Automation - Applying Conditional Formatting To Group Of Cells In Loop?
Jul 18, 2014
So I would like to automate the following, as doing it by hand takes a lot of time. I have searched the whole internet and finished empty handed.
Start from cell E10
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Move 3 cells down
Select cell
Apply double entry conditional formatting
Move 3 cells down
Repeat above until cell E5000
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Apr 25, 2012
If you have a range of cells with values in them (Q2:AZ2), you can use conditional formatting to identify the top x% of the group and it would essentially treat each cell in comparison to the group. I need to identify if a cell in the group is greater than 3*Stdev(Q2:AZ2). Do I have to create conditional formatting for each individual cell or is there a way to apply a function to the group that would recognize each cell the same way that the canned conditional formatting rules work?
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Jul 28, 2013
I have a spreadsheet where I want to be able to Fill cells green in Column B to Column N for any Rows that have a value in Column L. All other Rows should remain the current colour (orange).
I can Fill the cells in Column L using conditional formatting but am not sure if I can use Conditional Formatting on other Columns so that their Fill colour is determined by the value in Column L?
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Dec 14, 2009
Hey Guys- I'm not sure if this is even possible but I need some help. I have attached a file below similar to a gantt chart. I need help with the conditional formatting, as I have manually changed the colors to match what I need automated.
Basically I have 6 tasks and I need to change dates for individual projects but I also need the corresponding color to also change.
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Jan 28, 2014
I have some data referring to % that comes in the format of 1.1% for a positive number and (1.1)% for a negative number
How can i get the 1.1% to display green and the (1.1)% to display red?
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Mar 7, 2006
I have many autoshapes in my excel file and I want to use the "VBA version of conditional formatting" one two of these autoshapes. I am saying VBA version because conditional formatting does not work on autoshapes (just found that out). The autoshapes on which I want the conditional formatting to work are "AutoShape 73" and "AutoShape 74" (from Autoshapes > Stars & Banners > Explosion1).
This is how I want the conditional formatting to work:
If the text in the autoshape is "A", fill the autoshape with RED color and bold + white arial 12 font
If the text in the autoshape is "B", fill the autoshape with BLUE color and white arial 12 font
If the text in the autoshape is "C", fill the autoshape with GREEN color and bold + black arial 12 font
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Jul 10, 2012
I have an Excel 2007 Workbook which is refreshed by a Web Query. I have dynamic named range defined as "Manager" which I've confirmed is correctly identified. This range includes only one column and is formatted as text.
When I try to reference this range in my conditional formatting "refers to" formula, all cells are recognized as blank even though the range clearly contains many cells that are not. For example, there are 90 records containing the initials "PD". If I use the formula =Manager="PD" in my conditional formatting, nothing changes. If I change it to =Manager="" then ALL records are formatted, including those that are not blank.
Stranger still, if I enter the formula =COUNTIF(Manager,"PD") into and empty cell in my worksheet those 90 records are counted correctly. Which leads me to believe it isn't about the data. Conversely, =COUNTIF(Manager,"") returns the correct count of only cells that are, in fact, blank.
I've tried using the OFFSET formula defining my range in place of the name itself for my conditional format formula to no avail.
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Feb 18, 2014
I am creating an income calculation sheet to qualify my borrowers. I have different "types" of income in regards to hourly pay, bonus pay and overtime pay (examples)
I am using check boxes for my worksheet for the income that my underwriters want to use (example OT plus regular pay or Bonus plus regular pay or just regular pay alone can all be different options) they would then just check the box for the combo they want to use. (my check boxes came from the developer tab and I have them formatted to show true/false for checked or unchecked.)
Intro to my problem: We have 3 separate time frames for each type of pay. (I have 2012 Bonus, 2013 Bonus and then 2014 year to date bonus.....and the same for Overtime pay and regular pay, etc.)
My underwriters can only use ONE of the 3 yearly options.
Excel problem: Im thinking I need to go conditional formatting for this, but I need something to pop up if they accidentally have 2 boxes checked in one category. (So if they accidentally mark a box to use 2012 OT AND 2014 OT year to date, thats a problem and will throw the #'s off) So Im thinking there is some way to conditionally format my true/false results from my check boxes. If 2 out of 3 say true, the cell should black out or something along those lines....
I attached a screen shot of how my worksheet looks as of now : Income example excel forum.docx
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Mar 25, 2013
How do I do "conditional formatting" to high light the numbers which bigger than average + 2 * stdev in a data group?
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Sep 19, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 on XP. I would like to apply conditional formatting to shade every group in alternating color. For example, I have a list of US states. I have a formula already to produce this:
Current Conditional Formatting Formula: =MOD(SUM(1/COUNTIF($a$2:$a2,$a$2:$a2)),2)=1
STATES (unfiltered)
When I apply a filter, the rows remain shaded as they were originally:
I want the conditional format to change when I have filtered out items (DESIRED RESULT):
I would assume SUBTOTAL(3,...) would need to be incorported into the conditional formatting formula above, but I do not know how.
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Feb 25, 2010
I have a complex sheet where rows are continuosly overwritten and new data needs to be formatted each time. My macro works great aside from the fact the conditional format formula expression adds double quotes rendering the conditional format useless. After running the macro I can go into the conditional format field, remove the quotes, and the formatting formula works as expected. So...I first did a "record macro" to grab the code for conditional formatting:
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Sep 16, 2013
A little background on what i am doing. I have a spreadsheet that tracks when i have blown the dust out of our computers. I have set up conditional formatting so that the text turns red after 300 days and the cell turns yellow after 600 days. However, some computers are in high dust environments. I would like the spreadsheet to tell me to blow the dust out of these sooner. see the attached sheet.
dust 1.xlsx
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Feb 10, 2009
I am having trouble with several IF..THEN..ELSE loops in my code, all of which are pritty much the same. I need to find rows that are formatted in a certain way, in the example below this is a clear background and Black text. I know the loop works because i have tested it without colours on a test workbook, and i know the colours are correct, but it keeps skipping over the condition, regardless of the outcome. All the variables shown are declared correctly before the loop is entered.
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Dec 2, 2011
In Excel we can apply different formatting styles to the "TEXT" contents of a cell while we are in edit mode. For example we can apply "BOLD" to Brown Fox and "UNDERLINE" to lazy in a string "A quick brown fox jump over a lazy dog.
But when the above string is concatenated from the contents of various cells, excel is unable to apply different formatting (as exampled above) in the concatenated cell. Although we can apply bold, underline etc by selecting the concatenated cell but it is applied to whole string and not to the selected parts of string.
Sheet1 *A1Brown2Fox3Lazy4*5A quick Brown Fox jump over a Lazy DogSpreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaA5="A quick "&A1&" "&A2&" jump over a "&A3&" Dog"
Moreover, MS Word's "mail merge" is capable to apply different formatting to different "Fields" in a single paragraph.
Is there any way so we can apply multiple formatting to the contents of a single cell which is not "Text" but result of "concatenate" in Excel, like MS Word's mail merge or as it is applied in custom format within straight brackets like [Red] etc.
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Aug 20, 2007
There is currently data on each sheet in my workbook. I am trying to get a macro to Copy the formatting of sheet "Statement" and paste the formatting on all other sheets in the workbook, except Sheet.actual
There is also a picture @ the top of sheet statement, that i would like copied and pasted to each sheet except sheet.actual.
Also, on all sheets except for STATEMENT & ACUTAL, i need the formula in cell C11 =vlookup(F14,cardnum,2,false) and in cell A11 = Name :
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Jan 12, 2014
Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:
If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.
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Feb 9, 2009
I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.
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Nov 17, 2011
Working in Excel 2007. I am using excel for a data log (basically) and want it to format all empty cells in a row yellow if there is data in column A
Basically, If i have a value in A2, I want any empty cell between B2-G2 to be filled in yellow (as an idicator to the inputter that the cell needs to be completed).
there is already conditional formatting on these cells, which i want to maintain for the non-empty cells. I also have "0" as a value, so I couldn't use the basic conditional formatting setting it =0, it highlighted cells with $0.00, which i do not want.
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Jul 18, 2006
Is there a way to set up a conditional format for several cells so that the cells are filled in with red until the user enters text in those cells??
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May 3, 2013
What I am looking to do is;
If cell A2 = "Closed"
then I want cells B2 and C2 to strike through its own text.
A2= anything other than "Closed"
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah
but if
A2 = Closed
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah
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Aug 3, 2006
Basically, I want to format a group of cells to display 1 decimal figure if the number is not a whole number. If the number is a whole number (or if the rounded first decimal place is 0) I want it to display no decimal.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have attached the sample. I need the cells without the employee or without a boss to highlight a color and i also need the date of certification to highlight if it is more than one year old.
conditional formatting.xlsx
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.
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Jul 3, 2009
I want to add some colour conditional formatting to the cells in column C, dependent on their variance to the figure in column B. I've got the basic gist of applying the rule to the one single cell, but I'm not sure how to apply it to all the cells in the column. I have tried "dragging" it down, but it then just gives me the variance to the original row.
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Apr 15, 2013
i want to know is there any way to set up conditional format to the cells used in a formula which is in another cell.
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Jul 24, 2014
I'm using conditional formatting where one column of cells is referencing another column of cells. For example, I want cell K2 to highlight if the date entered doesn't match the date in F2. I then want cell K3 to highlight if the date entered doesn't match the date in F3. I want cell K4 to highlight if the date entered doesn't match the date in F4 and so on. I'm not having any issue putting conditional formatting on the cells/row references individually, but when I try to copy the formatting (by using format painter) to save time all of the cells in column K just reference the first cell in column F since the first cell in column K references that F cell but not any other F cell. How do I copy these row by row references between columns so that each reference is unique?
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Aug 18, 2014
On the attached worksheet I'm looking for the squares in F4:F6 to be coloured corresponding to the colour names in D4:D6 using conditional formatting. I just can't get it to work today.
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Jan 27, 2014
On the attached spreadsheet, is there a way of highlighting a cell because it is a greater number than two other cells?
Can cell C3 be highlighted green because the number is greater than G3 and K3?
Can cell E3 be highlighted green because the number is greater than A3 and I3?
Can cell K4 be highlighted green because the number is greater than C4 and G4?
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Mar 30, 2014
I have a worksheet which has the years 2001 to 2013 on in row1. I am trying to find a way of highlighting the entire row in green if a specific year contains an "a" (Marlett, tick). The complex part is that I would like the specific year to be determined by an entry input into cell A2 on sheet 2. See Attachment for reference.
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Aug 11, 2014
I am conditional formatting with fill colour based on specific text- the cells are merged down into a double cell- when the cell changes colour it goes half one colour and half another colour based on the order i have them in the rules- i only have them set to one colour per specific text and the text is all different- so why am i getting this half and half look?
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