Calculate Difference Between Two Times If Certain Condition Met
Jun 13, 2013
I have a huge two column spreadsheet. The first column is a list of times in the format: dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss and the second column is a status of either START or STOP
Every time there is a START, I want it to count the difference between that time, and the next STOP time, and display the results in column C
Sometimes there will be multiple START's in a row or multiple STOP's in a row, but I am only interested when the status actually changes from the first START to the first STOP. It then resets until there is another START.
I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the difference in times between specific times while working with a 24 hr clock. Please see details below:
E3 provides the start time of 4:00 H3 provides an end time of 15:30
If an employee works betwen the hours of 0:00 (midnight) to 5:59, this is considered DIFF hours and is therefore the number I am seaking. So for the data noted above, the total DIFF hours worked is 2 hours.
From the below example, I would need to know the difference between date & time of Received and Resolved in number of days. Meaning - time difference should also be calculated in days
CELL ACELL BCELL CCELL DCELL E - REQUIRED OUTPUTReceived DateReceived TimeResolved DateResolved TimeTurn Around Time - IN DAYS20-Jan-122:43:00 PM23-Jan-124:50:00 PMDifference between Resolved date & time and Received date & time
I am working on an employee weekly schedule and would like to be able to calculate the amount of hours an employee is scheduled each day. For example; if you worked from 7am to 4pm, I want to have a formula that can determine that (7am to 4pm= 9 hours) then sum the total amount of hours for all employees scheduled that day.
Mon Tue Wed Thrs Fri Sat Sun Total Employee 1 7-4 7-4 8-5 off 2-10 5-10 off 40 Employee 2 8-5 11-8 off 7-4 1-8 off 8-5 43
I have a spreadsheet with Received Date/Time in C2 and Resolved Date/Tim in D2, Work Start Time in E2, Work End Time in F2. C2 and D2 are in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM format:04/03/2008 10:27 AM06/03/2008 1:06 PM9:00:00 AM5:00:00 PM
I need to be able to calculate the resolution time of each request in hours/mins excluding weekends and public holidays. I've tried using the NETWORKDAYS function but it doesn't seem to pick up multiple days between the Received and Resolved dates/times. I have put the Public Holidays in my spreadsheet ( attached) in AA2-AG2.
I have call data in date/time 06/07/08 2:00 PM custom format for a 2 month period. I have my regular opening times eg Monday 9-3, Tuesday 10-4. For each call I want to know if it was made during opening times or not.
I love this forum, and am usually able to find the help I need without bothering anyone However this one has me stumped and I wonder if anyone can help. It feels like it should be a fairly simple solution, but they can often be the ones that are most eluding LOL!
I have two columns; in column A are incoming telephone numbers and in column B are the date and time the calls were made. (I've put a few hashes in column A just to maintain confidentiality of the numbers, but in reality the cell is formatted as text in order to maintain the leading zero, and entries will follow the format 01234567890)
Some numbers only call in once, I need to identify them as only called once.
Some numbers call twice, if they do I need to be able to show time it took between call 1 and call 2.
Some numbers call more than twice. For each successive call I need to be able to show the time since the previous call.
In my mind, the results table would need to look something like this:
NumberTime of callTime between 1st and 2nd call Time between 2nd and 3rd call Time between 3rd and 4th call 0##6270####01-Mar-2009 00:01:44Only called once0##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:0200:00:020##6272####01-Mar-2009 00:16:33Only called once0##6273####01-Mar-2009 00:30:49Only called once0##6274####01-Mar-2009 00:55:4700:10:3000:01:250##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:08:3600:03:050##6276####01-Mar-2009 01:13:45Only called once
I have a client who weants to work out the total number of hours (not minutes) between two times. I have managed to do that with no problem using the formula =IF(A2>B2,B2-A2+1,A2+B2). However, this is where the problem starts.
They want to multiply the number of hours with the number of men on the job, but the answer is wrong, and I cannot understand why. I have checked the formnat of the cell and changed it to see if that is the problem, but without success.
I have copied it below
Time inTime outNo hoursNo of MenTotal Man Hours 12:0003:001526 14:0018:00474
I'm trying to calculate the number of hours an agent works between the hours of 7AM and 7PM. Column B has their START time, Column C has their END time, Column D includes their LUNCH time, and Column E calculates the total number of hours worked (=IFERROR(SUM(C248-B248)-D248,"-").
I've created 3 additional columns (Column F = number of hours before 7:00, Column G = number of hours after 19:00, and Column H = Total excluded hours which represents the total number of hours an agent worked before 7AM or after 7PM.
I've attemped several different formulas, but they all give me '#########' in one cell or another.
I have a form for weather warnings that has time of issue in cell B19, and the time of occurrence in cell D19, and the times are in a 24hr military style time format (1600, or 1735, etc).
I need cell G19 to tell me the time difference between the two in hours and minutes, but here's the catch - if cell B19 has an earlier time, I need it to display the difference as a positive number, indicating that I issued the warning before the event actually occurred. If D19 is earlier, I need it to display in cell G19 as a negative number, indicating that the event occurred before I had a chance to issue the warning.
I have a column that finds the difference between two times and I have it formatted as h:mm so that I get results such as 0:55 for 55 minutes. The problem is that when I try to get an average, median, and sum for all the times in that column it doesn't work. It comes up way short. I'm assuming it has somthing to do with the formatting.
I am trying to calculate the difference between a scheduled start time and an actual start time. If the actual start time is greater than the scheduled start time a negative time (hh:mm:ss) should be returned. instead the cell is populated with #############....
I have tried to reformat using the custom formats, but the only options in excel 97 are for either standard numerics or £ (these return a minus figure).
I've had a look at the time functions but could not see a suitable one.
I'm sure there is a simple format solution to this.
I am having difficulty finding the difference between two times and dates in Excel. I have researched this on Google and tried several formulas but none have worked for me. The format the data is currently in can be seen below:
I want to display the difference in C1 in a format along the lines of "dd hh:mm". The data for seconds and fractions of a second is included in the source data but is not needed in the final results.
If the date and time falls on the same day, I have no trouble doing a simple "B3-A3" to determine the answer. For example:
I have to work out the time difference between 2 times over a 24 hour period. There is a fixed booked departure time and an actual time of departure, the actual time of departure can be either before or after the booked time. I need the time difference between the times shown as either +/- minutes at present it returns the time in [HH:MM]. I have a simple IF formula to work out - time but when it calculate + time it returns the reverse difference.
I need to calculate the difference between a start time and end time in hours and minutes.
Start 01/07/2008 11:40
End 01/08/2008 19:28
Start and End columns are formatted as 'Custom' m/d/yyyy h:mm.
I'm not sure what formula to write to calculate the hours and minutes between the two times. Everything I've tried doesn't count over 24 hours. Also what do I format the result cell as?
I am having trouble finding the difference between times. I have two cells, A1, A2. Times will be placed in there each day. A1 will have the first time and A2 will have a later time that day. i.e. A1 12:25AM, A2 2:45AM. A3 would have the formula. In this case I am looking for an answer of 2:00 (2hrs).
My second issue will be times when I have A1 11:20pm and A2 1:20am. I can't seem to get it to work.
A B Time (hh:mm:ss) Digital 1 10:03:00 0 2 10:03:01 0 3 10:03:02 1 4 10:03:03 1 5 10:03:04 1 6 10:03:05 0
From the data above I am searching for the duration of when the digital column says '1', i.e my function = A5-A3 which would output 2 secs or 00:00:03 & likewise A9-A8.
The problem I have is that the digital signal is staggered and does not always have the same frequency. I have over 6848 lines of time to check so to do this manually would take me all day.
I'm trying to subtract two times to get the difference. Entries are in military format (1615) and VBA converts the time to 16:15. My problem is that when a time is entered between 0001 and 0059 (i.e. 0015), the VBA converts the time to :15. My formula does not recognize this, but does recognize 0:15 (entered without VBA). The cell is custom formatted as h:mm. I've tried several other formats including [h]:mm but can't get any to work. How can I get a formula to recognize it?
I am trying to create a time sheet where there will be a start time - end time - number of hours (difference between the 2) - pay rate - total pay, but am getting strange results!
I need some IF formula I believe that will yield an answer between 1 - 5. I'm not swavey enough with these things to figure this one out... trust me I tried and it keeps getting more confusing for me.
If the time worked is between certain time criteria then it would equal 1 - 5 depending on the time.
Example: If I work between the hours of 5am and 1pm then I would be in the Open/Mid range and would need to equal 2. If I only worked a few hours and my hours fell only between the Mid range then it would equal 3.
Then based on that... It would automatically fill in on the deployment charts... My name would show up on the Open and Mid Deployments under the task chosen for me to do that day.
I've attached a small sample of what I am looking for to kind of help show what I need. The highlighted areas are the areas I'm not sure how to do.
I have two rows of data (A & D) which I would like to determine the amout of time spent for each issue. The value in both column appears as DD/MMM/YY HH:MM:SS. I am looking for a formula to obtain the below result.
I have two columns with two sets of dates which are nothing but durations of leaves.
Col 1 has start dates and
Col 2 has end dates
Start Date End Date 25 Jul 2012 5 Aug 2012 2 Aug 2012 8 Aug 2012
If I want to calculate difference between the two dates such that if a leave starts in July and Ends in Aug, then I want the result to be only the count of leave days in August. How can this be achieved?
I need to create a spreadsheet that will calculate the difference between two dates and show the result in days. The complicated part is that weekends (Sat and Sun) need to be ignored and any time after 4:30 pm needs to be treated as the next business day. I have been trying to look at similar questions in forum and use the WORKDAYS function with little success.
A1- 14/08/09 4:40 p.m. B1- 17/08/09 9:10 a.m.
I need the answer (B1-A1) to show up as 0. But if the time in A1 was changed to 4:20 p.m. than the answer should be 1 day.
I'm trying to automate the attached schedule so that the formulas in H stop increasing once the amount in column J equals zero. So far everything I've tried either gives me a circular reference error or ends up giving me the same result as if I depreciated the asset an additional month.
What is the best suitable formula to find "First blank cell", then "date difference" between today and its previous cell's (i.e today minus "C1" in this case).