I'm attempting to add the values for a combobox and (2) text boxes to a list box on a form. The list has 3 columns. When I run code to add to the list box the values are added on separate rows instead of the same row. See code below and attached screen shot.
Private Sub cmdAddToList_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.cboParts.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
For i = 0 To Me.lstParts.ListCount - 1
I've created a macro that searches the active worksheet for a textboxvalue and copies all full and partial matches to a multicolumn listbox. However, I'd like to install some sort of filter that prevents registrations not containing the value in a combobox from making it into the listbox (so I'd actually like to search for registrations meeting two criteria, i.e. an advanced search). The macro I'm using is:
Private Sub Query_Change()
Dim vFound As Range Dim strFirstAddress As String
On Error Goto ErrorHandle
Set vFound = Cells.Find(What:=Query.value, After:=Cells(1, 10), _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) If Not vFound Is Nothing Then strFirstAddress = vFound.Address
I've attached the workbook I'm working on, in case I haven't made myself sufficiently clear in the above.
I spent so long time to fix this problem, but it seems that I can't go on. I have a simple question. How can I get the data from the UserForm and use it in the worksheet? Everything works fine, only the UserForm makes problems. Here is the
I am trying to populate (via VBA) a textbox/combo box from one user form to another user form.
The first user form has a room number in a text box1. If certain conditions exists, a button is selected to bring up another user form (both forms are modeless).
I want to pass/populate some of the 1st user Form info into the other user form.
I have tried the on initialize textbox1.value = textbox other.value but no dice. I can populate a user form text box from a spreadsheet but from box to box in separate user forms has me a little stumped.
I need to populate the textBoxes from the selection from ComboBox I've created in a UserForm. I have attached the file that I was working on. I want to be able to keep selecting then populate the text box until I have finsihed.
If this control is a TextBox, I would like to read the Text property, and if it's a ComboBox, I would like to read the Value property.
Public Function readValue(c As Control) As String If (TypeName(c) = "TextBox") Then ' convert the Control to TextBox then put readValue = c.Text Else If (TypeName(c) = "ComboBox") Then 'convert the Control to ComboBox then put readValue = c.Value End If End If End Function
I need to make an userform which can look up data from a sheet that contains a list of distributors and adresses.
I need to be able to search by: 1- postal code 2- postal code and product reference
Hence, I have 2 textboxes for inputing the postal code and the reference, and a listbox that I would like showing the distributors' names that are localized in the corresponding area and which did buy the product from us. Here's what my database sheet looks like:
Postal Code Products Distributor Adress
What I don't know how to do is to have a variant Rowsource property for the listbox, according to the postal code and the product reference the user enters, plus I want one distributor's name to show only once in the case I'm only searching by postal code.
i want to use a listbox or combobox on a userform with the values coming from column A in the MAIN sheet. what i need is if the colour i want is not there i type the new colour in it then adds the value to the end of values in coloumn A and too the list for the next time i use the userform. is it possible to do this and how?
I have found codes to do this however not one to show if I have varied selections. I have 3 combobox's and 2 textbox's to autofilter data on the same page. can someone tell me where I am going wrong in my code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() With ActiveSheet .AutoFilterMode = False If Me.ComboBox1.Value = True Then With . Range("B2:S2") .AutoFilter .AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Me.ComboBox1.Value End With End If
If Me.ComboBox2.Value = True Then With .Range("B2:S2") .AutoFilter .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=Me.ComboBox2.Value End With End If........................
I have a userform which inputs data based upon a chosen item from a combobox. Combobox3 pulls numerical items from Rows17 and below in columnA of active worksheet. The first problem I am having is that the combobox itself is cutting numerical numbers short. Items go out to the thousandths (ex. 1.001) but in cases where there is a "0" at the end of the decimal it abbreviates it (ex.1.01) is there anyway to fix this? The second issue is I would like to populate "Textbox4" with the columnC content of the item chosen. (Ex. User choses Item 1.001 (found in row118) then Textbox4 would = the value of C18) Below is the current code utilized for this userform.
I am trying to create a userform to allow user to register their new team member. In the userform, I have textbox1 (new team member) & textbox2 ( name of their leader). Once both the textbox has been filled, the user need to click on the commandbutton, which will then add the newly registered team member to the combobox1 in the Sheet1 and then create a spreadsheet(tab with the Team member name) in a separate workbook, which corresponde with the name of their leader (as filled in textbox2 in the userform.
My question is, instead of deleting the row, how can I use the combobox to replace that row with the updated info rather than delete and resort? I have a combobox that selects names from a sheet, column A and populates itself on Userform activate/initalize. Using the Combobox to select a name, this code below populates all the fields on the form, various text and comboboxs.
When users hits the update button, it currently finds the row and deletes it, see second code example, but this reaks havoc on various parts of the program, I have to move the combobox and add name textbox's because when it deletes the row, the combobox takes on the next rowsource and then writes that info, rather than the info selected.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() If bBlockEvents = True Then Exit Sub If ComboBox1.Value = "" Then Reset bBlockEvents = True ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 bBlockEvents = False Exit Sub End If userow = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 3 usercolumn = 1 If userow = "0" Then ComboBox1.Value = "" Reset Else.......................
I want to select items in a listbox and transfer those items via command button in a textbox. The listbox is already filled. I have no idea how to realize that.
Attached is the form I created so far. I copied everything together and matched it up for me. It's probably not the best way but it works. I marked the section where I need help in yellow.
I've prepared an excel file with a pivot table. Now I would like to change the Pivot "Report filter" by using Textbox on Userform. I've attached an excel file as an example.
I created a UserForm then linked ComboBox1 to range A2:A, TextBox2 to range E2:E, and ComboBox3 to range M2:M of the same worksheet, named Sheet3. The row contents in Column A, Column E, and Column M are associated. Therefore, when the UserForm is active I want to be able to select a row from Column A in ComboBox1 and have the UserForm pull the contents from the same row of Column E into TextBox2, and Column M into ComboBox3. Here is what I have so far, but its not quite doing it.
Code: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Sheets("Sheet3").Activate Dim ColARange As Range
I need a userform textbox event that fires after I tab or click out of the textbox. Going by the list of options:Beforedragover, BeforeDroporPaste, Change, DblClick, DropButtonClick, Error, Keydown, Keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup.
I can't figure out which one will do what I want. The change event happens instantaneously which doesn't work. I need to fire off the event when my focus leaves the textbox.
Code: Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click() Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box Dim ForeName As String Dim SurName As String Dim wwid As Variant Dim iPosition As Integer
[Code] .......
Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add
It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..
eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.
What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.
I tried looking for everywhere, but i still cant seem to find the solution.. I have an Active X textbox on a worksheet, and I need it's value to show up on a textbox on my userform, that shows up through a command button on that worksheet. I'm fairly new to vba.
I have one userform that loads combobox values upon userform Initialize. Though through a second userform changes can be made to anotherworkbook this workbook is saves any changes. when i close the second userform i need to rerun the 1st userform Initialize event to update the combobox's incase changes have been made.
I have a userform with a combobox that has three items to choose from: Blue, Red, and Yellow. When a user selects one of those options, I would like another combobox to appear on my userform with a specific list for that option.
I'm trying to make a userform that has 2 combo boxes. I have just 3 columns right now.
Procedure GrpADA-QSI DescProcedure GrpAnesthesia And Drugs9210-LOCAL ANESTH/NO SURGAnesthesia And DrugsAnesthesia And Drugs9212-TRIGEM BLOCK ANESTHCrowns And BridgeAnesthesia And Drugs9215-LOCAL ANESTHESIADenturesAnesthesia And
[Code] ........
I copied and pasted Column A into Column C and then removed duplicates. I named Column C 'ValList' and placed it in the RowSource for ComboBox1. What I now want is for ComboBox2 to populate based on my selection in ComboBox1. There are no duplicates in Column B. Duplicates are in Column A.
I also named Column A 'Proc_Grp' and Column B 'ADA_QSI_Desc'
For the properties in Combobox2, I left the RowSource empty. (that's correct right?) Because there's going to be a code that links Combobox2 to Combobox1... I think...
I must be overlooking something. Apparently, there is some difference between comboboxes and listboxes that I was not aware of. When I use the following code to populate a listbox, it works perfect:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim GrowerData() As String Dim GrowerRange As Range
having trouble with the details of actually making these features work for me. I figured out how to create a UserForm with a ListBox and 2 buttons, but I don't know how to proceed from here.
1. Populate the ListBox in the UserForm with a list of names from the sheet "Totals_Dropdowns", cells K2:K11
2. Make the UserForm pop up and enter the user's selection into cell C40 of the "Regenerate Request"
I know these are very basic operations, and I'm pretty sure I can figure out the rest of my problems once I can get past the above.
I have a listbox set as multiselect that looks at a worksheet that contains in excess of 11,000 items. I would like a way to filter down this list by the entry a user types either via a textbox or some other way.