Im doing an assignment for my VBA class and im in a jam.I have a form with a listbox and numerous textboxes. The user is to select a name and then the information from this name fills the corresponding boxes.
First off, my teacher is horrible, i have to learn by just reading so that's why I'm so puzzled. I have an array i made by importing/parsing a text file. I've attached the .txt file for reference. I currently want to add just the names from the array to then when the user selects the name, fill the remaining boxes with the corresponding information.
This is what I have thus far...
Dim nValues As Integer
textFile = "C:UsersMattDocumentsemployeedata.txt"
Open textFile For Input As #1
need it to ONLY display the name, but then display ALL names in the array. What do i need to do?
When I change the value of any one of the Listboxes, I would like to fill the corresponding TextBox. They're named:
TextBox1Amount TextBox2Amount TextBox3Amount
So, if I:
* change ListBox1Category, I want to have 20 (for example) in TextBox1Amount * change ListBox2Category, I want to have 20 (for example) in TextBox2Amount * change ListBox3Category, I want to have 20 (for example) in TextBox3Amount
So the numbers 1, 2, 3 should match. Does anyone know the code for this?
Works fine up to and including .List(i, 9) however when it bangs out with an error when it gets to .List(i, 10). Error Message reads: Run-Time Error '380': Could Not set the List property value.Invalid Property Value. If I Switch to using .column(10,i) I get the same error but for column instead
Dim cnt As New ADODB.Connection Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String, HASH As String Dim D1 As String, D2 As String Dim i As Long HASH = Chr(35)
I have a quick question in relation to filling a range with an array.
When I use the following code:
Code: Sub justdoit() s = Array(1, 2, 3) Range("A1:C1") = s End Sub
It works fine. but when I try to populate the range in rows instead of colums, the array value stays as the first value.
Code: Sub justdoit() s = Array(1, 2, 3) Range("A1:A3") = s End Sub
I'm experimenting with arrays and would like to get better at them, but this has me stumped for the moment. How to get the values to work going down, like they do going across.
The above code is a small sample of data, I am wating to replicate with using over 80K lines and cell by cell is too slow.
I am trying to use the below code to fill a combobox with unique values. It works great except I can't figure out a way to replace BLOCK 1 with BLOCK 2. I want to use BLOCK 2 to populate mgNames so that only specific values are filled into mgNames. Currently BLOCK 1 just fills mgNames with an entire range without any conditions. how I can get BLOCK 2 to work in the way i'm intending it to?
Code: Sub findNames() Dim mgNames As Variant Dim myCollection As New Collection
I am trying to make an "Occurrence Selector" for our documents, because we want to import some data from HTML files we recieve and fill in a CSV Template. The problem is, the HTML files we receive contains a lot of information, and about half of the information is usefull for us. Therefor we want to select some occurrences and not all of them.
All i want is the user to input the occurrence number in the inputbox, and then the macro simply search for "Occurrence #(firstinput)",does its job, then "Occurrence #(secondinput)",does its job again, and so on until all of the required occurences have been transplanted into the CSV file.
This is what i currently have
VB: Dim jobtodo As Variant
Set jobtodo = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Type in each occurences that need to be inserted in the upcomming CSV file. Please seperate them all with a COMMA (,) between them.", Title:="Occurence Selector", Default:="1,2,3,4,...", Left:=150, Top:=150, Type:=64) MsgBox (jobtodo)
Type is 64 because i want an Array, (i guess?)
When i input anything, i get an error message stating my formula has an error.
I am trying to fill an array with only a few values within a loop (when XspacingA is 0.5, add the value of the Line to the array) and keep getting the error "Subscript out of range".
I'm trying to load an array for a list box using sheet "ZIP Codes", cells A3-A? for the ZIP Codes, and cells B3-B? for the city/town associated with the ZIP Codes.
A2 B2 00000 ThisCity 11111 ThisTown I need to load sheet "ZIP Codes" A3-A? as MyArray(i,0) and load B3-B? as Myarray (i,1), but after putting in soooooo many hours in at work I can't get my brain working right.
I've got a list box which I want to fill with a two column array, with items from a sheet based on a criteria selected by userform fired from another sheet.
Private Sub VariationsApprovedListMake()
Dim ws As Worksheet Dim MyList(10, 2) As String Dim M%, n%
I am in the process of trying to load an array from items in a list box. The variable "sProd" is the value from the listbox and I want to populate the value in the array with the listbox value so ultimately I can generate SQL on the fly. Lets say 3 values are in the listbox and my array is loaded, I would then trnaspose the array a create a SQL statement like:
With Me.lstExclude For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 sProd = .List(i) pArray ("PVT_STAGE_SOURCE_SSv2.[" & sProd & "]") Next i End With
(Modifying some code by Leith Ross) I am stumbling why I get an error trying to fill the listbox with folder names. (See code in red for error location) ....
I have a problem with a listbox on a userform. I have an array that is stored in a name. The array has 2 columns and + 1000 rows. It looks like this:
100 Name1 110 Name2 120 Name3 Etc.
The listbox is filled from the array:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.Clear frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.ColumnHeads = False Dim myArr() myArr = Evaluate("varRekSchema") frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.List = myArr End Sub When the form with the listbox opens, it has to select by default the value in the listbox that corresponds with a value in a cell in the workbook:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate() 'On error resume next frmZoeken.lstbx_Gbr.Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 3).Value frmZoeken.txt_Zoekterm.SetFocus End Sub When opening the userform the following error message appears: Could not set the Value property. Invalid property value.
When I activate the row "On error resume next" the listbox is correctly filled. The error occurs with selecting the default value.
I know you can read a range of data into a ListBox with a single command. can you read the contents of a ListBox into an array with a single line, and if so what is the syntax?
I am trying to take selected items from a listbox and put the selected items into an array. Basically I am trying to put the selected items into a variable that I can pass to other modules. I am close but something is off. I can't tell if it's the variable declaration or the code.
I get Run Time error 91. Object variable or with block variable not set
Trying to load an array from user selected items in a listbox
My code returns Type Mismatch error
I don't know why as a I did not declare type for the array I thought treated as variant so should accept any values?
arrSelected(intI) = .Selected(intI)
Private Sub btnOK_Click() Dim arrSelected Dim intI As Integer With Me.lstAccounts For intI = 0 To .ListCount - 1 If .Selected(intI) Then arrSelected(intI) = .Selected(intI) End If Next intI End With
I have made the function below to return a variant multidimensional array. I pass the function an array of folder paths that I wish to search through looking at subfolders within that path where their name matches a search string that I pass to the function. eg., it will find a folder named "Catnap" if you pass the string searching for as "Cat*".
The size of the array it builds depends on how many folders it finds that match the search string and so needs to be built dynamically. Hence, I believe it builds a 2 dimensional array horizontally and I transpose it at the end of the function. In each element I put the folder name that was found in the first dimension and the path to that folder in its second dimension.
I have a 2 column listbox on a form that I set this array to. eg., Me.ListBox1.List = DirPaths("C:","Cat*",vbDirectory,100)
This works fine and shows a list of folder items found by folder and path in the two columns of the listbox if there is greater than 1 search found. However, when the search only finds 1 then the listbox shows the folder name with the folder path in row 2 of the list box. (See below).....
I have a multicolumn listbox, and a multidimensional array.
I want to put just SOME values of the array into the listbox, but I ger errors using both .list or .column to access single items, and even using .additem .
I have: dim variable(2000,2) as string variable(1,0)="aaa": variable(1,1)="bbb": variable(1,2)="ccc" variable(2,0)="www": variable(2,1)="awasd": variable(1,2)="asdfa" .... variable(2000,0)="www": variable(2000,1)="awasd": variable(2000,2)="asdfa"
I don't want to store all 2000 elements, just some ones: how can I do it?
What I'm trying to do. I have two separate requirements:
(1) To add the whole array to a listbox on form initialization - see Sub UserForm_Initialize() (2) To clear the listbox and re-add only certain items based on what's typed in a textbox - see Sub txtSearchTerm_Change()
I have two errors:
Error 1 in UserForm_Initialize()
The listbox contents need transposing! It is displaying as
Code: 1 2 3 4 5 Tom Ben Heidi Julie Mark Smith Jones Evans Simpson Petersen 02071001022 02071001026 02071001027 02071001028 02071001029 Friend
When it should be displaying as : Code: 1 Tom Smith 02071001022 Friend 2 Ben Jones 02071001026
Is there a way to transpose the array?
Error 2 in txtSearchTerm_Change()
I cannot find anywhere - even on MSDN - all the information I need how to correctly add a single record to a multiple-column listbox! What I'm trying is:
Code: For i = 0 To UBound(SearchList) If InStr(1, SearchList(i), SearchTerm) 0 Then With lstPeople .AddItem For j = 0 To UBound(PeopleList, 1) .List(c, j).Value = PeopleList(j, i)
[Code] ......
How do I add a record to the listbox????
Full code for reference:
Option Explicit
Private PeopleList As Variant Private SearchList As Variant Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
List 1 (TV Brand) Sony LG Samsung Depended List 2 (Models) Sony LG Samsung EX420 55EB9600 PL43E450A1FXZP EX430 77EC9800 PL43E490B4FXZP EX550 55EA8800 PL43E400U1FXZP EX520 KN55S9C UN32EH5300FXZP EX645 55EA9800 PL64E8000GFXZP
I'm using two Listboxes (Form Control) with multiple selection options namely Listbox 1 (Brand) & Listbox 2 (Models). I want listbox 2 input range to be depended on selection made on Listbox 1 (Brand). For example, if user selects Sony then box2 should show only Sony's models and if user selects Sony & LG, box2 should show models for both Sony & LG.
I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.
The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.
im trying to create a two column listbox that will transfer both columns to the listbox on the right and also transfer from the right to left currently right to left works but when I trasnfer from the left to right then the right to left only one column is moved.
I have two sheets and two listbox's(ColumnCount8) and one command button.
lstInYard rowsource is set to sheet1 lstMilled rowsorce is set to sheet3
Iam trying to cut and paste the selections in lstInYard to lstMilled as well as the corrosponding row values in sheet1 to sheet3 by using cmdMoveSelected click event.