Excel 2010 :: VBA To Set Fill Effect In A Cell

Jan 5, 2012

Here's a problem I'd like to be able to solve in VBA:

Retrieve the current cell color (let's say A1 = 'green')

Format A1's cell colors (using the VBA equivalent of the 'Format Cells' / 'Fill' / 'Fill Effects' / '2 color Gradient' feature) so that the background cell color (color 2) is set to 'green' with color 1 being set to 'white' with a shading style of "From Center"

I'm using Excel 2010.

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Cool Colour Fill Effect

Sep 12, 2013

I want to gradually change th colour in a block of cells. my plan is to use code to sequentially fade through ten or so shades from light to dark. is there a way to slow the code down so that it takes a couple of seconds to run the sequence?

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Create Macro To Add Fill Effect On The Bars Of Chart

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to create a macro to add a fill effect on the bars of my chart.

However, I don't want it to change the bar's current color. Just to do the effect on the current color.

Sub fill()
With Selection.Border
.Weight = xlThin
.LineStyle = xlAutomatic
End With


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Charts: Vary Colors By Point With Area Fill Effect

Oct 30, 2006

I am attempting to create simple charts to show survey results 2005 v 2006. I have a single series in a bar chart - chart type. The wizard initially makes both bars the same fill color. I right-clicked one of the bars to start the Format Data Series Wizard. On the 5th tab, "Options", I ticked "Vary Colors By Point". A new color was assigned to the top or first bar. So far so good. But instead of these colors, I would like to use a different fill effect for each data point in the series

So I walk through the wizard and desiqn a fill effect and click ok. The fill effect is assigned to both data points. I checked where I had ticked "Vary Colors By Point"
It is still ticked. Can I override this somehow so that each data point can have a unique fill effect?

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Excel 2010 :: Fill Down Menu Gone?

Apr 10, 2013

My fill down menu does not pop up once I click and drag down over several cells. I have checked my options, under advanced, and it is checked .

I can use the right click and fill down and THAT menu pops up, but I will want the regular left click menu to pop up as I am accustomed to using it. I am thinking it's a keyboard shortcut that I may have inadvertently clicked to disable it.

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Excel 2010 :: Use Automatic Fill In Feature Of Formulas?

Oct 18, 2011

Still adjusting to 2010 Excel...How do you use the automatic fill in feature of formulas; e.g. when typing =convert....a fx function appears....not sure how to use it

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Excel 2010 :: Fill Formula Down With Double Click

Dec 10, 2012

We just upgraded our machines to Excel 2010 and now I'm having an issue with copying forumlas down. In Excel 2007 (and 03) if you double clicked in the bottom right corner of a cell, Excel would autofill your formula (or data set) down until the last row of data in your range. Have tried all the settings in 2010 and can't get it to work. All I'm able to do is do a manual copy/paste or highlight all the cells and select fill down.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Fill Blank Cells Pivot Table

Dec 19, 2012

how to fill the blank cells in a Pivot table. I am using Excel 2007. How to do it in excel 2007. Heard that there is a provision in excel 2010 version.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Active Row - Change Default Border And Fill?

Jan 13, 2013

Using Excel 2010. Is it possible to change the default line thickness and fill color when selecting the ActiveSheet Target Row below?

I would like a thin border and a light grey fill - without interfering with any fomatting or conditional formatting that has been applied to the worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill And Font Reset Macro Routine?

Aug 12, 2012

In Excel 2010, you can color a cell with a fill color and a font color.

It can be done manually via one of 3 methods that I know of (aside from a macro or a routine):

-From the ribbon button (underneath the font size and increase and decrease font size toolbar buttons)

-By formatting the cell (right clicking on a cell),

-Clicking on the ribbon's font section (giving you the same 6 category format cell box as right clicking on a cell)

What I need is a routine that resets the Fill Color and Font Color toolbar buttons to "No Fill" and "Automatic" if I run it inside a macro or create a command button on a worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Unmerge Cells And Fill Down Values In Newly Inserted Column

Jul 9, 2014

I am using Excel 2010 and have the problem as shown in the attached file.

Input Sheet shows the Data I have at present
Output Sheet is the desired result.

I need a macro which should create an "Output" sheet by doing the following on the Input Sheet

1)Insert a Blank Column before Column A
2)Unmerge the Region Heading and insert the respective Region Name in the newly inserted Column. Region Heading will be in Bold Font.
3)Repeat Step 2 for all Regions
4)Delete the Rows which was merged.

Please note that the number of Data Rows will vary for each Region.

I have shown two Regions for explanation purpose only. There will be several Regions in reality.

The result is shown on the Output sheet

Merge Problem - Forum.xlsx‎

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank

Feb 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.

I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.

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Macro To Effect Cell Based On Column

Nov 26, 2008

I wasnt sure how to name this problem, but here goes.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Save Excel File As Cell Reference Using Macro

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)

Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro


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Excel 2007 :: Conditionally Format Cell To Have The Fill Color Of Different Cell

May 25, 2011

I have a spread sheet and I want to conditionally format rows to be a certain color. That part I'm fine with. But I don't want them to be a set color. I have a "key" of different colored cells that I want to be the fill colors of the formatting. The ultimate goal is that for example the key looked like this


then the rows I had would be formatted as red, blue, yellow, and green. But if you were to go into the key and change the first cell from red to purple, then the rows would become formatted as purple, blue, yellow, and green. Obviously I can copy formating by hand using the format painter, but I want it to update automatically.

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How To Fill Blanks End Of Cell Excel VBA

Jun 10, 2008

How sholud i fill blanks in cell?


AAAAAAA this must be 11 character long and the blank character must add after the last A so it's 11 character long.

AAAAA same to this.

How to calculate how many character in cell and fill so many embty blanks after that it is 11 character long?

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Effect One Cell By The Condition Of Another Cell

Jan 2, 2010

Is it possible to effect one cell by the condition of another cell. For example cell A1 turns blue when cell C4 meets a certain condition.

The 1st sheet my users see after install requires a little patience. he/she has to put mandatory information into certain cells. I would like to blank out the rest of the sheet (formatting and all) until this information is supplied. So that the necessary initial requirements stand out alone.

This is a budget package. The user has to initially supply - weekly wage - start date, Account names, estimate amounts that will be spent on each account per week, before the program can work

I do supply instructions - but hey! who reads them? They get refered to perhaps after the 1st stuff up.

A form may work - but the sheets are already laid out with spaces in the wrong places for forms (so the Form Wizard seems to indicate) - beside the fact that I wouldn't have a clue how to make a form

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Fill Cell With Blank Spaces Using Excel Formula?

May 12, 2013

I need to clear a value in a cell(what ever may be the value) based on a condition in another cell and set it to blank. Ex: If cell A is blank and then i need make cell B also blank, if cell A has some value then i should not disturb B I need to do this using formula. I have tried the below, but no use, IF(AA1="",REPLACE(Y1,1,10,""))

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Excel 2002 :: Binding Fill Color To A Cell

Jan 26, 2012

I have a workbook in which there is a sheet containing a table.

Excel 2002ABC123Specific Gravity6 Volt ValuesSOC40.0000.000Dead
171.2496.31290%181.2576.32095%191.2656.350100%SOC Chart

From another sheet I query this table using the LOOKUP function to obtain values from column C such as 25% 60% and so on. A typical query formula looks like this:

=LOOKUP(B2,'SOC Chart'!B4:'SOC Chart'!C19)

It would be nice if the fill color came along with the value.

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Excel VBA Fill Dates Based On Number In A Cell

Jul 3, 2014

I am looking to use a VBA routine so when a Date is added in a cell and a number is in the cell below on running the routine I would like the Date to be filled by serial number to the cells to the right. So if D3 has a date in the cell say 03 July 2014 and E3 has the number 10 then to the right of D3 it fills the Date's 10 Cells to the right 03 July 2014 through to 13 July 2014.



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Excel 2010 :: When Cell Selected Can't Use Arrows To Move To Another Cell While Pointer Is Over The Cell

Apr 18, 2013

When I use the mouse pointer to select a cell I can't use the arrow keys to move to another cell while the pointer is over the cell and I can't edit the cell while the pointer is over the cell. If I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal therefore I don't think this is a scroll lock issue.

This issue also happens when I select a tab. If I select a tab and then leave the pointer over the tab I selected then I can't use the arrow keys to move around the worksheet or edit a cell; if I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal.

I am using MS Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Data From One Cell Based On Color Of Another Cell To Different Worksheet

Jan 30, 2014

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet consisting of many worksheets (20 or so). Each of these worksheets contain detail level data regarding different projects. One of the columns in these worksheets is the 'Status' column (column F). There is conditional formatting on this column where if the text is 'G' then change background to a green color, 'Y'=yellow, 'R'=Red and 'U'=Grey.

The first worksheet is a summary sheet that I would like to pull information from each of the detail worksheet's columns B, D, E, G and H if the status column (Column F) is 'R' or 'Y'.

The number of rows in the detail worksheet can change each week (as few as 0 and as many as 100)

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Excel 2010 :: Return Range Of Cell Concatenated Based On Single Cell Value

Jul 2, 2012

I have a range of cells each containing a name. Based on a number that has to be entered manually I want excel to return the names concatenated in one cell. So for example:

Number of variable entered: 5


Should give me: "q9001 q9002 q9003 q9004 q9005"

I have been trying to work with formulas using IF and CONCAT functions. But so far I haven't figured out how to have excel return me the correct amount of variables for each separate number that can be entered seeing the number of variables entered can vary from 1 up to 50.

(Using Excel 2010)

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Excel 2010 :: Repeat Cell Data Based On Another Cell Column Dragging Down

Apr 24, 2014

Formula that will repeat a cell number as it drags down and as soon as the number changes. I am using helper column that shows the cell number. I need to drag this down about 1000 rows.

Excel 2010
Helper Column
Desired Result


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Excel 2010 :: Change Colour Of Cell Based On Date In Other Cell?

Jan 10, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

Ive also attached the worksheet

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Excel 2010 :: Cell Summing Through Referencing Neighbor Cell Contents?

Feb 12, 2014

we have a Excel 2010 worksheet containing multiple tables.

ColumnA ColumnB
1 Blue 12
2 Orange 14
3 Red 10

ColumnA ColumnB
1 Blue 11
2 Black 13
3 White 10

On a separate worksheet we want to calculate with the first worksheet's values.

For example: Calc1: Sum ColumnB IN Table1 WHERE ColumnA = Orange

How do we do such a calculation/formula?

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Excel 2010 :: Change Cell Colour Depending On Date In Another Cell

Jan 9, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.

Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.

Column D is when monthly inspection is due.

Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

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Excel 2010 :: Locating One Cell Data In Text Of Adjacent Cell?

Jul 1, 2013

I am using Excel 2010.

In my worksheet I have 'Column A' and 'Column B', In 'Column A' are product I.D. numbers. In 'Column B' is a text description of the product, whose I.D. number is in 'Column A,' and should also contain the I.D. number from 'Column A' somewhere in the midst of the descriptive text. However, some of these in 'Column B' do not.

I need to create a function that looks for the value in 'Column A' and determines whether or not it is present in the text of 'Column B'. Therefore, spitting the answer out in 'Column C' so that I can copy it down for 100,000 cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Find A Cell Within Range Then Copy That Cell To Another Location

Sep 26, 2013

(I am using Excel version 14.0.7106 and MS Office Professional 2010.)

I have a macro in which I have named a range of numbers in a spreadsheet, used the "find" function to find a particular number in that range, and now would like to copy some information into a cell in the same row as the found number. However, when I try to move over to the cell that I'm copying to, it only goes to the 1st row in the range that I have defined.

Here's the portion of code I think you need to see. Everything works...it finds a match...but then I don't know what to do from there to get the information to the correct row:

'Grab the 1st project number
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
If ActiveCell.Value "" Then
prjnum = ActiveCell.Value
Selection.Offset(0, 8).Select

[Code] ..............

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Cell Color And Border By Clicking A Cell

Apr 25, 2014

I would like to accomplish 2 things in my Excel 2010 spreadsheet by click a cell which already has a number and formatting in it.

1. How do I change the color of the cell, the color of the number in it, and the border around it. (Make it look like I just pressed a button by clicking it.)

2. At the same time have the text in different cell and the number in the selected cell appear in another different cell. (Text in a different cell = A , and the number in the selected cell = 23, the value in the resulting cell be "A 23") Everything I would like to happen at the same time by clicking the selected cell. I would also like this to be done several times by clicking different cells and not changing the previously selected cells.

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