I am trying to display watermark text in a cell based on the value of another cell. For example:
If in Column B, cell B2 states "Mileage", Column C, cell C2 needs to say "Please enter Start and Destination...". I want column C (cell C2) to be my input cell as well hence the reason i'm avoiding the use of an IF formula.
I'm open to a VBA solution if this works? Tried conditional formatting however it will only display colours, not text?
E.g. Date Jan 1, 2007 and it falls on on a Monday in the Day column. Date Apr 6, 2007 and it falls on on a Friday. Date Dec 25, 2007 and it falls on on a Tuesday.
What I want is to Colour Code the DAY column in case it is a holiday falling on a Monday or a Friday.
I wish to fill cells with black colour for service days staff are not selectable. The column Entitlement is a formula working on the year start date compares to to the employee start date to work out the days entitled. What vba or formula(unlikely) do I need to achieve this? ******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Holiday Allowances 2007.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH5H6H7H8H9H10= ABCDEFGHIJKLMN1*Year*Start01/04/2007**********2OfficeNameNo.Start DateWorking*Week*Entitlement12345*3****DaysHours********4**************56000Coley*B.27429-Dec-0117*2******66000Cox*D.A.2324-Jul-73537.5*5******76000Elsom*Lucy23304-Aug-0300*1******86000Graham*A.3919-Feb-65537.5*5******96000Graham*G.W.4001-Jan-8217*5******106000Hallam*K.A.15502-Dec-85649*5******Sheet2* [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I have a procedure that creates ranges all the way down Sheet1(2006). each range is 65 rows. When I run the macro, it takes the first 65 rows as a fill source and fills the page down. Another procedure names each range as a corresponding date. this works fine How do I add a watermark in the back ground that reformats the name of each range from Wednesday_Aug_02 to Wednesday, August 2. I would want the watermark to be very large and slightly diagnal. Here is the code I use to fill and name my ranges for 2006.
Sub timelayout() 'fills the formated range down the page Set SourceRange = Worksheets("2006").Range("8:73") Set fillRange = Worksheets("2006").Range("8:12000") SourceRange.AutoFill Destination:=fillRange End Sub Sub DefineName2006() 'names each range based on the date of the first named range Dim i As Long Dim a, b, c, x Dim dt As Date dt = DateSerial(2006, 7, 6)
For i = 8 To 12000 Step 66 j = j + 1 a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(dt + j, "ddd") b = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(dt + j, "mmm") c = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(dt + j, "d") x = a & "_" & b & "_" & c ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=x, RefersToR1C1:="=2006!R" & i & "C1:R" & _ i + 65 & "C1" Next i End Sub
Other buttons and labels on a user form tell the user the name of the current range, that is scrolled at start up. the name is reformated and put in a label. Buttons allow the user to jump to tomorrow, yesterday, next week, last week. Things work I just want a water mark in the back ground to further help the user see which day they are on.
It's been about a year since i've used VBA and i need a quick piece of code that will Fill/Shade any cell in my worksheet Red (#FF0000) only IF the date is equal to Today or less...(I need to highlight expired cells)...
Im in Australia, and i know there's an issue between the Aus v US date in Excel...i believe there's a piece of code that can rectify this...
I do all of our invoicing in excel and want to be able to print out 2 copies of an invoice from a macro assigned button. A watermark "Copy Invoice" is required to print diagonally across the A4 page but on one copy only.
I will have a spreadsheet similar to the image provided. Basically, I need the macro to go row by row down column I. If the cell in column I contains the word "Tech" I need the cells from column B to P to be shaded color1; if it contains "Update," color 2; if the cell is blank; leave the cell as is. Once the macro has done this, it will continue to the next row and to the same check.
The number of rows in the spreadsheet will change on a day-to-day basis depending on the data that's pulled, but the columns should remain the same.
So I think I have the shading part. This is what I have so far. I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way of coding it, but it kinda works. I guess another problem would be if in the future the column with this info (column I) changes and shifts.
"I want to make a spread sheet where the "shading" changes based on the text entered into the cell. ie I want to be able to enter yellow into a cell and have the cell shading change to yellow."
I have to print the admit card of each students with their details like Name of student, Fathers name, roll no., subjects, examination center years, etc. in a given admit card format. I had scan the blank admit card and used as a background image in excel but the image of the admit card does not print in excel except the cell values that I had entered.
I had made the database of all students details. I want to use the students database to print students data on the scanned admit card image. I also want a option to select the name of the student before printing (to verify the details). Please help me how to do it in excel. I am using excel 2000.
Now the problem, Each client has a sheet in a workbook. In each sheet, I input the number of days of service available to that particular client in a single cell. We'll say cell [G8] is the cell used for this input in all sheets. If the client has 30 days of service available then we type [30] in cell [G8]. Each sheet is a 100 day template. I want to shade in dark grey and lock from input the days NOT available to the client based on the days of service input in cell [G8]. If 30 days of service are available in cell [G8] then the remaining 70 days on the 100 day template would be shaded dark grey and locked from input. That is, day 31 through day 100 of the template would be locked and shaded. Each individual day has multiple cells in a column. I want to lock and shade each column of cells in each day not available.
I'm using the below code to shade rows, but right now it's only coloring the first cell in B12. I'd like to shade the row from B to the last used column
When I run a particular module of code that unhides several rows of a worksheet, revealing cells that are automatically populated and editable by the user, there are a few cells that are lightly highlighted in blue. This isn't to be misunderstood as background ... background shading goes righ to the 4 lines of the cell grid. This shading is a few pixels off the gridlines. Similarly, there are highlighted row numbers and column letters. The cells that are highlighted are a few of the cells that are locked for editting and are a result of a copied over formula. The highlighting goes away when you click on that cell.
One could almost say something is identifying the locked cells of the worksheet.
.Code: Sub populate_existing() Dim wshmain As Worksheet Dim wshcore As Worksheet Dim CRID As Long Dim vlrange As Range
Set wshmain = Worksheets("Main") Set wshcore = Worksheets("CONTROL_1") CRID = wshmain.Range("B14") Set vlrange = wshcore.Range("A:DZ")
The cells highlighted are: G26, N26, X25, AE25, AE27, AL26, K42, R42, Y42, AF42, G47, N47, N49, G54, and N53.
I wasn't able to take a snapshot of the shading, it didn't show up in the Snippit tool image.
I am trying to write vba code that will highlight the row in the range if a field is over a certain percent. The column number won't change but the number of rows will. I'd also like the code to automatically work on all tabs of the workbook when a button is clicked.
Data Info: Currently there are 4 tabs, but can have more/less Columns used are A:O Data for shading starts at A3 and should go to however many rows have data and ignore blank rows Formula should be if data in column E is over 10.00% then the data in that row A:O should be shaded in the color off yellow & have black thin orders If the data in column E is not over 10.00% then the data in that row should not be shaded but still have thin black borders.
The logic is that I want the cells to be highlighted and have a border drawn for them as shown in the attached sheets (I have used record macro which will do this for rows 39 and 40 when the click button is clicked). The highlighting should start at the row number specified, stop once a merged cell is reached, skip the merged cell, continue highlighting, stop once a merged cell is reached, skip the merged cell, continue highlighting and so on and on until the last row (which is user specified) is reached. The first row after the merge cells should be highlighted in grey and yellow.
How do I in Excel 2003,2007,2010 shade in an enclosure I have drawn using scatterplot or some other line drawer with a grey darkness of my choice for that particular enclosure?
I am cross referencing products between two sheets. They come with different product numbers and I have modified them to search for the important last 5 digits from tab 1 (image 1 column D) with the full 11 digits in tab 2 (image 2 column E). The tab for cross referencing is named Distribution vlookup. I have the following formula and cannot get it to work properly. I have used this formula before in another similar report, and have adjusted the tab/file names and fields but I must be missing something since everything comes up as unauthorized, yet I can ctrl+f and find matching items.
Next, I wanted to nest a color coding on whether the item has sold in the last 12 months (image 2, column H). I cannot get that to work, so I tried to run a seperate column to identify selling status and cannot get that ot work either.
Sold in last 12 months formula: =IF('Distribution vlookup'!H7>0,"Sold in last 12 mos","n/a")
I created a chart that was automatically assigned colors and shading that I like. I would like to use the same shading and color scheme for other charts (not the same chart type) however I cannot seem to figure out exactly what color and shade was automatically assigned (it is not one of the standard ones). Is there some way to copy the fill without copying the entire chart format?
Sheet 1 and Sheet 1a 1a is used to provide a start and finish date for a task - there are many of them The following is located in a cell in sheet 1 which looks at 1a for the dates etc
HTML =IF(AND($A$427+B$430-1>='1a'!E10,$A$427+B$430-1<='1a'!I10,B$429<>"S"),"X","")
The end result is an X located in the respective feilds. This works fine but. I have set up the Calendar area in 1 so that when the X is shown it is Red. The sheet also shows a Blank in both the SS [Sat and Sun]
What I would like to do is to have instead of the blank in the SS [Sat & Sun] a shaded grey which would clearly indicate that this was weekend.
What I am after is the weekdays with the X as now and the weekend only in a grey shade as it is at the moment without the X
Can I automate an excel worksheet such that if ,say, "436" is written in a certain cell it shades that row yellow, or if "437" is in that cell it shades the row blue. It would then be easy to visually tell in an excel chart which lines belonged to ,say, specific companies.
Is there a way to shade alternating rows in a range and have it always be alternating no matter if a row is added in the middle of the range. If I do it manually now and add a row it messes up the shading and fixing it manually is very time consuming.
I have a file that contains multiple rows of data. I built a macro that will then hide rows with a $0 balance. When the macro is completed, my spreadsheet is only showing the lines with a $ amount. (The $0 rows are hidden)
What I'd like to do is then format the unhidden rows so that each alternate row is color coded. This will separate the rows visually so I can more easily follow the rows across to view $'s per line.
I've attached a sample spreadsheet (it does contain the macro to hide the $0 rows). How can I then format the remaining rows with alternate shading?
In Excel 2003, when choosing colors for cell patterns, it only gives me the option of 40 colors. How do I get it to offer me the "More colors..." that you see when coloring shapes that brings up the hexagonal color pallette?
I'm working on a criteria matrix in Excel 2010 that automatically plots a single member in a Scatter Chart based on the two values. There are 4 suppliers listed in Column D starting in cell D4 thru D7. The "x" value is listed in Column E starting in cell E4 thru E7. The "y" value is listed in Column F starting in cell F4 thru F7.
The scatter chart will plot the points correctly, however, there are two issues: 1) If I try to insert a data label using the "Series Name," or in this case, the supplier's name, it will lists ALL of the suppliers Column D. It will not list the single supplier listed in cell D4. 2) The scatter chart appears with gridlines as a 4x4 matrix with a total of 16 cells. The "x" and "y" axis both start at 0 and go to 4. I can shade the entire chart one color. However, I want to shade some of the cells with darker and lighter shades.
I have a sheet that highlight cells to show that they need to still be filled out if another cell in the same row has a number in it. What happens is that when you put the number in the row the cells won't become shaded or partially shade until the workbook is saved.. Maybe I can put some code in that tells the work book to update whenever a cell is changed?