Calculate Future Dates On The Business Day Preceeding The 15th Of Each Month
Sep 16, 2009
Sometimes my due dates need to be on the 15th of the month, for which DLL and Donkey gave me: =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()) + (DAY(TODAY()) > 15), 15)
This works great except sometimes the 15th is on a Sunday which means I need the result to be the 13th, and sometimes it's on a Saturday which means I need the result to be the 14th. FYI: I am a n00b..
I am attempting to create a formula that will select a value from a lookup table where that value is related to a specific date BUT that date, derived from an input date (any day within a selected month) must always be the first BUSINESS day of that month.
For example:
I have a workbook with two worksheets in it.
The first worksheet is the input page.
On that page I want to have a list of dates which display the FIRST BUSINESS DAY of a month - e.g.
Cell A1 - Date entered as 19/9/12 and displayed as 19-Sep-12 Cell B1 - NEEDS THE REQUIRED FORMUAL TO CALCULATE THE FIRST BUSINESS DAY OF THIS MONTH (SEP) (in this example, this should be 3) and displayed as 03-Sep-12 Cell C1 - Will display the value from the lookup table on worksheet 2 (see below) related to the date in B1
The second worksheet is a lookup table containing a sequential list of dates from 28-Jan-69 through to present (19-Sep-12) in Column A.
The adjacent column B contains the related value to that date (the value being a foreign exchange rate) - e.g.
Daily Date USD
29 June 2012 1.0191
1 August 2012 1.0507
[Code] ........
Worksheet 1, Cell C1 should display the value of 1.0266
I need to determine a formula which will allow me to calculate a future date based upon a current date with varying time periods.
For example:
I have a bill which is paid on the 15th and last business day of each month. I would like to be able to see the next due date regardless of what day of the week it is.
I have a bill which is paid every other Tuesday. I would like to know the next due date without having to enter +14 for every due date in the future. In other words, it is preferable to be able to open the spreadsheet and automatically see the next due date, not use autofill to repeatedly add +14 to a previous date which would limit the # of future due dates that could be calculated.
I have a bill which is paid on the last business day of each month, not the last Friday of each month. I would need excel to return a value for the last day of the month which = Monday-Friday, regardless of what day of the week it may be as long as it isn't Saturday or Sunday(holiday exclusion would be nice but not required).
I am a car salesman and made a sheet to track my sales from month to month. I would like to make a formula to only add the entries that fall between the 1st and 15th of each month to show me what my check will be for the first half of the month. Column A has the dates and column J has the amount. I need to calculate only the first half of the month in J24 to know what my mid month check will be......
I have a column say column B for example that has a list of dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy. I would like a summary at the top of the columns to state how many dates there are for the current month. But I wondered if this was possible based on the TODAY() function or similar. Thus the user would not have to change anything.
So for example at the start of the month it may state 14. Half way through the month down to 6 and at the end of the month 0 for example.
Trying to set up a 12 month rolling sum. However, the only issue with it is that there a re future date cells already in place (august through December of this year). Is there a way to have a formula automatically ignore these by using todays date or something? That was the person using the workbook doesn't have to delete these columns and re-add in the future?
I have a table that includes 2007 data and 2008 data. When I was entering Jan 1 for 2008, it defaulted to 2007. I had the whole table completed with all the 2008 dates before I realized this. Is there a quick way to highlight all the 2008 data and change only the year?
I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will automatically calculate a date in the future.
The future date calculated needs to take the time NOW (as the user completes a field) and determines if this is before MIDNIGHT on the following SUNDAY. If so it calculates the date as a Tuesday 2 weeks on. For example... I request a date now on 1st Jan which is a Thursday. This is before midnight Sunday and so the date calculated would be Tuesday 20th January.
If the time NOW is after MIDNIGHT Sunday and before the next TUESDAY.. ie 0001hrs on the Monday and 2359hrs on the Monday then the date returned should be Tuesday 3 weeks on.. e.g 27th.
It would also need a function that would allow the total number of referrals on a Tuesday to 20 at which point it would overspill and provide a date on the Friday of the same week.. so in the first example it would be Friday 23rd
Is this something that can be achieved with formulas and a set of dates for it to calculate from or do I need to find someone who can do it in VBA for me.
I had a Calendar Control (2007) but now stuck using 2013. I have to change all of codes related to my Calendar Control to a Month View Control. Problem is I had 4 command buttons beside my calendar to automatically add value to the calendar:
My Code is in a userform. Standard code for MonthView:
[Code] ....
Basically it was “highlighting” the todays date but if one of the cmd_button was clicked then it would highlight the today’s date plus 15 (making the highlighted date, if we take today as an example: 2014/05/22).
Now with the Month View is there a way to select the exact same thing? I mean I know if I deactivate the “Show Today” in the properties but is there a way to make the selected date to have the “Circle in Red” around the date IF I click on a command button?
How would I write a function to give me the last ten business dates moving horizontally from today's date with yesterdays date the being the last date? So if A1 is 2/26/14, how would I populate B1-B10 with wanting B10 to be 2/25/14 and moving backwards but only with business dates?
I am working on a sheet right now where I want to put the day a certain number of days in the future but I want to skip only Holidays, or days in a list on another part of the sheet, but count the weekend days.
All the formulas and post I have read is about someone wanting to skip weekends too. I did find a workdays formula where you and pick what you want to be considered as the weekend but I just want to skip holidays.
Example: Day is Dec-31-2013 7 days in the future is Jan-7-2014 I want it to be since Jan 1 is a Holiday the answer will be Jan-8-2014
I've written the following code. It calculates the future value of required minimum distributions for traditional IRAs. When I enter the function in excel, it drops the last argument. I've tried changing the order of the arguments, and it always drops the last one. The arguments are : marginalTax (marginal tax rate), r (expected return on investment), t (time), begAge (beginning age), RDT (as range -- required distribution table; looks up the percentage required at each age), IRAValueat70 (calcualtes the value of the IRA at 70 years of age)
Function RMD(r As Double, marginalTax As Double, begAge As Integer, t As Integer, RDT As Range, IRAValueat70 As Long) age = begAge endAge = begAge + t Dim holder As Long Dim RMDnow As Long Dim RMDall As Long hat = 70 If endAge < 69 Then Else If begAge <= 69 Then Do While hat < (endAge) RMDnow = (IRAValue / (Application.VLookup(age, RDT, 2, False))) RMDnow = (1 - marginalTax) * RMDnow...........................
I am using the same structure to update another column, under the same sub:
If Target.Column = 5 Then '
Select Case Range("d69").Value Case "CB1W" ActiveCell.Value = DateAdd("ww", 1, Now()) Case "CB2W" ActiveCell.Value = DateAdd("ww", 2, Now()) Case "CB3W" ActiveCell.Value = DateAdd("d", 21, Now()) Case "CB4W" ActiveCell.Value = DateAdd("d", 28, Now()) Case "CB5W" ActiveCell.Value = DateAdd("d", 35, Now()) Case "NI" ActiveCell.Value = "" Case Else ActiveCell.Value = "" End Select
I would like to apply the code to the whole column but if I change Select Case Range("d69").Value to Select Case Range("d2:1000").Value I get a Type Mismatch Error (13) - (on Case "CB1W" ) - column d cells are data validation drop down boxes that get their value form a named ranged :Lead_Status. The column is also formatted as Text. (I applied the code to d69 because I have data already in the other cells which I don't want altered till I have the code working)
I would also greatly appreciate your advice on how to incorporate the WEEKDAY function to exclude weekends for the DateAdd function.
I want to calculate a date that is 28 days in the future. I don't want to exclude any days - However - if the end date falls on a weekend or holiday, I would like to push it out to the next business day.
I currently have the weekends covered, but am stumped on the holidays.
(For weekends, I am using the WEEKDAY function on a hidden sheet, and then the following 3 IF statements: IF today + 28 = Mon.-Fri., then give me today + 28. IF today + 28 = Sat., then give me today + 30. IF today + 28=Sun., then give me today + 29.
I have tried adding an additional IF statement to address a specific holiday - namely, President's Day on 2/18/08, which is a Monday - but it won't add the extra day, because I think my initial IF statement re: Monday being today + 28 is overriding it.
I want to make a little chart for easy reference that tells me due dates for projects, based on estimated completion times.
I'm already using NETWORKDAYS to find the amount of working days between today and a due date, but I want to flip the formula around, and I'm having trouble getting the syntax right.
For example, column A reads:
0 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 20
Estimated completion times for various projects.
So I want column B to read the date that this would render. A1, value 0, would always produce today's date for B1. B2 would always read one business day into the future, B3 would read as 2 business days into the future, B4 as 3 business days into the future. Does that make sense, and B5 as 5 bd into future.
How can I create a formula to calculate a future date, when it is not a specific day in the future? I mean, I have today's date (Jul 15/08) and I need to calculate from that, when it will be the first Monday of November in 2009.
I have created a table for a business to monitor all income and expenses within a financial year of that business. This table contains raw data for example, date, income/expense, wholesale amount, retail amount etc. So when the business makes a sale for example I enter in the date of the sale, type of sale, wholesale and retail amounts etc, and i do this for every sale I make.
What i need to do is figure out a way to calculate the average monthly and weekly income to date so as the financial year continues and i make more sales i will continue to enter more data into this table and it will automatically adjust to the new weekly or monthly average income. This way i always have an actual and live average for every cent the business has made as the year progresses and i can use this to budget for the business. I would also like to know what the income is for the current week or month. that way i can say for example on average the business makes $4000 a week and in this week it has made say $5000.
Through VBA I am trying to filter for today's date and all dates 30 days in the future as well as all dates 30 days in the past.
I am currently using the code below, but it only show dates 30 days in the future. I cannot get it to populate cells that are either 30 days in the future or 30 days in the past.
I have a dashboard which has dropdown boxes to pick out the data you want to see. From this data i then have graphs which are graphing 0s from the data making the graph look horrible.
I know I need to add NA() to the cells so that 0s dont graph, but all my data has formulas in and i don't know how to add the NA part to the existing formula.
my formula for each cell is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A9,'DB data'!$A$1:$HH$2003,COLUMN(FP1),FALSE),"-")
This looks up name such as "sign on time", then goes to another sheet and retrieves the data.
Where can i add the NA part. I've tried instead of the "-" at the end but doesn't work. and ive tried instead of FALSE and this stops the formula from working.
computing the number of business hours between 2 dates.
Given the following information: - Business Hours: 8am -5pm (8:00-17:00) - Business Days: Mon-Fri - if entry queued falls on a weekend or beyond the business hours, it should count the first hour on the next business hour.
Example: scenario 1 = Starts Sunday, 10am and Ends Monday 9am; count of hours should be 1 scenario 2 = starts on Monday 6pm and ends on Tuesday 10am; count of hours should be 2
I am trying to put together a spreadhseet that will calculate the future cost of education fee assuming a given inflation rate. I would like the reuslt to be highlihted in a list or a table. The user would only need input current fee, inflation rate and years where fees are payable. The spreadsheet would do the rest. I have laid this our best I can attached.
I have a specific formula (received courtesy of some clever person here at Ozgrid (thanks!)) which I use to calculate the Future Value of a series of future payments that increase at a fixed annual rate and earn interest at a fixed rate.
Here it is: =Pmt1* SUMPRODUCT((1+Increase_in_payment)^(ROW( OFFSET($A$1,0,0,Term,1))-1),(1+Return_on_investment)^(Term-ROW(OFFSET($A$1,0,0,Term,1))+1))
(Example: $1000 per annum (Pmt1) is invested for 20 years (Term). The interest earned on the $1000 is 10% per annum (Return_on_investment). The $1000 increases by 5% (Increase_in_payment) each year - i.e. 19 increases - answer: $89,632 (rounded))
This formula assumes that the payment is made at the beginning of the period.
Question: I would like to change the formula to use MONTHLY payments made in advance, and interest earned on a monthly basis.
Because I REALLY do not know what the formula does, maybe I could ask for a detailed explanation thereof - maybe even from the person who supplied it to me (I cannot see who did!) - and then I can start fiddling with it myself if answers do not come.
Two previous posts of mine that dealt with somewhat different issues on the same formula are:
I've being trying t calculate an excel formula to work out a order turnaround time based on opening hours.
Example: The store is open from 8 am to 6pm monday to friday, I need to get a formula to work out how long it took from the time the order was logged until it was completed, during the course of the working day - this works fine but if the order was received on 06/12/07 at 5:20 pm then was finally completed by 7/12/07 at 11:55 the next day I need to figure out how to take into consideration of non working hours during that time. (time from 6pm to 8 am next day
example 2 - if order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 01:30pm and completed at 06/12/07 4:30 then I know its taken 3 hours to complete
example 3 - if the order was sent on the 06/12/07 at 5pm and completed next day at 07/12/07 at 10am - then I know it took 3 hours to complete
I am trying to calculate downtime for a Service Level Agreement.
The data that I have is the start date/time and the resolved date/time for an incident.
The data are in the format - 1/1/2008 03:32 AM. The incidents may occur at any time but downtime is calculated only business hours and excludes weekends. I may be required to exclude holidays but that is not a hard requirement right now. What I must be able to specify are the working hours.
As example(s) - if an incident is generated on 1/2/2008 4:00 PM and resolved at 1/3/2008 11:00 AM then the downtime is 4 hours. - if an incident is generated on 1/12/2008 4:00 PM (which is a Sat) and resolved at 1/14/2008 11:00 AM (which is Monday) then the downtime is 3 hours.
The above assumes working hours are 8:00 AM through 5:00 PM.
I have tried using the NETWORKDAYS and WORKDAY functions with little success.