Calculate Average If Condition Met

Apr 3, 2008

I have two columns of data. Column B is age column C is gender. I want to calculate average male age and average female age. Suggestions?

57 f
53 f
47 m
40 f
42 m

Average female age is ___
Average male age is ___

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Calculate Average For Values In Range Of Data That Fulfill Certain Condition

May 20, 2014

I am trying to calculate average for values in a range of data that fulfill a certain condition viz. >1000 &

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Calculate The Average Of A Group Cells In One Column Based On The Condition Of Another Column

Oct 2, 2008

I'm trying to figure out if there is a formula I could use that will calculate the average of a group cells in one column based on the condition of another column. It's hard to explain, so I will show an example. All the data is on a one worksheet and I'm trying to show totals and averages on another worksheet. Location, Days

17, 4
17, 3
17, 5
26, 4
26, 8
26, 10
26, 7

On a different worksheet I would want to know what the average days are for each location. So is there a formula that I could use that will look at column A for a specified location number and then average all the days in column B for that location? I'm using Excel 2003 and have tried using the Average(if) but with no success.

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Average By Condition

Jan 10, 2008

I am trying to denote certain numbers with an asterisk (i.e. -10*) and then averaging a range of cells but excel thinks it's multiplication. Is there a way to ignore this? Range of numbers: 0 to -10. Tried left function but I need it to work no matter how many characters there are.

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Average By Condition/Criteria

Oct 8, 2007

I am trying to create a macro using arrays to calculate average sales from a list of sale amounts that originate from different cities. Each city has its own city code and I want to display the average amount of sales for each city. The attached file is the template that ive created to do this. I am having trouble getting the arrays and loops to work. If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.CitySales2.xls

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Find Average With Very Specific Condition

Mar 14, 2014

Let's say I had the following data ...





Basically, I have 4 numbers, out of 50, as seen above...I want it so the last number (46 in this case) is special; what I mean by that is I want the following conditions to be met.

--If the special number is the lowest, just take the average of the four numbers, and divide it by 50
--If there is a (are) number(s) lower than the special number, then I want it to locate the smallest
---The smallest number should then be "replaced" by the special number (for calculations purposes only, not in the actual table)

So, in this case, since the special number (46) is not the lowest, excel would locate the lowest number (44), and calculate the average of 47, 50, 46, and 46 (the 44 was replaced by 46).

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Average Formula For A Specific Condition

Jul 30, 2009

I have been asked at work to get some averages of data from an excel sheet. I have attached a sample workbook of the data i will be using. On Sheet1 is the data that will be looked at and on sheet2 is a sample of the results i need to achieve. I can get the data on sheet2 easy if i knew that data was static but in my case the data is going to be dynamic, so i don't know how many records each person is going to have each time if that person shows up in the record set at all. This rules out on static ranges to gather averages.

So far what i came up with is i use a macro to copy all the "Names" column to sheet 2 and then filter that data so that each name is unique, sort like a "key" for looking up values. Now i need to get averages of "Total Hours" worked in sheet 1 and display it in sheet 2 for each "Name". I have a formula worked out and almost have it where i want it but cant seem to get the range of data i need to be looking at. I need to get the Average Of hours Worked Per Person Where "Wk End Date" is greater than 1/1/2008 and the "name" matches up with the name in sheet 2.

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IF Condition True THEN AVERAGE The Values

Jun 28, 2007

I'm looking for some help. I need a function that can check if each of two seperate values is less than one. If less than one then divide by 2. Then give me the average of these two values. So it could be that it takes 0.5/2=0.25 for one value and 3 for another to give me the average of 1.625.

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Calculating Average Based On A Condition

Jul 27, 2007

I need to calculate the average of values in a particular column if some other column contains a particular text. For e.g. I would like to calculate average age of all the people who belong to the Comapny "XYZ". Which means that I have two columns here one is "Age" and the other one is "Company". So For all the people who belong to the company "XYZ", I need to calculate average age.

Company Age

XYZ 24
ABC 26
ABC 34
XYZ 30

My average should be (30+24)/2 = 27.

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Average Of Cells By Condition / Criteria

Feb 7, 2008

I have an Excel file ( book) that I use for scheduling my restaurant employees. There are currently formulas in place that retrieve information from cells on one sheet to a cell on another sheet. For example:

If, on the first sheet I schedule Joe the following section on Tuesday AM (D14), his name will be automatically shown on another sheet which list the section/floor plan in quick view.

I need a formula (on a third page) that will allow me to tell me how many times an individual employee has had this particular section. The sections are listed with a letter preceding it. Such as D**, P**, B**, SB**, etc.

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Multi-Condition Volume Weighted Average Calculation

Sep 13, 2006

I am trying to figure a way -- preferably in a single- cell formula -- to calculate a conditional volume-weighted average of a series of associated prices and quantities located in two separate columns based on the date (or dates) the transactions occurred.

I can do a simple Vol. Weighted Average (VWA) of all the prices and quantities over the five-day period with the following formula: (I have created named ranges for the price column (A1:A30=price), the quantity column (B1:B30=quantity) and the date column (C1:C30=date):

= SUMPRODUCT(price, quantity)/SUM(quantity)...

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AVERAGE IF Statement Based On Matching Condition And Date Ranges

Feb 22, 2009

I have created a spreadsheet which creates an average of feedback for trainers in a training company. The form adds up the feedback score into column L of the summary sheet and I have created a summary sheet which I want you use to calculate the average for each trainer.

I have cobbled together an array formula which creates the overallaverage for each trainer based on the named ranges entered via the form.

It looks something like this:

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Calculate Difference Between Two Times If Certain Condition Met

Jun 13, 2013

I have a huge two column spreadsheet. The first column is a list of times in the format: dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss and the second column is a status of either START or STOP

Every time there is a START, I want it to count the difference between that time, and the next STOP time, and display the results in column C

Sometimes there will be multiple START's in a row or multiple STOP's in a row, but I am only interested when the status actually changes from the first START to the first STOP. It then resets until there is another START.

Here's an example of how I'd want it to function:

13-06-13 01:22:13 START
13-06-13 01:22:16 START
13-06-13 01:22:20 STOP 00:00:07
13-06-13 02:20.01 STOP
13-06-13 02:21.03 START
13-06-13 03:22.04 STOP 01:01:01

I can do this manually, but of course there is too much data to do that, so I'm looking for an automated solution that looks at the status.

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Calculate The Quartiles With The Condition Of The Year Or The Month Or Even Both

Oct 16, 2008

i have a dataset which is like a timeseries with 3 columns
first is year second month third values
so lets say like this

year month day value
2004 12 29 100
2004 12 30 200
2004 12 31 300
2005 01 01 50
2005 01 02 60

I need to calculate the quartiles with the condition of the year or the month or even both... I suppose i need something like an array but i couldnt make it work untill now.

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How To Calculate Average Time

Aug 6, 2014

how to find the average times of two different sets of groups. There are the baseline times and intervention times. Both groups have three subtopics: Time Fell Asleep, Woke Up, and Duration (how many hours I slept). I am not sure how to find the average of each subtopic. Here are the times....

Baseline times:
Fell AsleepWoke UpDuration
2:30 AM10:00 AM7:30 hrs
4:30 AM12:30 PM8:00 hrs


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Calculate Average Percentage

Apr 5, 2012

I have a column of percentages, how do I get an average % rate at the end of my column?

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Calculate Average Across Different Worksheets

Sep 27, 2012

I want to calculate the average for 6 cells across 6 different worksheets.

For instance in sheet 7 i want to calculate what the average of sheet 1 A1, Sheet 2 A1, Sheet 3 A1, Sheet 4 A1, Sheet 5 A1 and Sheet 6 A1 is. However some the cells contain blanks/zeros which are resulting in an error message. The overall figure still needs to be divided by 6 to get the average.

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Match And Calculate Average

Mar 15, 2013

I need to calculate the average based on SKU patterns.

For example, if the SKU begins with "CZD", then take the average SKU that meets that pattern.

Items Sold


[Code] ......

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Calculate The Average Time

Mar 16, 2004

I need to find the average time it takes students to take exams . I use the following formula =text(end time - start time, "h:mm"). I am able to calculate the amount of time it takes a student to take the exam. Now I need a formula to calculate the average time students take to complete a test. I have over 80 times i need to average. Whenever i try a formula I keep getting 0.

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Formula With If Condition: Calculate Bonus Based On Productivity

Jul 10, 2006

I have a file to calculate bonus based on productivity. The bonus percentage is dependant on productivity percentage and the category of employee. I have given in the below attached file, the range of productivity% and the bonus % for each category. I want to build a formula, to get the bonus % in a seperate table. I tried to do the same using "If" condition, but its not working, as the number of nested IFs are going beyond 7. I have highlighed the column where I want to calculate the formula.

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Calculate Average On Some Of The Columns In A Pivot?

Jul 1, 2014

I have a pivot table showing actual and forecasted sales per month for diffrent regions/sales channels/segment.

I would like to calculate the average monthly sale, for forecasted and actual data, within the pivot instead of doing it outside in columns to the right of the pivot table.

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Array To Calculate Bottom Average?

Jun 10, 2014

I have an array formula in the attached file to calculate the average of the Top 3 (cell F6). I put that same formula in cell F14 to calculate the average of the Bottom 3 (just change the "large" to "small", however it doesn't work. The result shows zero. How do I fix this?

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Calculate Average Price For Various Periods

Feb 14, 2014

Trying to calculate the lost revenue value for when a piece of machinary is offline for a period of time based on the hrly price during that particular period. The machines come on/off line at various times during the year so i am trying to make this a bit dynamic so i only need to add new info and not have to change the formula

Column F - Off date of machine
Column G - Restart date of machine
Column H - Hrly time
Column I - Hrly price

I thought this formula (an array) would work for me

=average(if((Column H>=Column F) * (Column H<= Column G), Column I)) but it only calculates that average price for the first period and not new average prices for other periods.

what adjustments I can make to my formula or is there a better formula to use?

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Calculate The Average Amount Of Days?

Mar 26, 2014

I need to calculate the average amount of days it is taking for files to be processed. Here is the example I have.

Assuming that B1=0 and C1=1 (in the # of days row)

# of Days 0123456789101112131415Total Files
File Count011712113203000000049

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Calculate The Average Difference Between Columns

May 4, 2009

I am trying to determine the average reduction amount of appraised property values. I have two columns in my spreadsheet. Column H has appraised value of property. Column I has the accepted value of the property. Sometimes the accepted value is the same as the appraised value, sometimes it is reduced, and sometimes it is rejected.

I want to be able to find the average reduction amount when the accepted value is less than the appraised value and is not rejected.

Column H always shows a numerical value (i.e. $250,000), but Column I may have a numerical value or show "rejected".

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Calculate Daily Average Of The Several Variables

Jun 3, 2009

I'm working on a time series dataset with a time step of 15 minutes. I need to calculate daily average of the several variables. So let column "A" be the "date-time" column, let column "B" be the "variable column" and column "C" be the "average column", I need a function that calculated in C1 cell the average of B1 to B95 cells, in C2 cell the average of B96 to B190 cells, in C3 cell the average of B191 to B285 etc.

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Calculate An Average As Data Is Entered?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm using Excel 2003. I have about 190 rows that I use on any given day to enter start times & end times. I calculate the difference in Column E. Is there a formula that will calculate the average time as I enter them in the rows? Some days may have only 100 entries, other days may have as many as 190. I don't want to keep adjusting the average formula for column E.

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Calculate The Average Of The Previous 12 Months

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to make a formula that will calculate the average of the previous 12months. The goal is to tie the formula to a reference cell that contains a date. Each time the date is changed by a user the calculation will be updated accordingly. Here is the CSE formula that I thought would work:


I've also attached a sample file to illustrate the problem. The 'range' portion ($C$5,(COUNT(C5:$C$53)-1)[/b]of the Offset function was setup simply to get the 12 months which preceeded the reference date.

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Calculate Average Over Variable Range

Dec 18, 2009

I'd like to calculate an average over a variable range. In col.A there are grades from A4:A21. In col.C there are the values for the start row of the range and in col.D the values for the end row of the range.

For instance the value in C4=4 and D4=9. In cell F4 I want the average calculated over A4:A9. Value in C5=10 and D5=15. In cell F5 I want the average calculated over A10:A15.

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Formula To Calculate Average Of Every Other Cell

Oct 29, 2009

I have a row of data starting in cell E4 that could, theoretically, go to the far right end of the spreadsheet. I need to enter a formula in cell D4 that calculates the average of every other cell in this row, starting with E4, that is E4,G4,I4,K4...

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