Can Hyperlink Run Macro And Provide Row Number?
Apr 14, 2014
I know there are better ways of doing this but I am working with an existing form and I need it to look the same.
Column O on Sheet1 has a link that use to open a document, now all the information is on Sheet2. On Sheet2 I have a macro that hides every Project except for the Project Number the user selects in B4 of Sheet2.
Can I create a link that will:
1) Select Sheet2
2) Enter the Project Number from Sheet1, current Row, column D to Sheet2 cell B4
I know a link can select a worksheet so I have #1 covered but I am stuck from there.
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Sep 21, 2009
On column A, I simply do an A-Z sort that gives the expected result. So I recorded it as a macro. In column G is a code that corresponds with column A. When the marcro is executed Column A is sorted but the corresponding value in G stays where it is. Clicking the A-Z button works. But when that action is recorded as a macro I get the above quirck. Since VBA is not my beef, I don't really know what wrong.
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Mar 13, 2014
Is it possible to record a macro or write VBA to apply conditional formatting to certain columns of cells where there are exceptions/conditions for the different types of conditional formatting? If possible, can those exceptions/conditions be based on a specific type of formula?
See my DATA EXAMPLE picture linked below. On that example, Columns K-Q need conditional formatting but manager wants row 38 to be blue based on the fact that it is using a =SUM() formula. This represents one "part" out of 75 that could be on a given sheet, each "part" has a different number of sub-parts that are used. So I can't just highlight columns K-Q because of the occasional SUM row that needs to be blue.
The conditional formatting that I am currently using in Columns K-Q only apply to K3:Q37 and not to row 38 at all. I currently have conditional formatting on columns K-N, P-Q where when '=ISNUMBER(xx)' returns TRUE is white and when it returns FALSE is light orange. Column O uses '=ISTEXT(xx)' for the same colors. Manager doesn't want to copy paste that formatting and wants it setup as a Macro/VBA.
Columns K-Q need conditional formattingColumn K - Formula pasted in only on lines that require the Sales Price to show, will return a number value or error
(=VLOOKUP(B38,'SaleWS'!C:G,5,0).Column L - Formula pasted in every cell in column except L38 is '=IF(Hxx="G",IF(Exx"Description EX",VLOOKUP($Dxx&$Gxx,'PriceWS'!$D:$F,3,0),""),"")'.
L38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn M - Formula pasted in every cell in column except M38 is '=IF(ISNUMBER(Lxx),Ixx*Lxx,"")'.
M38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn N - Formula pasted in every cell in column except N38 is '=IF(Exx="Description EX",VLOOKUP(Dxx,'Material'!A:O,15,0),"")'.
N38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn O - No formulas here, just manual entryColumn P - Formula pasted in every cell in column except P38 is '=IF(H38="P",VLOOKUP($Dxx&$Oxx,'PressWS'!$A:$L,12,0),"")'.
P38 has a sum of all above valuesColumn Q - Formula pasted in every cell in column except Q38 is '=IF(H37="W",VLOOKUP($Dxx,'WeldWS'!$A:$F,6,0),IF(Hxx="T",VLOOKUP($Dxx,'WeldWS'!$A:$F,6,0),""))'.
Q38 has a sum of all above values.Rows where they are using SUM for all the rows above for that part need to be blue
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Sep 3, 2009
I require a macro for the following scenario:
If cell E8 > = D8 (both cells are Dates) then provide message box " can not compile"
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with contact information in it. I am trying to figure out a way to count how many times I click a contacts email address, then tally it in a weekly log. The end result will be a page that totals how many emails I sent each week for the year based on the number of clicks I have made to the spreadsheet.
Ideally I would also like to log the number of times the phone number is clicked too, but I am unsure how to make the phone number a live cell.
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Feb 16, 2010
I used the following guide to construct a hyperlink formula which takes me to the coresponding part number entered into a box,
It works well in the database I set up with all the part number the problem comes when I tried to use the same hyperlink formula in a diffrent work book referencing the database.
I get a correct returned line reffrence from the macro but it will not open a link to the work book
=HYPERLINK('Database Final.xls'!wbsheet & ADDRESS(MATCH(N16,'[Database Final.xls]DATABASE'!$A$1:$A$9999,0),1),N16 & "s' Info")
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Oct 15, 2012
I am looking for a formula that will provide the right most value in a row.
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Jan 24, 2010
I have an excel sheet which has been exported from an 'Employee Attendance Software',
In the above screenshot, The employee name highlighted in Yellow should feauture in column A in the cells highlighted in Yellow.
Similarly, there are some other employees in the list for whom I have to populate the data in a similar fashion
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Jul 29, 2008
I have a hyperlink generated from a vlookup that is generated from the result of a combo box click, so the reference in the hyperlink cell will change to whatever sheet the vlookup dictates.
Then I have a macro assigned to a button ( Called 'Go' ) that when pressed clicks on the hyperlink and takes me to that corresponding sheet.
When I recorded the macro, it clicked on the hyperlink cell when it was hyperlinking to let's say Sheet 'April', but if I click on let's say September, in the combo box, then of course the hyperlink now links to the September sheet, but if I click the 'Go' button with the macro attached, it still takes me to 'April'.
surely, the macro simply follows the steps I recorded and therefore should now be clicking on the hyperlink that now says 'September'. Surely, the macro shouldn't REMEMBER that it originally clicked on 'April'.
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Mar 17, 2007
I have a workbook with over 40, identically formated, sheets. Each sheet has 96 pages. One page for each roll of carpet. To hunt for the next blank page to use, is time consuming.
On each sheet, Range B207:B303, I have IF formulas that will display the carpet ID number for each page, if one is present, or the cell remains blank. In Range C207:C303, I have Hyperlinks to the pages on the sheet.
I need a macro that will search the Range in column B for the first blank cell, then automatically use the Hyperlink next it in column C. Then I can assign the macro to a button, copy and past the button on all 40 sheets. With one click of the button, I will instantly be taken to the page availabel for data entry on that sheet.
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Feb 18, 2014
Suppose I have a file with many rows of data, some cells are colored (flagged with an error), in several columns C, D, E, F, & G. Not all cells are colored in each row. However I would like to add a column at the end that captures a count if a cell in the row is colored.
Referring to the attached example... I would expect a value of 1 in G3, 1 in H4, 1 in F6, 1 in H7, 1 in D8 and E8.
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Jan 19, 2008
how to put together a function that will provide for me 1 of 3 results, (0, 1 or 2). Example Attached.
What I would like to do is have a function to have the results for the "Pts" (D) Column be either 0, 1 or 2 based on the following.
PM (D)<1.84 (F:10) = 2
PM (D)<2.25 (E:10), >1.84 (F:10) = 1
PM (D)>2.25 (E:10) = 0
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a workbook open and my A column cells are filled with (example) Mike-1 in the first row Mike-2 in the second row and so on. Now I have another folder on the computer with Word documents that I want to hyperlink to. The corresponding Word file is named mike1. So I want Excel to go through column A and Hyperlink to the corresponding Word file.
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Feb 26, 2014
clarify here i attached file.
Hyperlink not running while am using hyperlink formula.
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Jan 20, 2009
How do I hyperlink a text box ( button ) to an existing macro?
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Jan 16, 2013
I have a macro that basically captures all of the errors in my spreadsheet and summarizes them under 3 columns (Value in Cell, Sheet, Cell) so that I can quickly identify the error message as well as it's location. I wanted to take it a set further and add a hyperlink for each error so that the user can quickly go to the error location to investigate. I really don't care where the hyperlink is located as far as which 3 columns.
curRow = ActiveCell.Row + 3
[Code] ........
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Nov 21, 2006
I have the following
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
updateall = MsgBox("Do you want to update the previous balance?", vbYesNo)
If updateall = vbYes Then
' clear previous payments
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
' update previous balance
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Now, this works just fine if the user clicks the sheet itself. However, generally they are accessing sheets via hyperlinks, which do not seem to activate this code. Is there a better/different way to ensure when the user gets to a sheet via hyperlink, they still see the msgbox?[/b]
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May 3, 2007
Is it possible to make a macro that can search for a file with the same name as a cell's text and then link that cell to the file?
Example, if I had cells that said "One" "Two" "Three" "Four" and "Five" and had a folder in my C drive with 5 files names "One.jpg"... etc could I make the macro search a folder for that file and link to it?
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Jun 20, 2006
can i use a hyperlink to call/invoke a macro...?
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Oct 23, 2007
I want to use a macro (assigned to a button) to open a file named in a hyperlink.
When I record the macro it results in the file being opened, but when I run the resulting macro it only selects the cell, it doesn't follow the hyperlink.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have two data points a Talk Time Value lets say 2:08 and the number of calls lets say 10 and need to pull the column heading value for the number of agents needed lets say 2. My "Grid" is saved in one sheet and the my variable data values are in another. I need to somehow pull the closet match of my talk time value 2:08 and the calls value 10 to match up on my grid and give me the Column Heading which is the number of agents. Which in this example would be 2 agents. Just for reference in my other sheet I have my Talk time Value in C3 and my Call number value in D3. I tried various Index and Match formulas but have not got the one that I need to work the closet I have is =INDEX(Sheet2'B1:D1,MATCH(D3,INDEX(Sheet2'B2:D7,MATCH(C3,'Sheet2'A2:A7,1),0))).
example: in Sheet 2
ColA Col B Col C Col D Sheet 1 C3= 2:08 D3=10
Row 1 1 2 3
Row 2 1:00 0 3 4
Row 3 1:15 1 5 6
Row 4 1:30 2 7 8
Row 5 1:45 3 9 10
Row 6 2:00 4 10 11
Row 7 2:15 5 12 13
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Dec 26, 2012
I like to use the combo box (Active X control). where I need to provide the range/List in the properties. While inputing the value in properties it is disappeared.
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Aug 31, 2012
I'm fairly new to excel and trying to create a simple spreadsheet to provide a log of staff allocation. I've created a first a sheet displaying a table with a week of rota. The first column lists where the staff are placed, the first row the date and inbetween the staff member covering that date. There are 5 further sheets, one for each member of staff with a simple table - first column is date, second is allocation.
Back on the first sheet below the timetable is a further grid showing on the first column staff names, and below each date a formula =VLOOKUP( B$3,David!$A:$Z,2,FALSE) pulls information from the 5 sheets displying whether a memeber of staff is on leave or there allocation on that particular day.
The problem i'm having is trying to get the 5 simple staff sheet to pull data from the Rota ie. I need say B3 to look at the date in A3, find the same date on the Rota sheet, look for the relevent staff name below it (if present), and display the allocation from the first column on the same row as the staff member.
I've tried a combination of Vlookup with Match and Index with Match but nothing seem to work.
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Jun 8, 2014
Is there any Software / Excel Add-in to provide VBA Project Documentation? I'm looking for something that can tell me which code does what? Which codes and functions are related. What are the references (with Other MS Office products / foreign-objects if any). How many codes and code names
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May 14, 2009
I would like to a formula that will provide a weighted average rate (yellow cells) for a provided volume level, given the tiers on the left. I have already performed this the "dumb" way with lots of IF statements to figure the volume by tier and then taking a weighted average of the products with the rates by tier, but there's got to be a more efficient way. My file is huge! ....
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Mar 26, 2007
My sheet called 'Report' finds a type using a vlookup. I then have a sheet called labor, where I want to find put the total amount for labor using this formula: '=SUMIF(Report!$K$2:$K$65000;LABOUR;Report!$G$2:$G$65000)', but it only returns a '-'. I want the formula to return total amount from column G, if column K is type 'LABOUR'. Is my formula incorrect?
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Nov 5, 2008
adds the file name into column A if it could also hyperlink it to that file. 2nd, Change it so it doesn't start a new workbook and worksheet. I would like it to just run in the Workbook it is in and each time the macro runs or the workbook opens it updates any info that has changed.
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Oct 16, 2011
Ive got this macro used to search for a particular code in an excel sheet with about 4000 codes, each assigned a hyperlink.
my goal is to make the user enter the hyperlink automatically in the code upon hitting search.
So far this is what i have:
the problem is that it only works with hyperlinks which are assigned a link (right click assign hyperlink) and not codes which work with a formula for example =HYPERLINK("", "ABC123")
Sub searchsheet()
'Opens box and ask what do they want to search
searchthis = InputBox("Type in a location keyword.", "Property Search")
'Tells where to search
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Oct 4, 2012
I have this macro that I use for taking information based column B grouping it together and putting in a separate worksheet.
What I would like to do is in the master sheet (sheet1) to create a hyperlink for those listed in column B so I can click on it and it takes me right to that worksheet.
Sub exporttoWS()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Range, LR As Long, ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook, C As Range
'looking at the full length of the file
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'sheet needs to be named sheet1, all data should begin on row 3
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Mar 15, 2013
I'm trying to create a macro that I can assign to a clip art pic that will pop up the Insert Hyperlink prompt when I click on the picture. So basically anytime I click on the pic for the 1st time I'd like to be able enter the url address of my choosing but if I were to click on that pic again I want it to go to the Hyperlink address I previously entered.
I should note that I tried recording a macro by first by clicking on Record Macro then press ctrl + k and then click Stop Recording but it wouldn't stop recording. I had to first click Cancel on the Insert Hyperlink prompt and then I was able to Stop Recording so this attempt was unsuccessful.
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