Change Forms Label Text Color
Mar 3, 2008I used a label from the forms toolbar and can't seem to change the color of the text.
View 5 RepliesI used a label from the forms toolbar and can't seem to change the color of the text.
View 5 RepliesI have a nifty little form that I created that list some bullet points (as Labels) along the left side of the page, and clicking on these Labels run code that hooks up to a VLookup on the worksheet and displays custom text in a larger text box on the right.
Then I added a Frame with three option buttons, a text box and a command button to the bottom of the form. And now, clicking on the Labels triggers an error message:
"Object doesn't support this property or method."
But if I remove the frame, the code works fine... The code line that bugs says:
FrmImport.txtWizQ.Value = Range("WizQ").Value
way to fix it without relocating the frame?
Is there a way to change the text on a label in a form with macros. Im going to be updating some values (Years) and want these to change automatically.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have various row cells in column (F) filled with the color Green. And corresponding text in Column G. How can I change the text of that particular row to white.
i.e.: if any cell in column F is Green, change the text color of that row in Column G to white?
How would I compare two text fields (old and new) and change the font in the 3rd column (Difference)?
For example:
Old: I can not figure 3 things out.
New: I can't figure 2 things out.
Difference: can not can't figure 3 2 things out.
Can the backround color on a forms toolbar button be changed or must I use a control toolbar button if I want the button in color? I would prefer using the forms button and have tried customizing (tools/customize/forms) then right clicking on the forms button icon and selecting “Edit button image”, clicked on the desired color and clicked ok.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am in need of a way to change the color of text in a cell to red if that cell contains a dollar sign ($) and if it dosen't contain a dollar sign ($) for the text to be black. I want this to happen automatically without having to run a macro, is this possible?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to change the text color of a grapg using VBA (chart name, data series, x and y axis names and scales changed).
The VBA code for changing text color is:
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1
But I don't know how to do this for a graph!
I am having a hard time figuring how to change the color of all the different text groups in a chart, header, axis, labels etc, and even the macro recorder has failed me this time - I have recorded the following, where I selected the graph, changed textcolor to white and then ended the recording - but without changing anything in the code, it returns an error on the second line (starting with "with"):
Run-time error '-2147024809 (80070057)':
The value is outside of the boundaries (translated from danish)
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart1").TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Fill
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorBackground1
.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
.ForeColor.Brightness = 0
.Transparency = 0
End With
From what I have read, it might be something with the textframe2 property.
How To Change The Formula Text Color
Make It
Red Bold
I’d like to be able to highlight ONLY the text as shown below based on the look up column. Conditional Formatting will highlight the whole cell, which is not what I want. Is this possible ?
Column 1 (Director)
director, Robert Rodriguez; producer, Elizabeth Avellan; producer, Robert Rodriguez; writer, Robert Rodriguez
Column 2 (Cast)
Cast: Leslie Mann, Kat Dennings, James Spader, Jon Cryer, William H. Macy, Jimmy Bennett, Leo Howard, Devon Gearhart, Rebel Rodriguez, Trevor Gagnon, Jake Short
Column 3 (Look Up)
robert rodriguez
james spader
Is there a way to combine cells in excel and chage the color of part of it?
Example: On my sheet I have multiple cells I need to combine:
Say A1 reads 23.65
Say A2 reads 43.65
Now on A3 I want it to read "Estimated budget 23.65 vs 43.65"
I can get this to work but here is the problem, I want the 23.65 to always be red and bolded and the 43.65 to always be blue and bolded.
I was just wondering how I can type in a different colour. I.e. I have a document and I want to type in random cells but I always want to be typing in red, or blue etc. Hoe can I change the default text color?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn Excel 2007 I know that if you have a cell containing text that you can change the color of parts of that text like This is the text in my cell and this is red text
But I have a cell with a formula that adds text to the end based on a conditional. I can't see any way to change the text color in this situation. I basically want this formula:
=D_Notes & TEXT(CHAR(10),) & IF(Terms = "Budgetary Estimate Only", "Quote is budgetary only and is subject to change pending final design.","")
I have a button (shape) whose text value is linked to cell A1. (In other words, if text in cell A1 changes, the text on the button changes). A concatenation formula exists in cell A1 to "join" together a combination of text and cell values. The formula in A1 looks something like this:
="You have "&B10&" records that contain errors."
I'd like to set the font for the "&B10" portion to be a different color than the rest of the text string so that it stands out from the rest of the text. Obviously this can be done when the text is manually entered into a text box, but when using a formula to populate the text in the text box, it's all or nothing. I'm hoping to find a way to embed a separate font color within the formula string in A1 for just the portion I want to change? For example, all text would be regular/black, but the numeric value generated from cell B10 would be yellow.
creating a macro. I would like the background color of certain cells under column A (cells 12:25, 27:32, 34:38, 40:45, 47:51, 53:61, 63:70, 72:79, 81:88, 90:92) to change to the color green and display the text "Complete" on mouseclick.
Before the cell is clicked, it would be the color red, with no text. (I'm not sure if you need to know that).
Next, I would need a macro that resets everything back to red. I hope this macro could be assigned to a form button.
Via conditional formatting, I am searching to change the color of a specific word in a cell (not the color of everything in the cell, but only that specific word - and the word repeats in the cell). A function such as =isnumber(search("NOK";A1)) colors all the cell values, which I do not want to do. How i can perform this task?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a worksheet ("Pivot Tables") pivot table ("Breakfast"), and the Field ("Date") in the Row Labels. The date ranges from 1/20/2014 - 2/6/2014. My issue is figuring out a macro to automatically change the date ranges to what I want.
The macro I recorded is this:
Sub DateChange()'
' DateChange Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+r
Is there a simpler way to write the code so I do not have to change the dates I want visible each time. But instead just write the start and ending date.
I need to change a row label filter on a pivot table based on the value in a cell but don't know how to do this with VBA.
View 6 Replies View Related I'm trying to change the caption of a label (OLEobject) and it is not working so far :
I have just noticed that there is no defult event for the running code after updating a label caption. I would like to have like a textbox does (Change,AfterUpdate). to run code on the label caption change. could it be done with activex?? can it be done at all.??
View 2 Replies View RelatedI present a form (a calendar) twice in my routine to the user but I want to change the Caption of the Label on each pass?
The first time it's displayed: 'Please select a start date' (calendar closes & goes off and does stuff)
... and on the 2nd display: 'Please select an end date'.
I needed to put a Checkbox on a Worksheet. The standard Checkbox options in Excel FormControl and ActiveX Control were too small. I found a work-around using the following macro attached to an ActiveX Label that was formatted as Wingdings font. The macro basically changes the character from a empty box Wingdings Chr(168) to a checked box Wingdings Chr(254) when the user clicks on the label.
Private Sub Label1_Click()
If Label1.Caption = Chr(254) Then
Label1.Caption = Chr(168)
But I get this error on an ErrorHandler that I have included in the macro. "An error has occurred. Error number =438. Error Description=Object doesn't support this property or method."
I want a floating userform (showmodel = false) to display the results of a cell.
On excell spreadsheet I can assign a cell value to an object/shape, as the cell value changes so does the display on the object automatically.
I want the same results on a userform.
I tried the texbox & using the the controlsource from the properties window, this was only good for one result. for the next result the textbox won't change its value.
As i want this for display purpose only can i use the label for the above problem
For a form that dynamically creates a series of text boxes and labels, does anyone know how to change the caption of a dynamically created label to display the value of a cell in a worksheet? The cell in the worksheet changes according to input on the text boxes. In the form's code, I have:
Dim newLblFreq As MSForms.Label
Set newLblFreq = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblfreq" & i, True)
newLblFreq.Caption = Range("V" & i).Text & " Hz"
But once the label is created, the caption won't change, even if Range("V" & i) changes...............
I'm amtepting to populate some labels from some predefined strings based on the scrollbar value. I have these codes:
Option Explicit
Public Meddelande1 As String, Meddelande2 As String, Meddelande3 As String, Meddelande4 As String, Meddelande5 As String, Meddelande6 As String, Meddelande7 As String, Meddelande8 As String, Meddelande9 As String
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks("Kontrollsystemet.xls").Close SaveChanges:=False
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open "V:allaBeredningKontrollsystemetKontrollsystemet.xls", ReadOnly:=True
Meddelande1 = Range("B2").Text
Meddelande2 = Range("B3").Text....................
I'm buildng a userform for data input.
As an aid, I have a label at the bottom of the form and when a person tabs onto a textbox that labels then states what you are supposed to input into that textbox along with an example. When you tab onto another textbox the caption on the label changes to give another explanation and example.
I attempted to insert an if statement into the userform which states that if a textbox is enabled then the caption of the label = "Example"
If textbox1.enabled = True Then label1.caption = "Explanation 1, Example 1"
If textbox2.enabled = True Then label1.caption = "Explanation 2, Example 2"
End If
End If
In my Excel 2003 worksheet, I need the row color to automatically change to blue (color 5) (bgcolor = #0000FF) - when the user changes the text from VALID to INVALID in the range: B3:B65000.
For example:
Cell B5 contains the text: VALID
When the user changes the text in the field to read: INVALID - then I need the row range: A5:W5 to change to the color blue.
I would like to be able to change the color of a cell in V4:AB31 and have the formula in AM10:AM13 automatically calculate the new result. As it is now the user has to press Ctrl ALT f9 for the formula to recalculate.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have two columns. The first one (A) contains cells that have different Fill colors. The second column (B) contains text adjacent to the colored cells. I am trying to change the color of the text in the second column (B) to the corresponding color in the adjacent cell in the first column (A). I don't think conditional formating works well in this situation. I believe the solution would be some sort of macro.
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