Can Excel Able To Trigger If Due Date Is Set

May 20, 2013

I am preparing a list of calibration items that require yearly calibrated, how can I set the date and prompt me example 1 month ahead when the item is going to due soon.

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Adjust Code From Cell Range Trigger To Button Trigger

Jul 1, 2014

I have the code below that is two separate activities and I want to change the second activity from a cell trigger (Set KeyCells = Range("K42:AD42")) to a button trigger. I need to first to remain unchanged.

I'd be ok if this was just one macro that I could assign to a button but because its two and I need to write the second's to clicking a button I'm over my head.

Its occured to me while writing this that because it'll be a range of buttons I'll probably need to make each one an individual code? Is this the case? If so I may have to just keep this as it is.

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Creating A Date Range Trigger

Jun 5, 2007

hi i am currently trying to construct a date based maintainance sheet

i will try to explain what im trying to do

in one cell date is inputted
the next cell automatically adds +30 to generate next test date

what i am trying to do is get the sheet to
there are 4 testers so its a 3 month cycle for each ie
tester 1 jan
tester 2 feb
tester 3 march
tester 4 april
tester 1 may
tester 2 june

you get the picture? i hope
so if

cell A1 todays date


21 jan.............................21 feb................................tester 2

inputed ...................... =A1+30
and date

i am trying to get the formula to tell me after the inputed date has been changed who the next tester is

i have tried using the IF command but it wont let me specify a date range ie 1 jan to 31 jan (or in the specified date codes) date range only one specific date with >= or <= which doesnt quite work properly

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Workday Holiday Trigger Date

May 21, 2009

I am trying to work out a formula calculating dates.

basically a piece of work / report is due for completion twenty working days from a trigger date. And I need the formula to calculate this due date. Im using the workday function, which calculates a date using the number of working days given after the trigger date.

this would work fine, except that the trigger date needs to be included in the calculation (inclusive). I have tried changing the value for the number of working days to nineteen, which would logically give the right answer (20 days including the trigger day). BUT the bloody thing doesnt work, because the trigger date can be on a weekend or holiday!! so then it calculates 19 days (as it should) but the result is wrong because the trigger day isnt included (as its a holiday/weekend).

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Excel 2013 :: VBA - Trigger Event On Print Screen

Jun 27, 2014

I have a project report, which is user-configurable, allowing the user to customise the data that is displayed based on a number of parameters.

To ensure the report always prints neatly (the number of visible columns and rows varies, depending on the above parameters), so I have a macro that dynamically sets the print area of the worksheet.

At present, I call the macro from the workbook.beforeprint event, which works fine in terms of printing. Ideally however, I would like the macro to be called when CTRL+P is first pressed - i.e. the resulting 'print screen', containing a preview of the print out should reflect what will subsequently be printed, when the 'Print' button is then pressed.

I am not sure if this makes sense (Excel 2010 and 2013 are different from previous versions).

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Excel 2003 :: Extract Information From Spreadsheet Database Into Another Sheet With One Trigger?

Nov 27, 2012

I used to use Excel many many years ago for all my basic business databases and pivot table reports (so was at a basic competency level) and want to use it again but it has been quite a while and I can't remember how to do the following.....

I want to build a database of sales and purchase info in say 'sheet 1' - let's say 30 different headed columns and then many lines of different information under each column.

In 'sheet 2' I want to create an invoice template of my own design (I can do easily) for printing.

This template will need to extract say 10 bits of information from a particular row and then put them in a certain place on this sheet.

How can I type in one piece of information in a cell on sheet 2 (say the invoice or line number of the database) and that will then trigger all the other needed information from that particular line in sheet one onto this template?

I know it can be done but for life of me can not remember the formulas to use for these other cells in sheet 2 based on the info put in that one 'trigger' cell

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Trigger A Sound Within Excel/VB Other Then Using The "BEEP" Command?

Jun 28, 2006

Is there any way to trigger a sound within Excel/VB other then using the "BEEP" command?

Can the Windows Sounds be accessed?

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Excel 2007 :: Date Filtering - Change Date Format Supplied By Date Picker

Apr 24, 2012

I have a table of data (total 142 rows). Column contains dates, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.

I tried to filter using DATE FILTERS->EQUALS and in the custom filter window, I chose EQUALS then picked a date from the date picker icon. The date I picked was 5/4/2009 (this is May 4, 2009, formatted automaticall by excel as m/d/yyyy).

When I clicked OK, nothing showed up despite the fact that there are 6 occurences of May 4, 2009 (formatted as dd-mmm-yyyy in the data table)

So my questions are:

1. Is this due to the formatting?

2. Is there a way to change the date format supplied by the date picker?

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How To Trigger A Message Box?

Dec 17, 2007

how to trigger a message box?

if i type TP123 in cell A1 i want it to trigger a message box with a comment

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Conditional Formatting Using A Trigger?

Sep 17, 2013

I have attached a sample work book.

What I want to achive is the colouring of the cells in columns A-L using the trigger of the "Y" character in colums J-L

So when a Y is put in column J the cells to the left and including column J change to green. Then when a Y is put into column K the cells to the left and including K turn yellow. Finally when a Y is entered in column L the cells to the left and including L turn the lovely shade of Pink. It is possible the process will go from a Y in column J to a Y in column L mising out column K but I don't suppose this will matter.

I used to have it working in office 2003 to a fashion but have not yet got my head around 2010

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VBA To Trigger Event Change

Feb 26, 2014

I have a chart with 2 Y axis. I am attempting to write some code that will update both axis with the same max & min value that is triggered by the combobox selection. The code will update the axis but is not triggered by the combobox selection.

[Code] ...........

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Trigger Macro After 15 Seconds

Feb 22, 2009

I want to trigger a macro that refreshes a pivot table but I only want to trigger the macro after 15 seconds. The reason is that I am pulling the source data from access mdb so I want only to refresh the data once the data is pulled.

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Sumif - Only Trigger On Certain Month

Oct 20, 2012

How do I amend this formula to have it only trigger on a certain month.


Date Description CatCost feesTotal Balance
20/02/12 PayPal Credit 10$0.10 $0.00$0.10 $0.10
20/02/12 PayPal Credit 10$0.01 $0.00$0.01 $0.11
26/02/12 Payment 1$174.69 $4.49$170.20 $170.31

I need it to look at what month it is and then the category.

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How To Trigger Macro On A Condition

Jan 25, 2014

Is it possible to trigger a macro on a condition like this?

If date more than 1 week arrange date in sequence order.

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Create A Automated Trigger

Apr 5, 2007

I am having trouble trying to get an MS Access Query to run from MS Excel automatically.

I am trying to create an automated trigger in MS Excel that will automatically run my Access query by the times I specify in my statement.

For example: I need to run a query in Access at 9am, 12 pm and 10pm, that's it, but I believe I need to do it via Excel, I don't want the data returned to Excel, I just want Excel to execute the query at those specific times!

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Drop-down Box Value To Trigger Macro

Jun 21, 2006

A1 is a drop-down list, created from Data> Validation>List, which lists 3 different words (Text1, Text2, Text3). I have recorded 3 macros (Macro1, Macro2, Macro3). Here's what I want to happen:

When Text1 is selected in A1, I want Macro1 to run (same for Text2/Macro2 and Text3/Macro3). I want the user to be able to change this value as many times as they wish and have the corresponding Macro run each time. I've tried creating the appropriate code in Editor using other threads on this forum, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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Function Activating Without Known Trigger

Aug 2, 2006

I am encountering a strange situation with my Excel 2000. I have a public function, in a module in the VBA project associated with my workbook. But I'm not calling it from nowhere inside the code, or from other macros - it is not being referred anywhere in the workbook. Yet, after I make a slight change in code and not save my changes, when I return to the workbook and select a value from any cell with a validation-list (regardless of the sheet where it resides), that particular function is being executed!

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Trigger Event Web Query

Mar 22, 2007

I have already use excel web query, and set every 5 minutes auto update web.
And here is question , I want to use vba event to trigger when cell's value changed.


Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

This code didn't trigger successfully,I think that web query make cells
value changed didn't trigger the event.

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Trigger Click Events Via Vba

Jun 14, 2007

Is it possible, that while running code that the code can say initiate the click event on a command button on another sheet.

Say that I have a button on Sheet1 called "wkscmd_DisplayDEI"

Behind that button is obviously some code. I want to know is it possible that while some code is running ( code does not reside on the module page for Sheet1 that it can send a pseudo click to the button?

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Using Letters In IF Statements To Trigger Computations?

Mar 4, 2014

i'm attempting to create a spreadsheet that will enable me to calculate the number of certain materials required to construct new rural fencing. I have 4 different 'types' of fencing each requiring different levels of materials required. For example, a Type 'A' fence, requires 5 'droppers' per 10m span of fencing, whereas a Type B requires only 1, a Type C also requires 5 - but a Type D does not require any.

Here is what I have attempted to generate so far - but is giving errors;


Cell E35 is a fence length field to compute that number of droppers per 10m span of fencing.

Cell E42 is the cell for fence type (i.e.: A, B, C or D).

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Banding Numbers Associated Trigger Points?

Mar 4, 2014

We have a customer rebate in place with various levels of refund based on the quantity purchased during the year. I have used a sumproduct formula to calculate this before.

The customer used to have the following set up -

0-999 - £1.00 per unit rebate.
1000-1999 - £2.00 per unit rebate.
2000-2999 - £3.00 per unit rebate.

So if they bought 2501 units they would get a rebate of (1000*1)+(1000*2)+(501*3). However the customer has trigger points so rather than the above it is now -

0-999 - £1.00 per unit rebate.
1000-1999 - £2.00 per unit rebate.
2000-2999 - £4.00 per unit rebate if 2500 bought.

So now it would look like this - (1000*1)+(1000*2)+(501*4). However if they only bought 2499 units it would be (1000*1)+(1000*2)+(499*2).

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Restricting Auto Add Row In Second Sheet To Only One Trigger

Jul 28, 2014

I have cut and paste some code provided by members of this great forum to insert a row in a second worksheet at the same row number when one is inserted in the active worksheet. e.g. If I insert a new line at Row 14 in worksheet "admin" I also get a new row at Row 14 in worksheet "report".

Code is as follows:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set sourcebook = ThisWorkbook
Set sourcesheet = sourcebook.Worksheets("admin")
Set targetbook = ThisWorkbook
Set targetsheet = targetbook.Worksheets("report")
myRow = ActiveCell.Row
End Sub

However, anything I do in worksheet "admin" triggers a new row to be inserted in "report".... If I change text in any cell, or make any changes at all, I get a new row in "report".

Is there a way to restrict this action to only a line insert?

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Trigger Hyperlink Based On True Value Of IF

Oct 21, 2008

I need to trigger a hyper link say "Modify" based on the "True" Value of a "IF" condition in that sheet.

We can place that "IF" condition Right next to the Hyperlink if needed. But how to do that.

the If condition is like

=if(A1=B23, Trigger Hyperlink,False)

The cells are dynamic and even the sheet is Dynamic.(they can be any cell and any sheet)

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Trigger A Macro On Workbook Close?

Dec 5, 2008

When I open my workbook it also opens a separate workbook and hides second book.
when I close myworkbook I want to unhide the hidden one and close it without saving.

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Trigger Macro At The Start Of The Month

Feb 18, 2009

is possible to trigger a macro at the start of every month. I have a fairly simple bit of VBA, but just want it to execute on the 1st of every new month.

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Trigger Actions For Three Choices In A Macro

Dec 30, 2009

I have a series of macros altering various workbooks and sheets. They're numbered Step1, Step2, etc. In my Step5 I have a series of Case statements in a macro, and I don't know how to get it to do what I want next. I have NOT tried running this code yet, and I'm sure I have something(s) wrong in it.

1) If the selection in DstWbk, sheet "Steps", is "01DSP" through "11DSP" the macro needs to delete specific columns in the SrcWbk, and then move to the next step (6).

2) If the selection in DstWbk, sheet "Steps", is "*DSP" the macro needs to go directly to the next step (6)

3) If the selection in DstWbk, sheet "Steps", is anything else the macro needs to flash a generic "No Data found" message and move on to Step7.

The part of the code that's throwing me begins at 'Select only the specific regional data' and ends at the "Case Else MsgBox"

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Reference Controller That Trigger Subroutine?

Nov 22, 2011

Is there a way to reference the controller that triggered a subroutine??

like the ME or ThisWorkbook, but for controllers on userforms.

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Trigger Change Event After ENTER Is Hit?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a user entering text into a textbox on my userform. The textbox is linked to a textbox change event. Unfortunately, the event is triggered as soon as the user enters the first character of their entry. I'm thinking that the textbox change event isn't the most appropriate for this scenario. What would I need to do to trigger the code (of the change event) with hitting ENTER when finished?

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How To Add Shortcut Key Combination To Trigger To Code

Aug 20, 2012

I want add a short cut key combination to trigger to code currently in the worksheet section, at the moment it is triggered by a double clck in a row. [URL]....

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Trigger Change Event When Nothing Is Changing

Sep 9, 2012

If no program (code) is running and Calculation is turned to ON, what expression could be placed into a cell that will change on its own that could necessarily and periodically trigger a change event subroutine. How can I trigger a change event when nothing is changing?

I have a situation where my code simply stops running so i need a change event to assess whether code is running (or not) and to issue a warning to the programmer that the code is, in fact, stalled. The change event subroutine has not only a warning system but a "timetorun" feature that will come back and warn again until the programmer can address the issue.

Unfortunately, I have to deal with this issue in a check and balance fashion because my many attempts to seek solutions to a stalled program (root cause) have failed.

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