Can't Get Tick Boxes To Effect Pie Chart

Apr 28, 2014

I have set up a spread sheet which uses tick boxes and I have calculated it all up so that the percentage of ticks ticked is displayed in a cell etc. and when I link that data to a bar chart it works perfectly. .e.g as I tick the boxes the bar chart increases

BUT when I try to do the exact same thing with a pie chart it doesn't work.

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Several Tick Boxes With The Same Macro

Jun 2, 2009

I'm creating a form, that will contain 20-30 tickboxes. Each of these tickboxes will refer to a certain row on a seperate sheet. And it will either hide/un-hide depending on if it is tick/un-ticked.

How can I in the macro know which of the tick boxes that was ticked?

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Using If Function With Tick Boxes

Oct 20, 2009

I have created a Time Sheet for calculating the work hours of employees. There are various criteria which play a role in how work hours and wages earned are calculated (ex. time, over time, LOA, Travel time, stat holidays etc etc.)

In a certain cell I have placed a tick / check box which the user can tick to indicate that that particular day is a statutory holiday. The tick creates a True / False answer in another Linked Cell.

Based on the True / False result I have a formula which, using the IF function with multiple conditions whether the result is True or False, will calculate the hours worked for Regular, Time and Half and Double Time.

The Formula itself works but when I add the condition based on the check box - example: IF(c37=TRUE,...,if(...,if(...,IF(c37=FALSE,...,if(...,if(... and so on, only the TRUE option works. As soon as the check box is "unticked" I get the result "false".

I hope that all makes sense.

If it helps this is my formula... where C37 is the linked cell for the checkbox.


So, when the check box is ticked, the TRUE argument works fine. But when the check box is not ticked I get a "false" result.

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Pivot Table With Tick Boxes And Radio Buttons

Oct 18, 2006

every week i send out a pivot table to different project co-ordinators and would like a way of having simple option button so that they can have the data by "hours" or "costs" and can use tick boxes for the row fields they want to show, for example, "profession", "workstage"," name","cost rate". The page field will always be "Project" and the Column Field will always be "Period" and " Date"

I then want the pivot table to change automatically to their choices. I am pretty basic with VBA so may need explanantions too. It would save me sending out 10 versions of a pivot table all feeding off the same data! They could actually do something themselves! (i know they could drag the fileds they want into the areas they need them but trust me when i say they are not that advanced, they are good at ticking!!)

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Tick Boxes When Ticked Calculate Accumulative Percentage In A Cell

Apr 22, 2014

I have a spread sheet with various tick boxes, that when ticked calculate an accumulative percentage in a cell. This cell is the basis of my graph.

E.g. if the cell displays 80% - the chart with show 80% - simple.

However, I want to write a vba code that changes the fill colour of the chart depending on the percentage.

i.e. if the percentage data = 0-49% I wish the chart to display as red. 50-69% - yellow and 70%+ = green.

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Why Do Pivots Display Pivot Item Tick Boxes That Are Not Visible In The Pivot?

Nov 27, 2009

I was wondering why a pivot table will allow you to tick and untick pivot items that are not visible?

My pivot tables have a lot of data and someone may wish to only see the pivot items that are shown in the pivot table in its currrent view. Is there a way in VB to achieve this?

In my attached example when you suntick the Media 'TV' then look in the 'Channels' drop down you can still see the tick boxes for TV channels 'ITV' and 'TV_BBC1' (I know why they are still ticked, I'd just like them not to be visible).

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Position Of Tick In Column Chart?

Jan 9, 2014

I have 6 column charts that are supposed to be identical. There are 12 pair of columns per chart. Some chart's pair are centered over the tick and some pair are to the right of the tick and I can't figure out how to make them all the same.

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Create Macro To Add Fill Effect On The Bars Of Chart

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to create a macro to add a fill effect on the bars of my chart.

However, I don't want it to change the bar's current color. Just to do the effect on the current color.

Sub fill()
With Selection.Border
.Weight = xlThin
.LineStyle = xlAutomatic
End With


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Plot/Chart Tick/Check Marks

Apr 21, 2008

Is there any way in which I can map the tick mark labels on either the x-axis or the y-axis to different values other than the ones that are being plotted for.

For example, lets say the data is:

1 5
2 6
3 10
4 15
5 8

I want to plot these in a chart but instead of displaying 1,2,3,4,5 on the x-axis, I want to display a different column, say,


The answer is not as simple as plotting the required x-values with the y-values. I have just used a simplistic example but the thing I am trying to do has dependencies involved so I cannot simply plot the chart with the required column.

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X &amp; Y Scale Chart Max,min,tick Linked To Cell Values

Dec 10, 2008

I am using Jon Peltier's worksheet_change event code to try and automate chart axes.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address
Case "$AG$5"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlCategory) _
.MaximumScale = Target.Value
Case "$B$3"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlCategory) _
.MinimumScale = Target.Value
Case "$AG$7"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlCategory) _
.MajorUnit = Target.Value
Case "$L$3"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlValue) _
.MaximumScale = Target.Value
Case "$N$3"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlValue) _
.MinimumScale = Target.Value
Case "$AH$7"
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart.Axes(xlValue) _
.MajorUnit = Target.Value
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

However, I have some of the cells setup as formulas....but worksheet_change apparently only updates values when manually changed.

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Position Chart/Graph Tick Mark Labels

May 21, 2008

how to put the categories (Column H) out of the graph? (so more to the left, so not in the grey background) Here in the attachment you will see that the titles are in the graph instead of outside the grey background. Is it possible to do that?

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Restrict Tick Cell Upon Selection To 1 Tick Per Row

Jan 10, 2007

I was reading your Tick Cell Upon Selection article and it works great. I'm just wondering if there is a way to modify it so that they can only select one of the cells in a row.

For example, in this spreadsheet, the cells I have marked for "tick upon selection" are N8-Q8. In this worksheet, though, I only want the user to be able to select one of the four options. Is there a way to format the code so that they either cannot select another cell until they have deselected the first one, or the first one unchecks itself and the new click ticks that cell?

Example: Person selects N8. Person then selects P8. Can it not allow P8 to be selected (and give a warning message) or can it uncheck N8 when P8 is checked?

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Excel 2007 :: Chart That Reads Results Of Multiple Dropdown Boxes?

May 25, 2012

Using Excel 2007

I have six colums (Date; Skill; ST Hrs; OT hrs: Area; Type). I copied and pasted below a small portion of info from the spreadsheet. I know when I copy and paste into a post the information under the headers don't line up appears offset, so basically "Date" is of course the date you see..."Skill"'s columns has the first item as nb-mech b..."ST Hrs" first item will be 0.00..."OT Hrs" will be 1.50...."Area"'s first item is "Log FM NO"....and "Type"'s first item is MX07

And there are 17,000 rows of this info and forever growing...a lot of repeated items in each column such as you can see "blaster" has multiple entries on 4/1/2012.

What I am attempting to do which I have not firgured out yet (i have tried array formulas but they bog down the pc forver and couldn't figure out exactly how to make it give me the results I needed...and I also tried sumproducts but that didnt get me what I wanted....and it is being requested of me to NOT make a pivot table but a chart.

What I am trying to create is is the following:

1 - cells to plug in a date range for example cell A1 I plug 4/1/2012 and cell A2 plug 4/30/2012
2 - drop down boxes for columns Skill; Area: Type, which show only unique records in each column

Once I have that, I could then filter all 3 itmes and have only items show in the date ranges I picked and present ONLY the SUMS of columns ST Hrs and OT hrs.

Once the SUMS show up, I can then have cells off to the side that will give a percent break down of what percent of the total hours (for the chose criteria) are ST Hrs and what percent of the total are OT Hrs....and this percentage break down will show up in a Bar Chart, per day chosen in my date ranges....I'm thinking one simple stacked bar per day in the chart.

So say, based on the info below, I wanted to see the total ST Hrs and OT Hrs from 4-1-12 to 4-2-12 for a nb-blaster in LOG FM NO and type result would be 0.00 ST Hrs...23 OT Hrs.....and my bar chart would be one simple bar peaked out at 23 on day 4-1-12.....and within the bar it would be 0.00% ST Hrs and 100% OT Hrs and maybe the total hours for each showing also..don't need that but it may be useful.. ..and no bar for 4-2-12 (because the criteria picked had no hours for 4-2-12)

I have been messign witht is all week and just can't nail it.. I do remember a while ago I would have been able to load the spreadsheet into the post and people could see it in that option to do that no longer on this site?

DateSkillST HrsOT HrsAreaType
4/1/2012nb - mech b0.00 1.50 Log FM NOMX07
4/1/2012nb - scaffolding0.00 8.50 Bogs NOMX02
4/1/2012nb - coatings mech b0.00 3.00 Log FM NOMX07


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List Boxes, Combo Boxes???

Jul 26, 2006

I am developing a spreadsheet with numerous information on our different suppliers offices in the country for each of our outlets. I am tryin to define a way to do the following:

If a colleague selects a company another list will appear with the region and when the region is selected a list of the offices will appear.

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Carousel Effect

Jul 30, 2009

I would like to produce a carousel effect. i will start with a basic example and then explain the complications.

Basically I have a range of cells of indeterminant length. The left column is numbered vertically - let's say 1,2,3,4,5,6. I would like to be able to generate a carousel effect so that if I right click on a number all the cells below move down and the number at the bottom fills the gap so that if I right click on 1 the cells would become 6,1,2,3,4,5 or if I right click on 3 the cells would become 1,2,6,3,4,5.

The complication is that there will be more than one of each number eg 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6. (there will allways be the same number of each) so I would want the whole block to move down and the ones at the bottom to come up and fill the gap.

The other slight complication is that the range of cells is 5 columns wide so I would want the whole block of cells to carousel.

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How To Add Press Effect For A Button

Oct 10, 2012

I have added a shape to my spreadsheet to work as a button. All is fine and it has the desired functionality however, adding the actual effect or simulate the effect of a button click/pressed?

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Cost Average Effect

Oct 19, 2006

Example number 1:
You invested 10.000 Dollar in the year 1985 into a tempelton fund and waited 20 years. Result can be seen at many forums and stock plattforms

Example number 2:
In 1985 you had no 10.000 Dollar, but only 100 Dollar a month. You invested this 100 Dollar each month for 20 years.

How big will the difference be between example 1 and 2 ?

*** Background.
If a "share" will cost 100 Dollar, you will get 1 share for 100 Dollar. Next month share is down to 50 Dollar, you will get 2 shares for your monthly 100 Dollar. Next month share is up at 200 Dollar, you will get only a half share for your 100 Dollar. Its called cost average effect.

Tool should allow "play arround", to simulate various scenarios, talking into account growth rate, time period, monthly investment, fluctuation of a theoretical share. Idealy we would love to " import" e.g. famous fund history (eg. Tempelton, Pioneer) etc. to see how investment would have developed when a steady monthly payment would have been made.

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VBA / Function To Calculate Effect On Inventory?

Jul 6, 2014

I am making an excel sheet which can track the hypothetical effect building an order has on current inventory. The user is to change the quantities in this hypothetical order whenever they want.

It is composed of two sheets, the inventory sheet and the model sheet. The inventory sheet has the costs of every part carried and how many are currently in stock. The model sheet has a breakdown of what parts are required to build the different models.

I am looking for a function or VBA which can take a hypothetical order (build xx of model one + build xx of model two + build xx of model three), see how many total parts are needed, then calculate and display the effect it has on current inventory. This is only to see the hypothetical effect on inventory, not to actually change the inventory in the inventory sheet.

I've attached what I have so far - most everything is completed except for this final calculation. I have tried using the VLOOKUP function in VBA to try and come up with a solution but I couldn't figure out the best way to go about this. I think the hardest part might be that a hypothetical order can be made up of all three models.

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Formula: Desired Effect Is Under Column 3

Feb 17, 2010

Not sure what formula to use for this set-up:

Col1 - Name_Last
Col2 - Name_First
Col3 - Ref_Name

The desired effect is under column 3, you have "Name_First Name_Last". Attached sample file.

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Scroll Bars That Effect Active Row

Jan 29, 2013

I am trying to make a spreadsheet that contains numbers in columns D to P. My end user wants to be able to adjust these with scroll bars so I could make ActiveX scroll bars under each number in each column but this would be a lot of scroll bars (one in each row and columns)!!!!

Is there are way where I have have scroll bars in column D to P that only effect the active rows and always sits below the active row?

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Cool Colour Fill Effect

Sep 12, 2013

I want to gradually change th colour in a block of cells. my plan is to use code to sequentially fade through ten or so shades from light to dark. is there a way to slow the code down so that it takes a couple of seconds to run the sequence?

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Do Piviot Table Effect VB Code?

Dec 11, 2006

I created a couple of piviot tables from the same sheet I had VB code in. Since the creation of these P tables the code has stopped functioning.
In a attempt to re-activate the code i moved the piviots to a new spreadsheet. But the code is still not working....

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Invert The Effect Of Freeze Panes

Jun 13, 2007

I would like to freeze the bottom part of my spreadsheet, such that the user can scroll through the upper part but still be able to see the bottom part. The freeze command freezes what is above the line, I want to freeze what is below the line.

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Getting Rid Of Tick Marks

Nov 28, 2008

Some sent me a large spreadsheet with random rows throughout the spreadsheet highlighted in diffierent colors. I have a module that will sort the spread sheet by Color - however it doesn't work on this spreadsheet because - for whatever reason - every cell starts with a tick mark.

I tried to do a replace all - and excel just told me I was crazy.

I even tried going through and manually removing the tick marks - still no luck.

If I export the sheet in to txt and then re-import it I will loose all the highlights...

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Tick Box In MsgBox

Feb 3, 2007

I have this piece of code that shows a popup box when the excel spreadsheet loads up.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
MsgBox "This spreadsheet can design both single-leaf and cavity walls." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "If only a single-leaf wall is to be designed:" _
& Chr(13) & "Deselect the cavity wall option and complete only the outer leaf input sheet." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "If a cavity wall is to be designed:" _
& Chr(13) & "Select the cavity wall option and complete both input sheets." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "All designs satisfy criteria within BS:5628-1:1992 Structural Use Of Unreinforced Masonry", , _
"Spreadsheet Information"
End Sub

Is it possible to place a tick box in the message box that says, "show this message again on startup", then if the user unticks the box the message is not shown again and if the box is left ticked the box will load up again on startup of the workbook????

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Nested IF Formula That Takes Into Effect Many Variables

May 5, 2014

Basically I need a formula that takes into effect many variables. It needs to check a size, thickness, and material, to determine a cost...

1.5 O.D. - 16GA - 304SS = $X


1.5 O.D. - 18 GA - 304SS = $Y

and such.

The problem I have is not only am I not understanding a lot of Excel jargon, the data set is not in perfect "example" conditions.

O.D. is in N:N yet there are blanks between N(x) and N(y), GA is in O:O yet blanks between O(a) and O(b), and so on.

Here is what I have at the moment, it uses a second sheet to derive the cost based on the parameters. Please ignore the first few terms, they are used with this cost lookup to give me my final. There also may be incorrect syntax in this, but since I get a nesting error first, I really don't know.

=V7+(Q7*M7*(IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$19,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$20,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$21,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$16,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$17,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$18,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=16)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost
[Code] ......

Mentioning LOOKUP, can I even use it? I've attempted many times however it isn't going too well What can I do?

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Macro To Effect Cell Based On Column

Nov 26, 2008

I wasnt sure how to name this problem, but here goes.

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How To Recreate ZigZag Effect On Stock Data

Sep 4, 2007

I look at stock charts that allow an overlay of "zigzag patterns." This zigzag links price extremes with a line. The price extremes are defined according to "wave size" which is described as follows:

"Wave Size: The Most Important Setting... and the thing you will want to tinker with -- is Wave Size. Wave Size is a number that defines a high or low price extreme, by stating the number of surrounding bars on either side that must not be higher or lower than the candidate extreme. Another way to think of it is: Wave Size + 1 is the minimum distance between extremes of the same high or low type."

Here is an example of what a stock chart with these zigzags drawn in looks like. [Click on the image to zoom in and see it better.]


The black diagonal line is built using a "wave size = 5" using the above definition. And the green one is, "wave size = 20"

I am trying to build this into a spreadsheet so I can play with the data. If I have four columns: (a:open)/(b:high)/(c:low)/(d:close) I cannot figure out how to build the columns after to do this zigzag. I understand what the line is, but it just doesn't make sense to me how to derive it from the data. how to get a column n that has the value of the zigzag (with wave size = 5 for example) I

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Excel 2010 :: VBA To Set Fill Effect In A Cell

Jan 5, 2012

Here's a problem I'd like to be able to solve in VBA:

Retrieve the current cell color (let's say A1 = 'green')

Format A1's cell colors (using the VBA equivalent of the 'Format Cells' / 'Fill' / 'Fill Effects' / '2 color Gradient' feature) so that the background cell color (color 2) is set to 'green' with color 1 being set to 'white' with a shading style of "From Center"

I'm using Excel 2010.

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Limit Macro To Only Effect Open Worksheet?

Oct 26, 2013

Is there any setting or technique to limit a macro to only effect the open sheet in the workbook that it runs from?

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