looking for a way to run some pivot tables on a large data table. Would like the result to show some different data extraction from the same field / column. The table is customer survey results for my employees, and the fields in question can have values from 1-5. I would like to finish the pivot table with all of these fields:
Row: Name (ok, that part is easy)
Data fields:
% of entries (column 2) that are 5
% of entries (column 2) that are 4 or 5
% of entries (column 2) that are 1 or 2
# of entries (column 2)
% of entries (column 3) that are 5
% of entries (column 3) that are 4 or 5
% of entries (column 3) that are 1 or 2
# of entries (column 3)
I'm hoping this is something I can do with calculated fields, but haven't been able to figure it out. So far all I have is a 'Count' function in the pivot wizard for the # of entries, but I'm not getting the % of entries at all. Column A = Name, Column B = 1st metric, Column C = 2nd metric. Fairly simple layout, but I have a small sample file I can attach if that's not explanatory enough.
I want to make a calculation in a pivot table where a percent difference is calculated by year.
The % difference from calculation does not show an increase from the previous year as 100% but a DIV/0 error. Can i make a custom formula that will use the year base field.
I have had a fascination with the lottery, purely hobby, and have had lots of fun over the years working different things out. The last 6 months though I have become fascinated with roulette & thought it would be a fun project to work out all sorts based around that, plus I don't have to wait for lotto results I can get instant numbers & results, however my latest attempts are hitting a brick wall!
I am trying to work out (in percentages) the increasing & decreasing % of 3, 11, 12, 22, possible outcomes
I have worked out the 2 possible outcomes initially for odd/even as follows
At the start they both have a 48.65% chance of hitting, then whatever is hit first the percentages are 76.33% and 23.67%. If you have 2 in a row of odd/even then the percentages are 88.49% & 11.51%, 3 in a row would give you 94.40% & 5.60% etc.
I have used the following formula for this (BM5 is where the totalhits for even are calc'd) ...
Is there way to calculate the Standard Error within the Pivot Table using SE= StdDev/SQRT(n)? I've been doing it along side the pivot results, but it is really cumbersome.
In the demographics sheet, I have ages listed from row F2 to F31 with different ages. I would like to get assistance with a formula that calculates the percentage of people within these age ranges:
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-50 51-59 60+
It should be separate formulas. I'm sure if I'm given the first and last ones that I could do the others myself. Also, if I needed to know the percent of males and females, would i use the same formula?
I created a pivot table, but having a bit of difficulty. Here is what it tells me to do....
"...pivot tablet that calculates the number and average salaries by position."
I had no problem included in the table the average salaries by position, however I can't figure out how to calculate the number as well. It's apparently supposed to be another column since the instructions tell me to change the label above 'count' to 'number'.
I have attached a simple test file. The data tab has two columns in the pivot range. The third column is _not_ in the pivot range, but is there to show the result I'm trying to get with the pivot.
The idea is to count the number of people whose entry dates are greater than 2/1/2009. My third data column gives a correct result, but a similar formula in the calculated field of the pivot table gives a completely wrong result (a date), where my goal is to generate a zero, a one, or a sum of zeros and ones.
It could be a formatting issue, but that would not explain why all the pivot results have the _same_ wrong answer.
I'm new to PTs and calculated fields, and expect I've made a naive mistake that an expert could easily spot.
I have a pivot table in which 50 rows data and each row contains in the end %age. End of report i get grand total but it sums the percentage column. I need to calculate percentage in the end of grand total. How can i get it.
With Pivot Tables, there is the ability to add Grand Totals to Rows or Columns, but I want to add Averages to the end of the row instead. Can this be done? I have tried Calculated Fields but can't get the right result. Auto Merged Post;Hi again,
After I posted this I found another similar post, where the answer was that the "Average" calculation has to be done outside the pivot table, ie. there seems to be no way the pivot will give averages for rows, only grand totals.
If this is the case then I will have to work around it.... I was hoping it could be done within the pivot because I have graphs linking to the pivot and they all go spak when I update the pivot with different data. The number of columns will change all the time, meaning the average will need to be reworked. Just trying to save time!
See attachment. In this example, in Column D I want to calculate the percent difference between the numbers in the last 2 columns (Column B and Column C). BUT I want a formula that will automatically update if I were to insert a new column between Column C and Column D. So as a result, new numbers would go in Column D and the percent difference would now be in Column E.
So I am running in to a large brick wall! I have a single pivot tablet with a column for items received and then a column for items shipped. I would like to create a calculated field in the pivot table that will subtract the items received from the items shipped columns. I have attempted to add the calculated field using the tool bar but it keeps giving me "0" for every item on the pivot table when there are obvious differences.
Is a way to calculate the difference between two columns in a Pivot table .
I have the data something like this in a pivot table....
Sum of MetricValueColumn LabelsRow LabelsFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyNet New My SitesNet New Team Sites0Number of Provisioned Users322059319906322372350239332914328404Total Capacity In Use (GB)1585.381722.761824.731947.772124.282262.78Total No. of My Sites208212316924682307313313134317Total No. of Team Sites101751082311396683273227940
What i need to do is to calculate the "Net New My Sites" and "Net New Team Sites" values something like this.... Net New My Sites (March) = Total No. of My Sites(March) - Total No. of My Sites(February) Net New My Sites (April) = Total No. of My Sites(April) - Total No. of My Sites(March)
I have been using Excel to display, sort and present data in a professional way. I have created a pivot table with two columns below. Column C indicates the start date. Column D indicates the completion date. Blank cells show live data. I need to determine the number of days. 1) That have been - completed - a) That were < 2 Days, b) >2 but less than a week, c) > than a week (all). I have used the following formulas. a) countif(D4:D61, "<3"), b) countifs(D4:D61, ">2", D4:D61, "<=8"). Easy for completed data. My problem is, how do I determine the number of days, live data that following the same queries as above. I have figured out I can use countif to count the number of blanks by - countif(D4:D61, "(blank)") but how to put it all together and what formula should I use. I am trying to use countifs or if statements but am totally lost.
Column C Column D ---------- ---------- 06/01/2014(blank) 25/11/2013(blank) 13/12/201314/01/2014 27/12/201317/01/2014 27/12/201310/01/2014
I have a pivot table listing different company names in the first column under 'row labels' and there are calculated fields, a count and an average in columns B and C respectively. Is it possible to insert another field in column D that calculates the difference between values in column B and C (even though they are calculated fields themselves)?
I need to figure out a formula for cell F17 that will calculate a percentage change only for the months that have data in 2009. The way it is set up right now I have to go in every month and change the cell reference of the formula to include the latest data. Since the 2008 data is totally populated the formula gets messed up if I include the months of 2009 that have not yet occurred.
I have a problem when Im trying to calculate averages in my pivot table. I dont know how to handle my missing values. If I leave them blank I cant get the average at all because the values end up under the dates instead of in a column next to the dates where I want them to be. If I write 0 it uses it as a value, eg 2+2+0 and i get 1,33 instead of 2. Also the zero could be a value for some of the parameters, so it's no good.
I have a Pivot Table. I have two Columns Currently Current Week and Previous Week. The Values are displayed as a count for the Status Field. I would like to know if it is possible to add a calculated formula that will take the count difference between Current Week and Previous Week?
Part of the assesment task is to write a formula, to work out how many days in advance the customer paid, and then apply the needed discount. I have tried several basica variations to the formula, and keep getting the same Err message. give point me in the right direction to how i can calculate amount of days paid in advance and apply a % discount?
attached is the start of the assesment question.
You should create and enter formulas to calculate the No. of Days paid in Advance, the Discount and the Course Fee Paid.
Use a VLOOKUP function in your template to determine the discount rate to be used for the calculation of the Discount. Your template should include a separate discount table containing the following information about the discount received: • If students pay the course fee less than 7 days prior to the course commencing then they receive no discount. • If students pay the course fee 7 to 13 days prior to the course commencing then they receive a discount of 5%. • If students pay the course fee 14 to 20 days prior to the course commencing then they receive a discount of 8%. • If students pay the course fee 21 days or more prior to the course commencing then they receive a discount of 10%.
I have a percent 3.14%, that I want to show 15, 20 and 25% above and below that percent. I am showing below the results and then formula. The top calculation results in the same on both the left and right. However the -15,-20, -25% results are different. Which is correct.
20% +/- 3.14%
0.63% or 6.28%
basic math, but I don't understand why the results are different.
- a list of data - a pivottable based on these data
When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.
This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.
I'm trying to write a macro that will create a pivot table, and am getting an Error code 1004: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File "Sheetname". My code is below. I've tried to note what each section does, and it all seems to work well except for the Pivot Table creation.
I have a worksheet with two pivot tables, one of which is visible to the user. Ideally, the user should be able to change the "Row Label" field settings of the visible pivot table and then press an "update button" that then adds the same field to the second pivot table.
Ideally, the ordering of the fields should also be made similar between the two tables, though this is of less priority.
I imagine it would be something in the style of:
"If number of Pivot1 active row label fields = X then Pivot 2.AddRowLabelField = Pivot1.RowLabelField(X) end if"
attached is a spreadsheet 6 people in my area use daily(ive copied and pasted the sheet in question to a new worksheet, as the file was too big). Ive been trying for about 3 days now to make a pivot table to summarise this data.
I have data that develops 3 to 4 pivot table each day. I would like to know if there is a way to change the date on one of the pivot table and have the other pivot tables date change to match with the first pivot table. At this time I am going to all 3 or 4 pivot table to select the correct date. The date is in the page position of the pivot table. I have attached a small sample of the data and the pivot tables.
I have a pivot table in the first sheet which includes the field "Date" as a column label.
In the remaining sheets, except for one, there are pivot tables based on the same underlying dataset which also include the field "Date" as a column label.
I would like to adjust the selection (i.e., exclude some dates) from the column label in the first sheet and see if it is possible to make the same adjustments automatically to the pivot tables in the remaining sheets as well.
note that the field "Date" is used as a Column label, i.e., it is not a Report filter.
My input data for Pivot table has a column named "Month". The month values are like April 07, April 08, Nov07 in random order for period between Jan 07 to Aug 08.
When I create a pivot Table, this column is sorted alphabetically (April 07 is followed by April 08) but I need it to be sorted in the ascending order with respect to month (April 07 is followed by May 07).
I further use this data to plot a Pivot Chart. There is another issue here. I want to use separate colors for each series. I do not know how to achieve above 2 things.
I have a pivot table that I created and now I want to use the same pivot cache to create another pivot table instance on a different worksheet. how can I do that? My first worksheet gets saved as "OO By buyer" and now I want to create a new worksheet and drop the next pivot there.
I'm not grasping the Pivot Table correctly. I've written code to create a sum of values based on a worksheet. Specifically:LocationIDDeptSum of Hours Worked. Location, ID and Dept are rows. This effectively provides the aggregate values that I need based on the row groupings.Here's where this is falling apart. I need to create a new worksheet based on these values. I assumed the three row values - Location, ID and dept - would be in a hierarchy. It's possible they are, I just can't figure out the object model.
When I loop through the PivotItems collection of the PivotFields("Location"), I get what I need. However, I'm unable to determine how to loop through the child values (just for that location). PivotFields("ID") returns all IDs. I can't figure out how to return only the child entries for each pivot item. GetPivotData hasn't been very useful for this. As far as I can tell, GetPivotData, while its return type is listed as Range, throws an error when more than one cell is returned. Worst case, I suppose I can just parse the data in the DataBodyRange of the pivot table - maybe not, I haven't tried that. I'm hoping there's a way to iterate through these collections, but based on what I've seen from Google searches, there may not be. Does my pivot table need to be rearranged? I suppose I could also just dump this data into a data table