In Excel we can apply different formatting styles to the "TEXT" contents of a cell while we are in edit mode. For example we can apply "BOLD" to Brown Fox and "UNDERLINE" to lazy in a string "A quick brown fox jump over a lazy dog.
But when the above string is concatenated from the contents of various cells, excel is unable to apply different formatting (as exampled above) in the concatenated cell. Although we can apply bold, underline etc by selecting the concatenated cell but it is applied to whole string and not to the selected parts of string.
Sheet1 *A1Brown2Fox3Lazy4*5A quick Brown Fox jump over a Lazy DogSpreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaA5="A quick "&A1&" "&A2&" jump over a "&A3&" Dog"
Moreover, MS Word's "mail merge" is capable to apply different formatting to different "Fields" in a single paragraph.
Is there any way so we can apply multiple formatting to the contents of a single cell which is not "Text" but result of "concatenate" in Excel, like MS Word's mail merge or as it is applied in custom format within straight brackets like [Red] etc.
There is currently data on each sheet in my workbook. I am trying to get a macro to Copy the formatting of sheet "Statement" and paste the formatting on all other sheets in the workbook, except Sheet.actual
There is also a picture @ the top of sheet statement, that i would like copied and pasted to each sheet except sheet.actual.
Also, on all sheets except for STATEMENT & ACUTAL, i need the formula in cell C11 =vlookup(F14,cardnum,2,false) and in cell A11 = Name :
If you have a range of cells with values in them (Q2:AZ2), you can use conditional formatting to identify the top x% of the group and it would essentially treat each cell in comparison to the group. I need to identify if a cell in the group is greater than 3*Stdev(Q2:AZ2). Do I have to create conditional formatting for each individual cell or is there a way to apply a function to the group that would recognize each cell the same way that the canned conditional formatting rules work?
is it possible to have more than one IF function applying to a cell eg. if value in cell A1 is greater than 10 then Positive is written but if value in cell A1 is between 8 and 10 then Suspect is written.
I have many autoshapes in my excel file and I want to use the "VBA version of conditional formatting" one two of these autoshapes. I am saying VBA version because conditional formatting does not work on autoshapes (just found that out). The autoshapes on which I want the conditional formatting to work are "AutoShape 73" and "AutoShape 74" (from Autoshapes > Stars & Banners > Explosion1).
This is how I want the conditional formatting to work:
If the text in the autoshape is "A", fill the autoshape with RED color and bold + white arial 12 font
If the text in the autoshape is "B", fill the autoshape with BLUE color and white arial 12 font
If the text in the autoshape is "C", fill the autoshape with GREEN color and bold + black arial 12 font
I have an Excel 2007 Workbook which is refreshed by a Web Query. I have dynamic named range defined as "Manager" which I've confirmed is correctly identified. This range includes only one column and is formatted as text.
When I try to reference this range in my conditional formatting "refers to" formula, all cells are recognized as blank even though the range clearly contains many cells that are not. For example, there are 90 records containing the initials "PD". If I use the formula =Manager="PD" in my conditional formatting, nothing changes. If I change it to =Manager="" then ALL records are formatted, including those that are not blank.
Stranger still, if I enter the formula =COUNTIF(Manager,"PD") into and empty cell in my worksheet those 90 records are counted correctly. Which leads me to believe it isn't about the data. Conversely, =COUNTIF(Manager,"") returns the correct count of only cells that are, in fact, blank.
I've tried using the OFFSET formula defining my range in place of the name itself for my conditional format formula to no avail.
I am trying to update a project tracking sheet at work and I am having trouble. I have a list of construction projects (approx 130) along with details on the project, one detail being % completed. I am trying to create a summary of the projects at the bottom of the page, showing the total value of all projects, according to the % completed.
<10% is ANTICIPATED = 10% is AWARDED >10% <90% is IN PROGRESS >90% is COMPLETED
I have a formula that I wrote in B2 and then applied vertically to a large list of rows (100+). I applied it vertically by simply double-clicking the cell with the formula, and it cleanly applied the formula to every row in Column B.
This formula now needs to be applied horizonally across columns, for each respective row. I need a way to do this in one swoop, as it would be very time consuming to manually drag each cell in column B.
I've attached a sample spreadsheet with a simple formula just for the sake of an example.
I have a whole ton of *.dbf files (98 to be exact), that are from ArcGIS shapefiles. These date1_date2.dbf files have point names, and values, as shown below.
NAMERASTERVALU Point 1-9999.00000000 Point 2-9999.00000000 Point 3-9999.00000000 Point 4-4.93072701 Point 5-8.90071201
I'm trying to figure out how to transpose each of the dbf files and save them as a text file (tab deliminated). My original plan involved saving them all as text files, then using a convoluted Unix script (I'm what you call a "dirty programmer") to transpose them and then combine them all into a single file. Since there are so many files (and I plan to do this in the future as well), I thought if I could at least automate the text file creation, I'd be ahead of the game. Even better would be a macro that will transpose the data for EACH file, then create a 99 (98 files + header row) row, 5 column text file. Creating the text files (1 text file for each dbf file) automatically .
All the *.dbf files will have exactly the same # rows/columns (2 columns, 6 rows)
This is what I've tried so far. 1)open one of the dbf files in Excel 2)record my marco (using the Personal Macro Workbook option - so it will be available in any workbook) 2a) transpose data (and paste it right below the original data so that the new data is in rows 7 and 8 of the same file) 2b) save as text file (tab deliminated) 2c) stop recording, and end up with this:
NAMERASTERVALU Point 1-9999.00000000 Point 2-9999.00000000 Point 3-9999.00000000 Point 4-4.93072701 Point 5-8.90071201 NAMEPoint 1Point 2Point 3Point 4Point 5 RASTERVALU-9999.00000000-9999.00000000-9999.00000000-4.93072701-8.90071201
So now I want to apply the macro I just created to all open workbooks (after I bring in all the bdf files), but the macro isn't listed when I click the "view macros" button. All I want to do is apply the steps I recorded in the macro to all open workbooks.
I have cell A7 Merged and need info in that cell. Example of what I want: Say I click on cell A1 and it is the color Pink, but has the letters blue in it. I would like it to display the word "Pink" in cell A7 not the number. Well I would like when you click on any cell with colors, that it will display the color in Cell A7. When I try different ways all it gives me is the number in the last cell of the square not the color and when I click on other cells it will not give me that cells info.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x, rng As Range, r As Range Dim myList Dim row1 As Integer
x = Application.InputBox("Enter size of square: 2=2 by 2, 3=3 by 3, or 4=4 by 4", Type:=1) Set rng = Range("a1").Resize(x, x) myList = [{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;6,11,3,10,13,16,38,53;"Brown","Pink","Grey","Purple","Green","Red","Blue","Yellow"}] rng. CurrentRegion.Clear Randomize
For Each r In rng x = Int((8 * Rnd) + 1) With Application.WorksheetFunction r.Interior.ColorIndex = .HLookup(x, myList, 2, False) r.Value = .HLookup(x, myList, 3, False)
Range("A7").Value = r.Interior.ColorIndex
End With
With rng .ColumnWidth = 10 .RowHeight = 50
With .Font .Size = 14 .Color = vbWhite .Bold = False End With
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .Borders.Weight = xlThick End With
I have a Excel file with three tabs on it: 'Raw Data', 'Edited' & 'Upload Ready'. As you can probably guess, you dump raw data in the first tab, it pulls the second one where it is 'edited', which then goes through to the final one which contains pre-populated information required on each upload.
Now I'm not great with Excel, so when I get the formula to work as required in H2 (Edited tab) I just drag it down to HX as needed by the number of rows used in the Raw Data tab: View image: Excel drag
Is it possible to apply the formula used in H2 in H3:HX only if there is data entered in A1:AX in the 'Raw Data' tab? ... or rather I'm sure it is possible (I would guess using the 'IF' function') but I can't work out how to do it and then apply it to the entire column.
How multiple cells can be formatted based on one cell value. See the screenshot attached to understand what I am trying to achieve. I am very new to excel formatting, vba etc.
so what will happen is that the number of rows will continuously increase as the groups of data (Labeled Group #) increases. The data within each group will vary from time to time so some groups may contain only one line while others may contain multiple lines. I have included an attachment that illustrates what I'm trying to achieve. When data is entered in Column A under "Q," the adjacent empty cells in Columns B-F (labeled "R"-"V") will turn red. This is the part I have (i.e. Group 2).
I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.
This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.
I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.
I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.
I'm trying to analyse all of my bank statenments to see where all my money went!! I've got online banking so I thought it would be a relatively easy process of copying and pasting each month into excel.
Well, that in itself was easy, the problem is with the formatting of the financial numbers. Excel doesn't seem to recognise them as numbers, so at the moment I can't do any manipulation with the numbers. I have tried everything such as:
Format Cells > Number > Number and Currency Copy and Paste Special > Values only Copying into Notepad and back into Excel
Even if it appears to have changed the numbers to 'number' or 'currency' formatting by right justifying the numbers, if I try to add up the numbers using the SUM function, it doesn't want to know.
For some reason nothing seems to work - what am I missing?
For an example, I have attached a snippet of the spreadsheet with my starbucks transactions.
I have a table of data with names across the top and number of weeks down the left. The table lists amounts of money those names earned during the respective weeks. It looks something like this:
Mike Dan Bill Carl 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 800 700 600 500 400
In a seperate worksheet within the same workbook, I have 3 columns of data. The first column is a name. The second column is a criteria. In the third column, I am trying to look up the value of 8 specified weeks of earnings of the name I put in column 1 and multiply those earnings by a percentage based on the criteria in column 2. Then sum the products.
I have a table of the 8 percentages I am trying to apply. There are 7 different percentage applications.
So if I am looking up Mike's earnings during those 8 specified weeks and the criteria in column 2 is "B", then I want to apply the appropriate column of percentages to those 8 looked up earnings, Multply them and then Add them.
Up until now, I have been trying to use some hybrid of HLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, and IF.
I have an excel sheet where I do a simple price-discount calculation for a product. Please check the file at:
Code: [URL] ........
A2 shows the price, B2 shows the discount and C1-L1 shows the number of units sold. C2-L2 is where I want to calculate the earnings based on the formula I have in C2. I want to apply the same formula to the entire row so that I can quickly see the earning for any number of units sold.
So right now I have a formula that I'm using in column "C":
=IF(B4="","",IF(AND(B4=22),"IN RANGE","OUT OF RANGE"))
So basically column C tells you if the number in the B column in within the range of 22-30. Now I want to write the formula in column D and make it apply to columns B and C.
So cells in columns B and C will have a number value in it and I will make column D where the formula is. There will be a number in B or C, but never at the same time. I can't figure out how to alter the formula to do this.
I use the If - Then statement in VBA to determine a condition which works perfectly fine for the particular cell I reference to, but i need it to apply to all the cells i.e. cells A1:A10?
Sub MACRO1()
If Range("A1") = "PAYE" Then Range("B1").Formula = "=C2 * .128" End If
If Range("A1") = "LTD" Then Range("B1").Formula = "=(C2 - 100)* .128" End If
have a code for restricting printing until some cells are filled; however the code is been applied to all the file. I need to apply it to one one sheet. Thanks for your help.....
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) With ActiveSheet If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range("A11:K11"), ("A13:K13"), ("A16:K16"), ("A19:I19"), ("J18:K18"), ("A22:K22"), ("A25:K25"), ("B63:B64")) < 8 Then MsgBox "Please Complete Information" Cancel = True Else 'Allow printing End If End With End Sub
I need to cut off addresses by 30 characters. I am doing this using the MID function. However, being a newb, how can I apply this function to say D4, D5 all the way to D899, without copy and pasting for 800 times? I did search this first, and couldn't find a resolution.