Average Response Time Including Core Hours Only
Sep 19, 2012
I need to calculate average response time, the problem is that it should be based only on "core hours" and that's between 7am - 6pm.
How to create function that will exclude "out ot hours" time (6pm-7am) from the calculation.
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Apr 22, 2014
I am trying to set up a time sheet for staff where it calculates hours worked in and outside of core hours. I can do a calculation to work out what they have worked in and out of core hours providing that part of their time starts of finishes in core times. The problem I am having is when some one works only outside core hours. Our core hours are 6am to 6pm. The problem is when they work from say 7pm to 1am. This is irregular work paid as overtime not shift work.
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Aug 11, 2010
I have been working on a timesheet but the problem I have come across is calculating actual hours worked only in the core hours and any work outside the core hours is calculated in the outside hours column. A standard work day is 7.6 hours working between 8.30am and 5.00pm. However if someone was to commence work either before 6am or after 8pm this is outside of core hours. I have attached an example of my timesheet for you to see what I am talking about.
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Oct 10, 2009
When I am converting a time from Hours/Minutes to Hours/Tenths, Excel is not converting it consitantely. EXAMPLE: 1:15 = 1.25. When I format the cell to present only one place past the decimal point, sometimes the cell will round up to 1.3, and other times it will round down to 1.2. What am I missing?
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Mar 20, 2009
I'm trying to calculate timesheets including hours at overtime.
A1- Start time, B1- Lunch Start, C1- Lunch finish, D1- Finish
In E1 I want standard rate hours 'up to 8'
In F1 I want the remaining hours.
I have tried IF rules and realise these are wrong.
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Jun 17, 2008
I need to calculate the total WORK-hours (09:00-17:30) between two date/time-stamps;
Including Saturdays but excluding Sundays & Holidays.
I can get this working excluding Saturdays (formula below) using NETWORKDAYS however the call centre work six days a week Mon-Sat.
A2=dd/mm/yyyy/hh:mm [code]....
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Jun 17, 2008
I need to calculate the total WORK-hours (09:00-17:30) between two
Including Saturdays but excluding Sundays & Holidays.
I can get this working excluding Saturdays (formula below) using NETWORKDAYS however
the call centre work six days a week Mon-Sat.
DayEnd= 17:30:00
DayStart= 09:00:00
HolidayList= "Currently Blank"
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Mar 22, 2007
I have 2 dates+ times.
1 the contract start date and time.
2 the contract end date and time.
Can I calculate the number of working hours between these two using a formula?
So if I have a 10 hour working day (08:00-18:00), Mon-Fri and the two Dates/Times can I calculate the number of working hours?
Start 06-Mar-07 10:00
End 14-Mar-07 14:00
This is 2 part days and over a weekend.
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Jan 27, 2006
I am using a formula to include all values greater than zero in my average which has worked fine until i tried to extend the parameters, then it gives me the Value? sign. Does anyone know another way to accomplish what i want?
here is what i am using now.
=average(if(BZ28:CM28<>0, BZ28:CM28, " "))
i was trying to make the CM extend to CS, but for some reason it is not working.
Anyway, i figure a different equation might be better than what i
have and solve my problem.
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Mar 20, 2014
I need a sumproduct to count response times in between 1-2 hours. The response times are calculated from an 'initial referral date and time' and a 'actual response date and time' (the difference between refererral and response time be across several days) and are in the format below:
Time between intital and contact
I have tried several different formula, but I can't get excel to recognise the time range I need. Its just the bit in red i need sorted.
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Aug 14, 2007
Attached is an xls with my formulas and problem. We need a way to factor in zeros in grading student workers. However, we also need a way to omit blank or null cells if the workers did not do a particular project. The formulas currently in the sheet compute zeros for both scenarios, lowering the overall 'grade' for workers who didn't do a project compared with workers who did the project but got a '0'
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Feb 15, 2012
Average formula that will give an accurate answer. My issue is that I need an average of what has been entered rather than for the entire selection. I have paste link transposed the data as it needs to run on Excel 2003 which can only hold 30 items in the Average(number1, number 2 ... etc) and I need 52. My problem occurs when the data is paste linked all blank cells appear as a Zero therefore increasing the count of the average and providing a wrong answer.
Eg when (1, 2, 0, 3) Average = 1.5 is entered the formula works out (1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, etc) Average = 0.12 because it divides by 52 instead of 4. As you can see I can't ignore zeros as they are a possible input. What would be perfect is for the paste link to paste the blank cells instead of the providing a zero then the plan =Average(B3:B55) would be fine.
(Note: the new entered data is on the same row but different columns hence the reason for the paste link transpose to get all the data in one column)
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Aug 20, 2008
My spreadsheet is too large to attach so I'll describe it as best I can. I have names in column H, which are repeated irregularly. I have corresponding grade numbers (1-5) in column I, and I have the dates they were entered in column J. It looks something like this:
Column H Column I Column J
Name 1 4 8/10/08
Name 2 3.5 8/11/08
Name 1 5 8/11/08
Name 5 4 8/12/08
I want to average the grades (column I) for a certain name (column H) within the last 30 days, or however many days I enter. I'm using Excel 2003 with the analysis add-in. I can use SUMIF to include any two columns, but how can I write an average grade formula using both the name and date conditions? Dan Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Come to think of it, all I need to do is sum the data. I have a denominator in a different box that I can use to average it. So in effect, I'm trying to creat a SUMIFS function.
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Jan 29, 2010
Format Time Cell For Greater Than 24 Hours: Hours & Minutes Only .....
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Jul 22, 2014
I am trying to get the average of the last 6 data entries not including blanks or zeroes.
Currently I have:
Which works fine when I've got 6 or more values in the row.
But if there are less that 6 values in the row it returns with #NUM!. Is there a way to add an IF ERROR THEN make = to AVERAGE of C2:CP2?
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Nov 21, 2011
I am looking for a formula for the following:
If there is nothing is U6:W6 return blank
Otherwise sum the contents of Bf6:BH6 and divide by the number of cells that are not empty in the range U6:W6 (to get an average of only the values in that range not including blanks).
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Apr 4, 2013
find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?
08/03/2013 13:32:00
02/04/2013 09:32:50
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Jan 13, 2009
I am making a schedule and I would like it to take out a 30 min break if the hours worked is over 6 hours.
I have so far
1 11:00 7:30
Gives me 8 hours, I would like it to subtract the 30 minutes only ifthe sum is over 6 and not alter the sum if it is under 6.
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Mar 30, 2009
i am looking to do a table which shows time started, time finished and then a total for hours that day, then that week.
Start 08:00
End 16:00
Total 8 hrs.
How can I get the total to display as 8 hrs? not 08:00? When I change the format to "number" it shows 0.33?
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May 5, 2006
I have a user form with textBox1 = start time (entered as "[h]:mm") and text Box2 = finish time (entered as "[h]:mm"). I would like textBox3 to display the difference between the start time and finish time as a general number!
For example
Start time: 21:00
Finish time: 06:30
Hours worked: 9.50
Start time: 12:30
Finish time: 23:00
Hours worked: 10.50
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Mar 5, 2014
What I need is a formular/vba code that can divide hours into different time ranges. The picture below shows an explanation.
In example 3 there time range analyzed goes from saturday till monday. Here Sunday should get 24 hours and the time range 23-08 for weekdays is at this point 00-08.
I've tried everything I could imagine to get this one working,
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Feb 20, 2009
I'm battling to come up with the formula to calculate time and a half and double time. My boss wants me to show the overtime worked AFTER 40 hours has been worked. I have attached a copy of my spreadsheet.
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May 30, 2012
I want to add hours to a date-time cell to get result in date-time.
Format of cell A1 is d/m/yy h:mm AM/PM
Format of cell A2 is General
Format of cell A3 is d/m/yy h:mm AM/PM
I want to add A2 (number of hours) to A1 to give A3.
The formula I used is A3=A1+Time(A2,0,0)
The formula works perfectly fine when A2 is less than 24, but when A2 is more than 24, the date doesn't get changed.
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Nov 14, 2012
I have this spreadsheet where it is basically call center data so in one of the column it shows time of inbound call as example (21:12:05) and other columns shows specific notes about that call example if product was sold on that call or not. So I am trying to find trend that during what period of time in a day maximum product was sold. Example I want to set some criteria that from 8 am to 10 am, 10 am to 1 pm and so on and then to find how many products are sold. So what I am looking is how can i extract hours as numbers only? from time stamp? I tried using =RIGHT(a1,2) but its not working and it messing with the number format.
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Jan 12, 2009
For my business, I am tracking how many sales I am doing per hour. That one was easy. NOW I need to track the average number of customers that I have for each day of the week, Sunday-Saturday. I need for one page to look at another page and, every time the word 'Sunday' is there, take that row of hourly jobs and average them with every other 'Sunday' and give me the total average number of customers on each Sunday, Monday, etc.
Attached is my worksheet for review. If you look at the 'Tracking' and 'Balances' tabs, you'll get the idea......
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Mar 16, 2004
Is there any way of creating a log that logs the last user that saved the workbook including the date and time. I would like the log to be a sheet hidden in the workbook. Not many people will be saving the workbook.
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May 13, 2014
We have a bar code scanner that scans employee IDs as they come and go each day. Beside the ID is the date/time stamp in the next column. They do not always come in in the same order they leave, so I am looking for a solution that will collect the in and out time for each ID, then add those times beside each employee name, and add them for a hourly total.
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Aug 24, 2009
I am struggling to find a formula to calculate hour:minutes between the following:
A1= 04:00
B2= 17:00
I am wanting to calculate the hours between 06:00 and 16:00 and then the hours between 16:00 and 06:00 the next day
ie: 06:00-16:00 = 12;
16:00 - 0600 = 3
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a column called "Weekly Working Hours" which totals the number of hours worked per week. The cell is filled in every Saturday.
In the next column I have "Average Weekly Working Hours per Month" which needs to calculate the average number of weekly hours every four weeks, filled in every Saturday.
Please see attached file. I am referring to columns J and K ....
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Sep 10, 2013
I am 2007 Excel user.
I am attempting to take a large data download of time in hours and minutes and average or get the sum. Each cell contains hours and minutes in this format:
203:30 (meaning 203 hours and 30 minutes)
I have formatted the column in everyway I can think of from custom hh:mm to time, to scientific--I have grasped at each straw I have used the TRIM function to ensure there is no leading space. When I attempt to average I receive the #DIV/0! error, and when I attempt to use SUM, I get a dash (-).
I have been researching this on the internet, and have tried everything that is slightly applicable, with no luck yet. I am wondering if it is because the hours are more than 24, so the hh:mm format does not truly apply...
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