Can I Autosave A Document?
Sep 11, 2009
Is there a way that I can have an excel document "autosave"?
Specificaly I would like: If a value in a specific cell's value is changed I would like the document to automatically save the document as the name of the value that is typed into that cell when the user closes the document.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would be great if there was some way to do this.
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Feb 2, 2014
I am processing a fair few Invoices, which are being sent to me via e-mail as excel documents, very often they contain mistakes, a decent amount of mistakes. Usually the prices are wrong.
I keep track of every single entry on the invoice on my own document - Tracker, which I consider to be the superior/more correct document to the Invoice presented to me by my contractor.
Both of the documents have a reference number, which is a specific docket number, and horizontally, in the invoice, there is going to be a price for this docket. In my document, there is going to be a separate column for the total price.
Is it possible (I guess with VBA) to check for mistakes in the Invoice, but use the Tracker as a reference for this check.
Tracker has
A - Name
B - Department
C - Date
D - Docket No.
C - Total price for the docket (calculation of E to Z)
E to Z - all smaller entries
Invoice has
A - Date
B - Docket No.
C to E price for that docket, but it is spread, because departments are separated out, so each VAT account can be charged accordingly. I guess it is possible to do a separate column for the price, if it is easier to do a script that way.
Basically, I need to check if in the Invoice document, the price (C to E) for Docket No. (B) is the same as the price (C) for the Docket No. (D) in the Tracker.
I would like the wrong entries to be highlighted on the Invoice Document, so I can see straight away, that this needs attention.
Not always the price is wrong, sometimes the Docket No. is spelled incorrectly (Dyslexic contractor), hence the highlighting.
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Feb 17, 2009
I need a script that will turn a excel doc into a txt doc. Thats the easy part. The hard part (at least I think it is), is I need it to be in a certain format and I'll do my best to explain that fomat below.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have this code, and it's not working: ...
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Nov 30, 2011
I am trying to use the following macro to autosave a document to a pdf file. It works except it always saves it as the same name. Is there a way I can make it save it and when it saves it, title it as the contents in cell A5?
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
"C:UsersTRFoundationDesktop529431.pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:= _
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Jun 21, 2013
I have macro enabled workbooks that the contract number increases by one everytime they are opened. Is there a way to make it auto save though when its opened. Right now I have to click save as soon as I open it. If I do not do this when I open it, when I open it again the contract number will stay the same as it was, because I save it at the end after I put all customer info in.
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Oct 7, 2008
I'm trying to write a macro in excel that will save the document every couple of minutes. After searching the forums here for a bit I found something that might work:
Sub test()
newHour = Hour(Now())
newMinute = Minute(Now())
newSecond = Second(Now()) + 30
waittime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)
End Sub
The only thing about this is that it runs constantly and won't stop saving. Is there a way to do this where it will only save every 5 minutes or so?
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Apr 14, 2009
I am using the following code to automatically save the workbook when excel is being closed.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End Sub
This seems to be working fine (in the respect that when the user closes excel it saves this file without a prompt), the issue i have (and i appreciate it is a small issue) is that excel remains open but without any open workbooks. Is there a way i can amend my code so that excel closes too.
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Apr 12, 2005
I m executing some macros in my file. After executing I need to save my file automatically (which is already saved). Means I dont need to press "CTRL + S".
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Aug 11, 2009
I have copied the below coding from the forum.
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Nov 12, 2005
I have just upgraded from excel 2000 to excel 2003 I have always set autosave to 5 minutes in case I press the wrong button as I did tonight. I also had autosave set to save all open workbooks
I am a heavy user of excel and often have many workbooks open at the one time.
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Nov 9, 2009
I wonder if anyone could help with some VBA code to automatically save a copy of a workbook on a monthly basis (Say the 1st of each month, or the nearest date to that if it has not been saved on the 1st.)
I would like this to be done without user input, and to be saved with the current workbook name + the current date. It can also be saved in the current workbook folder. I am using Win XP Pro and Excel 2003. This would also obviously need to check if the file currently exists, we can say the filename is Cars and the directory is C:Data. Finally I do not wish to stop the users from saving their own version with save or save as.
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Jan 2, 2010
Please review the following and advise the one Best Connection needs to save in Excel 5.0/95 format without prompting me about incompatability issues
Sub Tomo() ....
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Dec 13, 2008
I have seen a number of discussions on this subject. I used Roy's code posted here and wanted to make a small change. I want to give the user a warning msg, few minutes before the autoclose would be scheduled to occur. This would give the user a chance to change cell selction or do somethig to reset the timer. If the message goes unanswered, the autoclose should occur as scheduled.
I am attaching a workbook with the macros installed in workbook, standard module and worksheet.
It dosn't seem to do what I want. It seems to work, but it acts differently everytime I run it.
Can someone please look at the attached workbook and help me fix it?
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Jan 4, 2008
Is it possible to disable the autosave feature in vba?
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Aug 4, 2008
I have an excel document with a list of about 12,000 names/addresses. They are currently displayed like this:
1 <name1> <name2> <name3>
2 <address1> <address2> <address3>
3 <zip1> <zip2> <zip3>
...and I want to re-arrange them so they are displayed horizontally:
1 <name1> <address1> <zip1>
2 <name2> <address2> <zip2>
3 <name3> <address3> <zip3>
Is there any possible way of doing this quickly without copying/pasting 12,000 lines of text?
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Oct 31, 2013
I am trying to sort a document alphabetically but cannot. I have two lines in the doc that previously had headers on them. I was able to remove them, but am now left with a row that has what looks like a backwards L in the last cell. The bottom line is also darker, but there is not a detectable border set. If I choose the rows that include these rows in my sort option, it is disabled. Sorting is available if I do not. I need to sort everything.
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Nov 12, 2008
I have an excel document that is a form.
Can I use the data collected from this form to generate another new document?
I want the user to enter some data and hit "Create" and a new excel document with that data is created.
Also, the new document has some data in it already. So it has some data and it will get new data from the form.
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Jan 15, 2008
Version used: Excel 2003
I have a spreadsheet that everyone in my department uses. My boss has asked me to protect certain columns so that only I can edit them but leave others so that the rest of the depratment can use those.
I have tried locking the ones I am to use and unlocking the ones the others can use then protecting the document. This works well enough as far as it goes, however, it is combersome having to unprotect then reprotect it every time I need to work on it. Also, that method makes the drop down lists that we are using for easy sorting no longer function.
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Mar 18, 2009
I am currently building a program in Excel, which can carry out numerious tasks. Having over 15 userforms, countless macros and several worksheets of caculations in the background, basically all geared towards capturing customer data, producing a application form and submitting the data to an ".mdb" file.
Now everything is going well so far with little in the way of problems and the document is 2.5Mb in size (users centrally access this Read Only). I'm conducting a daily Clean Project on this but I have a few questions...
1) how far can I push an Excel workbook in terms of size/content before it becomes unstable
2) are there any tips that can be offered for program stability
3) Has anyone built anything on this scale before
...the reason I ask is the program could potentially double in size over the next 6 months depending on the volume of application types it is able to produce. I want to make sure I have considered stability.
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Feb 8, 2010
i need macro for my document.this macro need run on column "E" & "H" i need like this.
ex- E2 cell some text or number is there,H2 cell value should delete.E2 cell is empty H2 value no need to delete.
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Mar 30, 2007
I was able to create a recordset of data and then save the recordset as an XML document. This XML document is aggregated data for a chart in Excel.
I need to hit the XML with ADO into a recordset from my select statement...
As you can see below, I think I found the Driver I need to use??? I am not sure that this is correct for Excel VBA ADO???
sSQL = "Select * From C:ADO.XML"
When I open the sSQL, cnDB the error I get is this:
"The filename, directory name, or volumne label syntax is incorrect"
Set GetXMLDB = New ADODB.Connection
.Open "Provider=MSDAOSP; Data Source=MSXML2.DSOControl.2.6;"
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
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Feb 22, 2008
I have an excel worksheet which has a lot of comments attached to individual cells. Is there a way to convert these comments into a microsft word document along with the contents of the cells to identify where they originated? Also Is it possible to convert just a selection of cells into word document rather than the whole worksheet.
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Oct 22, 2007
Is there a way to list the recent changes to an excel document on the document itself?
For example, I have just 4 or 5 columns in the sheet, but out the the right on the 7th column I'll have a header that says "Recent Changes". Below that for X amount of rows, I would like it to keep a running change list something like this:
B14 was changed from '6.021' to '6.5' by username on 10/21/07 3:45 pm
A23 was changed from 'Sally' to 'Billy' by username on 10/21/07 2:30 pm
I thought this up by looking at the way the "Track Changes" functionality works on the Tools menu. That will highlight the cells in blue as they are changed and will also let someone look back through changes to let them accept or deny.
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Dec 20, 2007
I am recording a macro to help me with formatting a document. I know do this manually, but realized that if I record a macro and run it the process would be faster. I have tried this and it works really well. However the problem is that although the columns are always the same, the rows increase and decrease everytime I download the raw report.
When I record the macro and then run it, it only selects the number of rows that I choose when I record the macro. I am sure there is a way to have the macro look for date and then stop after there is no more rows, but I can't find it in help.
I have tried selecting the whole document, but that slows the automated formatting down significantly.
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May 15, 2008
I've got an Excel document that is generated from a third party programme (See ExcelDoc attached)
I'm trying to manipulate it so that a macro creates a CSV file like the one attached (see THK.csv)
I need to have the following columns in the CSV file populated using the Excel spreadsheet
Column A: Will need to have the NUMBER that is in cell B2 of the Excel file in this case the number is 0714 (need to keep the preceeding 0 too)
Column B: Will need the phone number
Column C: Will need the fax number
Column D: Will need to have the email address
Column E: Will need to have the date only
Column F: Will need to have the Order Number
Column G: Will need to have the Customer name
Column H: Will need to have the Customer telephone number
Column I: Will need to have the Customer alternative telephone number
**Column J: Will need to have the 1st line of the address (after First Address in xls doc)
Column K: Will need to have the 2nd line of the address
Column L: Will need to have the 3rd line of the address
Column M: Will need to have the 4th line of the address
Column N: Will need to be a blank cell
Column O: Will need to be a blank cell
Column P: Will need to be a blank cell
Column Q: Will need to be a blank cell
Column R: Will need to be a blank cell
Column S: Will need to be populated with the information that is after the field MyAddress: in Cell B11 of the xls document.
I've managed to get a macro that will take the information and transpose it into a new document and rename it as an CSV file but I am having a lot of problems trying to get the macro to create the CSV file in the format that I need.
**This cell is generated and will have commas at the end of each line of the address and will be terminated by a period (at line 4 of the address. Sometimes there will be 4 lines to an address but sometimes there may only be 2 or three. In the case where there is no information I need to have a blank (null) value in the cell
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Jan 19, 2009
I'm trying to open a word document from excel using VBA. Here is my code.
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm using the following code to copy columns of data in a worksheet of mine. The code once activated will open "notepad" and copy the columns of data in my excel worksheet. Here is the
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Aug 9, 2009
I need a macro for printing a document, Could anyone supply me with the macro. And how to acivate it and sve in the sheet
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Aug 25, 2009
I am trying to open a word document from within excel using
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