I'm trying to assign a shortcut to a macro I wrote in VB. However, when I go to Tools->Macros->Macros, none of my macros (whether coded in VB or recorded) have the "Options..." button enabled, so I can't assign the macro. This happens whether I use Excel 2003 or Excel 2007. The file is not readonly and I have tried the various levels of macro security. I have VBA installed.
have a pain constantly entering passwords to open workbooks, is it possible to assign passwords to a particular short cut so if for example if I hit CTRL J it will automatically enter the password jabgat2009 and open the workbook- no big deal just if someone know of the top of their head
The following macro works when I run using Alt+F8+Enter The macro also works when it is linked to a button on the worksheet. However, it does not work when I try to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P. I've tried adding the shortcut key code into the macro -- still doesn't work. I've tried changing the shortcut key to a different letter
I have a macro stored a module at Personel workbook and i am using personel workbook as a hidden one. when i assign a shortcut below macro it is not working but whrn i am press F5 at VBA Editor it is working.
Here is the code:
Code: Sub Transferdata() On Error GoTo err1: Application.DisplayAlerts = False
I have a workbook that when I open it opens a toolbar that was designed for it. I have been asked to make changes to this toolbar. One of the changes is to allow shortcut keys to run these modules. I have tried recording a macro and viewing the code, I tried applying this code there but it does not using the shortcut key. note that this toolbar is only available to this workbook, so these macros are not available to the personal workbook.
when we record a macro it gives us a option to assign a shortcut key to that macro how ever that is only in combination of "Ctrl" my question is that is there a way by which we can use any other combination like "Ctrl"+"Shift"+ <key>
I have a macro where I am assigning a variable and the value of the variable is a path where the data is stored. i am trying to assign a shortcut key for macro, i tried to run the macro by going to the vba mode and then click on the F5 function key and the macro run absolutely fine. but when i use the shortcut key the file just opens and just exits the macro.
Code: Option ExplicitDim a, b, c As Long Dim myFolder As String Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim sql As Variant Sub Macro1() Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Can't run vba macro. I have the following problem with a macro in excel. i wrote it, the macro runs very good from excel /tool/macro/macros/run, i also put a button on toolbar -it works too, i want to assign a keyboard shortcut from tool/macro/macros/options / shortcut and THE MACRO RUN INCOMPLETELY (stops running ).
Actually the macro opens all files in a specific folder, and delete their codes as follows:
Sub delete() Const strNotFound As String = "There is NO Excel files..." Dim ffTmp As FoundFiles Dim wb As Workbook Dim objVbc As Object Dim objFile As Variant Dim lngRet As Long Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'Search Excel files With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:Corectii\_CS" .SearchSubFolders = True .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks...............
However, I have not been able to find a solution. I created 2 macros that work using the alt+F8 and enter option as well as the run from the macros menu method. Whenever I try to use the keyboard short cut eg. Ctrl+e it will either not do anything or pause and then select every cell. The codes are below:
Sub Macro5() ' ' Macro5 Macro '
I have tried multiple letter options and have also tried many macros in a new workbook and I cannot get it to run with the keyboard shortcut.
Could some one amend the VBA below to allow a continous loop on moving to the previous sheet within a workbook. Currently when I move to the first sheet if I use the shortcut key I get a debug error.
Is there any way to define a shortcut for an exisiting macro. The reason for this request is that after a lot of struggle I got a VBA code to work (as a macro)... initially I had created an icon and had linked the same to this macro.... However I feel that defining a short-key would be much more productive.
I recorded one that does a very simple task, converts formulas to values. I saved it in my personal workbook, all is well. I noticed that excel names them Module1, Module2 etc. I thought it would be better to name them, so in the properties window next to "name" i changed Module1 to ConvertFormulas.
However, when i go to a worksheet, the keyboard shortcut no longer works. Reverting back to the old name Module1 solves this. Clicking Tools -> Macro -> Macros, selecting ConvertFormulas and then Options and modifying the shortcut.
I written VBA code to create a new sheet and embed a command button on it. I want to assign a macro to this button but when I click on the button the assign macro button is greyed out. I have plenty of macros saved and the VBA code has finished running so why should this be?
While practicing writing macros and studying the VBA code, I decided to add a button to run the macro, something I've done many times in the past. But the option to associate the new button with any macro doesn't seem to be available.
From the Control Toolbox I click on the command button icon. I positon the mouse where I'd like to place the command button and draw the command button. Then right click to open the drop down menu. A few days ago in the drop down menu I had an option Assign Macro but now I don't have it anymore. How is it possible to assign macros to the command button and even better how can I get the Assign Macro option back in the drop down menu?
I have designed a functioning userform which transfers the data (limited or complete) into the sheet. Along with the data and at the end of each row it automatically generates 4 checkboxes and links them to 4 offset cells.
This is where I hit a dead end. I am not sure which avenue is suitable or indeed possible. I want to click any checkboxes in the first COLUMN and as a result have it change the complete ROW colorindex of the background. I did achieve this with conditional formatting but it seemed to make the empty sheet bulking when saving and I cannot alter the font size which is another goal on the 3rd column of checkboxes. Am I waffling yet?
The 3rd column checkboxes I want to have the ROW font size drop to 3pt. The 2nd and 4th currently serve no purpose i.e. trigger nothing as a result.
I don’t think I can use the checkbox_click event as the boxes are generated for me so I don’t know which number they will be. The worksheet_change event and calculate event don’t seem to register when the linked cell goes to TRUE or back to FALSE. I tried using FORMS and CONTROLS checkboxes but neither has brought me success.
I was hoping the linkedcell would trigger an event and in turn select and manipulate the entire row in which the linked cell is located….
Due to my limited knowledge the code I have written/adapted to suit my needs may appear a little unorthodox? I hope that in itself is not a problem.
I have not managed to get the Controls Checkboxes to initalise blank. Currently they appear greyed out with a tick but fully usable? Of minor importance.
I can't attach the file because the blank sheet is 4.5MB?? so here is the main body of code from the userform. If you need anything else I will supply as required, however I can't get anyfiles under the attachment maximum of 48.8kb. My jpeg image was 108kb....
I have to modify 2000 files so I've written a master file that loops through a list, importing modules and forms into the 2000 files it opens and closes. On each file when open it draws a button on worksheet. I then want to assign a macro to the button called "ModifyMenu" . The code for 'Modifymenu' is imported into file_01.xls and is a unique name. It does not exist is master.xls, so no confusion.
The code for assigning the code is as follows :
Windows("file_01.xls").Activate ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button").Select or Workbooks("file_01.xls").Sheets("1 B").Shapes("Button").Select
Selection.OnAction = "ModifyMenu" (This links to master.xls!ModifyMenu not file_01.xls)
Selection.OnAction = "file_01.xls!ModifyMenu" (This fails, runtime 1004. 'Unable to set the OnAction property of the button class)
Selection.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!ModifyMenu" (This links to master. MAster is the active code even though 'file_01.xls' is the active worksheet)
Variations on the above seem to result in the same 1004 error or linking back to master regardless of the fact I'm trying to link to file_01.xls.
My macro essentially requires a deletion of the entire sheet, so I cannot run it through a button, it'd by definition be deleted. So I was thinking to run this macro through the keyboard, how to assign a keyboard key to existing macro?
i want to know how to assign a macro which will remove and place a number in a certain cell. so if i click and tick the box, then a certain figure will come into a cell(this will be a formulae) and when untick the the number will disappear.
I have several Activex buttons in sheet "Options" and I would like to automatically assign each button to the same macro "Run_Options", in order to execute the macro "Run_Options" when I do click over any button.
I have a start page in the beginning of my excel workbook. This is where i want to assign a macro to a search button. I want the macro to search the entire workbook but only in a certain block on each worksheet.
User inputs cost in a cell then clicks macro button that will run a macro that ask for a task description. The user inputs the task info that relates to the cost (i.e. weld pipe). This data is stored on a seperate sheet in the corresponding cell (cost is on sheet "hours" and task description is on sheet "task description" both in same cell. This allows a copy of the cost sheet to reflect the task description. I have tried recording macros but can't get anywhere.
I created a drop down list (of various Input Groups) and I need to show the selected group's responsibilities on a separate sheet; is there an easy way to do this?