Cascaded Open / Close / Save Not Working
Aug 3, 2009
I have a 'Summary' workbook which collates values from a series of 'sub-workbooks', (and can also update values in those sub workbooks).
the subworkbooks are setup so that when they are saved they also copy certain values out to another 'backup' file.
So there are 2 possible routes that the files will be used in:
1) SubWorkbook opened directly
- User opens SubWorkbook and makes some changes.
- User closes the SubWorkbook saving changes, or clicks the save button. The BeforeSave event opens the "restore" workbook, copies over the key values from the subworkbook, then saves & closes the "restore" workbook.
2) SubWorkbook opened remotely
- User / Admin opens the "Summary" workbook and changes an option.
- The summary workbook opens a subworkbook and makes changes, then saves it. The subworkbook should (as before), then open the restore workbook and save the key values etc.
The problem is in the second scenario the 'restore' workbook doesn't get opened.
I have created a set of 3 workbooks to illustrate the problem here.
Book1.xls = Summary workbook
Book2.xls = Subworkbook
Book3.xls = Restore workbook.
If you open book2 and then save it the 'BeforeSave' event will cause it to open book3 and write the output of 'Now()' to the next free row of book3-columnA, before then closing and saving book3,......
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Mar 14, 2014
I need to have a workbook (all of them in a folder, ideally) refresh in the middle of the night. The file is large so the refresh takes a full minute. I know I can't auto refresh a closed workbook (pretty sure anyway), and I can't leave the workbook open for various reasons.
So I'm thinking I could have a macro in an open excel (it kicks off on open) that will open a particular workbook elsewhere (the one I need refreshed), open it, refresh it and close/save it. Ideally it would do this for the entire group of workbooks in the folder but I'd be happy to start with just one. I would like to set it to occur every twelve hours (so at midnight, say, this would occur - I would just have to leave the workbook with the macro in it open on a computer so that it runs and completes this task every night).
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Mar 12, 2014
I've got a kind of "menu" sheet that will pull up various reports from Excel spreadsheets. Rather than having the user work with the live data, the menu opens the file and saves it as a copy, closing the original. This is working fine.
The tweak I want to add is, since the user is looking at a copy rather than the live data, I don't want them to save when closing. Is it possible to programatically add a bit of code to the new copy to handle this?
Here's a sample of one of the menu button's code:
Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="J:Z PII OvensRack Repair TrackingRack Repair List.xlsx")
With wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
.Unprotect Password:="pass"
End With
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Aug 16, 2008
I need to open about 2000 documents one at a time, and save them with a different name.
they are a mix of word documents, PDFs and .jpg pictures.
some VBA like:
Open.file strPath & nextfile
where strpath = C:Temp
and nextfile = picture01.jpg
What should the line be? or is it more complex than a single line ?
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Jun 13, 2008
What i need to do is Open a Closed workbook (which i have done in the code below)
1 . When this book opens there is a msgbox that needs to have "template" pasted in to then ok automatically clicked ( i have no clue if this can even be done)
2. Then go to Sheet("contactor info") find last row then paste certain info. Below is a peice of code i have from the open workbook but of corse it doesnt work. The red is where it hangs up.
openpath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & ""
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(openpath & "Template.xls")
With wb.Sheets("Contractor Info")
. Cells(Sheets("Contractor info").Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)(2, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = Msg1
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = Msg2
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = Msg3
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = Msg5
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Msg4
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Msg6
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = Msg7
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual..................
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Feb 15, 2010
Created a new tab and menu buttons on the Ribbon in Excel in 3 separate .xltm files. Everything worked great through all of the development and testing, but when we went live we got reports of a bug. Here is what is happening...
User opens the template file and immediately saves it as a .xlsm file with a new name in a new location. The user then does various amounts of work in the file. When the user needs to use one of the tools on the custom tab, it is as if the buttons are inactive or not associated with any actions. The tab and buttons are all visible, the animation of the button being pressed works when any of the buttons are clicked, but nothing happens. The user can close and reopen the file and the ribbon buttons will work correctly, but not until they close and reopen.
Upon digging into the problem, we found that if the user clicks on the custom tab before they save the file, all of the buttons will work correctly after the save. But if the tab is not activated before the save, they dont work until a close and reopen.
The XML code is good because if I place it in a add on file (.xlam) and trigger it from the main file, there is no problem. But this is not a good solution since the add on file needs to be located in the same file that the main file is run from which can be any number of places.
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Mar 25, 2014
I am using Task scheduler to open a workbook which has some connections to an ODBC that are set to refresh on opening.
I need to automate:-
One of the sheets needs to recalculate for the sort by ascending code to run on the sheet.
Save and then close after say 2 minutes of opening (to give the ODBC connections enough time to finish).
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Mar 8, 2013
I have a macro that opens all workbooks from one directory and runs a macro for each workbook to clean up the data. I cannot figure out how to take all those open workbooks and save them to another directory and close the workbook. Also, I do not want the macro workbook (xlsm) to save. I only want it to close. I am working in 2007 Excel.
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Feb 11, 2013
Using the developer tab I inserted an Active X combo box. Under properties I referenced a 'linked cell' that I want the data to appear in. This box works great as long as I keep the sheet open. Once I save and close the workbook and re-open, that reference is lost. It shows #REF! in that field. Why does it lose the reference? I have tried to reference a cell on the same sheet as well as a cell in a different sheet and it keeps the sheet name but not the individual cell.
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Nov 2, 2009
Each of the worksheets in my model use A1 as a control cell for any errors and inconsistencies. My aim is to disable save and close commands in case A1 is not equal to 0 in any of the worksheets.
The code I currently use for that purpose is as follows.
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Mar 11, 2014
am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....
I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....
I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...
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May 10, 2008
I would like to add some icons on the left side of excel open file pane to faciliate my work. Because i need to load some files under the same folder many times a day. Does anybody know how to do that? I've seen people has more icons on the pane before. The defaut setting has only 'History', 'My Documents', 'Favorites', 'Desktop' and ' My nutwork places' on it.
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Sep 29, 2009
I am hoping someone can help. I am new to writing macros and have the following in the this workbook page. When opening the macro does exactly what I want and expect, but does not do the "before close" part. If I select the macro in editor and run it, it does just what I want, so dont understand what is going wrong. Do I have to put in some kind of prompt, or manually run this before close - preferably I would like it to just run.
secondly, I have password protected the workbook, but have to put the password in the macro, is there any way of making this invisible to anyone who then reads the macro....
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Nov 22, 2006
I want adding is a bit of code to save the document. When it saves i want the contents of cells c5 and c7 as the name of the saved document.
So it would be saved as c5 - c7
Sub mike()
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 2
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
Windows("HSBC logo.xls").Activate
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Select
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Dec 24, 2008
I want to hide all toolbars and disable the red X upon opening of the spreadsheet, and to restore the main toolbars upon closing. That worked perfectly. (when I used the black code -see below)
I added in the red code as i wanted to disable the red X as well to ensure that users will always close the EXCEL worksheet via a Macro button.
The Macro will save the spreadsheet and close the worksheet and the Private sub should restore the toolbars.
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Dec 11, 2013
How can i save and close one workbook in excel with vba code.
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Dec 5, 2008
When a user X's (clicks of the X in the titlebar) of a user form, I want to save whatever input has been made to that point and close the application. this is what I tried but it neither saved input nor closed the application
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Sep 3, 2013
I know how to add a save and close button but i do not know how to make it instantly available in every new workbook that i open. Currently i click the button and it looks for the macro in the first excel book that i created it in.
how do i make that macro become a default in every workbook?
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Jul 8, 2006
One of my computers pulls info from my cash register once everyday (sales info). Then I have a excel monthly sales sheet that pulls the info from the register info and puts it in the right places. So the computer pulls the register info at 9:20pm everyday, then I have my task manager open excel at 9:25 everyday and it has a workbook open macro to automatically pull the info into the excel spreadsheet. Here's my problem-- I need to close it.
I'm sure I could use a workbook close macro, but when it tries to close it won't it come up with a save, don't save, cancel prompt? Nobody will be there to hit SAVE so it won't close? Is there just a macro that could save it then close it?
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Jul 24, 2006
I have a macro that has to open another worksheet and get data and close the sheet. The problem is when the sheet closes after I have gotten the data it asks if I want to save it. I don't want the user of my macro to see this option because it slows things down. To avoid this in the past I had the worksheet save itself so that it wouldn't ask me to save. Now the worksheet is large and it takes a while to save and it is getting slow. Is there any way not to save it but close it without having excel asking if you want to save it?
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Jan 16, 2007
I need to use the BeforeClose event to save the workbook with the same name when a user closes it. (82 users and they all seem to want to give it their own name.) I have the following code in the BeforeClose event but would like to eliminate the prompt "this file already exists, do you want to replace it" I have tried using the Application.DisplayAlerts = False but this seems to stop the workbook from saving.
I have a public demention called wbName and is set to the workbook name in an outo open macro
Public wbName
Public Sub auto_open()
wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
MsgBox "PLEASE do Not insert rows/columns or enter calculations" _
& Chr(10) & " " _
& Chr(10) & "Enter Only Account Name, Date, and Corresponding_ Calls/Details", vbCritical, "Caution"
End Sub
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Jun 21, 2007
Is it possible to stop excel bringing up the save changes box? or replace it with my own custom box? ive tried this code, but it seems to run the userform twice#~?
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.Saved = False
i triggered it to load on workbook close, but like i say, it seems to run it twice? maybe i need to tell it to only run once or something?
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Aug 14, 2007
When a supervisor goes into one of my sheets and adds some things in, she quite often forgot to share it again. To try and combat this I added the following code:-
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(cancel As Boolean)
Dim myworkb As String
myworkb = ThisWorkbook. Name
If myworkb = "SLE.MasterSheet.SLE1.xls" Then
Call NoProtection
ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs Filename:="SLE.Mastersheet.SLE1.xls", accessmode:=xlShared
End If
Call Limpa
Run "DeleteMenu"
End Sub
The code appears to do everything it should, and when I first ran it appeared to be ok. However, now it appears to save it as shared yet when you go back into the file it opens up as exclusive.... Is there a reason why the code wont "share" ?
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Jul 16, 2007
I have a useform that loads up with two buttons and I waat to force the user to chose one of the buttons. However, I have noticed that the user can just press the cross in the top right corner of the form to close the window and therefore not press either button.
Is there anyway I can stop the close form button working?
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Apr 14, 2008
Can I take
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls")
and do something like this?
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls") Not _
Workbooks.Open ("N:Data ManagementDashboardLOLTickler Codes.xls")
I have a userform that I would like with a click of a button to open the workbook and then click the same button to close the workbook after it has been viewed.
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Jun 7, 2013
i would like my sheet to save and close if left inactive after 10 mins, code would be nice
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Jun 13, 2009
I am trying to fix is that I have two computers networked together both with multiple users all with access to the report form that I am using which is in the shared file. If I have been working on it (I am still trying to do improvements when I have time), and I have to leave for a fire or forget to close the report, no one can access it other than with read-only.
My idea was to run some type of code that either when the screen saver comes on or after so much time with no activity, it would close and save the file with a new file name(just in case I don't want the changes that I have made in the code or something).
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Dec 15, 2009
I call the macro below from a Workbook_BeforeClose sub; however, if the user has not saved changes before they hit the close then the Sub SaveFile runs and then after the backup save they are then asked do you want to save changes.
I initially had this sub run with Workbook_BeforeSave, but I don't really want to run this everytime the user selects save.
Any ideas on how to how the save changes first and then the backup?
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Jan 26, 2010
I've seen the code to open a workbook on a specific worksheet, but can this be done when closing. I tried:
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Jan 24, 2014
At work we use a spreedsheet to control our holidays. The problem we are having is the file is stored on a network and some people are opening the file and not closeing it once done with, this is locking out others from using it.
Is there any VBA code that will close the file, if not used in say 5 mins
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