I have a piece of code that basically performs a calculation and prints one value to a worksheet at the end. This code is part of a larger simulation model and by the end of the model this piece of code is executed thousands of times and thousands of values are printed to the worksheet. However, at the start of that piece of code there is an if statement which influences the end result. My question is, how to identify which end values were calculated using each method in the for loop.
For example would it be possible to highlight the cell (in which the value is printed) in red if the
num= 0
Part of the if statement was used and highlight the cell (in which the value is printed) in green if the
num= 1
Part of the if statement was used?
This would identify which values were calculated using each method.
'Change in Model set prior value
If ws1.Range("D" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row < 2 Then
num = 1
counter1 = counter1 + 1
sh1.Range("g3").Value = counter1
I am trying to write a code which will highlight (say with Yellow Fill) those rows (Columns A:F) Where the ShipmentStatus = "Late" or where ShipmentValue is missing (i.e. blank). I have been able to get only as far as the code below and would appreciate your help in completing the Sub Highlight() ' This code will highlight those rows A:F in which the Shipment Status ' (Column D) = "Late" or the ShipmentValue (Column E) is blank
Dim MyRng As Range Dim StatusChk As String Dim RowCount As Integer ' Counter to count the # of rows Dim ColCount As Integer ' Counter to count the # of columns
question 1 : In the below sheet, is there a way to use the condition highlighting the quantity for each item which has the lowest (prices/pcs) value?
for example : comparing the ITEM 1 -> $8/10 , $6/8, $9/20, $11/20 and highlight the 8pcs for item 1, indicates item 1, seller bill has the best offer.
Question 2 : Since I will have at least 50 items, is there a way to just copy the formula and apple to each row ?
question 3 : I would also like to apply a formula that can calculate the price and quantity of each item. for example : on the I column, for Item 1, i would love to order 3 orders, since bill has the best offer, so I will have 24pcs on column I3. And i would love to apply such formula to each item for each row.
Question 4 : For the cell J3, I would like to know if bill has the best offer for the item 1, order 3 orders, the price for item 1 will be $18. And I would like to apply such formula to each row for each item.
I do not want to create another column for each seller: such as ($/pcs) to find out the best offer, since i will have at least 35suppliers , and try to make the sheet look as nest as possible.
I run a small business, and I use Excel to track my books especially receivables.
I have a list of Invoice numbers and Invoice amounts for every customer.
My customers pay periodically (every two weeks, etc), but the tricky part is that the amount paid may not necessarily reflect the exact amount of invoice still being owed. And there may be two, three or five invoices outstanding at any one time.
I have another column which contains payment amount made by customer.
What I would like to do is to highlight the INVOICE NO. cell once the amount of that particular invoice has been bypassed by the total amount paid (i.e. the full amount of that invoice has been paid). Then I can close that invoice.
How to create a macro that would highlight a row that has the following condition :
ref num
In this table, i need a macro that would highlight the row that has alice data due to it been having 1 ref number count under the ref num column. The macro should loop and end with msg " there are 'x' records having 1 ref number count"
I have a whole spreadsheet of data which looks confusing so I need to make it look more attractive to the viewer.
I have column A which shows a number of the branch conducting the transaction and the column will contain numerous different branches which I have sorted into branch order.I think there are too many branches to use the conditional formatting condition (probably 5000 different numbers)
What I wish to do is change the colour of the cell when the branch name changes.
For example Column A= Branch number 123 123 123 345 345 345 456 456 456 789 789
What I need is to highlight all branches 123 with a colour (any colour say red) but when the change in branch number occurs to 345 use a different colour to highlight all the branches (cells) with the number 345 (say grey).Then when the branch changes to 456 use the same colour that highlighted branch 123 (ie red) .Then again when the branch changes to 789 change the colour back to grey again so the spreadsheet shows rows highlighted when a different branch occurs
The above example would look like Column A all branches with 123 ( cell highlighted any colour but say red) branches 345 cells highlighted grey branches 456 cells highlighted red branches 789 grey
for each value in column "h" if value = "k" then check the respective value in column "b" = null loop should iterate for entire column then print its null
I'm trying to print the list of dates for the particular month . where the start date and end date is given by the user through user form.
I have written the below code to generate the dates. but the for loop still continues even when the start date is greater than the end date.
For example if i enter the startdate as 06/01/2014 and enddate as 06/30/2014. the for loop continues and displays date for all 40 days instead of stopping when the condition is met.
My code is meant to ensure a string in a cell begins with three letters and ends with 5 numbers. It seems to work, but how can I exit the loop and go to the message box once the boolean variable is set to true? I was hoping to avoid using labels. Also, I would appreciate any suggestions in compacting the code if possible, but without using CreateObjects".
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("h17")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim Ls As String Dim i As Integer, z As Integer Dim MyString As String Dim MyClVal As String: MyClVal = Target.Value Dim MyBL As Boolean: MyBL = False
I am writing a very simple Do While loop where VBA searches for the first nonempty cell in a column starting from cell C3. The error I get is "Overflow". I suspect that when all cells are empty it goes down the column till the last cell, which is around 65,000. How can I put a restriction on this loop? I need the search to be restricted to range C3:C95, because my data ends in row 95. In other words, the code essentially should do this: go from cell C3 to cell C95 and search for the first nonempy cell in this range. When you find the first nonempty cell, assign name "x" to this first nonempty cell.
i have a set of data as below and wish to delete ENTIRE ROW if cell is the same but keep the first entry when code comes to it..ie in the data set below excel would keep first row and delete 2nd,3rd,5th, 6,7,8 and then go to next unique identifier which would be AU0000LIFHB3 this would not be deleted as it is unique the would proceed to AU300GPTC011. this process would then stop when no data was available
I have a piece of code that put a check in all checkbox in column B from row 5 to row 50 but in column C, I have data from row 5 to 38. I want the macro to stop at row 38 in column B. When the cell in column C is empty stop putting checks in column B. How can I make this macro Check all checkbox down column B and stop when column C is empty. How do I add a loop to stop when the cell in column C is empty?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim CB As Variant For Each CB In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes CB.Value = False Next End Sub.......
I am looping through each cell in a range and I would like to loop in reverse order.
Dim CELL As range Dim TotalRows As Long TotalRows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For Each CELL In Range("C1", "C" & TotalRows) CELL.Select 'Code here to delete a row based on criteria Next
I have tried:
For Each CELL In Range("C" & TotalRows, "C1")
and it does not make a difference. I need to loop in reverse order since what I am doing in the loop is deleting a row. I am looking at a cell and determining its value. If the value is so much, then the row gets deleted. The problem is that the next row "moves up" one row (taking the pervious cell's address) and therefore the For Each Next loop thinks it has already looked at that row.
I have some numbers in a column that I need to copy 12 times (each one) into another column. The problem is that I got like 200 records that will be converted in 15000 aprox. I've uploaded an example of what I need,
I'm looking to return the values in column A adjacent to the cells in Column B equal to "Y". The kicker has been returning only the cells where the condition is true. Column C displays the desired behavior.
The closest I've been able to get is with a simple IF statement but I'm pretty sure the answer is a far cry away from there and likely requires an array formula. I'd prefer not to use VLOOKUP or OFFSET but will if the alternative is very complex.
I am trying to write a macro which highlights all the cells with any reference to other cell. The macro should highlight a cell with formula like = 3 * A25 but not highlight a cell with following formula. = 3 * 0.4535566. 'Hasformula' property is not useful here as it can't distinguish between above examples.
way of protecting an array of cells on the condition that information is entered in another array of cells or vice versa. So, put simply, if data goes into a1 then a2 becomes protected (or vice versa).
Basicalley I have a series of columns, each 5 letters together represent an order(a,b,c,d,e), the columns are repeated approximately 15 times, similar to the following;
The B/G stands for Whole Bean, or Ground, the A's are drop down lists giving those 2 options, the other cells (non-A's) are all numeric. At the end of each row, the orders need to be summed up into categories; 5lb whole, 5lb ground, 2lbs whole, 2lbs ground, 16 whole, 16 ground etc..
I am looking for a way to sum each category for all orders as necessary, in one cell adding all B's (in that row for that catagory) if its corresponding A is whole bean, in the next summing all b's if its corresponding A is Ground. The same will go for the C's D's and E's.
I have data in cells that are separated by pipe characters. What I need to do is to highlight the cells that are not the same. For instance, if a cell contains xxx|xxx then the cell is not highlighted but if a cell contains mmm|mmm|xx then the cell needs to be highlighted.
I have a workbook and trying to copy all the way down the workbook using F4 blanks etc. When I highlight the column I want to fill in its not highlighting all the cells.
I have a spreadsheet that I need a m acro for, that will look at cell C13, if it is a 0 (zero) then hightlight cell C1 yellow. And so on, if C14 is zero, highlight C2.. Also look at the cells below, cell D13, if it is a 0 (zero) then hightlight cell D1 yellow. And so on, if D14 is zero, highlight D2..
I'm after a formula (or similar) that if cell H1 has no data in then cells A1:G1 must be highlighted in a colour, considering A1:G1 has data in. And then when data is input into cell H1 then the highlight disappears. is this possible?
I am trying to create a special workbook for my asphalt project. After inputting all of the day's truck information, I want to add up the total tons and then for the program to highlight which truck puts the total tonnage at or slightly above 500 tons. I'm not sure if "isolating is the right term to describe what I wish to do or not, but my whole workbook will be based off of similar actions like what I'm requesting. Here is a portion of my sheet:
I have a sheet that I have item numbers in a column that i want to highlight and change color when they are not the same. I want the colors to be unique to each number. I am currently using conditional formatting (Format cells based on their values (3-color scale)). I works alright but not perfect.