Autosize Row Height

Mar 3, 2008

I have a spreadsheet in which double clicking on any of the cells in the range A4:C17 changes the contents of cells F4:I33. The following code tells me which is the active cell and then pulls the values for F4:I33 from a lookup table based in this.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Range("B100") = ActiveCell.Address()
Cancel = True
End Sub

code to stick in this (probably after the third line) that autosizes rows 4 to 33. There are no merged cells involved.

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Sheet Protection Conflicts With Code To Autosize Row Height

Apr 23, 2007

When turning on sheet protection, I get an error with the following code that I'm using to make sure rows adjust their height when lines wrap.


What can be done to eliminate this conflict? All of the cells I want available for editing are unlocked.

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Finding The Column With The MAX Height In Comparson Wth Othr Columns Of UNEVEN Height

Feb 24, 2009

Finding the Column with the MAX Height in comparison with other Columns of UNEVEN Height

I need two things :

1. I have several columns starting from Column B till Column F, each column having values starting from the third ROW.


Lets say Column B contains two values in B3 and B4, Col C three values in C3 C4 and C5, Col D four values D3,D4,D5 and D6, Col E two values in E3 and E4, Column F five values F3,F4,F5,F6 and F7.

So, the answer is F3:F7.

2.I am using 10^{4,3,2,1,0} in a particular portion of a formula, Now the number of elements in the array or in the Curly Braces depends on the number of Columns filled from Column B as explained in the Point 1.

Now, since I have five columns under consideration I have this order as mentioned here {4,3,2,1,0} , I would like to know whether I could make this dynamic, as in if there were only four columns then this would be {3,2,1,0} and if more this array could self-fill and expand..

If that's possible, then how do we use it in the formula, Is it by the virtue of the INDIRECT function?

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Autosize A Comment

Jun 3, 2009

my macro processes a lot of data and puts a comment in certain cells (several thousand of them). I would like to autosize the comments so that the text can all be read by default.

I found the following on the web:

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Cell Comment Autosize

Mar 17, 2009

I have the code below, and it works perfectly on my Mac. But... on my PC it does not.

The cell comment does not resize horizontally when I enter text. So if I enter a long comment I get a comment box that extends far to the right to fit the contents in. Vertically it is fine, nothing cut off and no extra space.

Any ideas why this would be? Any ideas how I can force the text to wrap in the cell comment box?

Code is below:

Sub AddCom()
Const USERNAME As String = "Greer:"
Dim strCommentName As String
Dim cmnt As String
Dim NoMore As Boolean
Dim Pos As Long

cmnt = InputBox("Please enter a comment")
strCommentName = cmnt & vbLf & Now
On Error GoTo 0

With activeCell...........

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Autosize A Combo Box's Width

Aug 2, 2006

I'm trying to automatically resize the width of a combo box based on the width of the longest item in the combo box. The data in the rowsource of the combo box is dynamic.

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Autosize Cell Comments/Shapes Via Macro Code

Aug 25, 2006

Among many attempts to insert and autosize a comment using VBA manually, which errored, i recorded the following bit. When running the macro, it does format the cell - text, not the comment - text and errors in the line highlighted in red.

Range("A14").Comment.Visible = False
Range("A14").Comment.Text Text:="Ladida"
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.Orientation = xlHorizontal
.AutoSize = True
End With

I just want to add

.AutoSize = True

or something to that effect to the bit below. Any suggestions?

Range("A14").Comment.Text "Ladida"

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Row Height

Apr 25, 2007

I am using excel 2003. I have copied and pasted text from microsoft word onto excel.

The text is already split up into rows and columns in word. When i past it into excel and select all thousand or so rows and then double click the row to engage the automatic row height it doesnt work. It cuts off the last line or last two lines of the text in most but not all of the cells. What can I do other than one by one change the row height?

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Set Row Height To Cell Value?

Mar 16, 2014

Situation. In a Sheet1:

- each cell in row 1 represents the width of its column (i.e., if D1=3, the width of column D should equal 3),

- each cell in column A represents the height of its row (i.e., if A4=5, the height of row 4 should equal 5).

Question1. I need the widths and heights to adjust automatically every time, when values of corresponding cells change. How could that be accomplished?

Question2. I read that the width/height are measured by number of characters (i.e., if width=3, it means that 3 '0' characters of normal format can fit in that space). Will the values with fractions work correctly (i.e. will width=3.5 correspond to 3.5 '0' characters)?
If no, how to adjust for that?

Note. In the current situation, additional rows and colums will have to be inserted, so the solution should work with new rows and columns as well.

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Automatically Adjust Row Height

Feb 6, 2010

I have a vlookup into a row of cells. Sometimes the new text is so long it has to word wrap. How can I get the ros to expand with out me manually doing each row, and then go back to one line with the data changes.

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How To Change Default Row Height

Aug 18, 2006

inability to set a default row height and still allow the occasional row that requires more space (i.e., one of it's cells has multiple lines of wrapped text) to AutoFit if necessary.

Say you have the data shown in NormalSettings.png in an Excel file (see attachments) and you want to have a little more room between the shorter rows, but not have them all set as big as the expanded rows. One way to do this in bulk is to select the entire spreadsheet and set a fixed row height, but this chops off any cells that require more space than your default height (see FixedRowHeight20.png). The only way to fix this is to manually scan through your sheet and individually select all rows with cells that need more room than your preferred row height and AutoFit them (good luck if your spreadsheet is any size...) . If you try selecting the entire sheet and choose Format-Row-Autofit, you're back to the crowded display shown in 'NormalSettings.png'.

My workaround to this annoying problem is this: choose a column that you're not using (I just select the very last column in the sheet by holding down CTRL and pressing the right arrow until the screen stops moving) and highlight the entire column by selecting the column header. Then increase the font size for that column...voila, even your blank rows will now AutoFit to the new font size rather than the font size you are using for your data...effectively increasing your default row height without sacrificing AutoFit capabilities. I find that using 16 as a dummy font size makes my data (which is font size 10, Arial) look nicely spaced out, but experiment and try stuff until you find what you like!

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Adjusting Row Height To Fit Text

Dec 10, 2012

How Auto Resize (height) cell to fit text? (macros, formulas, setting)? One can make the height of the cell is reset according to the amount of text?


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How To Get Info From A Cell / Row Of The Height

Feb 27, 2014

I am trying to get info from a cell/Row of the height just like "=CELL("width",A1)" Only I need Height info returned, is this possible?

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How To Apply Same Row Height Within Two Columns

Apr 26, 2014

Here is my issue...

Column B has a lot of data within different rows

Column A only has Some empty rows, and some rows with content.

The issue is I am having is I am trying to sort the the rows of column A in Alphabetical order, but Iwant to lock the height or merge the rows so that when I sort them I do not end up with empty spaces or them be un-aligned with Column B. This spreadsheet is too long to go and re-format every cell but here is an example:

A ----- B

(blank) ----- this column's
(blank) ----- rows are
(blank) ----- merged

(blank) ----- this column's
(blank) ----- rows are
(blank) ----- merged

The cells in B are already at the proper height to be alligned with the names.... but if I try to put the names in alphabetical order then nothing will be alligned.

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Keep Row Height Of Deleted Row That Shifted?

Jul 16, 2014

I'm using the macro below to delete a row, which works but is there a way to keep the row heights for the row that is shifting up?

[Code] .....

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Adjusting Height Of Rows?

Jan 30, 2014

I'm writing a code to adjust the height of the row based on the wraped lines. I want it to be "16.5 * (number of lines)".

First I counted the number of lines in each cell. I wrote at D1 the formula to calculate the lines at A1:


Then I wrote this vba code to adjust the height:

Sub AdjustHeight()
Dim x As Double
x = 1
For Each Cell In Range("A1: A11")
Cell.RowHeight = 16.5 * CELL(D"x")
x = x + 1
Next Cell
End Sub

How do I do that multiplication? How can I tell it to multiply 16,5 with the value of the cell D"x"? Is this the best way?

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Row Height And Font Sizes

Feb 21, 2014

I am building up a formatted invoice, line by line all of which is working well from the data point of view but no quite so well from the presentation point.

My text is all in Arial 12pt and I have the row height set to "Auto" and cell alignment to wrap text (at least one cell per row often has 3-4 lines of text so I need "text wrap" on)

My issue is that the printed output from a multi row invoice looks "crowded" and as this is the view the client gets to see (and hopefully pay ) the look is important. I tried to set the row heights to say .71cm but that causes the text wrap to stop working correctly.

I think I am trying to get some form of "inside top" and "inside bottom" adjustment / fill / padding (which is what I would do if I was using some form of documentation tool like Madcap Flare for example) but I cannot see how to do it in excel.

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VBA To Autofit Row Height With A Minimum

Jul 10, 2009

I have a range named "rngOrders" on an Excel 2003 worksheet. I'm looking for a VBA macro that will set the row heights of the range to autofit (for rows/cells with wrapped text) and also set a minimum row height of 19.5 points for all rows.

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Set Height And Width Of Cells

Aug 31, 2009

I am in desperate need of a macros that sets the heights and widths of columns and rows on a list of provided spreadsheets.

On each of these sheets:

MySheets = Array("FY09 Installation Support", "FY09 Install", "FY09 Purchase", _
"FY09 CF Discretionary Grants", "FY09 CF LOI", "FY08 Purchase", _
"FY08 Installation Support", "FY08 CF Discretionary Grants", _
"FY07 Sup Install Support", "FY07 CF Install Non-LOI", "FY07 Sup Purchase", _
"FY05 CF Carryover Install", "FY04 Recovery Funds", "FY05 Recovery Funds", _
"FY08 Safety Carryover", "FY09 Safety", "FY09 Transport Canada")

I need to set the height of all the rows to 18.00. I need to set the width of all of the columns to 12.00, except for columns A, C, and T, which need to be at a width of 28.00.

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Word Wrap And Row Height?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a section of my sheet to have the data in the cell word wrapped.

Is there any way to set it up so the row height automatically changes when there is more than one line of data?

Right now if my cell reads:

The other day
we went to the

It shows:


Meaning only the last line of the data. I'd like it to automatically make the row height change to show the three rows. (And change any of the other rows where there is a cell with more than one line of data)

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How To Get Worksheet Height And Width

Oct 19, 2013

How do I get the actual worksheet height and width?

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Row Height And File Size

Dec 19, 2013

I have an 11mb file with:

5 worksheets
30 columns per worksheet
Total of 1300 rows of data across the 5 tabs

The row heights are not uniform across all worksheets but when I change them all down to 65536 on each sheet to height of 12, the file reduces in size from 11mb to 3mb.

It concerns me as it is almost like data could be getting lost.

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VBA Can Keep Track Of Total Row Height?

Jul 25, 2007

I was wondering if VBA or Excel has the capability to add and total Row Height or Pixels? For example I have my Rows set to a height of 14.25 (19 pixels). My Range that I am working with is A2:T41 for a TOTAL ACCUMULATED ROW HEIGHT of 570 (40 Rows X 14.25) and 760 Pixels (40 X 19).

What I would like to accomplish is that once the TOTAL ACCUMULATED ROW HEIGHT of my Range reaches 570 then Row 1 appears. If the TOTAL is less then 570 then Row 1 remains Hidden.

Does anyone know IF and HOW this can be done? I need this due to the fact that the Rows will Autosize and I need to have my header Row appear. I can't just Freeze Row 1 because my actual Headers are on Row 16.

Hope this makes sense and hope that someone has a solution.

Bye 4 Now,

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Formula To Calculate Row HEIGHT

Oct 30, 2007

I need a formula to calculate the height of a cell. Basically I will repeat this formula thoughtout the database, and each cell in column U will have its row height.

have come up with the following

Function RangeHeight(rng As Range) As Double
RangeHeight = rng.Height
End Function

Now, the problem is, that the formula does not automatically update when the row height changes, and when I open the file on another pc, all the formulas change to #NAME since it does not recognise the custom formula.

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Display The Row Height In A Cell

Oct 21, 2009

Can I display the row height in a cell

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Automatically Adjust Row Height

Feb 15, 2010

I have a vlookup into a row of cells. Sometimes the new text is so long it has to word wrap. How can I get the ros to expand with out me manually doing each row, and then go back to one line with the data changes.

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Excel 2010 :: Setting Row Height

Jul 1, 2014

I am running Excel 2010. On a sheet that I have previously used many times, I select all, and set row height to 30. In the past, that has made the sheet fit nicely on one page. Nothing has been changed in the content or number of rows, but all of a sudden the result leaves me with a sheet that takes more than one page to print. It is almost like the number entered is being defined by some new unit of measurement.

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Data Link Changes Column Height?

Jul 10, 2014

I have an MS Access Data link (parametrized query) set up in Column A. (Specifically A5:B85). However, every time I change the value in cell G2 (the source of my A5 result), the width of column A always changes. Is there a way for me to get column A to "freeze" to a width size of my selection?

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Locking Column Width And Row Height?

Jul 22, 2007

I'm creating a map like image with Excel, and I've set the column width and row height to certain dimensions. Now I'm entering in some text into them, and I noticed that when I added in 2 digit numbers, the column width expanded a little bit. I want to prevent this from happening, and still be able to enter in the 2 digit text (since it WILL fit, and it's expanding to keep that extra bit of space).

Is there any way to lock the dimensions?

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Row Height Specifically For Page Breaks

Nov 20, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I use for work that I have set the row height specifically for page breaks. I use the top 3 rows on each page as a header with that page info.

If I update it at home, then email it to work, the row height has changed. No real problem, I just go in and adjust the row height. Then if I email it back to home from work, it does the same thing.

It's just this particular sheet that does it. All of the other sheets that I use always keep their row height properties intact when emailing.

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