Change Cell Value Based On Another Cell Value Code

Sep 3, 2006

working this formula out for use in conditional formatting;

Make E9 show E9+H12 if H9>0

I've got the following formula to conditionally format E9 to red fill when H9>0, but it won't change the contents of E9 to E9+H12 under the same condition;


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VBA Code To Change Cell Color Based On Its Value?

Jan 15, 2014

I have cells in range L12:BN1000 with formulas that will output a 1 or a 2.

If the output is 1, I would like the cell to color yellow
if the output is 2, I would like the cell to color orange

the reason I dont want to use conditional formatting is because the use needs to be able to copy and insert rows and by doing so the use would need to manually add the new cells into the conditional format range. I would like to come up with a macro that applies this condition to a large range.

also, were do I add this macro? under sheet1? this workbook? or as a module?

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Automatically Execute Code Based On Cell Change?

Sep 5, 2013

I need to be able to hide and unhide a given set of rows based on the value in a particular cell. My current code allows me to successfully do this, ONLY, when I select the cell being 'watched' for changes and press enter. It does not execute the code automatically.

The cell is changed by a set of filters that modifies the data. The watched cell is then a summation of the filter modified cells. If the filters change to all "0" or "-" then my 'watched' cell sum becomes "0" and thus should execute the code automatically.

Current Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=3
If Range("I62").Value = "0" Then
Rows("63:87").Hidden = True
End If
End Sub

So, right now if I use the filter and the cells change then the sum in I62 becomes "0", I have to manually select cell I62 and press enter and which point the above code executes exactly as I intend.

I need the execution part to be automatic and not have to manual click into cell I62.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Automatically Change Colour Shape Based On Cell Value

Mar 2, 2012

I have a peice of code that i know is inefficient and it is in danger of becoming too large. I have a spreadsheet that has circles aligned to each cell. There are around 100 in total. The code changes the colour of the shape based on the cell value in which it sits. However, the code needs changing and also it does not automatically update the colour shape even though the cell value changes. I have to manually select a cell and then the formula bar and then press return for it to update.

I am using excel 2010.

This is the code i am using for each shape.

If Range("n12").Value = text Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 250").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If


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Excel 2007 :: Get Cell To Refer To Date That It Contains And Change Cell Colour Based On That?

Dec 19, 2012

I work for a UK charity and have a list of funders in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.

One of the columns refers to the date on which a new application for funding can be made to that particular funder.

In many cases new applications for funding can't be made for 1 or more years since the last application - sometimes as many as 5 years later. How to get a cell to refer to the date that it contains.

For example, say I have in cell A1 "The Acme Funding Organisation" and in cell B1 (i.e. the "Reapply when?" column) a date of 01/04/2013 (British date format, i.e. 1 April 2013) then what I want Excel to do is to look at the date in cell B1 and if that date has been reached to highlight the cell red. That way I'll know that the reapply date has been reached & that a new application can be made.

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Excel 2010 :: Change Colour Of Cell Based On Date In Other Cell?

Jan 10, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

Ive also attached the worksheet

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Excel 2013 :: Change Text In Cell Based On Date In Another Cell

Apr 14, 2014

I have the the following spreadsheet: [URL] My formula in Columns A to E is the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))

I would like to do the following in Column A: If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open". I have tried the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))

But Excel does not like the formula at all.

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Conditional Formatting - Change Cell Color Based On Date In Another Cell

Oct 9, 2013

I have two columns. In column B is the date of "last check". I column A is the date of "next check". I would like to have cell A2 in yellow color 334 days after the date entered in cell A3 and than in red color 365 days after the date entered in cell A3. Same thing for cell B2 related to date entered in cell B3. Yellow color in cells announces that check will expire within 30 days and red color that check has been expired.

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Change Colour And Values Of Cell Based On The Value In Adjacent Cell?

Nov 10, 2012

I need to write a condition in such a way that cell IF A1= "DBR","BPR","SLR","SKR" then change cell B1 to SPECIFIC COLOUR Each condition different colour. A1 values ("DBR","BPR","SLR","SKR") is a list of selectable values. if the condition is falls then B1 should be normal (white color cell) with 0 in it.

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Change A Cell To Be Positive Or Negative Based On Name From List On Another Cell

Dec 8, 2013

My goal from image is to enter a number for example in cell F4 and have in appear in L6 so simply L6=F4 but I want it to be negative if cell M2 reads "Outgo" and positive if cell M2 reads "Intake" as selected from the list. Is this possible?

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VBA To Clear Contents / Change Value Of A Cell Based On If Another Cell Has A Value And Continue L To R

Mar 9, 2013

I am relatively new to VBA. I am creating an attendance calendar that tracks employees calling sick, late etc.. It is a point based system. What I am looking for is, a way to clear the point value that was manually entered in a specific cell (I3), if there is a Value manually entered in (CU3). Each column in my worksheet is for a specific date ie; I3 is the cell where I enter the points (1.00) for that employee by calling in sick on 3/1/2013, (Column "I" is for 3/1/2013). After 90 days, this point accumulated by the employee does not count against them, so I need that point entered in (I3) to either = 0 or the cell contents to be cleared if there is a value entered in cell (CU3) which is 91 days after, so my (A3) cell does not add that point acquired on 3/1/2013.

I need this to run in a range (I3:I450) so if any value is entered into (CU3:CU450) it has the same result and continue to for (J3:J450) so if any value is entered into (CV3:CV450) and so on..

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VBA Change Cell Value To Specific Letter Based On Value Of Different Cell In Different Worksheet

Jun 6, 2014

I've done the following:

Sub BrownBH()
If Range("Brown!B4:B31") = X Then
Range("C4").Value = [#A]
Range("C4").Value = NT
End If
End Sub

However, this doesn't even work.

When somebody enters an X in a specific cell on one worksheet, it's supposed to change the value to A of a specific cell in a different worksheet. Sounds simple enough...but...

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Change Result Cell Format Based On Input Cell Value

Mar 24, 2007

Macro Based on an input cell’s (e.g. B12) setting of “yes” or “no”, format several other cells (e.g. B20:G20, B23:F23, C26:J26) as follows: keep the existing yellow shading if input cell is “yes”, change to grey shading if input cell is “no”. I would like this macro to run automatically whenever the input cell value is changed.

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Macro To Copy Row And Change Value Of Cell Based On Cell Value?

Oct 7, 2011

Basically, I need to reformat a set of data (see before and after). A specific column should only contain 1 value, if there is more than 1 value it will be separated by a comma. If this column contains more than 1 set of data then I would need to insert a row and duplicate the information based on how many different sets there are. All the copied data should remain the same with the exception of the "Key" column, it should only have 1 value and each copied row should contain the corresponding value in the key field.

BTW - it could be on the same sheet or a different worksheet (doesn't matter)

Name Number KEY Date
Name1 1 a,b,c 12/1/2011
Name2 2 x 12/1/2011
Name 3 5 one,three 12/1/2011

Name Number KEY Date
Name1 1 a 12/1/2011
Name1 1 b 12/1/2011
Name1 1 c 12/1/2011
Name2 2 x 12/1/2011
Name 3 5 one 12/1/2011
Name 3 5 three 12/1/2011

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Change Cell Color Based On Cell Content

Feb 12, 2010

I have a chart full of different names which I need to separate them by color when a specific entry is found in a Cell. For example the list has the store name "ZELLERS" + its branch number. (ex. ZELLERS #276 PL or ZELLERS #295 SL and so on). I would like to modify the below code so that It only check for the name ZELLERS and not the branch number. If it finds ZELLERS in any cell In the Range of C1:C500 then color it Red.

Below Code does that but I have to write the exact name as it appears in the cell otherwise it wont find it for me. Is there any way to resolve the issue? I am not an Excel Programmer but Only an Excel user.

Option Compare Text
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set r = Range("C1:C500")
If Intersect(Target, r) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo Endit
Application.EnableEvents = False
vals = Array("ZELLERS #276 PL", "ZELLERS #295 SL", "Gopher", "Hyena", "Ibex", "Lynx")
nums = Array(3, 46, 6, 3, 7, 4, 20, 10, 23, 15)
For Each rr In r..........................

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Event Change To Change The Sheet Name Based On A Cell Value

Jul 21, 2009

Im trying to use an event change to change the sheet name based on a cell value, but my issue is how can I error trap if the sheet name is a duplicate? Here is what I have so far

Sub ChangeName()
On Error GoTo errhandler
Sheets(1).Name = Sheets(1).range("d10")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "sheet name is already exists"
End Sub

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Change Cell Based On Status Of Another Cell

May 25, 2013


We are looking to have the unit number yellow box (A1) change to match the unit status box color (I15:I19) with RED being first priority then ORANGE, YELLOW and final GREEN. If any-one box is say 'Inspect" ORNAGE and the others are all GREEN, the unit number should go ORANGE; and so on. If we can get this working then we want to do a MASTER that matches in the same way that would just have unit numbers. There will be several hundred by the time we're done!

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Separate Cell Change Based On Value In Cell

Sep 15, 2009

In my spreadsheet, certain transactions are labeled as "Fees" in Row G. I need any amounts in Row D to be negative if they are labeled as "Fees" in Row G.

I could simply find them manually and make them negative, but the logic needed in this question will help me with similar problems I am facing.

I am thinking it is probably some combination of the "IF" command.

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Run Code On Cell Change

Jun 18, 2008

I am currently making a spreadsheet that will calculate the costs of products that my company makes. I have created the code that will add a line for each component of the product and fill in the details, but i want to set it so that it run's when i change the part number field in the sheet.

The only way i know to do this is using the worksheet_change event, but i will have more than one of these 'calculators' on one worksheet and the part number field will not always be the same cell.

I thought that an IF statement would work, as the cell next to the part number will always be the title "Parent". This is the code that i have tried but i keep getting run time error 1004 application-defined or object-defined error when the IF statement would return TRUE, when the IF statement returns FALSE (the cell to the left is NOT "Parent") the code exits, which is correct.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Parent" Then
End If

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VBA Code For Cell Color Change

Sep 24, 2013

VBA code to do the following.

In F147 will go a value

Then if the value of F147 is greater than 20 the color of D144 would turn green.

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Vba Code To Change The Cell Color ..

Jan 22, 2008

I would like to have a vba code that changes the cell color so that if there is number 1 (just number 1) in some cell the background of the cell changes in to shade of grey and cell that has number 2 changes into darker shade of grey and so on. I have numbers 1-10 in random order in my sheet. I mean there is many cells that has the same number and the sheet is quite large so vba code would be ideal choise to do it quickly.

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Code To Watch For Cell Change

Jun 29, 2006

I'm trying to write a macro that will watch to see if there is change in a range of cells, and if the values of the cells change to preform a given action. I need to do it this way because I can't put a formula in some cells.

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Color Code A Cell Based On Another Cell Using For Each

May 5, 2014

I'm writing some VBA code for Excel. I need to change the color of a cell based upon the data in another cell. This selects sheet "Kane", and searches for the word "Expenses" in a range in column D. Using For-Each, I need the IF statement that will change the cell color in the same row, but in column P.

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Change This Code To Fill To The Last Cell With Data In It?

Jun 10, 2009

2 Questions here...(Entire macro is at the bottom)

QUESTION 1 - In line 4 of the code below, in Column B, how can I get this code to auto-fill ONLY equal to the bottom-most row with any data in column A?
Note that it's never exactly "B254"

QUESTION 2 - How can I change these 3 lines of code...

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Cell Data Type Change Code?

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a code that changes any numbers stored as text into regular numbers?

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Change Event Code To Run Macro When A Cell Value Changes

Mar 21, 2007

I have looked at a series of Change Event topics and code but can't see what I need. I simply want a macro to run automatically when a cell ....which contains the Maximum time from a range.... changes. I assume I use .... Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) ...but I have no idea what code to use...

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Modify Code To Change Cell Background Color

Nov 11, 2008

I have the code below set to change the background color based on certain conditions. What I need to do is change it so that if none of the conditions are met, it does not change the color at all. As it is written now, if anything is entered in a cell that has a background already set, but does not meet these conditions, the cell turns white.

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How To Write Code That Does Not Change Even If It Can't Reference Target Cell

Oct 22, 2013

When ever I update my external CSV file and hit refresh all data, I get #REF! Errors. The CSV file has a table that changes daily. Thus the "A" Column has a different number of rows depending on the day. The problem is that Monday the CSV file will contain 700 Rows, while on Friday it will have 200 Rows. I end up with a lot of #REF! Errors friday. How do I write the code so that (A561 for example) does not change regardless if it can reference the target cell or not? I even thought of making a macro that just copied the formula into all of the cells after each refresh, but there must be a better way.

Example code


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VBA Code To Change Positive Value To Negative Upon Entry Into Cell

Jan 16, 2008

I have a worksheet in which the values in cells B8, H37, H42, H48 and H49 must be negative. Occasionally the values get entered as positive numbers.

I would like to use VBA code to automatically change the value from positive to negative.

It appears that the WorkSheet_Change event could be used to do this but I don't know what code to enter into the Sub.

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Text To Columns VBA Code To Change Delimiter If The Cell Value Is In Array

Nov 26, 2008

I'm currently trying to compare all of my companies data sources for staff, ie helpdesk, telephony, ldap etc. and I have made quite a bit of progress, mostly thanks to this forum, however one issue I am running into, is the fact that when I use the text to columns funtion (in a macro) it's splitting up names which are double barrelled into 3 columns. The names are in the format of...

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