I am creating an income calculation sheet to qualify my borrowers. I have different "types" of income in regards to hourly pay, bonus pay and overtime pay (examples)
I am using check boxes for my worksheet for the income that my underwriters want to use (example OT plus regular pay or Bonus plus regular pay or just regular pay alone can all be different options) they would then just check the box for the combo they want to use. (my check boxes came from the developer tab and I have them formatted to show true/false for checked or unchecked.)
Intro to my problem: We have 3 separate time frames for each type of pay. (I have 2012 Bonus, 2013 Bonus and then 2014 year to date bonus.....and the same for Overtime pay and regular pay, etc.)
My underwriters can only use ONE of the 3 yearly options.
Excel problem: Im thinking I need to go conditional formatting for this, but I need something to pop up if they accidentally have 2 boxes checked in one category. (So if they accidentally mark a box to use 2012 OT AND 2014 OT year to date, thats a problem and will throw the #'s off) So Im thinking there is some way to conditionally format my true/false results from my check boxes. If 2 out of 3 say true, the cell should black out or something along those lines....
I attached a screen shot of how my worksheet looks as of now : Income example excel forum.docx
Basically I have a list of companies each with five corresponding check boxes in different cells. I want the cell with the company name in (or just a symbol in the cell) to appear Green, Amber, Red when 5, 3-4, 1-2 of the boxes are checked respectively.
I am working on a check box based list for work. The requirement is for the check box to be linked to the cell that it is in and then for conditional formatting to be done so that if the box is checked it goes green and if it is blank it goes red. This is fine for individual cells, but when i try and copy the formatting and cells throughout the worksheet it links all the cells back to the original cell.
I have a spreadsheet where I want to be able to Fill cells green in Column B to Column N for any Rows that have a value in Column L. All other Rows should remain the current colour (orange).
I can Fill the cells in Column L using conditional formatting but am not sure if I can use Conditional Formatting on other Columns so that their Fill colour is determined by the value in Column L?
I am using Excel 2010 on XP. I would like to apply conditional formatting to shade every group in alternating color. For example, I have a list of US states. I have a formula already to produce this:
Current Conditional Formatting Formula: =MOD(SUM(1/COUNTIF($a$2:$a2,$a$2:$a2)),2)=1
When I apply a filter, the rows remain shaded as they were originally:
I want the conditional format to change when I have filtered out items (DESIRED RESULT):
I would assume SUBTOTAL(3,...) would need to be incorported into the conditional formatting formula above, but I do not know how.
I am having issues formatting an excel sheet. Many of its parts seem unaccessable in excel, at least to my knowledge. What confuses me is that the "check boxes" and other certain cells can be worked with, while others including rows and columns can't. How do I format it so that I can work with all of its parts in excel like a normal worksheet?
Is there a code that can check if the conditional formatting of a cell is met? Or if it is met, how can I reference the condition in my userform to have a command button visible if the formatting is met?
Example: If cell range "Q8:Q51" has a cell that turns the color red when its conditional formatting is met, then I want a command button to appear on my userform.
I would like to change the color of a cell to either green, yellow, or red based on a few conditions. One of the conditions would be based on whether a check box was checked or not.
I've got a list and I need to check if the adjacent cells for a column are empty or not, and if both are empty then format to a certain color. I have a solution but don't know how to implement it into a format fit for conditional formatting.
I have this in the new rule section of conditional formatting
If conditional formatting would allow it I would simply change I4 to the entire range, I am very much confused as to how to format this cell to work with conditional formatting. (I4 is the first cell in the list)
Something else is that if I change I4 to I5 or something then moves all the highlighted cells around, and to top it off the first few cells which should obviously be highlighted aren't, even though the rest of the cells which should be highlighted are.
Allows me to check like 10 different text values and return false for all of those in the conditional formatting rule. When those are not present, the conditional format is true thus applying the format.
I tried =NOT(FIND("text1",$A$1,1)) It did not work because I believe this statement doesnt give the rule its TRUE value its looking for.
I am having trouble with this, to clarify I need the below... Cell has conditional formatting checking for text1 text2 text3...text 10ish and if they are present nothing will happen and if they arent present then format the cell.
EDIT: to clarify, the code should look for either text1 or text2 or text3 so on...
I have numerous hyperlinks in cells on a worksheet, next to these I have checkboxes. I am looking for a macro that will check if the boxes are checked and if not ignore them and if so run a certain macro.
I have a form that contains a group box with option buttons, and for clarity's sake, next to it another group box, also with option buttons. So, I can choose 1 option in one box and another option in the other box at the same time. I'm sure you heard me coming a mile away, but here it goes anyway: how can I link the two group boxes (and option buttons) so I would only be able to choose 1 option out of both boxes?
I want to have 1 check box affect 3 others in the following way: check box 1 if checked, allow check/uncheck of check boxes 2, 3, 4 if unchecked, uncheck boxes 2, 3, 4 and do not allow checking check box 1 is linked to D1 which starts with a value of false. cell E1 is if condition to have value 1 when D1 has value of true.
I am creating a userform with 10 checkboxes. The first 9 checkboxes are user options. I want the 10th check box to be a "Select All" option i.e. if the 10th checkbox is checked all the other 9 options are deemed to have been selected.
The way I want the display to work is that if the 10th checkbox is ticked all other checkboxes are cleared. Also if the 10th checkbox is ticked and any of the other check boxes is selected then the 10th checkbox should be selected.
I have tried coding this up but the checkboxes don't seem to operate as desired. I placed some code on the click event for the last option button to set the vlaue for all other buttons to false. This works but the 10th check box doesn't get ticked itself. When I try to code up the other bit I get similar issues.
I have 50 check boxes not on a user form, but on spreadsheet. I attached a button that says "Clear All" (meaning 'clear all checkboxes'). I can write a sub smth like
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() CheckBox1.Value = False CheckBox2.Value = False End Sub
... and so on for all 50 check boxes. Any simpler way to do this in a loop? Smth like
For i=1 To 50 Checkbox............ .Value=False Next i
Is there a way to a mass insert of Check Boxes without the cell link all being the same cell? I have a huge list of items that I want to put a check box next to each one. This way when my warehouse people check it off in the sheet one of the columns will read "Available".
Problem is when I put the first box in and cell link it to E4, and then copy and paste it, all the boxes toggle based on one another. Otherwise I have to put in 584 check boxes. Solutions or other recommendations are gladly welcome.
Also, is "True/False" the only available "response" when using Check boxes? (I Know I can write an equation based on the true false, but I am just curious)
I have a worksheet with a command button, this button opens a userform with check boxes. the user has 4 options and can select them all if they choose, they click the command button on the userform and then the original sheet gets populated with only specific data based on the variablesbut nothing happens.
Private Sub CmdStructStrategy_Click() FrmStrategy.Lbl1.Caption = "2007 Roll" FrmStrategy.Lbl2.Caption = "Flat Price" FrmStrategy.Lbl3.Caption = "Options" FrmStrategy.Lbl4.Caption = "Time Spreads" FrmStrategy.Show End Sub
I have a column of prices, I would like to have check boxes in a column beside the prices so that I can check the boxes and that they give me the sum of the prices that are checked.
I am using Excel 2007 on Windows XP. I have written up a questionnaire that allows the user to simply check boxes in the cells. My problem is coming up with a formula to count the number of boxes have been checked. I tried several count formulas without any luck. I think one of the problems is that when I highlight the cells with these check boxes it doesn't actually show in data in the fx line.
What Im trying to do add some addition data to a spreadsheet, I think a userform is the best way to do this. Worksheet = sheet 1 (Current Data)
I have an Item number in column C of sheet 1 (currently 570 items) I have a spot for the values of my checkboxes on sheet1
What I would like is to be able to select the item number from a combo box (cmbITEM) And check off all or some of the checkboxes (I have 12 checkboxes = chk01 through chk12) then have that update the data on sheet1