Averaging Cells Across Several Sheets

Jul 1, 2006

I have done alot of research in the formula realm but haven't ventured into the VBA coding side of the house due to the inexperience. I'm having issues w/ a particular calculation and hoping you all can help me out.

I hope I can explain this well.

- I have a total of 31 sheets (1-31)
- In each sheet there is a series of number (B16:L16)
- I want to take the average of all these numbers

I'm able to get the average of each sheet then take the average of those but that is not what I'm trying to do because of the following problem.

Let say in sheet1 that 5 cells are filled from the series (B16:L16) but on sheet2 there is only 1 cell filled and on sheet15 there are 10 of the 11 cells filled.

When you take the average of each sheet than average that it will not come out with the correct calculation. I'm trying to average ALL numbers combined from Sheet1 to 31 from cells B16:L16.

How can I do this. I have tried several solutions but nothing working properly. This is the one I have tried but doesn't work properly:

{=AVERAGE(If(ISNUMBER( '[Jul06AMEFVER.xls]1'!$B$15:$L$15),ABS('[Jul06AMEFVER.xls]1'!$B$15:$L$15)))}

However when I try to ":31" after the 1 it will not provide the correct value. Not sure where to go with this.

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Excel 2003 :: Averaging Cells In Multiple Sheets And Not Including Null Or Zero Value?

Jun 24, 2012

I need to calculate the average spend on a day of the week over the month, so all Monday's or all Tuesday's, etc. One sheet is one week so I need to average b16 on 6 sheets as an example.

I used =AVERAGE('WEEK1:WEEK6'!B18) to calculate average over the six Monday's. The issue is, as in other posts, how do I ignore the cells that have a zero or null value.

I've tried adjusting this which was in 1 post
with this
=AVERAGE(IF(1+1=2,IF('WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK6 '!B18))) which returns #REF!

this from another post
=SUM('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)/COUNTIF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18,"0") which returns #VALUE!

and this
=AVERAGE(IF('WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B180,'WEEK1:WEEK7 '!B18)) which returns #NAME?

The cells on each sheet are sum formulas for other cells on the sheet not just numbers on their own.

Using windows 7, excel 2003

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Averaging Different Cells From Specified Categories?

Mar 17, 2014

I want to average cells in different columns which meet a minimum criteria, i.e. > 2.0, from specified categories list in the first column. Example: I want to select a category listed in column A and average the numbers listed in columns C and F for that category which meet a minimum threshold.

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Averaging Selected Cells Excluding Zero

May 13, 2009

I wanted to average selected cells excluding the value zero. Also, I wanted to make the value of cell is zero and not to display the error #DIV/0! if the denominator is zero.

A1 = Denominator

Selected cell:
A3, A5, A6, A8

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Averaging Dynamic Range Of Cells Across A Row

Feb 17, 2014

I have a row of dates going across in row 2, and random values going across in row 3 from D3 onwards. I want to return the average of values in row 3 until the third last non-blank cell in row 2 and do a similar thing for maximum row but just for the last 30 cells from the right (so latest 30 days). I have attached screenshot of part of spreadsheet for better illustration.


In my macro I can come up with a range for both, as below. Both lines of macro below select the correct range I am looking for.

[Code] .....

However when I try to apply them into an average/maximum function they returned an error 1004, Application defined or object define error:

[Code] .....

When I put it as following it returned me the value of Cells (3, 4) (Cell D3) instead of the average:

[Code] .....

Attached File : Capture.PNG‎

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Summing/Averaging Last 5 Rows (cells)

Sep 14, 2009

I was trying to sum/average last values in a range. If the range is updated, it should sum/average the last 5.

Tried to do it myself but succeded to do my head in only.

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Averaging Data Not To Include Null / Zero Cells

Mar 10, 2014

I am having difficulty trying to solution this:

Row 1 = Dates e.g. 1-Mar - 31-Mar
Row 2 = Day of Week e.g 1-Mar(B1) = Sat(B2) through 31-Mar ending at (AF)

Column A has hourly time intervals
A3 = 0:00
A4 = 1:00 etc to 23:00

Numbers fall into cells by date/day and interval up to today 10-Mar

What I am trying to do at is average the days separated by Weekdays and weekends..so the formula at AG for interval for weekday would be =AVERAGE(D3:H3,K3:O3,R3:V3,Y3:AC3,AF3) weekends (Column AH)would be =AVERAGE(B3:C3,I3:J3,P3:Q3,W3:X3,AD3:AE3)

I want to average the weekdays and weekend numbers without having to group the weekdays and weekends in a custom sort in the final column. That way when I add the data every day, it auto calculates in AG and AH. If I do it as it shows above, the AVG is skewed due to the blank cells.

Attached a sample worksheet.

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Adding Constraints To Averaging Formulas Over Multiple Cells

Nov 20, 2009

I have data for 500 companies over 10 years, in three criterions: “EPS”, “DPS” & “PX” (i.e. earnings, dividends and price).

For each company I have four lines recording the data, and given a letter code indicating how the change in dividends and earnings have been according to the following

DD-ED = Dividends Decreased & Earnings Decreased
ND-EI = No Dividends & Earnings Increased
As can be seen below this code is present for each company

What I need help with is some sort of lookup function which takes the average of the price changes (which is given in numerical values) only for the companies which code is equal to the code in the reference field.

So something like: =AVERAGE(IF((MOD(ROW(D2:D2353)-ROW(D2)+1,5))=0,IF(D2:D2353"",D2:D2353))) (currently counting every 5th line, since there is 4 lines between respectively PX/DPS/EPS for each company) –But with a constraint indicating only to include the value in the calculation if the codes are the same (e.g. "DI-EI" = "DI-EI").

So that the value, which is currently 20.96% (which now includes ALL price values), would only include those for the respective group (in this case, companies in the DE-EI group).

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Merging Sheets / Copying Cells From X Sheets Into 1 Sheet

Feb 22, 2013

I have merged 336 individual spreadsheets into one book, now I want to merge the data in all the sheets into 1 individual sheet. All the sheets have the same size and range, I need to copy a constant range(row,column) from all the different sheets into one.

What VBA functions to use???

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May 27, 2009

How can I do an average in Excel 2003 when it's not a range but I also don't want to count a certain cell when there's no data or zero? I have attached the spreadsheet.

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Averaging Only If NameID Is The Same

Apr 8, 2007

I'm trying to average data for the past 3 years. My spreadsheet is setup like this.

Year, NameID, Salary, Average Salary

I have the spreadsheet sorted by NameID so most people in the database will have 3 entries right after another. How do I determine an average salary for the person across all 3 years?

I need the average salary to display across from the most recent date if that is possible as well i.e. if the latest salary date is from 2006, I would prefer that is entered into the row corresponding to 2006 and leave the 2004/2005 rows blank.

Also, some people might only have 2 years of data so keep that in mind as well.

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Duplicates And Averaging

May 20, 2009

Column A has approximately 50,000 rows with unique property parcel numbers. Column B has numbers that represent an elevation point on the parcel. The parcels are not level. The elevation of a parcel varies depending where one measures. So,...I have many rows with the same parcel number in column A but the adjacent column B shows a different elevation. Is there any way to:

1) remove all of the duplicate column A parcel number rows so I have just one column A parcel number row.

2) get the average of all the column B elevations to show up on the same one row?

I should only have approximately 15,000 rows if I could get rid of the duplicates and get the average elevation. I have version 2007 but I have to share with others who have version 2003. I don't know if that makes a difference but I thought I should mention it

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Grading And Averaging

Jun 10, 2009

I have received a task to do for school and I tried my heart out but I can't seem to figure this out. It's really simple but I can't seem to do it... I'm not very good with excel.

The excel file is attached .....

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Averaging Words

Dec 1, 2006

I have a spread sheet and it has a column in it with a drop down menu. The words in the menu are Hot, Medium and Cold. I want to have it tell me which one if showing up the most.

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Grouping And Averaging

Dec 2, 2008

The organisation I wish to report on has many cost centres which each contain many people. These people are on many different grades, and each are on differing salaries (even those in the same grade).

One “reporting group” has many cost centres.

There are several reporting groups.

I need to report on average salary per grade / per reporting group.

I have attached some dummy data. The “rep group” tab displays the reporting groups and the cost centre mappings (ie reporting group England contains cost centres 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7). Note in reality the cost centres are not this simple, they are 6 digits and varying ranges.

In the “salaries” sheet each individual is listed along with their cost centre (in column c) and their grade (column d). Their salary is shown in E.

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Averaging Time In VBA

Oct 13, 2009

I have a column of data in Excel in the [h].mm.ss format. These values range from a few minutes to hundreds of hours. I need to get the average of these times.

My code is below. I'm getting a type mismatch error on the line that tries to add the time to the total. The line is in red. I've tried using a Integer, Long, Double, and Date as variable types for this particular variable. All with the same result.

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Averaging Of N Weeks

Apr 28, 2007

I am attempting to find the average units of the last "n" weeks. I wish to input the required number of weeks in cell D20 which will show the average in cell D22. In this particular example, I have manually calculated using the average formula....

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Formula For Averaging

Jun 16, 2007

I need some help with a formula. I've tried daverage, cant seem to get it to work. below is an example of the spreadsheet.

Date Name Project Score Pass?
5/1 Joe Test 55% No
5/1 Jan Quiz 88% Yes
5/4 Jon Test 100% Yes
5/9 Gary Test 75% Yes
5/11 Joe Quiz 90% Yes
5/18 Mary Test 45% No

Ok, I need a formula that I can execute from a different worksheet than the data is on. I need the formula to give me the average of the scores in column D for the criteria in Column C "Test". I tried daverage=(A1:E7, "Project", C1:C2) I cant get it to work. Do you guys know any other way to do this?

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Averaging A Vlookup

Jan 27, 2009

in Sheet1, i have 'part number' listed in column A and 'customer number' in column H. in column P, i have 'customer price' (for that part). so there are multiples of the same part numbers listed in column A.

in Sheet2, i have a summary showing totals for the parts (regardless of the customer), which includes SUMIFs for other columns such as pieces sold, etc. what i am looking to do is get the 'customer price' average by part (in column P/worksheet1) for each part on Sheet2.

Sheet1 sample:
Column A / Column H / Column P
31397 / 1001240 / $6.60
31397 / 1020312 / $6.65
31397 / 40020 / $6.63
31832 / 1047493 / $4.22
31832 / 1035195 / $4.22
31832 / 40017 / $4.40

So for Sheet2 i would like it to be like:
Column A / Column B
31397 / $6.6267
31832 / $4.28

i also need this formula to work if column P has any cells with zero entered.

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Averaging Columns

May 16, 2009

I'm making up a list of average scores across a season. I have an average column and I need to be able to deduct 10% from this average, then have excel ignore any scores below this new number and make up a new average (kinda like a handicap score).

I have columns for average (BD), 10% of this (BE) "ignore any score lower than"(BF) but Im not sure how to get excel to add up only the scores below the number in BF and make a new average column of only these in BG -

Last column would be to give each person a classification based on cutoffs (for instance 1-10=C Class, 11-20=B Class, 21-30=A Class etc etc). Is there a way to make "if BF=xxxx, make BH A, B, C etc?

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Averaging A Set Of Numbers

Jun 25, 2009

I need to average out a set of numbers but the amount of numbers inputed will vary, these number can also be either positive numbers or negative numbers but will never be 0.

How do i do this and I would like this in formula terms?

Say cells a3,b3,c3 were the numbers that I want averaged but there is not always a number inputted in each of these cells. I want the answer to show up in cell a4

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Averaging An Array

Jun 29, 2006

i've got a worksheet with 3 columns each declared, called date, place and avspeed
I'm trying to average the avspeed if it falls under certain criteria within the other 2 columns.

The dates are in day format and basically I require the average over the week

If tried using

also declaring it as an array formula but both

also tried the following by summing and then counting the data and dividing one by the other, but so far neither are working

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Math Averaging

Jul 7, 2006

Trying to compute annual change I've always used the formula "(b1-a1)/a1" - where b1 is the current year, a1 is the prior year. I've been asked to compute average annual change over a number of years and thought simply by using the above for each year and then taking the average of all these, I'd be ok. I recently found a formula as follows: "(y2/y1)^(1/n)-1", where y2 is current year, y1 is 1st year I have data, n = the number of changes.

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Averaging Events

Apr 29, 2007

I have a spreadsheet,3 columns are shown in the attached.The first column gives the date of the event,the second column the time and the third a rating.I want to put the average rating for each event in each cell in column 4.

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Averaging Rows Of Data?

Jun 26, 2013

I would like to find the average of a column of data where the rows of data changes where my starting cell is always B53 but the end row of data can change after each simulation. The average function to be displayed at the bottom of the last row of data.

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Averaging Range With Lookup

Mar 21, 2014


for example i have this data I want to average range of some values in force column for which i only know range of values in TIME column..

For Example I want to average the values for which the values in time column are 0 to 1.5 ((0.2+.5+1+2)/4)

I deduct a formula but it is giving error AVERAGE(LOOKUP(0,A:A,B:B):LOOKUP(1.5,A:A,B:B))

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Averaging Formula For Time

Mar 13, 2009

I have a column with times displayed in this format "0 day 03 hour 32min"

Is there a formula that allows me to average a column of these times and retain the same format?

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Trick On Averaging Numbers

Mar 21, 2009

I am looking for the correct way to average a group of numbers.

I know the formula but it doeskin work correct.

I am trying to average this numbers below.

Now when I do this I use this formula


and get this result

Now the only problem is, with baseball lines +100 and -100 are both the same and there is never and two or one digit lines like
or -88

its always at min -101 or +101


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Averaging 2 Drop Down Lists Into A Value

Jul 15, 2009

I read this thread which helped me very much. So I was able to link one drop down box to a list, which fills in the adjacent box. Now I need some help getting an average.

Ex. Drop down 1 has a list of names which applies the associated numerical value in box 3. Drop down 2 has a list of the same names with the same associated values, and I need these 2 values averaged and put in box 3.

The problem is that Drop down 2 doesn't always have a name. It may be left blank and so I need drop down 1 to continue applying to box 3 when drop down 2 is empty.

This is what I have for drop down 1 to apply to box 3.


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Rolling 24-month Averaging

Sep 30, 2009

One of our govt. agencies requires that I compute the 24-month rolling averages of the daily average input to a manufacturing process. In this instance, the agency is demanding the rolling average since 2003, so there are a fair number of data points involved. The process control computer can provide me the daily data (attached file contains 30 months of data), but cannot compute the 24-month rolling average.

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