Bulk Find And Replace

Jul 19, 2009

I am attaching a sample excel workbook for reference. I have a set of coded data in numbers in ColumnA, and want to replace them with actual names which are in Column G.

As explained before, I set up columns such that all template number codes are in Column F and names in Column G. The actual raw data in Column A.

However the macro is giving me wrong replacements i.e. if the coded number was 21, its replacement is name2name1 not name 21, I hope you understand what I am saying.

It will save me bucket loads of time as I have a multiple similar columns. I am a novice in macros so I am not sure how to find full numbers (21) and replace with the specific name.

Sub FindReplace()
    Dim Frange As Range
    Dim Fr As Range
    Set Frange = Range("F1", Range("F65536").End(xlUp))
    For Each Fr In Frange
        Columns("A:A").Replace What:=Fr, Replacement:=Fr.Offset(0, 1), LookAt:=xlPart, _
                               SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Next Fr

End Sub 

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Excel 2003 :: Find And Replace Missing The Ability To Replace Values?

Feb 5, 2009

This problem has come up fairly frequently lately, and I'm not sure how to fix it, or if this is by design...but in Excel 2003 I can't seem to do a "Find and Replace" based on the value of a cell. I can do a find, based on cell value, but the moment I change to the replace tab, the "values" and "comments" are missing from the "look in" dropdown.

I've only noticed this when I'm trying to replace on a filtered list, so I'm not sure if that is part of the issue.

Perhaps an alternative way of arriving at the same goal. Basically I have a worksheet with a number of filtered columns. They are filtered just right, using custom filtering, and so I do not want to undo the filters. In some columns I have formulas that are returning #VALUE! errors. I'd like to replace all of these cells with NA.

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Find And Replace To Not Replace Characters Found As Wildcards?

Jul 2, 2013

I recently became owner of a spreadsheet with some issues, and I am trying to make it useful. Each row has a URL of a blog post, and I want to extract the date from it (which is present in each URL) while getting rid of the rest of the URL. I was able to get rid of everything up to the year (which comes first), but then the URL continues, for example, 2013/05/16/the-rest-of-the-url/ and I would like to just have 2013/05/16 remain.

I am trying to use find and replace with the find box reading 2013/??/??/*/ and replacing it with 2013/??/?? which effectively erases everything else in the url, but leaves ?? instead of the numbers. Is there any way to have it so that it keeps whatever was in the original box?

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Doing Find / Replace Not Working If Replace Text Is Too Large

Feb 5, 2014

[Code] .....

Trying to repeat a 550 or so character statement with a find/replace however I am getting type mismatch errors. When I use a smaller message in the "replace" it works.

I need it to post a message exactly as long as what I have in there. How do I get it to work?

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Catching Errors When Using The Find / Replace Function / Replace All

Apr 20, 2006

Need assistance with the code for catching errors when using the find / replace function in excel? In particular, I am trying to write code to break to an error message when the value or string searched for isn't found in the find / replace. At the minute I have just copied the standard code using a macro and all this does is return a message box saying X entries replaced.

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Find, Replace With And Then Replace Adjacent Cell

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to create a macro where it finds a a certain word in a column for example C. What i want it to do is find anything that says FWD_EUR and then replace that cell (e.g C2) with CASH_EUR_FWD and after it has done that it replaces the adjacent cell (e.g. D2) with EUR_FWD. I then want this to do the same with FWD_USD to CASH_USD_FWD and adjacent cell to USD_FWD.

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Find Replace :: Find All Occurences Of And Or AND And Replace With And

Oct 26, 2009

Range B3:B1000 is text strings. Column C2:C50 is a list of words that I would like to "Find" in Column B and replace with it's lowercase values unless they start off the string.


Find all occurences of And or AND and replace with and
Find all occurences of With or WITH and replace with with.
Find all occurences of Or or OR and replace with or

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Bulk Sorting

Nov 27, 2009

I have columns with sort filters, columns with tables, unformatted cells and frozen panes. When sorting one column how do I make all other columns sort simultaneously with it?

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Bulk Data Sort

Jan 25, 2009

Is there a simple method to bulk data sort?


I run a workbook with worksheets in calendar months (12)

These consist of names in alphabetical order.

If a new name is added to or deleted from all the sheets (I've cracked how to do this) how can I data sort them without doing it sheet by sheet?

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Bulk Permutation Of Words

Jan 27, 2008

i have read through all threads about permutation, and also a few others. I if I were an Excel Pro I would probably have been able to come up with a solution to my problem based on all the suggestions made, but unfortunately it is (still) all a bit too complex for me.

The problem:

I have between 2 and 5 lists of words, each list in one column:

Column A

blue green

Column B


Column C

for women
for men
for girls
extra large
for boys
one size fits all

Column D

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Bulk Rename Of Workbooks

Aug 28, 2008

I have folder with 427 workbooks in, named TAB001.... TAB427.

These workbooks contain listed tables out of a bespoke apllication. Each workbook only holds one worksheet (which is named TAB001, etc corrsespoonding to the workbook name).

Each worksheet holds in cell A1 the name of the table

I want to rename each workbook to whatever is in cell A1. SO TAB001.xls becomes, say, Property.xls, and so on for all 427 workbooks.

I envisage a new workbook holdinga macro to do this?

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Import Bulk CSV No Going Through The Ascending

Feb 16, 2010

I'm using this code to import bulk *.csv files

Sub ImportCSVFiles()
Dim sh As Worksheet, sPath As String, sName As String
Dim R As Range, fName As String
Dim sh1 As Worksheet

But I've noticed that on import run, the macro mixing the ascending order of the files.
An example:
Inside my_folder I have 3 csv files:
adwords keyword tool.csv

When the macro runs, it takes advertise.csv as the 1st. (Thats Ok) then adwords keyword tool.csv data
before thaking adwords.csv

(I have over 100 files to import, so you can imagine the mess I'm facing..)

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Find And Replace ....

Jun 9, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to do this unique find and replace that is explained below.

I have many columns with data from our database. I have one column that has my html layout in it. I want to find within the html text data and replace it with data from another column for that row.

Example: We have [[manufacturer]] in the html area that we want to replace with data from our column called Manufacturer. So, it will replace the text in the html named [[Manufacturer]] with that rows Manufacturer data we have.

Is that possible to do?

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Find / Replace Using VBA

Oct 31, 2011

I have around 10 names which I want to replace with their code names. For Example, "Alan Richard" needs to be replaced with AR001. Problem is I don't know cell range and this name might appear more than once in the data.

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Find & Replace In VBA

Nov 15, 2006

I am trying to find and replace #N/A from a formula (link to another sheet) with nothing in the cell, using VBA.

Using this code it will do the first "find"
Cells.Find(What:="#N/A", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
True, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Trying this
Cells.Replace What:="#N/A", Replacement:=" ", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=True, _
LookIn:= is highlighted and I get a "named argument not found"
Don't understand that because LookIn:=xlValues works in the first code.

I did try and place After:=ActiveCell,before this, but that does not work. I Get the same error.

I have more then one cell with the #N/A which I would like to get rid of. I want this to work only on this one sheet. The other sheet that the formula is pulling from does have #N/A, and that is okay, I need it there.

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Find And Replace ..?

Mar 2, 2007

I have a list of sales associates that are assigned numbers. For example, John Doe is 1022. The data I have to work with only shows his number 1022 but for my reports management wants the name John Doe. I have about 60 sales associates and have a VB code that 'finds and replaces'. The code is huge. It has slowly grown out of hand, with more sales associates added daily. I also have 22 sheets in one workbook with specific columns to search for the numbers to replace with the names.

This is what I would like to do. Have a sheet named associates, as more associates are added I would just have to add their name and number. Have two columns with headers column A - Associates column B Associate #. Name ranges for the two columns and write a code that says look in the sheet associate, at named range 'numbertoname' and if the current sheet 'total sales' I am in has the number 1022 in column C replace it with the name John Doe. It seems like it should be easy but.......I have tried and tried today.

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Find And Replace ‘*’

Sep 15, 2006

I am facing a strange problem with Find and Replace function of Excel. I converted a PDF document into a Word document. I copied the tables in the Word document to an Excel document. As the data had many ‘*’ characters, which I did not want, I used Find and Replace function to get rid of them. However, to my surprise, two things were happening.

1.When I tried to replace ‘*’ in a cell with ‘ Construction revenue ********************** ’, it was deleting all the contents of the cell.
2.When I tried to find all the cells with ‘*’ , it was selecting cells even without ‘*’

I tried various things like changing the format, pasting only values..etc, but nothing worked. Finally I had to use the Replace function of VBA to do the task. For further analysis I am attaching my Excel file with that data.

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Bulk Copies Of Specific Sheet?

Jun 25, 2013

I have a sheet which is a basically my template, it has a bunch of formulas etc on it

I need to create about 200 copies of this exact sheet and its formatting etc, is there anyway you can bulk copy a worksheet or does this need to be done individually?

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Bulk Email Addresses To Excel?

Apr 22, 2013

How do I copy 100 email addresses at the top of an email and post them in an Excell spreadsheet where each email address is in one cell i.e. 100 cells?

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Matching Bulk Data From Two Worksheets To One?

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to compare deductions from two different pay periods. I have the Data from check 1 & check 2 on different worksheets, in no order, and would like the data to auto populate on a third worksheet into a side-by-side comparison of the data. The problem comes when there is a deduction missed or a new deduction that only shows up on one of the two checks. I am having to manually insert lines to make my side-by-side comparison match. Is there a macro or something that can pull the data from these two soures and display them in a side-by-side comparison even if there is no match?

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Bulk UPPER Or LOWER Change

Apr 13, 2009

I am attempting to change a range of cells from lower case text to all upper case text.

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Batch / Bulk Naming Of Cells?

Mar 18, 2014

What I would like to do is take all of the subcategory headings and name the cells they are in to reflect them.

E2 has text "Diodes, Low Frequency"
I would like to rename the cell so
Diodes_Low_Frequency has text "Diodes, Low Frequency"

The code I'm using is as follows:

Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In Range(E2, AD2)
'Title of subcategory


For this code I'm getting the error "Method Range of object _Global failed"

If I change the code to the specific Sheet4.Range(E2.AD2) I get the error "Method Range of object _worksheet failed"

The actual code to alter the test string works fine, its the selecting the range and writing the cell names that I'm having trouble with.

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Find Replace Not Working?

May 15, 2014

In the attached file I want to do a Find/Replace for 599 --> 599.0 and 428 --> 428.0. When I do a F/R for each it tells me it has made 3 and 5 replacements respectively but the data is not changed?

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Find And Replace With Criteria?

Jan 6, 2014

how to find and replace to prefix and suffix string/text, see this below :

ANDREW JACK ------------- JACK

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Using Wildcards In Find & Replace

Aug 16, 2007

I'm doing a search simular to this


and I want it replaced with this


HOWEVER when I do the find & replace I don't want it to change whatever the current value is to D3 I want it to stay as whatever it was already....so how do I exempt the "D" value from the search?

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Find And Replace Not Working ...

Sep 11, 2008

I'm using Excel 2007 and trying to replace about 2000 commas with full stops. I want to use find and replace but keep getting a message saying that Excel cannot find the data I'm searching for.

Excel help suggests I haven't clicked on "find" before clicking "replace" but I did.
I've tried highlighting the column in which I want to make the replacements, but same message.

Also tried highlighting nothing, same message.

Tried copying and pasting the whole thing into a new file, but same message.

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Find / Replace Two Different Chars

Mar 26, 2009

Assume someone typed the hereunder date ad TEXT.

The Formula bar shows: ="01/01/2009"
The cell presents: 01/01/2009

I need to remove the equation sign as well the two inverted-commas.

I am familiar with the "Text to Column" feature, the use of SUBSTITUTE Function, a short macro and also the Find&Replace is also a good idea but, as far as I understand,
it must be run Twice(!)

I am looking for a way to use Find&Replace in "One! shot" - meaning, to put the TWO different(!) characters [ the '=' and the " ] in the 'find what' window,
leaving the 'replace with' window empty.

I know that something similar to that can be done in a "Word" document - but can it be accomplished in Excel?

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Look, Find, And If True, Replace?

May 14, 2009

I have two groups of numbers. The first group is x amount of rows and each row has 6 numbers. The second group is x amount of rows and each row is 7 numbers.

Each number from the first group needs to check to see if it exists in the second group. If it does exist, the cell should change to a highlighted cell, or switch to an 'X' or something else that identifies it has been matched. Note: Numbers may be duplicated in both groups. Is there an easy way to do this, or will it involve programming? I'm attaching an example of the "group" setup.

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Find And Replace In Formulas

Jul 19, 2009

I have various formulas (such as: =(D3-$E$3)/$E$3 )
which continues for each row (IE next row 3 is replaced with 4 etc)

I have made som errors when I made the formulas and therefore I have the following questions:

1. Is it possible to find and replace all E's with another letter (F in my case). I haven't been able to resolve this, when it has to be done inside formulas?
The optimal would be if I could set 'Display formulas' under tools, and find and replace in the formulas displayed.

2. Is there a smart way of swapping D3 with E3 for all formulas? (So the result will be: =($E$3-D3)/$E$3 and etc for all formulas)

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Wildcards - Find & Replace

Jul 20, 2009

how to do a find and replace on the following

090226000/Jones/123 Main Street

All data has numerical 9 places first field
I need to eliminate the /Jones/123 Main Street
so that I just have 090226000

I thought * would work but it's not returning the
correct output

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