Hyperlink Formula (Takes Coresponding Part Number Entered Into A Box)
Feb 16, 2010
I used the following guide to construct a hyperlink formula which takes me to the coresponding part number entered into a box,
It works well in the database I set up with all the part number the problem comes when I tried to use the same hyperlink formula in a diffrent work book referencing the database.
I get a correct returned line reffrence from the macro but it will not open a link to the work book
=HYPERLINK('Database Final.xls'!wbsheet & ADDRESS(MATCH(N16,'[Database Final.xls]DATABASE'!$A$1:$A$9999,0),1),N16 & "s' Info")
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Mar 18, 2009
I am trying to use VLOOKUP to auto-populate a description from an entered part number. After checking up on how to do this in several different places I applied this formula to the relevant cell but all that it returns is #N/A.
I am very confused as all seems to be correct, but I am new to this and I am sure I am missing something silly. :P
On entering a part number into cell C13 on sheet 'Stores Receipt' it should search and find that number in column A on sheet 'Product List', it should then return the adjacent description from column B on sheet 'Product List' and show this in cell C17 on sheet 'Stores Receipt'.... Sounds simple hey! :D
The formula used is:
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Apr 22, 2009
I'll try to keep this brief. Our part #'s look like this. XP014567. Where the first pair of characters stand for a value(say XP=Bolt), the second pair stand for a value(01= Grade 2), and so on. What I would like to be able to do is type in the part numer and have the description automatically populate. Is there an easy way to do this? I'm running Excel 2003.
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Jun 11, 2014
I would like to be able for a user to enter something in a cell (E14) and then press Find and it open a internal web search.
In this code %1234% would be in E14. How do I make the hyperlink change based on what is in cell E14?
The %2A has to stay in both beginning and end of the text in E14.
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Mar 6, 2014
I have an excel file that is used to record information about particular projects. We need to record dates related to these events and these are stored on separate worksheets. These use a key of sorts, where the unique references are replicated on all worksheets.
I have set up the data sheet to generate the unique identifier and the hyperlinks to the Received! and Sent! worksheets automatically as new unique references are added to the Data! worksheet.
What I would like is a VBA code to populate hyperlinks in the Received! and Sent! worksheets in column B, to link back to the Data! worksheet unique reference.
I had used formulas in the past, but the Data! worksheet is massive. I've needed to write hundreds of hyperlink formulas referencing blank spaces in the Data! sheet in anticipation of new projects. It would be better if they were populated as the sheet expanded.
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Jan 31, 2008
in order to hyperlink a single peice of text in a cell and not the whole cell I have created a shape with no fill or line but added text. I then hyperlinked it to a location in the workbook. When I set the Move and size with cell property I am not geting the expected result. If I resize a row well above that cell, the object isn't following the cell it wa placed in. I would be happy with alternative mechanisms for putting independantly linked text.
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May 11, 2013
I am look for a formula that takes the value from each worksheet and enter this to a summary sheet. I do not what to use formula = then press the enter key when you have select the cell with value in.
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Dec 13, 2011
I'm trying to write a function that takes a date in format YYYYMM and adds/subtracts a number of months.
for example: newDate(YYYYMM,numMonths)
newDate(201109,5) would give 201202
newDate(201102,-4) would give 201010
I was thinking i could use the left/right function to retrieve the month and year ........
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Jun 2, 2014
I attached an example excel sheet. I tried to figure out but could not get a way. I need a formula which takes the value in D2, search it in column A, if the value is in the list, type the corresponding result in E2.
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Oct 19, 2011
I have a formula as follows:- =COUNTIF(C$2:C2,C2)
The problem is I have to fire it down 35,000 rows and it takes forever and freezes the PC. Is there a VBA code that will do it quicker or do I have to put up with it?
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. On the first "active parts" I have a list of active part numbers and on the second "All Parts" I have all of the parts available.
I want to compare every part in the All Parts worksheet to see if the part number exists on the Active Parts sheet - if it's there, I would like it to return the value "Active" in column B in All Parts. I have a formula in column B in All Parts that seems to work for the first few, but as soon as it finds one that is active, the rest of the cells below all return "Active".
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May 5, 2014
Basically I need a formula that takes into effect many variables. It needs to check a size, thickness, and material, to determine a cost...
1.5 O.D. - 16GA - 304SS = $X
1.5 O.D. - 18 GA - 304SS = $Y
and such.
The problem I have is not only am I not understanding a lot of Excel jargon, the data set is not in perfect "example" conditions.
O.D. is in N:N yet there are blanks between N(x) and N(y), GA is in O:O yet blanks between O(a) and O(b), and so on.
Here is what I have at the moment, it uses a second sheet to derive the cost based on the parameters. Please ignore the first few terms, they are used with this cost lookup to give me my final. There also may be incorrect syntax in this, but since I get a nesting error first, I really don't know.
=V7+(Q7*M7*(IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$19,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$20,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$21,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$16,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$17,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$18,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=16)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost
[Code] ......
Mentioning LOOKUP, can I even use it? I've attempted many times however it isn't going too well What can I do?
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Sep 15, 2014
I have one data tab which constantly changes. (adding more products and corresponding volume/prices) For the lookup tab, I want to look up one value and return multiple values.
I have figured out an index array formula but it just calculates so slowly. My live file is about 8MB now. When I apply my formula, it takes forever to save.
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Feb 12, 2010
I am using the below formula to distinctly count the number of customers that match the criteria that I have in Cells C7 and B10. The data is in a separate worksheet, that I am showing Named Detail of which will be changing on a monthly basis, so a pivot table does not want to be used. The detail data ranges from row 7-40,000, and the file is currently 8610KB's, and can potentially grow.
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(Detail!$A$7:$A$40000=C$7,IF(Detail!$B$7:$B$40000=$B10,IF(Detail!$D$7:$D$40000<> "",MATCH(Detail!$D$7:$D$40000,Detail!$D$7:$D$40000,0)))),ROW(Cust)-MIN(ROW(Detail!$D$7:$D$40000))+1),1))
This formula works but takes an excessive amount of time for one caluclation, and I need this for multiple column and row critera. So, can this calculation be changed in order to get the same result with faster calculation time? I am using Excel 2003.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a dataset in the following manner
A B C D Value
1 0 2 3 D
2 1 3 4 D
6 2 3 4 A
The VALUE field is my problem. I need a formula so that the value field takes the max of the other four columns and returns a string (e.g. 'A' in the column header)
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Oct 17, 2006
I am having a slight problem copying hyperlinks. I have written some code that sorts data by date and then creates a simple diary. It originally placed the name of the event in the new diary sheet. What I would like to do is instead of copying the name into this new sheet copy a hyperlink that I have created to the company's website for that event.
I can create the hyperlink using hyperlink(B1,A1) where A1 is the company name and B1 is the web address but since the new sheet will not have the underlying data I need to actually copy the values and format of the hyperlink rather than the formula.
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Jun 22, 2007
In sheet1, (B2 & C2) are the numbers entered by the user. After they entered, it will create rows of table according to the number of groups they entered on the respective sheets.
how do I let it create the groups itself?
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Jun 3, 2013
I have a spreadsheet listing all my vehicles and their respective oil filter part number. Now, some vehicles share the same oil filter and I am trying to find a way to return the vehicle description when using the filter # as a value. In my example below, I am looking to fill the third column with the Vehicle that also shares the same oil filter number. i.e. in the Dodge row, toyota would appear in the third column and vice versa in the Toyota row.
Oil Filter #
Also used with
I am not well versed in excel lingo which is probably why I have a hard time coming up with a method that works.
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May 29, 2009
I'm trying to create a formula that takes from "Manual" Sheet the number from colume G2 and multiply it by the percentage in sheet "AllocationRule".
My formula currently is =Manual!$G$2*AllocationRule!$B5.
What needs to happen is that the total number in "Manual" needs to be distributed evenly in 4 rows by the percentages allocated in "AllocationRule".
Right now I can't copy my formula over to the sheet because the "AllocationRule" should stop at B5 and not go further and the G2 from "Manual" should not change for the percentage allocation but should change to the next row for the next month.
And then after I've done the calculation I want the LOB in "AllocationRule" to be displayed in the LOB in "H1913_H1914" but I'm not sure what formula to use.
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Feb 9, 2013
How can I drop the whole number part of a number and leaving only the decimal part of the number. Then multiply the decimal part of the number with a number. Then repeat this in a sequence. The object is to convert Lat and Long decimals to Hr. Min. Sec.
eg. 53.535663 .535663*60=32.13978 .13978*60=8 53 32 8
eg. 113.352640 .352640*60=21.1584 .1584*60=9 113 21 9
eg. 113.306579 .306579*60=18.39474 .39474*60=23 113 18 23
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May 26, 2008
Sheet one will contain the following:
On sheet two I need to list any date that has three or more true statements with the coresponding name.
2/26/2008 Bill
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Jun 18, 2013
I would like to be able to enter a number in cell a1. Let's say 44.2. I want that number to actually be locked in as 100'-0" in cell b1. Below in the next row I want to enter another number, lets say that one is 41.5 into cell a2. And then I want the cell b2 to return the difference in feet and inches. So ultimately the only cells that I will entering data into is in column a and column b would just return information.
The other thing I am trying to figure out is a formula for converting decimal feet to feet and inches (which I have found) but a formula that is less than 40 characters.
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Jan 5, 2007
Im trying to enter an employees name into a data list. I have a program that generates a list including their employee number into column B. I want to write something to put the employee name into column C. Im working with 60+ employees so i dont think if statements will work? anyway to reference a chart or table with the numbers and names on it?
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Aug 11, 2007
if I use the following formulae in A1 and fill it down, I get the serialization 1,2,3....etc. =(INT((ROW()-1)/1)+1)*1
But if I begin formulae at A11 and fill down, I get 11,12,13.....etc. Now I type 1 in A11, how do I modify the formula so that A12 will be 2, A13 will be 3, A14 will be 4 and so on ?
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Sep 23, 2009
I am entering values in columns AV and BD of the attached spreadsheet. Rather than manually editing each value to adopt the decimal place value of the adjacent cell is there a formula that can achieve this before the value is entered? The decimal place values are determined using a VLOOKUP table (column3) on the NES tab.
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Jan 21, 2006
Is there a function in excel that alerts you if you have entered a number
(or word!) more than an agreed amount of times??
e.g. If you have agreed not to input the number 7 more than 3 times in a
selected range, but then do so, will excel inform you??
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Mar 14, 2003
I want to pick the last number entered in column and put it in a formula. Is there an easy way to do this, or do I have to stack a lot of IFs in a string.
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Feb 12, 2010
I am trying to do a VLOOKUP on a worksheet with a list of our Part numbers. The Part numbers begin with zero and go into the alphabet with anywhere from 3 digits upto 18.
When I sort the sheet Excel sorts the numeric by the number of digits in the number AND totally ignores the first zero. I can not format as numbers since again Excel drops the first zero. Therefore, when I do the VLOOKUP it will not look through the entire numeric list for the higher digit numbers. Is there anyway to resolve my VLOOKUP issue with indexing or?
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Aug 11, 2009
I have been working on a spreadsheet with 3 sheets and have done everything except the last function which I just can't work out. Data is entered on the first sheet in a list with an item number, description, dates etc and then finally, if they are a certain type of item, a variation, a 'variation number' in a column.
The next sheet is then called 'variations' and here starts my problem. I want to have a formula that picks up if a variation number has been entered on sheet one in the 'variation number' column and if so, add that item into this sheet, in order.
So to summarise, I need sheet 2 to search on sheet 1 in a specific column for numbers 1-30(ish) for a series of items. I then need sheet 2 to list each of these in order, copying over each item that goes with the number from sheet 1 in the same format.
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Feb 4, 2010
I am trying to simply count the number of times each entered name appears on my list IE if John Smith appears 3 times in one sheet, in a column after his name would simply be the number 3. I tried this doing =COUNTIF(A8,A:A) Where A8 is his name and column A is all names. I keep a return value of 0 every time!!!!! I even tried =COUNTIF(A7,A12) where they were both the same names. And yes,I did do Ctrl + Shift - enter
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