Average Including Zero After Paste Link Transpose?
Feb 15, 2012
Average formula that will give an accurate answer. My issue is that I need an average of what has been entered rather than for the entire selection. I have paste link transposed the data as it needs to run on Excel 2003 which can only hold 30 items in the Average(number1, number 2 ... etc) and I need 52. My problem occurs when the data is paste linked all blank cells appear as a Zero therefore increasing the count of the average and providing a wrong answer.
Eg when (1, 2, 0, 3) Average = 1.5 is entered the formula works out (1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, etc) Average = 0.12 because it divides by 52 instead of 4. As you can see I can't ignore zeros as they are a possible input. What would be perfect is for the paste link to paste the blank cells instead of the providing a zero then the plan =Average(B3:B55) would be fine.
(Note: the new entered data is on the same row but different columns hence the reason for the paste link transpose to get all the data in one column)
Is there a simple way to combine Paste Link and the Paste Transpose function? I receive a lot of data in rows that I need to put in columns for display purposes. Using transpose is great for doing that but I would like to link it using paste link so I don't have to keep doing each time the data changes. I have recorded macros to see what is happening when I perform the operations seperately as shown below but have been unable to combine them.
I found this great macro to use in a spreadsheet I'm trying to transpose from rows to columns, however, I need a place holder for blank cells: [URL] .....
I was able to use the macro in the last post by Ochenden but the blank cells need to have a placeholder.
How to change the macro or come up with a different script for me to use?
Attached is how I need the spreadsheet to look.
Script I used:
Sub aaa() Dim OutSH As Worksheet Set OutSH = Sheets("Sheet2")
I am using a formula to include all values greater than zero in my average which has worked fine until i tried to extend the parameters, then it gives me the Value? sign. Does anyone know another way to accomplish what i want?
here is what i am using now. =average(if(BZ28:CM28<>0, BZ28:CM28, " "))
i was trying to make the CM extend to CS, but for some reason it is not working.
Anyway, i figure a different equation might be better than what i have and solve my problem.
Attached is an xls with my formulas and problem. We need a way to factor in zeros in grading student workers. However, we also need a way to omit blank or null cells if the workers did not do a particular project. The formulas currently in the sheet compute zeros for both scenarios, lowering the overall 'grade' for workers who didn't do a project compared with workers who did the project but got a '0'
My spreadsheet is too large to attach so I'll describe it as best I can. I have names in column H, which are repeated irregularly. I have corresponding grade numbers (1-5) in column I, and I have the dates they were entered in column J. It looks something like this:
Column H Column I Column J Name 1 4 8/10/08 Name 2 3.5 8/11/08 Name 1 5 8/11/08 Name 5 4 8/12/08 Etc....
I want to average the grades (column I) for a certain name (column H) within the last 30 days, or however many days I enter. I'm using Excel 2003 with the analysis add-in. I can use SUMIF to include any two columns, but how can I write an average grade formula using both the name and date conditions? Dan Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Come to think of it, all I need to do is sum the data. I have a denominator in a different box that I can use to average it. So in effect, I'm trying to creat a SUMIFS function.
Otherwise sum the contents of Bf6:BH6 and divide by the number of cells that are not empty in the range U6:W6 (to get an average of only the values in that range not including blanks).
I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.
The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?
I need some VBA to copy row 2 then paste it (including formulas) into the next available row in the same sheet but then also clear the data in row 2 but retain the formulas.
The source data is collected using drop-down menus. In moving the data from one workbook to another, the drop-down lists are carried over into the destination cells. I have used both: paste special "values" and paste special "valuesandnumber formats". The code in the else statement produces the same result as the 2 step process above it.
I need to make several exact duplicates of an existing worksheet which includes several form controls. Basic Copy/ Paste the worksheet works well but row heights are different and hidden rows are unhidden. Is there a way to make an EXACT duplicate ?
I use the Paste Value shortcut button that I've added to my toolbar in Excel. Just as regularly, I also need to do a Paste Special, Values Only with the Transpose option selected. Is there a way to create my own shortcut icon and build code to do this?
I have two excel tabs on a spreadsheet, one titled "Reviews" and one titled "Details". On my Reviews tab, I have:
A B C D 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . .
etc.. On my Details tab, I have
A 1 0 1 . . . B 0 0 1 . . . C 0 0 1 . . . D 1 0 1 . . .
(The same information, but presented in different ways). I'm trying to continue to make my Reviews tab as long as possible to match my Details tab but when I drag the cross to continue the pattern, it doesn't follow what I need it to. How can I continue my Review tab down for 600 or so fields to match my Details tab even though they are both in different layouts?
see the attached file below. I have monthly precipitation data for yrs 1950-1999. I need to have the data formatted such that the precipitation data is copy/pasted into one single column, going all the way from jan 1950 to feb 1950 (next row) to mar 1950 (next row).....dec 1999 (last row). On occasion, I will also have data for shorter/longer time periods. the macro code I'd need to take this data and line it all up into one single column?
I want to make a macro that I can copy a column of numbers, select a cell... then run the macro - which will transpose them and paste the values.
I've tried to make this by Recorder... but I keep getting an error.
Run-time error 1004 Paste-Special method of Range class failed.
I've seen other people in the past post this questions, but it seems noone has solved it!
Sub Transpose() ' ' Transpose Macro ' Macro recorded 11/03/2009 ' Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=True End Sub
How to make a short cut or hot key to do a paste special transpose? Dealing with a lot of data. Want to program it to ctr+f or something of that nature...
I need to copy and paste transpose, some over 100 values, but I want to add a comma after each value, so they can be put into JD Edwards for running a report.
I have a long column of data in column D (D2 to D8761) and I would like to sequentially select 24 cells at a time (D2:D25, D26:D49, D50:D73...D8738:D8761) copy them and paste them to another sheet as separate rows.
For instance, the selected data from Sheet 1, D2:D25, would be pasted/transposed to Sheet 2 B9:Y9. I would like the macro to loop so it would then select D26:D49 and paste/transpose to B10:Y10 and so on until it finishes transposing the final data group of D8738:D8761.
I'll add the macro that I recorded using the brute force method so perhaps you can have a better understanding of what I am trying to accomplish.
I think I have a very straight forward problem, I'm copying about 400 values from one workbook to another (from vertical range to horizontal range) and I currently have about 400 lines of code in order to do this. Below I've pasted the code I'm using now but the macro takes an estimated 30 seconds to run. I figure if I can reduce the number of lines the macro will run a lot faster
RowCount = openWb.Sheets("Library Raw Shear Rates").Range("A3").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count With openWb.Sheets("Library Raw Shear Rates").Range("A3")
I need a formula to transpose rows to columns of a large table. The transpose array formula is not working for me. I know there is a column and row function formula to do this, but I can't remember it.
I'm trying to get a macro together that will take a set of workbooks that I've merged (using Ron de Bruin's RDBMerge add-in) and transpose all columns from B to HB into rows. Now, I know that each spreadsheet is 210 columns and 244 rows large and they are concatenated on one another. Attached is a brief example of what I am trying to go from and what I am trying to get to.
I would like to create/use a copy command in the Quick Access Toolbar that combines Paste Values and Transpose into a single command. Have tried recording a macro but it becomes specific to the individual workbook that I'm accessing and it copies the formula from that last cell that I copied from. Problem is that I have 19 workbooks to deal with and would like to save some keystrokes.