object required error.

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Populating Array From Listbox

May 19, 2007

I am in the process of trying to load an array from items in a list box. The variable "sProd" is the value from the listbox and I want to populate the value in the array with the listbox value so ultimately I can generate SQL on the fly. Lets say 3 values are in the listbox and my array is loaded, I would then trnaspose the array a create a SQL statement like:


With Me.lstExclude
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
sProd = .List(i)
pArray ("PVT_STAGE_SOURCE_SSv2.[" & sProd & "]")
Next i
End With

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Fill Listbox With Array Of Folders

Jan 26, 2010

(Modifying some code by Leith Ross) I am stumbling why I get an error trying to fill the listbox with folder names. (See code in red for error location) ....

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Select Default Value In A Listbox (array)

Feb 6, 2007

I have a problem with a listbox on a userform. I have an array that is stored in a name. The array has 2 columns and + 1000 rows. It looks like this:

100 Name1
110 Name2
120 Name3

The listbox is filled from the array:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.ColumnHeads = False
Dim myArr()
myArr = Evaluate("varRekSchema")
frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.List = myArr
End Sub
When the form with the listbox opens, it has to select by default the value in the listbox that corresponds with a value in a cell in the workbook:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'On error resume next
frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 3).Value
End Sub
When opening the userform the following error message appears: Could not set the Value property. Invalid property value.

When I activate the row "On error resume next" the listbox is correctly filled. The error occurs with selecting the default value.

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Pass Listbox List Into Array

Sep 4, 2007

I know you can read a range of data into a ListBox with a single command. can you read the contents of a ListBox into an array with a single line, and if so what is the syntax?

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Can't Populate Array With Selected Items From Listbox

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to take selected items from a listbox and put the selected items into an array. Basically I am trying to put the selected items into a variable that I can pass to other modules. I am close but something is off. I can't tell if it's the variable declaration or the code.

I get Run Time error 91. Object variable or with block variable not set

Here's what I have so far...

[Code] ......

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Populate Array From Mutiple Listbox Selections

Aug 26, 2006

Trying to load an array from user selected items in a listbox

My code returns Type Mismatch error

I don't know why as a I did not declare type for the array I thought treated as variant so should accept any values?


arrSelected(intI) = .Selected(intI)

Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Dim arrSelected
Dim intI As Integer
With Me.lstAccounts
For intI = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(intI) Then
arrSelected(intI) = .Selected(intI)
End If
Next intI
End With

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Assign Listbox Values To Two Dimensional Array

Feb 11, 2007

How can I assign values from a listbox to a twodimensional array?

and next

do something like search and remove a row and assign the array back to the listbox

I know I can do it directly, but I need the array for something else too

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Multi-dimensional Array Not Showing In Listbox

Aug 18, 2007

I have made the function below to return a variant multidimensional array. I pass the function an array of folder paths that I wish to search through looking at subfolders within that path where their name matches a search string that I pass to the function. eg., it will find a folder named "Catnap" if you pass the string searching for as "Cat*".

The size of the array it builds depends on how many folders it finds that match the search string and so needs to be built dynamically. Hence, I believe it builds a 2 dimensional array horizontally and I transpose it at the end of the function. In each element I put the folder name that was found in the first dimension and the path to that folder in its second dimension.

I have a 2 column listbox on a form that I set this array to. eg., Me.ListBox1.List = DirPaths("C:","Cat*",vbDirectory,100)

This works fine and shows a list of folder items found by folder and path in the two columns of the listbox if there is greater than 1 search found. However, when the search only finds 1 then the listbox shows the folder name with the folder path in row 2 of the list box. (See below).....

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Fill MultiColumn Listbox With Part Of Array

Sep 21, 2007

I have a multicolumn listbox, and a multidimensional array.

I want to put just SOME values of the array into the listbox, but I ger errors using both .list or .column to access single items, and even using .additem .

I have:
dim variable(2000,2) as string
variable(1,0)="aaa": variable(1,1)="bbb": variable(1,2)="ccc"
variable(2,0)="www": variable(2,1)="awasd": variable(1,2)="asdfa"
variable(2000,0)="www": variable(2000,1)="awasd": variable(2000,2)="asdfa"

I don't want to store all 2000 elements, just some ones: how can I do it?

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UserForm ListBox

Mar 17, 2009

i have a ListBox in my userform i want to enter n items in the listbox at runtime
i also want to have a delete button,so that if i think i dont want that particular item in my listbox,by selecting that item from that listbox and clicking delete,should remove/delete that item from the listbox.

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More Userform Listbox

Dec 29, 2009

I have a listbox that is populated based on a named range from another workbook. Below is the code that populates it:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim InvDB As Workbook

Set InvDB = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsPATSYSDesktopInvoiceDB.xls")

With InvDB

ListBox1.RowSource = .Name & "!rng"


End With

End Sub
My problem.

When I scrollbar down, no data appears.

This leads me to think that I need some kind of userform event to keep populating the listbox (similar to my code above) as I scroll up or down.

My questions:
1. Is it possible to specificy a rowsource in the properties window for the listbox that is pointing to an external workbook? If so, how do I write the rowsource?

I know that if the source workbook is open, I can use the rowsource:


But if source workbook is close, the below does not work:

C:Documents and SettingsPATSYSDesktopInvoiceDB.xls!rng

2. What is the userform event when you click the listbox scrollbar up or down?

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UserForm ListBox Value To Next Row

Mar 24, 2008

I have a button that is "Add" in the userform. I would want to Combine different combinations of items together (Listbox1 and fschool) and list them out in a worksheet. However, in the current setting below, whenever i click add again, it replaces the previous one. How do i modify the code such that whenever i click the button, it puts the information in the next row of the worksheet? I tried using K+1 as a new row but it doesn't give any result

Private Sub Add_Click()
Dim NewRow As Integer
Dim K As Integer
NewRow = K + 1
Worksheets("Results"). cells(NewRow, 2).Value = UserForm1.ListBox1.Value
Worksheets("Results").cells(NewRow, 3).Value = UserForm1.fschool.Value
End Sub

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Listbox On A Userform With Number

May 22, 2008

I have listbox on a userform with number and the way it should work is that when I click on a number in listbox the data correspond to this number should be copied from one sheet to another sheet and gets plotted on graph. The problem is when I click on a number in the list box the data moves from one sheet to another and get plotted but only after I exit the userform sheet.

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Unselect From UserForm ListBox

Jul 17, 2009

On my userform, the user can decide to take a number of actions, each with its' own listbox. The user doesn't have to select from each. If the user inadvertently goes into a listBox, then there will be a record selected, most certainly erroreously. Is there a way to "remove focus" from the incorrect listBox and remove the selection? Maybe some way to signal that the rowSource should be reloaded?

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Printing Userform Listbox

Oct 20, 2009

I have a userform with frame and a listbox in a frame. Listbox is higher than a frame so a frame has a scroll bar.

How can I print the whole listbox with all items?

The code UserForm.PrintForm will print just the 'visible' part of listbox, but not the rest of it which is hidden in the frame

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UserForm ListBox AddItem

May 6, 2007

I have this part of code that populates my ListBox

With UserForm1.ListBox2
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(1, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(2, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(3, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(4, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(5, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(6, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(7, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(8, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(9, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(10, 7).Value
End With
It draws the Values (names) off of Sheet1 and ActiveCell is B26

Question one: Is there a better way of writing this and for it to stop adding to the ListBox once there is no Value in the Offset cell....

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Userform Listbox Query

Jul 24, 2008

I have one List box that is populated by a hard coded array, the userform is generated from a command button :

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Im then using this code to set up my array:

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Loop Through UserForm ListBox

Apr 30, 2009

The compile errors were happening in the For i statement, interesting enough the compile error went away after I closed the demo/example worksheet that had it in there too...? Not sure if that was the exact fix/trick. Now comes the next error: Run-time error '13': Type mismatch on the line highlighted below.

What else can cause this Run-Time error?? or is there another way to carry the listbox result into that second column. I am starting to think that the Run-Time is because the value selected was not found in that second column, or I am looking in the wrg column.....

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim lbVal As Long

If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
'Not sure that I need the next line. Listbox is a SingleSelect.
For i = ListBox1.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then
lbVal = ListBox1.Value

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Add ComboBox And TextBox To ListBox On UserForm

Jul 23, 2013

I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.

Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1

[Code] ....


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Loop Trough A Userform Listbox

Jan 7, 2009

I am trying to loop through a listbox with the code below.

what is happening is; if there are 6 items, the msgbox will show 6 times, but always with the last item in the list. I have tried different modifications but can't get it. There are no headers in my listbox.

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Add Selected Items From One ListBox To Another On UserForm

Feb 27, 2014

I have a (MultiSelect) ListBox1 that is populated with Customer Names for the user to select from. I want the user to be able to hit the CommandButton1 adjacent to the ListBox1, and the selected Customers copy into/get added to the ListBox2.

I have the following code, adapted from other code, but it is not working:

[Code] ........

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Format Date In ListBox On Userform

Apr 24, 2009

I've attached a picture of how my userform is set up - all of the code is working fine and does very dandy, even if I do say so myself, but as you can see when I load data into the listbox, the date on the left hand side becomes M/DD/YYYY whereas I want it as DD/MM/YYYY.

All of the columns except Due Dateconsist of text/numbers and these load fine however even if I change the format of the Due Date data within the worksheet before loading it in it still loads incorrectly. Is there any way to format the date to how I want it within the ListBox?

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UserForm ListBox Being Double-loaded

Jul 16, 2009

I'm having problems loading data into a listbox. When the form first opens, it loads the data twice. I can then kill the form and restart it and the data is in there three times. I can't see any loading problems with the userForm_initialize routine. How can I ensure that the listBox is empty before I start adding data? This would also seem to be necessary prior to loading a different set of data into the form - correct?

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Userform Listbox Data From Different Workbooks

Jul 29, 2009

I have created an userform listbox in workbook A and RowSource points to a specific range of values in a particular sheet in workbook A. The macro is activated by CTL(z). This part works fine as long as the active workbook is A. I want to activate the listbox from a different active workbook say B. The List box appears but no data because the rowsource points to a range in workbook A. I have tried to put Workbooks("workbook A") in rowsource but still no success.

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