I am having an issue with a workbook, when the workbook opens it runs through each sheet and protects it (allowing the user to manipulate unlocked cells). For some reason one sheet will not allow me to do that (in some respect). I can click on a cell, it will show me the formula at the top but the cell wont highlight showing you which one is selected. I have to use the named range box (top left) to see which one is selected.
All the pther sheets work fine. I have checked to make sure that they are not set to Locked (in the cell formatting).
the code that protects the sheets is.......
Sub MyProtect()
For Each ws In Worksheets
ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlUnlockedCells
Next ws
I am trying to write a macro which highlights all the cells with any reference to other cell. The macro should highlight a cell with formula like = 3 * A25 but not highlight a cell with following formula. = 3 * 0.4535566. 'Hasformula' property is not useful here as it can't distinguish between above examples.
I have data in cells that are separated by pipe characters. What I need to do is to highlight the cells that are not the same. For instance, if a cell contains xxx|xxx then the cell is not highlighted but if a cell contains mmm|mmm|xx then the cell needs to be highlighted.
I have a workbook and trying to copy all the way down the workbook using F4 blanks etc. When I highlight the column I want to fill in its not highlighting all the cells.
I have a spreadsheet that I need a m acro for, that will look at cell C13, if it is a 0 (zero) then hightlight cell C1 yellow. And so on, if C14 is zero, highlight C2.. Also look at the cells below, cell D13, if it is a 0 (zero) then hightlight cell D1 yellow. And so on, if D14 is zero, highlight D2..
I'm after a formula (or similar) that if cell H1 has no data in then cells A1:G1 must be highlighted in a colour, considering A1:G1 has data in. And then when data is input into cell H1 then the highlight disappears. is this possible?
I am trying to create a special workbook for my asphalt project. After inputting all of the day's truck information, I want to add up the total tons and then for the program to highlight which truck puts the total tonnage at or slightly above 500 tons. I'm not sure if "isolating is the right term to describe what I wish to do or not, but my whole workbook will be based off of similar actions like what I'm requesting. Here is a portion of my sheet:
I have a sheet that I have item numbers in a column that i want to highlight and change color when they are not the same. I want the colors to be unique to each number. I am currently using conditional formatting (Format cells based on their values (3-color scale)). I works alright but not perfect.
I am still new to VBA. I am trying to use VBA to search given rows for percentages above 0.81%. When it finds cells with percentages 0.81 and above it will high light the cell with red.
How do you highlight a row when conditions in two cells of that row are met? For example, I have a spreadsheet with a STATUS column ($A) and a TYPE column ($E). When the status is "open" and the type is "1", I want the row to be green. But when the status changes to "closed" I want the row to be a different color or no color at all. How do I do this?
I need to figure out how to have the macro look for a specific word and then highlight the last two columns in that row of that word and then repeat the process throughout the spreadsheet. I think it gets me very close to what I'm looking for: ('average of submitttocomplete' is the word i'm looking for)
Dim lColumn As Long lColumn = Cells(Selection.Row, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Range(Cells(Selection.Row, Selection.Column), Cells(Selection.Row, lColumn)).Select
=IF(AND($P2="Yes",COUNTIF($L:$L,L2)>1,$Y2="Market Specific"),TRUE,FALSE) But it is not doing exactly what I want it to, and I am struggling to work out what I need to change to get it to do so.
I want the formula to do is look at a three Columns of data, and to highlight Cells in Column Y when the following criteria are met:
The Row is active (determined by the "Yes" part), that the Row is "Market Specific" and that there is more than one Row where these Criteria are met (this is where I thought COUNTIF would work, but it's not).
I am trying to use a button, that when pressed it highlights certain cells in a row
I have the following code
Sub HiLite() With Range("C20:Q20") .FormatConditions.Delete If Range("C20").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then .Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Else .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If End With End Sub
This works fine, but when i press the button again it clears the highlighted cells back to normal but any highlighted text etc or conditional formatting is deleted
Is there a way of returning to what was there before the first press of the button?
Just incase it is pressed accidently etc, as there will be many rows with the same button
I am trying to figure out how to highlight the row of cells within the column that contains the same date as the date in cell e:1 the date in cell e:1 changes daily because the formula says =today(). With that said, the column contains every date of the year so i would just like to be able to have the row, that contains the same date as the date in cell e:1, highlighted AUTOMATICALLY.
I have 3 worksheets A, B and C. Worksheet A and B have numbers in three columns. In worksheet C, column D, I would like a formula or conditional formatting which will search worksheet A for the number in column D and if it finds the same number as the one in the cell, it highlights the cell Green. I would also like it to search worksheet B and if the number is in worksheet B, highlight the cell Red. In no cases will the number be in both worksheets (A and B).
I would like to highlight the rows from Range A1:A200 that contain the month of October. The dates in this range are written as January 1, 2010, February 5, 2009, etc. I guess I just do not understand how to extract parts of a date. I have part of a formula that works if I place the exact full date in the code but I only want to grab the month so that all the October dates are highlighted.
This is what I have:
Range(Range("A1:A200"), Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Select For Each cell In Selection If cell = October Then cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 'light yellow Next cell
I would like to do this in vba and not in conditional formatting.
I have made a spreadsheets wherein all the cells where data are to be entered are coloured yellow.Some cells are mandatory (coloured Green)wherein user have to fill data compulsorily & some are optional (Coloured grey) Since the file is big and sheets are arond 28, I want to attach a buuton which will be assigned a macro to do the validation work.
The macro will search all yellow cells & green cells and if found any of those cell blank will change those colour to red and shall also show a list where the cells are merked red (List will be in a pop up manner, printable, and shall show the name of the sheets & cell address)
Am looking for a VBA code that will highlight a changed/edited text from a particular cell. For example - If I have a text in cell B2 as - TEST, and the same text is in C2 as well. However, when I change text in C2 to TEST1 or TES, the change should be highlighted.
I have a piece of code that basically performs a calculation and prints one value to a worksheet at the end. This code is part of a larger simulation model and by the end of the model this piece of code is executed thousands of times and thousands of values are printed to the worksheet. However, at the start of that piece of code there is an if statement which influences the end result. My question is, how to identify which end values were calculated using each method in the for loop.
For example would it be possible to highlight the cell (in which the value is printed) in red if the
VB: num= 0
Part of the if statement was used and highlight the cell (in which the value is printed) in green if the
VB: num= 1
Part of the if statement was used?
This would identify which values were calculated using each method.
VB: 'Change in Model set prior value If ws1.Range("D" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row < 2 Then num = 1 counter1 = counter1 + 1 sh1.Range("g3").Value = counter1
I hope this can be done through conditional formatting because I am not familiar with macros.
Column A - order # Column B - shipping method (this will only be air, sea, or blank; I get this through VLookup) Column C - order ETA
I want to highlight Column C..... if Column B=Air highlight if ETA is in 2 weeks or less; if Column B=Sea or is blank highlight if ETA is in 5 weeks or less.
I could not find an easy solution to the find/remove duplicates in a row from left to right.
I have an other option: sort all data in one row, then it will show me, if there are any cells with the same word. But .. here is my first problem:
First row is A1: AS1 with data. A2: BB2 with data A3: BD3 with data A4: BX4 with data and so on.
When I start at A1 and press Shift/CTRL/Arrow right, it will hilite the row until BX1 and if I use the sort command, it will place all empty cells in front of the data.
What I need is hilite only up to the last column in that row.
So I could slowly work myself downward. Or prehaps there is a formula?
I could insert an empty space and write the formula in A1 and copy it down to A1644.
So I need highlighting certain cells. I have a sheet that keeps track of people's points over a series of races to determine who will make the "team". The team is selected one at a time based on the most points, starting with the leftmost column and working right. What I would like to do is highlight the highest score in each column (which I know how to do) but then tell the sheet to ignore all the other numbers in that same row. That way if the person with the most points in column one (M in my sheet) also has the most in column two (N in my sheet) Excel will ignore that number in the second column and highlight the next highest number.
I'll attach my file so there is a visual reference : ODN Points.xlsx
I am attempting to program a column of cells so that if say "B3" doesn't match the contents of "A3", then "B3" will be highlighted in some way, maybe with a color. I'm using Excel 2000 and I can't see a way in Conditional Formatting to accomplish this without having to program each cell in column "B". I was hoping to be able to click and drag down in column "B".