Formula: Desired Effect Is Under Column 3
Feb 17, 2010
Not sure what formula to use for this set-up:
Col1 - Name_Last
Col2 - Name_First
Col3 - Ref_Name
The desired effect is under column 3, you have "Name_First Name_Last". Attached sample file.
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Jan 21, 2014
Need a graph to illustrate the desired effect of the marketing campaign as a shift in market equilibrium with reference to price and quantity adjustments.
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Nov 26, 2008
I wasnt sure how to name this problem, but here goes.
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May 5, 2014
Basically I need a formula that takes into effect many variables. It needs to check a size, thickness, and material, to determine a cost...
1.5 O.D. - 16GA - 304SS = $X
1.5 O.D. - 18 GA - 304SS = $Y
and such.
The problem I have is not only am I not understanding a lot of Excel jargon, the data set is not in perfect "example" conditions.
O.D. is in N:N yet there are blanks between N(x) and N(y), GA is in O:O yet blanks between O(a) and O(b), and so on.
Here is what I have at the moment, it uses a second sheet to derive the cost based on the parameters. Please ignore the first few terms, they are used with this cost lookup to give me my final. There also may be incorrect syntax in this, but since I get a nesting error first, I really don't know.
=V7+(Q7*M7*(IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$19,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$20,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$21,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$16,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$17,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$18,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=16)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost
[Code] ......
Mentioning LOOKUP, can I even use it? I've attempted many times however it isn't going too well What can I do?
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Jun 20, 2009
How in excel do I get a no. to appear in a column dependant on a reference in a different cell. For example If i type March in a cell I want the number 1 to appear in the March column of a table.?
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Feb 21, 2013
I am working in excel. I have a column with about 30 rows. After computation only a particular row will have an alpha-numeric value, this will be any one row never more than one, all the remaining rows will be completely blank.
My question is, how do I represent this alphanumeric value which can come in any row to a particular cell.
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Apr 15, 2008
1st post so hope that title isn't too vague.
Using VBA, I have a macro that will find a column based on a week number and add in a new column.
It will then offset the ActiveCell down one.
I now need the macro to SUM all values in that row to the left of the ActiveCell.
My original thought was to use:
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select
Unfortunately, there are gaps in the data field, blank cells that should count as zero value.
How can I highlight all cells to the left, from whichever column the active cell is in, through to column B?
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May 14, 2014
I am trying to find a formula that will allow me to reference another page in my spread sheet. In my scenario the row I am referencing has 5 consectutive numbers after the reference point I would use for a vlookup. These numbers are all zeros except for one number in each row which will be a positive number greater than zero. I want my formula to check the first cell in the row, if it is not a zero it will show that number, but if this cell contains 0, then it moves over to the next cell. If all the cells in the row have a zero, then i just want zero to appear on my summary sheet. I tried to do a vlookup with an IF function, but I couldn't get it to work. I have attached a sample of what the spreadsheet looks like.Example doc.xlsx
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Feb 15, 2013
Excel 2010
I have the following SUMIFS formula that produces the desired results until I get the the last qualifier, displayed in red:
The result of this formula is: #VALUE!
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Aug 28, 2013
I want vba code to pull data from two sheet in workbook, code has to pull all data from first sheet , then pull data from second sheet and paste some particular column only below first column sheet
e.g i pull data from two sheet(ONSITE&CCI)
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Jul 30, 2009
I would like to produce a carousel effect. i will start with a basic example and then explain the complications.
Basically I have a range of cells of indeterminant length. The left column is numbered vertically - let's say 1,2,3,4,5,6. I would like to be able to generate a carousel effect so that if I right click on a number all the cells below move down and the number at the bottom fills the gap so that if I right click on 1 the cells would become 6,1,2,3,4,5 or if I right click on 3 the cells would become 1,2,6,3,4,5.
The complication is that there will be more than one of each number eg 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6. (there will allways be the same number of each) so I would want the whole block to move down and the ones at the bottom to come up and fill the gap.
The other slight complication is that the range of cells is 5 columns wide so I would want the whole block of cells to carousel.
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Oct 10, 2012
I have added a shape to my spreadsheet to work as a button. All is fine and it has the desired functionality however, adding the actual effect or simulate the effect of a button click/pressed?
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Oct 19, 2006
Example number 1:
You invested 10.000 Dollar in the year 1985 into a tempelton fund and waited 20 years. Result can be seen at many forums and stock plattforms
Example number 2:
In 1985 you had no 10.000 Dollar, but only 100 Dollar a month. You invested this 100 Dollar each month for 20 years.
How big will the difference be between example 1 and 2 ?
*** Background.
If a "share" will cost 100 Dollar, you will get 1 share for 100 Dollar. Next month share is down to 50 Dollar, you will get 2 shares for your monthly 100 Dollar. Next month share is up at 200 Dollar, you will get only a half share for your 100 Dollar. Its called cost average effect.
Tool should allow "play arround", to simulate various scenarios, talking into account growth rate, time period, monthly investment, fluctuation of a theoretical share. Idealy we would love to " import" e.g. famous fund history (eg. Tempelton, Pioneer) etc. to see how investment would have developed when a steady monthly payment would have been made.
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Jul 6, 2014
I am making an excel sheet which can track the hypothetical effect building an order has on current inventory. The user is to change the quantities in this hypothetical order whenever they want.
It is composed of two sheets, the inventory sheet and the model sheet. The inventory sheet has the costs of every part carried and how many are currently in stock. The model sheet has a breakdown of what parts are required to build the different models.
I am looking for a function or VBA which can take a hypothetical order (build xx of model one + build xx of model two + build xx of model three), see how many total parts are needed, then calculate and display the effect it has on current inventory. This is only to see the hypothetical effect on inventory, not to actually change the inventory in the inventory sheet.
I've attached what I have so far - most everything is completed except for this final calculation. I have tried using the VLOOKUP function in VBA to try and come up with a solution but I couldn't figure out the best way to go about this. I think the hardest part might be that a hypothetical order can be made up of all three models.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have set up a spread sheet which uses tick boxes and I have calculated it all up so that the percentage of ticks ticked is displayed in a cell etc. and when I link that data to a bar chart it works perfectly. .e.g as I tick the boxes the bar chart increases
BUT when I try to do the exact same thing with a pie chart it doesn't work.
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Jan 29, 2013
I am trying to make a spreadsheet that contains numbers in columns D to P. My end user wants to be able to adjust these with scroll bars so I could make ActiveX scroll bars under each number in each column but this would be a lot of scroll bars (one in each row and columns)!!!!
Is there are way where I have have scroll bars in column D to P that only effect the active rows and always sits below the active row?
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Sep 12, 2013
I want to gradually change th colour in a block of cells. my plan is to use code to sequentially fade through ten or so shades from light to dark. is there a way to slow the code down so that it takes a couple of seconds to run the sequence?
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Dec 11, 2006
I created a couple of piviot tables from the same sheet I had VB code in. Since the creation of these P tables the code has stopped functioning.
In a attempt to re-activate the code i moved the piviots to a new spreadsheet. But the code is still not working....
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Jun 13, 2007
I would like to freeze the bottom part of my spreadsheet, such that the user can scroll through the upper part but still be able to see the bottom part. The freeze command freezes what is above the line, I want to freeze what is below the line.
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Sep 4, 2007
I look at stock charts that allow an overlay of "zigzag patterns." This zigzag links price extremes with a line. The price extremes are defined according to "wave size" which is described as follows:
"Wave Size: The Most Important Setting... and the thing you will want to tinker with -- is Wave Size. Wave Size is a number that defines a high or low price extreme, by stating the number of surrounding bars on either side that must not be higher or lower than the candidate extreme. Another way to think of it is: Wave Size + 1 is the minimum distance between extremes of the same high or low type."
Here is an example of what a stock chart with these zigzags drawn in looks like. [Click on the image to zoom in and see it better.]
The black diagonal line is built using a "wave size = 5" using the above definition. And the green one is, "wave size = 20"
I am trying to build this into a spreadsheet so I can play with the data. If I have four columns: (a:open)/(b:high)/(c:low)/(d:close) I cannot figure out how to build the columns after to do this zigzag. I understand what the line is, but it just doesn't make sense to me how to derive it from the data. how to get a column n that has the value of the zigzag (with wave size = 5 for example) I
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Jan 5, 2012
Here's a problem I'd like to be able to solve in VBA:
Retrieve the current cell color (let's say A1 = 'green')
Format A1's cell colors (using the VBA equivalent of the 'Format Cells' / 'Fill' / 'Fill Effects' / '2 color Gradient' feature) so that the background cell color (color 2) is set to 'green' with color 1 being set to 'white' with a shading style of "From Center"
I'm using Excel 2010.
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Oct 26, 2013
Is there any setting or technique to limit a macro to only effect the open sheet in the workbook that it runs from?
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Dec 31, 2006
Is there a way to fix a private sub to catch keydown effect of various combos and textboxes of my userform?
Instead of typing the same thing to each and every control's keydown event just call a sub. Code goes like:
Select Case KeyCode
Case 112
ShellExecute 0, "open", "hh.exe", ThisWorkbook.Path & "1.chm", "", 1
Case 113
If MsgBox("Backup now", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then BackUp
Case 114
Col = 3
Case 115
Case 116
Instead of that, if i place code in a private sub test() just call test in keydown event
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Jan 24, 2012
I'm trying to create a macro to add a fill effect on the bars of my chart.
However, I don't want it to change the bar's current color. Just to do the effect on the current color.
Sub fill()
With Selection.Border
.Weight = xlThin
.LineStyle = xlAutomatic
End With
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Mar 6, 2010
while trying to view a hyperlink i just created in a cell within a worksheet, a message popped up saying:
mircosoft office excell:
X this operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
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Oct 30, 2006
I am attempting to create simple charts to show survey results 2005 v 2006. I have a single series in a bar chart - chart type. The wizard initially makes both bars the same fill color. I right-clicked one of the bars to start the Format Data Series Wizard. On the 5th tab, "Options", I ticked "Vary Colors By Point". A new color was assigned to the top or first bar. So far so good. But instead of these colors, I would like to use a different fill effect for each data point in the series
So I walk through the wizard and desiqn a fill effect and click ok. The fill effect is assigned to both data points. I checked where I had ticked "Vary Colors By Point"
It is still ticked. Can I override this somehow so that each data point can have a unique fill effect?
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Feb 24, 2009
I have two sections to this spreadsheet: 1) the entity section; 2) the order section.
I have created a macro to insert rows in both these sections. The macro appears to work fine for the first section but not for the second section. The problem I cannot solve is in respect of cells D9:D10. The macro is as follows:
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Feb 13, 2010
search an entire drive from the root directory and down into all subfolders and copy all files matching various file types below to another drive into organized folders named for the file type. (for an example any .xls files in F: copy to G:xls .xls files) and also create an index in one excel file showing all the files in alphabetic order with its original path.
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Jan 5, 2009
I'm using Excel 2007 and s/s is 325501 rows deep. It consists of series of ranges between 4 and 30 rows deep.
What I want to do is locate the next appearance of a name and copy its accompanying number.
Doing this manully is not feasible, given the large size of the s/s .
I enclose a small attachment showing what I am trying to achieve. For those who don't like opening attachments the wording in it is :
The desired objective is to place in column Q the next appearing number in column L of the name in column C.
The VLOOKUP formula in column Q presents the desired number but (problem!) presents a zero when next appearance = blank.
When this happens I want the formula/code to repeatedly lookup the next appearance until it finds a number.
Examples of where next numbers appear are given here in column R.
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May 3, 2012
In AA1 i input the date based on the lookup.
I want to filter Column 7 (Col G) to what ever is in AA1.
Say i had the date 02/05/2012. My filtered range should only be dated 02/05/2012 but its not filtering to those dates
With .Range("AA1")
.Formula = "=IFERROR(LOOKUP(2,1/(TEMPLATE!S12:S40""""),TEMPLATE!B12:B40),"""")"
.Value = .Value
.NumberFormat = "DD/MM/YYYY"
End With
On Error Resume Next
.Range("A1:T1").AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=.Range("AA1").Value 'filter with only the dates the macro is run for
On Error GoTo 0
End With
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