Change Caption In Modeless UserForm From Another
Feb 2, 2008
Background: I currently have an some VBA code that will kick off a series of calculations on a remote server (7 calcs). I am showing a modeless form, to allow the user to continue to work in Excel while the external calculation is taking place. The code checks every few seconds (using .OnTime) to check the status of the calcs, and as one finishes, it starts the next calc, and updates the form (ie - "Running Calc #3 of 7", etc).
'Do calc
'Finish calc
frmProgress.labMessage.Caption = "Running Calculation: 'Revenue'"
'Do another calc
'Finish another calc
frmProgress.labMessage.Caption = "Running Calculation: 'Labor'"
Problem: when I change the label on the form, it gives the form focus. So, if the user is in the middle of doing something, they are suddenly stopped, and have to click back on the spreadsheet to continue.
Questions: Is there a way to update content (label) on a form, without that form getting focus? If not, is there another way to provide updated feedback without disrupting what the user is doing? My fallback is to simply not update the form with progress reports, but since the calcs can take 5min or so, it would be good if they knew things were progressing.
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Jun 20, 2008
I present a form (a calendar) twice in my routine to the user but I want to change the Caption of the Label on each pass?
The first time it's displayed: 'Please select a start date' (calendar closes & goes off and does stuff)
... and on the 2nd display: 'Please select an end date'.
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Aug 9, 2009
I am wondering if one can force a Modal UserForm to become Modeless after loading the UserForm.
Load the Userform as Modal => Click on a CommandButton on the Userform => The Userform now becomes Modeless.
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Mar 26, 2014
I have a sub that is called when the user clicks a button on the form.
The sub takes a few seconds to run, so I have created a userform which contains a single label, which simply says "working ... please wait" in large letters.
A code example is as follows:
[Code] ....
Seems simple enough, but what actually happens is that the PleaseWait userform is displayed, but contains nothing (i.e. blank white - the contents is not being rendered). I'm guessing that I need to call something on the userform to force it to render its contents after the modeless call to show it. How can I do that?
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May 7, 2009
I am using a technique to display a modeless userform to display to the user that the cell data validation has failed (or not) after checking cell data entry (with checks coded as required).
I am using this method for a number of reasons -
- enables more flexibility and more characters over that of in cell data validation error messages
- to reduce repeat of validation data (to reduce file size) as worksheet has large qty of rows with large qty of columns with variation of validation requirements for each column.
But in the event that data is invalid (fails validation), once the modeless userform is displayed, i want the focus to be on the current cell, not the userform, otherwise the user will always have to click the worksheet to to get focus to enable entry to cell of corrected data.
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Jul 10, 2009
On opening of my WorkBook I refresh my PivotTable and that takes a while so while its refreshing. So I want to launch a UserForm that basically have a loop showing progress bar similar than the Windows loading bar (i.e. a set of green vertical green bars moving in a black rectangle).
Here is the code in THisWorkbook:
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Aug 1, 2008
I call a userform (modeless), and then i'm trying to set the focus back on the range that was selected when i showed the userform. you would think i could just define the range and then use like this....
set prevrnge = selection (vbmodeless)
but it doesn't take the focus off the userform....
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Nov 21, 2007
A userform to move the curser to a column then activate the Excel App and keep the userform visiable.
The problem is when excution the code step by step (F8) works fine, but when excution the code by F5 the cursor moves to the Range("A65536").End(xlUp) and doesnot then move to the required column.
also this line
AppActivate ("Microsoft excel")
does not work , it gives me Invalid proceduers or call argument.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "I").Activate
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "J").Activate
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 2 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "K").Activate
AppActivate ("Microsoft excel")
End Sub
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Jun 17, 2014
I am using a userfrom in my sheet. i want to link label2 = sheets("OF $").Range("D6").value
I mean I want to lable2 = cell value as link
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Mar 31, 2014
Is it possible to load an image into a label and have the caption for the label be visible too? I've only been successful having one or the other display but not both.
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Jan 17, 2008
Current OptionButton names are like ABC123, ABC 124, etc.
How can i change all names, with code - as i am not seeing a find and replace option within UserForms, to all but the "ABC" part, the result of the OptionButton names shall therefor be 123, 124, etc. - delete "ABC" or, find "ABC" and replace with
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Mar 29, 2008
I have frame on a userform with command buttons. Is it possible to loop thru and capture the command button captions in a textbox. I'm trying to put together keyboard on a userform, so the user can populate a textbox with letters or phrases.
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Apr 20, 2008
I want a floating userform (showmodel = false) to display the results of a cell.
On excell spreadsheet I can assign a cell value to an object/shape, as the cell value changes so does the display on the object automatically.
I want the same results on a userform.
As i want this for display purpose only can i use the label caption for the above question?
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm trying to change the caption of a label (OLEobject) and it is not working so far :
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Sep 30, 2009
I have just noticed that there is no defult event for the running code after updating a label caption. I would like to have like a textbox does (Change,AfterUpdate). to run code on the label caption change. could it be done with activex?? can it be done at all.??
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Feb 14, 2008
How do you references the properties of a shape? I am having trouble with 2 different types. Firstly, I have a worksheet with a group of commandbuttons (all added using the Control toolbox) and I want to loop through them changing, for example, the enabled property of each to TRUE.
Secondly, I have some commandbuttons on a worksheet (added using the Forms toolbox). How would I loop through changing, say, the text on the buttons. I used the macro recorder to try to get an idea and got the following:
Sheet1.Shapes("button 15").Select
Selection.Characters.Text = "New Text"
Although this works, it is not very elegant, how can it be achieved without selecting the button each time, but rather by directly accessing the property.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a userform which has a number of multipage controls nested inside each. So, the parent is Multipage1 with 2 pages. Page 1 of Multipage1 has a second multipage control (Multipage2 which has 4 pages). In Multipage2, page1 there is a 3rd Multipage control (Multipage3 which has 2 pages). In Multipage2, page 2 there is another multipage control (Multipage4 which has 3 pages)...and so on! I know this sounds complicated, but I am trying to get the caption of the selected multipage.
There are commandbuttons in all of the pages, which when clicked need to return the caption name of the multipage where they sit.
I have started the following code, but suspect there must be a better solution:
With Sales
If .MultiPage1.Value = 0 Then
Hardware_Purchases_Input.TextBox6.Value = .MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Caption & " - " & .MultiPage2.SelectedItem.Caption & " - " & .MultiPage3.SelectedItem.Caption
End If
End With
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Jul 16, 2014
How to copy a label caption (from userform) then paste it in a worksheet.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have multiple Userforms with labels etc, all controls are similarily named (so I could do this) and I can refer to the Userform dynamically but the Label caption/Controls don't change, any idea's how to get them working.
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Feb 29, 2008
i've got a form that shows employee data in labels, and i'd like the user to be able to double click a label to change it (using a pop-up form). is it possible to get the pop-up to show after a double click instead of a single click?
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Jul 18, 2014
I am trying to edit a textbox caption in an active chart with a macro and cannot figure out the correct way to reference the text property. I have been successful in editing other items within this chart via the complete code below (i currently have textbox edit commented out)
I know i can set it up with a helper cell to have the textbox reference a range (that updates with the text i want) but i'd to try and edit the text without the use of helper cells to try and make this a little more break resistant.
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Mar 2, 2014
I needed to put a Checkbox on a Worksheet. The standard Checkbox options in Excel FormControl and ActiveX Control were too small. I found a work-around using the following macro attached to an ActiveX Label that was formatted as Wingdings font. The macro basically changes the character from a empty box Wingdings Chr(168) to a checked box Wingdings Chr(254) when the user clicks on the label.
Private Sub Label1_Click()
If Label1.Caption = Chr(254) Then
Label1.Caption = Chr(168)
But I get this error on an ErrorHandler that I have included in the macro. "An error has occurred. Error number =438. Error Description=Object doesn't support this property or method."
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Sep 24, 2009
it's possible to change the caption (title) of a user form to a variable or cell value? Or does it always have to be hard coded?
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Jan 24, 2013
I am trying to change checkboxes caption name using a loop so that I don't have to change them individually. Here is a simplified example of what want to do:
1) I save the caption names in a array
2) I run through a loop to rename each checkboxes using the names saved in the array
Sub change_Checkbox_Caption
Dim MyArray(1to3) as string
Dim IndexMyArray as integer
MyArray(1) = "YES"
MyArray(2) = "No"
MyArray(3) = "Maybe"
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May 14, 2009
I am trying to change the caption of a toolbar item but for some reason it does not work.
Application.CommandBars("Format").Controls("Item...").Caption = "I&tem..."
for example works just fine
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Mar 23, 2007
I have a problem with the changing the caption property of the option buttons to bold, italic and regular.
Is it some vb code you need to put in for the option buttons?
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Jun 26, 2007
For a form that dynamically creates a series of text boxes and labels, does anyone know how to change the caption of a dynamically created label to display the value of a cell in a worksheet? The cell in the worksheet changes according to input on the text boxes. In the form's code, I have:
Dim newLblFreq As MSForms.Label
Set newLblFreq = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblfreq" & i, True)
newLblFreq.Caption = Range("V" & i).Text & " Hz"
But once the label is created, the caption won't change, even if Range("V" & i) changes...............
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Jan 11, 2008
I'm a complete Excel and VBA newbie and would like to know if it's possible to change the output of OptionButtons from 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' to "1"/"2"/"3"/etc..
The name of each button is:
Rating 1
Rating 2
Rating 3
Rating 4
and so forth..
The idea is for each rating to output its assigned number such that if the user were to click "Rating 1", the result would be "1", "Rating 2" = 2 and so on. I'm trying to design a survey and these results will then be used to calculate an average rating. If this is possible, how would I need to write the code for it?
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Feb 1, 2008
I'm amtepting to populate some labels from some predefined strings based on the scrollbar value. I have these codes:
Option Explicit
Public Meddelande1 As String, Meddelande2 As String, Meddelande3 As String, Meddelande4 As String, Meddelande5 As String, Meddelande6 As String, Meddelande7 As String, Meddelande8 As String, Meddelande9 As String
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks("Kontrollsystemet.xls").Close SaveChanges:=False
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open "V:allaBeredningKontrollsystemetKontrollsystemet.xls", ReadOnly:=True
Meddelande1 = Range("B2").Text
Meddelande2 = Range("B3").Text....................
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Jun 11, 2008
I'm buildng a userform for data input.
As an aid, I have a label at the bottom of the form and when a person tabs onto a textbox that labels then states what you are supposed to input into that textbox along with an example. When you tab onto another textbox the caption on the label changes to give another explanation and example.
I attempted to insert an if statement into the userform which states that if a textbox is enabled then the caption of the label = "Example"
If textbox1.enabled = True Then label1.caption = "Explanation 1, Example 1"
If textbox2.enabled = True Then label1.caption = "Explanation 2, Example 2"
End If
End If
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