Why Do Pivots Display Pivot Item Tick Boxes That Are Not Visible In The Pivot?

Nov 27, 2009

I was wondering why a pivot table will allow you to tick and untick pivot items that are not visible?

My pivot tables have a lot of data and someone may wish to only see the pivot items that are shown in the pivot table in its currrent view. Is there a way in VB to achieve this?

In my attached example when you suntick the Media 'TV' then look in the 'Channels' drop down you can still see the tick boxes for TV channels 'ITV' and 'TV_BBC1' (I know why they are still ticked, I'd just like them not to be visible).

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Pivot Table With Tick Boxes And Radio Buttons

Oct 18, 2006

every week i send out a pivot table to different project co-ordinators and would like a way of having simple option button so that they can have the data by "hours" or "costs" and can use tick boxes for the row fields they want to show, for example, "profession", "workstage"," name","cost rate". The page field will always be "Project" and the Column Field will always be "Period" and " Date"

I then want the pivot table to change automatically to their choices. I am pretty basic with VBA so may need explanantions too. It would save me sending out 10 versions of a pivot table all feeding off the same data! They could actually do something themselves! (i know they could drag the fileds they want into the areas they need them but trust me when i say they are not that advanced, they are good at ticking!!)

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Pivot Chart Error: Unable To Set The _Default Property Of The Pivot Item Class

Aug 15, 2006

I have created quite a nice little macro that;
drills through a lot of key figures, updates a pivot chart and copies the chart to powerpoint.

However it crashes on one particular data set every time with this error:
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to set the _Default property of the pivot item class

The code where the debugger stops is the last line below here.

lngKpi = Sheets("Helpfile"). Cells(lngRow, 2)
ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("KPI # (overall").CurrentPage = lngKpi

I can manually change the pivot chart to the keyfigure it crashes on and thereby workaround the problem in the macro. Also it works for more than 50 other keyfigures without problems.

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Pivot Table - Loop Through Pivot Item Children?

Jan 7, 2014

I'm not grasping the Pivot Table correctly. I've written code to create a sum of values based on a worksheet. Specifically:LocationIDDeptSum of Hours Worked. Location, ID and Dept are rows. This effectively provides the aggregate values that I need based on the row groupings.Here's where this is falling apart. I need to create a new worksheet based on these values. I assumed the three row values - Location, ID and dept - would be in a hierarchy. It's possible they are, I just can't figure out the object model.

When I loop through the PivotItems collection of the PivotFields("Location"), I get what I need. However, I'm unable to determine how to loop through the child values (just for that location). PivotFields("ID") returns all IDs. I can't figure out how to return only the child entries for each pivot item. GetPivotData hasn't been very useful for this. As far as I can tell, GetPivotData, while its return type is listed as Range, throws an error when more than one cell is returned. Worst case, I suppose I can just parse the data in the DataBodyRange of the pivot table - maybe not, I haven't tried that. I'm hoping there's a way to iterate through these collections, but based on what I've seen from Google searches, there may not be. Does my pivot table need to be rearranged? I suppose I could also just dump this data into a data table

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Macro To COUNT For Pivot And Refresh Pivots

Jul 15, 2008

A macro to refresh a pivot tables. And also Count the Rows and Columns.

I have multiple tabs with a pivot on each. I did copy the main pivot so I was hoping to be able to refresh the main and it will refresh all of the rest?

The macro is pasting in the "DATA" tab then (trying) to count the Rows and Columns.

Then (trying) to refresh all of the "tabs" Pivots at once..

Here is what I have so. I did get it to work without counting the Columns so I will include that.

'***Verifying that "You" want to continue with the Macro***
Answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to update?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
If Answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub

'***Deleting Rows***

'***Paste in from Business Objects***

'***Deletes the Headers that came with the Business Objects Copy***
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

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Several Tick Boxes With The Same Macro

Jun 2, 2009

I'm creating a form, that will contain 20-30 tickboxes. Each of these tickboxes will refer to a certain row on a seperate sheet. And it will either hide/un-hide depending on if it is tick/un-ticked.

How can I in the macro know which of the tick boxes that was ticked?

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Using If Function With Tick Boxes

Oct 20, 2009

I have created a Time Sheet for calculating the work hours of employees. There are various criteria which play a role in how work hours and wages earned are calculated (ex. time, over time, LOA, Travel time, stat holidays etc etc.)

In a certain cell I have placed a tick / check box which the user can tick to indicate that that particular day is a statutory holiday. The tick creates a True / False answer in another Linked Cell.

Based on the True / False result I have a formula which, using the IF function with multiple conditions whether the result is True or False, will calculate the hours worked for Regular, Time and Half and Double Time.

The Formula itself works but when I add the condition based on the check box - example: IF(c37=TRUE,...,if(...,if(...,IF(c37=FALSE,...,if(...,if(... and so on, only the TRUE option works. As soon as the check box is "unticked" I get the result "false".

I hope that all makes sense.

If it helps this is my formula... where C37 is the linked cell for the checkbox.


So, when the check box is ticked, the TRUE argument works fine. But when the check box is not ticked I get a "false" result.

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Calculated Item In Pivot Table

Mar 4, 2014

I'm trying to insert a calculated row in a pivot table. I keep getting the error message 'Pivot table items can only refer to items in the same field as the calculated item'

Below is the format of my data:

Sub Division(All)
Sub Cluster(All)
A/C Level 3(All)
A/C Level 1(All)
A/C Level 4(All)
A/C Level 5(All)

A/C Level 2Sum of FY11Sum of FY12Sum of FY13
Net Revenues 100 200 300
Op Exp 50 40 30
Calculated Field50 160 270

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Add Calculated Item To Pivot Table

Jun 21, 2009

Attached is a worksheet example, of my beauty salon with 5 therapists.

The input sheet - is the shhet into which I input data on a daily basis.

Weekly inc - This sheet shows the total that each therapist made in apivot table based on the input. The week numbers are 1 to 52 (or 53) depending on each financial year (07/08, 08/09 etc).

What I want to do is either have another pivot table or to add an calculated item to the weekly inc pivot table showing me how much commission each therapist took each week? This is to be done automatically by excel.

This commission is calcluated by using the target comm figures - E.G. Leanne's target is £480 - so she has to earn £480 a week before getting a commission. So if in a week she earns £500 - she will get a commission on £20 (£500 - £480). The commission is 10%, so she will earn £2 that week.

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Calculated Item In Pivot Table?

Feb 18, 2012

I'd really like to include the yellow fields below inside the Pivot Table but I can't find a way.

On the collumn Label I have the Category, which can be Budget or Forecast. Then on the Values Field, I sum the Revenues.

RevenuesCategoryVar GrossBudgetForecastK €%Total285.264142.548-142.715-50%

I want to calculate the difference between Budget and Forecast, in € and %. I was trying to use a calculated Item but whenever I place the cursor on the Budget, Forecast or Category cells and try "Calculated Item", I get an error message saying that the Item cannot be modified..

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Can't Get Tick Boxes To Effect Pie Chart

Apr 28, 2014

I have set up a spread sheet which uses tick boxes and I have calculated it all up so that the percentage of ticks ticked is displayed in a cell etc. and when I link that data to a bar chart it works perfectly. .e.g as I tick the boxes the bar chart increases

BUT when I try to do the exact same thing with a pie chart it doesn't work.

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Pivot Table: Muscle Memory With The Drop Down Choice Boxes

Jul 23, 2009

I am somewhat of a novice with Pivot Tables. One problem I am having that no one seems able to help me out with is that when I update and refresh my pivot table, it seems like it has a muscle memory with the drop down choice boxes.

For example:
Lets say I have three customers that I have labeled 01 Target, 02 Walmart and 03 Bed Bath and Beyond. If I want to change 01 Target to 02 Target and 02 Walmart to 01 Walmart, it works in the pivot table and shows the proper data but if I try to choose the customer from a drop down box, it remembers the customers as labeled as they were before I made the changes AND the current look.

I will see: 01 Target, 02 Target, 01 Walmart and 02 Walmart in the drop down box but the data will only show up in the pivot table associated with the proper customers as they are labeled in the data source.

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Pivot Table - Calculated Field / Item?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a data that consists of months, forecast and actual.

I've created a pivot table where; months is on the row, forecast and actual is on the values

I wanted to know the percentages between forecast and actual (forecast / actual) to see how it perform each month.

How do I go about inserting a pre-defined named called "percentages" on pivot table with calculated field or calculated item on pivot table itself?

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Unique Item Count In Pivot Table?

Jun 29, 2012

I have 2 columns. One with a store number. The other with an item. I need to get the count of each item for each store. So:

Store, Item
1, Cashier 1
1, Cashier 2
1, Cashier 2
1, Photo PC 1
1, Cashier 1
1, Cashier 2
2, Photo PC 1
2, Cashier 1
2, Cashier 2
2, Cashier 1
2, Photo PC 2
2, Photo PC 2
2, DriveThru 1
3, Cashier 1
3, Photo PC 1
3, Photo PC 1
3, Photo PC 2

I would like to get to

Store, Cashier 1, Cashier 2, Photo PC 1, Photo PC 2,
1, 2, 3, 1, 0
2, 2, 1, 1, 2

How can this be done?

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Change Pivot Item With Named Reference

Nov 22, 2006

I'm trying to create code where a user can input criteria into a cell then run a macro. The macro would then use that criteria to filter the pivot table. I have attached an example. The first portion, using date to filter the current page - pivot item is working. I need to creating the code to use the "supplier" to filter the pivot items on the row. As a note, both the Date and Supplier cells are named references.

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Pivot Table Calculated Item Removal

May 24, 2007

I have cut down my problem to its simplest form - in the real world my spreadsheet is significantly more complex but the attached spreadsheet demonstrates it nicely!

The data is straightforward. PT1 shows the data without a calculated item whilst PT2 is the same PT but with the addition of a calculated item for GP (i.e Sales - COS). Unfortunately adding this has resulting in the PT growing and adding "ilogical" combinations of data that didn't exist in the source data.

In my current project I have "cheated" by using a helper column and filtering on this using the Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate event to hide the unwanted rows but surely there must be a way of removing them "properly".

Another problem, and I guess this is just the way it is, is that my PT takes ages to calculate presumably becuase it is calculating this formula for every combination of values?

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How To Keep A Column Visible When Collapsing A Field In Pivot Table

May 21, 2013

I am collapsing a field in my pivot table and it is hiding all detail behind it. The column that precedes it is a description of the account number. How do I keep the description visible when collapsing a account number.

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Totals And Subtotals Of A Calculated Item In A Pivot Table?

Mar 17, 2014

I have an issue with a calculated item in my pivot table, because in the totals and subtotal it shows the sum of the column but I want to show the formula that I've specified to the calculated item.

For example, in the attached file, I have in rows the field "name" that has four values (A,B,C,D), in columns the field "Groups" that has "G1" and "G2". I add in the rows the calculated item "G1/G2" that has the formula G1/G2. The problem is that in the total the column "G1/G2" doesn't show the division of the total of "G1" and "G2".

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Pivot Table, Calculated Item.... No Data, Still Creates A Row

Oct 12, 2007

I have a Pivot table.

Rows: City, Restaurant, Cashflow
Column: Date (Month/Year)
DataField: $Amount

"City" might be 7 cities
"Restaurant" may be 32 restaurants, some in some cities; but not other
"CashFlow" can be either "Revenue" or "Expense"

The layout of the Pivot table is nice, only shows the Rows where a State, Restaurant, and CashFlow entry exists for at least one Date on that row. And there are no extraneous rows for combinations that don't exist.

Now.... the trouble...

I added a Calculated Item, "Profit" which = "Revenue" - "Expenses".
Now, every possible combination of State and Restaurant appears in the pivot table displayed. Only the "Profit" (calculated item) is shown for the previously hidden rows; and of course it's "$0.00" since there are no "Revenue" or "Expense" entries.

How can I get the Pivot table to not display the results of a Calculated Item row, when there are no entries otherwise for that row combination?

Is there a way to condition the Calculated Item to not calculate if there are no data entries in the addends for a particular combination?

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Unable To Get Parent Item Property In Pivot Table Using VBA

May 28, 2014

I'm trying to get the parent item name of a clicked cell (e.g. when I double click on field "Commessa 2" I'd like to get "Region 3" and pass it to another sheet)

Here is my code:

[Code] .....

When I run this code, I get the message "Unable to get the ParentItem property of the PivotItem class"

Attached Image : Capture.PNG‎

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Stale Pivot Item Values After Query Change

Nov 2, 2005

I have a spreadsheet with a pivot table that is based on a table within an SQL Server database. Every month a stored procedure is run creating a new table. Using the pivot table wizard I can modify the underlying query to access the new table. The pivot table functions properly with the new data.

I also have a macro that I created that will cycle through all the combinations of page field pivot item values, setting the page field currentpage, do some calculations, and save the results.

This is bombing because it seems that some old date values from the previous month's table are still in the pivot items and when my macro attempts to set the page field's currentpage to one of these values it generates Run-time error '1004' Unable to set the _Default property of the PivotItem class.

I have tried putting a pivotcache.refresh in but that doesn't seem to help.

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Excel 2003 :: Changing Visible Property Of Pivot Items

Nov 2, 2012

For some reason, I cannot get why I keep getting an error saying that excel cannot set the property of a pivotitem's visibility. I use excel 2003.

For Each pi In ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Group Code Description").PivotItems
check = pi.Name
If check = group Then
If pi.Visible = False Then
pi.Visible = True

[Code] .........

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Macro To Filter Item Resulting In Empty Pivot Table

Dec 28, 2012

I am having an issue with my macro code. Basically I am trying to filter a pivot table by selected criteria. The code seems to be correctly filtering the pivot table but the table appears with no data in it unless I manually refresh the table. This defeats the purpose of automating with a macro. I have attempted a "work around" of just refreshing the pivot table after the filtering is complete but that was unsuccessful. Here is the macro code:

Sub BigReportMacro()

Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim E

Sheets("Pivots").Visible = True

'Refreshing all the Pivot Tables

[Code] .....

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Tick Boxes When Ticked Calculate Accumulative Percentage In A Cell

Apr 22, 2014

I have a spread sheet with various tick boxes, that when ticked calculate an accumulative percentage in a cell. This cell is the basis of my graph.

E.g. if the cell displays 80% - the chart with show 80% - simple.

However, I want to write a vba code that changes the fill colour of the chart depending on the percentage.

i.e. if the percentage data = 0-49% I wish the chart to display as red. 50-69% - yellow and 70%+ = green.

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Pivot Table To Refresh And Source Data To Change Using Visible Rows On Filtered Sheet

Feb 26, 2014

I have 5 pivot tables on 5sheets, all looking at the same source data in sheet 6

On the source data there is a filter on the headers, if you change the filter, is it possible for all 5 pivot tables to update according to the filter?

My starting point is the below, but there probably is a better way but i would want the sourcedata to equal visible rows on the source data sheet headers run A:K and up to row 10000 .

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Pivot Tables Do Not Display?

Oct 27, 2011

When in a worksheet and clicking in the pivot table results, the pivot tables no longer display.

I did have a reinstall of Office last week but can't see how that would have impacted this. Otherwise, I only use the pivot table command to 'refresh all'.

I know very little about them and didn't create this workbook.

I do add entries to the source data and have tried to change source data but I get Reference is not valid.

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Pivot Table Time Display?

Dec 5, 2013

I randomly created this spreadsheet as an example, but what I need is to display the start and end time to this sheet in a summary report format i.e.,

(Truck#) (Miles) (Stops) (Start time) (End Time)

The problem is that the table seems to always summarizes the time as well or it gives a count value of the time. If there is a better way or method to do this, I have open arms

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Don't Display Zero Values On Pivot Table

Mar 13, 2003

I've created a pivot table and was wondering if there is a way to not include zero values.

I want to do this to make the report cleaner in that if there aren't any values (0) then don't display.

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Pivot Table Text Display

Jul 19, 2003

I have a data file in excel with the following columns
1. Name
2. Activity
3. Date

I want to build a pivot table from this which shows:-

date along the top, name down the left side and in the data area all the activities..(as text)

Is this possible ?

I can only manage the activities to be displayed in the pivot as zero

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Display Percentage Of In Pivot Table

Apr 4, 2008

I have 2 columns in a Pivot Table. One called Sum of AD Total, the other called Sum of Total Cost.

I want to add a third field that displays the Sum of AD Total as a percentage of the Sum of Total Cost.

So I assumed I would use the "% Of" facility in the "Show data as" drop down, and "Total Cost" in the Base Field drop down. But what goes in the Base item field as whenever I try and put something in I get N/A returned as a result in my PT?

I'm attaching a very simplified version.

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