COUNTIF: For The Number Of Occurance Of Each Term. ONE Code For Whole Doc.

Sep 5, 2008

I looked for a long time through the past entries and couldn't find an answer for this specific situation. I have a spreadsheet with multiple occurances of names in column A


and in column D I need a total of how many occurances of that name there are. that total needs to be listed in that row for that name specifically. There are many names on there currently and many will be added via copy/paste from another spreadsheet so i need one formula to paste into each row to cover ALL recurring names. Basically i need to enter in column D "=COUNTIF(A:A,"a term that would total the reoccurance of each name from the A column the corresponding D cell")

green 3
green 3
green 3
blue 2
blue 2
white 3
white 3
white 3

The goal is to be able to copy/paste new entries into the spreadsheet, sort them by name, and have them automatically update the totals in each row even if they are new names. i guess it would be a "number of occurance of each term" code to cover all terms.

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Shorter Version Of Countif Function To Count Search Term Across 20 Sheets

Jan 8, 2014

=COUNTIF(Sheet1!$A$1:Sheet1!$A$32515, IndexSheet!B2)
+COUNTIF(Sheet2!$A$1:Sheet2!$A$32515, IndexSheet!B2)
+COUNTIF(Sheet3!$A$1:Sheet3!$A$32515, IndexSheet!B2)....
+ COUNTIF(Sheet20!$A$1:Sheet20!$A$32515, IndexSheet!B2)

Above formula check for the value in IndexSheet!B2 and searches it across all 20 sheets and returns total sum

Is there any shorter version of this?

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Number Against The Last Occurance

Nov 27, 2006

I have a list of names and numbers like:

name1 12
name2 114
name3 15
name1 13
name4 6
name3 16

etc etc

What i need is that, if I am entering name1 in cell AA1, then AB1 should show 13 (the number against the last occurance of name1), if it is name3..then the answer should be 16

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Count The Number Of Occurance Base On Criteria

Oct 7, 2009

how to count the number of occurrences base on a criteria? My sample file contains a Tally Sheet and a template can i count the number of occurrences of Yes and No per class? Say for the A class, how can i count the yes or no?

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CODE For Selecting Second Term

Oct 27, 2009

I am writing a equation in if statement...Is there a procedure to select the the second and third letter from a sentence and write a condition based on that...

I mean, say if I had 1XY in cell A1 and I want to write a if condition based on the XY from 1XY term, how can i do that?

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Countif To Find Number Of Unique Values And Number Of Times Repeats Happen

Aug 20, 2013

I have a large amount of data and I'm trying to count how many unique values I have in one column. I also want to know how many times each duplicate appears. I tried using a pivot table but it's not working for me.

I also tried the following formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(H:H,H:H)>0,1)) but it's not quite working.

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How To Find The Next Occurance Of A Logic

May 7, 2009

In the columns below B is just 95% of A. What I want to do in column C is to put the maximum value of B over the range that corresponds until the value in A is less than that. For example for my 1st run the value would be $1,125.68 because this is the maximum amount before you fall below that in column A, or in this case hits $1,106.40. I want to be able to perform this automatically down the line (expanding the range until the logic test is true) but can't figure out how to do this. The formula would basically be the max of the range in Column B is > Column A until this is not true, then return the max in Column B for entry in Column C. Then in Column D I would run an identical analysis but return the Row identifer for the dataset.

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How To Count Occurance In A Month

Jun 8, 2007

On sheet 1 I have a column with a various people by their initials, (aa, bb, cc, etc.) Another column lists the completion date of their assignments, (5/28/07, etc.) Sheet 2 is a summary page. I want to count the number of assignments that "aa" has completed for the month of May on sheet 2. I tried =count(if(sheet! a1:a:50="aa")if(b1:b50>="5/1/07")) but I only got zeros.

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Find Second Occurance Of # In List And Return Another Row

Jul 6, 2009

I have 2 columns of data in a report, the column on the right J has a text entry that can possibly occur 1 or 2 times in the list. If it occurs twice I want to find the second occurance and return what is in column A.

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Count Occurance Of Names By Month

May 21, 2008

I've been trying to solve this problem all afternoon and evening but cannot think how to do it. I'm a basic (very) VBA user and the best I could come up with is below.

I have a sheet called Data. In column A I have names, and in column B I have dates (day, month and year).

What I am trying to do is to filter the unique names that occur during the selected month and year (day is irrelevant) and then count the number of times that name appears in the selected time period.

This is what I have so far, but it's not working at all!

Sub countNamesMonth()

Dim rangeEnd As Long
Dim i, y, x
Dim cell As Range

rangeEnd = Cells(Sheets("Data").Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
y = 2
x = 2

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Find The First Occurance Of A Date/machie And Report The Relavent Coment

Feb 23, 2008

I have a long list of data in a table. the first column is a date&machine. in another column there is a comment field. To find the first occurance of a date/machie and report the relavent coment I have been using a vlookup; this works well. Is there any way to find a second or third comment for the same date & machine?

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Calculate 2/3 Of Lease Term?

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to calculate what date 2/3 of a lease would be. If start date is 5/8/13 and expiration date is 3/19/12 on a 36 month lease, how do I find out the date 2/3rds into it?

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Sort First By Year Then By Term

Jun 4, 2008

I am trying to sort first by year then by term (i.e. summer, fall, spring) for a school year. I know how to do custom sort so i set up a list. The problem comes here:

Term Year


Because there is no spring 2005, the last entry it sees is summer so it puts fall 2005 when in reality i want summer 2005 next. How do i sort so that any time there is a new year in the year column, it starts the sort over with spring in the term column?

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Summing Every Nth Term Using Offset

Feb 22, 2009

How would I go about summing every 10th term using the offset function, since the data needed is on a different sheet.

An example of what I have to sum every 10th row.


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Lease Term Dates

Apr 5, 2006

I need a formula to calculate the end date of a monthly term when the start
date is not the 1st of the month. This is to show the proration for the
first month only, so the end date should be the last day of the initital
month/yr. Then when showing the rates for each period, all subsequent
periods would start on the 1st of the month. For example, start date
8/16/06, initial end date needs to be 8/31/06. The current forumla I am
using is: ....

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Tiny Term Emulator

Jun 8, 2009

we still run reports on tiny term emulator v4.3.1720 is there a way to have each report export to excel like this report each colunm each row in there own
cell here is a example of a report

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Lookup Value To Left Of Search Term

May 15, 2007

I am trying to use a lookup formula to search for a word in a column, and return the value of the column directly to its left. I know that this cannot be done using the vlookup function, and I am not able to move the columns around. Is there another possibility? In plain English then, I would like cell E2 to look up the value of D2 in column B2:B4 and return the relevant value in column A2:A4.

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CountIf Cells Which Contain Same Number

Sep 5, 2013

I have thousands of cells which contains 11 digit numeric number as primary key (suppose 19131804002). Now I want to count the cell if it contains first 4 numeric number is same (as here 1913).

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Lookup With Wildcards In The Middle Of Search Term

Feb 5, 2014

I have a 14 000-item list of product codes that are generated from different attributes. What I am trying to do, is to create a cover sheet where the user can select attributes from dropdown lists and get the first matching product code. I have tried using index/match, but I am struggling with wildcard lookup.

Example of generated product code:Cell A1:

Here, AB is the product group, X is the pressure class, ** is material (which is, for the example, unknown), and J is the end connection. What I now want to do, is to look in the long list of codes and find the first match:

Cells A2:A5:AAY02J

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Countif To Choose Number Of Items?

Apr 11, 2014

Is there a simpler formula I can use that combines IF and COUNT functions. CountIf, maybe?

I have, let's say, 17 items and I want to choose 5 items out of them. Each time I pick one I am told how many I have chosen. When I reach 5, I am told that I have chosen too many.

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Countif Number Of Dates In Month

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to count the number of dates in November - is there a Countif function or Sumproduct function that would return the number of dates in November?



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Generate Iteration Number Of Countif?

Jan 24, 2013

I'm looking for something one step deeper than a countif. I need something that will tell me what iteration number it actually is within the countif, in relation to date, as shown.

Iteration #


Any formula that could be used to do something like this?

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Formula For Assigning Names Based On Term Digits

Dec 13, 2013

I could really use some excel function. Within my office, we work with several hundred files. Each employee is assigned files based on the last two digits of the file number. What I need is a way to identify what file is assigned to which employee based on the term digits of the file.

So for example, I have the following list of files:


I'm able to do a formula to get the term digits (meaning the last two numbers), but i'd like to have another column that can put names based on the term digit column. For example, Tom might work 00-04, Sally works 05-09, Greg works 10-15, Lucy works 16-21.. etc

I came across the below IF formula that is exactly what i need, except it only works for two associates and not the multiple that i need.. but it looks to be a good starting point nonetheless.

=IF(C2<50,"Sheryl","Lisa"). You should enclose Sheryl and Lisa with quotation marks as these are string values.

You can also use (if A2 is where the Loan # is):


The formula will acquire the last 2 digits of the loan and check it if it's for Sheryl's or Lisa's.

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Excel 2007 :: Computing Last Term Determines Score?

Apr 23, 2012

I'm using excel 2007 for analyzing my students grades. I ran two exams and look for a way to compute a final grade score, which should be equal to the grade of the first exam for those students who took just the first exam and should be equal to the second score for those students who took the second exam. (Clarification: for those students who took both terms, their final grade should be equal to their score in the second term).

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Producing Monthly Summary From Multiple Occurances Of A Term

Feb 8, 2010

I need to produce a summary of the monthly spend with parts suppliers for a number of vehicles, with each vehicle having it's own worksheet. The suppliers' names are in column C with the costs in column H.

So what I need to do is sum the results of column H on each worksheet when the supplier's name (which is on the same row) matches "Triple 7" and it's in the same month. The idea is to produce a sheet which displays the total spend each month with our suppliers.

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Using Countif To Calculate The Number Of Days In A Column

Dec 16, 2009

I am trying to use the following formula to count the number of times a day appears in a column. It doesn't seem to be working the way I want it to. =COUNTIF($A13:$A200,"Sunday"). It could be the way the days of the week are gathered on the sheet, you can see the attached workbook to see how I am using it.

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Countif Last Two Digits Of Number Meet Criteria

Sep 20, 2013

counting some room numbers that meet a specific criteria. For example:

Let's say i have room numbers


I need to count the room numbers which the last two digits are greater than 40.

So far I have tried to separate the last two by using the Right formula but then when I try to use countif, it doesn't work as I guess that the result of the extraction comes back a a text value

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COUNTIF Formula: Total Of The Number Of Cells?

May 24, 2006

I have cells C22:C27 with a number that could change each week. How can I get a total of the number of cells that = 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12?

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Retrieving Nth Results From Index Match Using Wildcard Search Term

Jun 9, 2014

I am building somewhat of a rudimentary search engine that looks for a name, address or unique identifier, using an Index Match formula that searches with a wild card:


"Name": is the defined name for column C on a separate sheet.
F3: is "search field"

The current formula (above), only returns the first match. The source data is only 927 lines so not overly large. I would like to have an additional page that will show the potential results from the wildcard search via a formula. Therefore needing results; 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. from the Index Match. I have searched high and low for solutions but I have found none in regards to retrieving multiple results from a wildcard search, only on a specific term.

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How To Use Variation Of COUNTIF Function To Generate A Total Number Of Occurrences

Feb 21, 2014

I'm trying to use a variation of the COUNTIF function to generate a total number of occurrences. The RANGE is a singular column on each of five tabs in a spreadsheet, but the CRITERIA (hopefully) is made up of two separate cells on one tab of the same spreadsheet. Here is the formula as I have it written:

=if(A2="","-",sum(countif('Monday-No Shows'!D:D,or("*" & A2 & "*","8),countif('Tuesday-No Shows'!D:D,"*" & A2 & "*"),countif('Wednesday-No Shows'!D:D,"*" & A2 & "*"),countif('Thursday-No Shows'!D:D,"*" & A2 & "*"),countif('Friday-No Shows'!D:D,"*" & A2 & "*")))

The purpose of this formula is to check to see how many times a student does not show up for an appointment over the course of their time with us. We have one tab with all the pertinent info on each student and I'd like to use this formula for a "No Show" column to more easily know when to cancel a student's services. The problem is that I can only get the function to search for one criteria right now. I've tried using the OR function and adding it to the current function but it always gives me 0 as the result, but if I take out the OR it returns me a higher number. Here's what it looks like with the OR added:

=if(A2="","-",sum(countif('Monday-No Shows'!D:D,or("*" & A2 & "*","*" & B2 & "*")),countif('Tuesday-No Shows'!D:D,or("*" & A2 & "*","*" & B2 & "*")),countif('Wednesday-No Shows'!D:D,or("*" & A2 & "*","*" & B2 & "*")),countif('Thursday-No Shows'!D:D,or("*" & A2 & "*","*" & B2 & "*")),countif('Friday-No Shows'!D:D,or("*" & A2 & "*","*" & B2 & "*"))))

A2 designates the students first name and B2 designates their last name. If I eliminate the OR and resort to multiple COUNTIF's, it will generate twice the number of responses that I want, I fear.


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