I have lots of charts in a sheet "plots" which is based on data in sheet "data Summary". Sheet "plots" have the following code, which is based on the event "actiavte". At the end my main macro, I am activating sheet "plots" and all the charts are working fine. After this if I go to any other sheet in the workbook and come back to "plots", all the charts are flickering and the cursor turns to busy mode. I don't understnad why this is happening.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
For Each ChtOb In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
ChtOb.Chart.PlotVisibleOnly = False
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("plots"). Range("e1").Activate
On Error GoTo Handle
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("s21max").Chart.Axes(xlCategory, xlSecondary)
.MinimumScale = Application.Average([s21high]) + -4 * Application.StDev([s21high])
.MaximumScale = Application.Average([s21high]) + 4 * Application.StDev([s21high]) + Application.StDev([s21high]) * 0.25
.CrossesAt = .MinimumScale..........................
i have an excel with two sheets containing both formula and vba code... but it will flicker when i click every command button? how will i stop flickering?
In the example included, a filter is running. (Status; Watching, Column G) Whenever you type something in the sheet, the screen is flickering. When the filter isn't running, nothing unusual happens. How can I fix this? Marco
Some of my sheets are flickering even when there is no macro running. It blinks and flashes from time to time. It does not affect the funktion in the sheet except that its annoying as hell. Some times I have to scroll down and back up to "clear" the screen from the flicker/flash effects.
I can open an old file fresh and it flickers and flashes from start. It doesnt matter if I start it with or with out macro activated.
trying to copy both the values and the format of a certain range from one worksheet to another I am faced with two problems:
a) how can I copy something without having to previously add ".select"? (in the end I want to avoid any screen flickering)
b) how can I copy both the values and the format in one line (currently I have to use two lines)
Current problem: Below you can find a code snippet which is repitetiously launched in order to copy data(+format) from many sheets to one sheet, there is other code as well (not shown here), which is launched in between (dealing with charts and pictures). In order to avoid some screen flickering I have already included the "screenupdating=false" line, and I would like to drop the usage of any ".select" in my code, as any ".select" seems to update the screen irrespectively of "application.screenupdating=false" or not.
However, as soon as I erase any ".select" command, I get a runtime-error 1004 at the SECOND run of this code snippet here. The only way to circumvent this seems to include ".select" prior to the line causing the error. Why at the second run? Well, I think, it is because after the second run, the focus might remain with a chart and not anylonger at any cell. Is there any way executing the below code without the screen-flickering?
Sub copySample(ByVal M As Integer)
Dim wksTarget As worksheet, wksNow As Worksheet Const maxRowsConsidered=1000
Set wksTarget=Worksheets("target") Set wksNow=Worksheets(M)
When i add a month coloumn,Sparklines and Average coloumn should get updated automaticaly.Now this is not happening even if the data is in table format.I also want the graphs to be automaticaly updated.
I am trying to put some charts into a report that is pivot table based. I have some code that will work if the pivot tables stay stagnic but the users may change the tables around so that could be an issue of new data. I have the following code where I changed the source to the pivot table name (general name because of numberous report possibilites). I have taken out the other charts because they are just a variation of the chart 1. I am crashing on the line with the * on it.
Sub UWTierChart() Dim oCell As Range Dim oChart As Chart Set ws_data = ActiveSheet 'Chart 1 Sheets(wsPT).Select Range("B21").Select
I have never done this before and I am having a hard time - it seems that none of the graphs in the Excel menu accommodate what I want and I have no idea what I am doing to boot.. Could someone PLEASE help?
My data is: American & Japanese workers can each produce 4 cars a year. An American worker can produce 10 tons of grain a yr. / Japanese 5 tons of grain a yr. Each country has 100 million workers.
Need PPF and Opportunity cost of car & grain from U.S and Japan.
I have at this for two days and I cannot get the information in the chart the way it is supposed to be. It makes no sense evry way I have tried it and the graphs don't even look correct. I've tried several line graphs and scatter graphs..
I update graphs/charts everyday. I've been looking at ways of updating a lot of charts in 1 action.....
What would the formula be to have the range of the chart (ie =Data!$BS$1188:$BS$1201) to get the row numbers, not the row, from numbers entered elsewhere on a data sheet (ie =Data!$BS$1188:$BS$1201)
As a lot of the time I use the same number range but on different rows and sheets.
I'm trying to find a way to select all charts in a worksheet and pasting them into a new sheet as a jpeg and can't find a way to select the charts all together as a group like if you shift click them.
I'm looking to copy and paste them as a group because they are grouped in a specific way for a report.
I have 2 charts on one sheet. Both the charts are generated using 2 different VBA code. I have also created a Button to trigger the code and generate chart when the button is clicked.
I recently realized that I was creating charts upon charts and was making the excel file bigger in size all the time.
So, I wanted to see if I can delete the individual chart before generating a new one.
Currently, I am using the following code to delete the charts.
I am having lots of issues with generating a scatter chart in vba. I tried recording a macro but the only thing that recorded was my different selection clicks on the chart. No formatting was recorded. I have the following ....
I have a piece of code that arranges a chart to fit the data it should show. The code used to work perfectly in the old Excel version, but after an "upgrade" to Excel 2007 I get "Automation Error" from the line where the scale type is set.
I have a spreadsheet that calculates a value for each age up to 65 on a separate row. I have parameterized the spreadsheet so that depending on the age entered by the user, any row below the age 65 calculation row is blanked out (set to "") with an if statement.
After a new age is entered I would like a line graph to compare the values. My problem is that if I select all of the possible data values (I assume none are less than 20, therefore there are 45 rows of formulas) any rows that have blank values show up in the chart. My data starts in cell A1.
I would like to come up with a macro that accomplishes the following . . .
- determines the number of the lowest row that has a number value in it (since there are formulas below this, Ctrl down does not do this correctly)
- set a named range starting from cell A1 based on x rows (calculated in the prior step) and y rows (constant)
I've got a table which has additives in Column A and products on Row 1. There are 13 additives and 10 products. Each combination of product and additive has a price. So I have 130 different prices in my table. The prices change monthly and the new prices are added to the sheet so that last months prices will move to left so that the newest price data table is A1:J13 and previous month is K1:T13 and so on.
I need to make an individual chart to every combination which contains the history of the price changes. I have two cells (A20 and B20) where the user can pick a product and an additive (created a menu by using Data|Validation...). These selections are combined in a cell C20 (=A20&B20). Then I have a macro that is linked to the cell C20 and is basically Case Is = 1st combination --> Call Macro1, Case Is = 2nd combination --> Call Macro2 etc.
That macro will work out just fine, BUT is there any way I could make all the 130 charts easier? Now I've recorded a macro that creates the first chart and then I've just copy-pasted it, changed the attributes (cell numbers, names and so on) that define the data to the next charts. This will take ages...
Every combination will have at least 13 changes (12 monthly price cells and the name of the cart) so in total this will mean about 1500 manual changes. In my case this will mean a high danger of typos.
I know, it would be SO much easier if I could give you the Excel file to look at...hopefully you understood what I mean.
I'll only follow the changes within a year so prices older than a year will not be shown in the charts.
Now I need to create multiple pie charts based on data in tables on many sheets.
I need to create the same set of charts, for each sheet separately.
I recorded a macro for one sheet, which created following
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.ChartType = xlPie ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$B$2" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$D$6:$D$8" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$A$6:$A$8" Range("A11").Select ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.ChartType = xlPie ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$A$6" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$B$6:$C$6" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$B$5:$C$5" ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=3 Range("A11").Select ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.ChartType = xlPie ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$A$7" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$B$7:$C$7" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = "='GALLERY ON 4TH'!$B$5:$C$5"
However I cannot automate. I tried different methods for creating the charts, as found on the site [prefer .chartobjects.add(x,y,z,a) since I can immediately position the chart] , but get stuck at seriescollection everytime.
It looks like when the chart is created by XL (with suggested data in it) I cannot address the series data. I got it right to generate a chartobject that is empty, then added the series data to it, but when opening the new chartobject, it is again populated with suggested data.
How do I generate an empty chartobject everytime, so I can insert seriescollection info with code?
I am exploring yet another avenue of vba coding that i am not familiar with.
I have a template word document that i am wanting to fill with items (be it cell values or charts) from an excel file.
I am looking at the coding examples on the net and i am slowly getting there. However i seem to be unable to copy a chart from my excel file and copy into word. I need to be able to specify a specific position on the word document too.
I used a "MID" formula to extract some data and for some reason the chart I'm trying to use won't recognize the data. Here is a copy of what the data looks like. Non of the vaules will show up on the chart. DPJE2DD2CE2CJan1.2784.8984.8997.65Feb1.2697.6597.6591.79B10==MID(B$3,8,5)Mar1.3091.7991.79154.7Apr1.28154.7154.7147.6May1.29147.6147.687.78Jun1.4387.7887.78112.6Jul1.39112.6112.6115.2Aug1.42115.2115.293.6 Sep1.3393.6 93.6 138.9Oct1.28138.9138.9NovDec115.6YTD1.32115.6115.6
i am trying to add 50 new data series and it takes hell of a lot of time to do it manually.
Sub Macro6() Dim total As Integer Dim Taper As Integer Taper = 2 Do Until total < 100 total = total + 1 Taper = Taper + 1 ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(" Chart 3").Activate ActiveChart.PlotArea.Select ActiveChart.ChartType = xlBubble ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries ActiveChart.SeriesCollection("Total").XValues = "=Data!R" & Taper & "C6" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection("Total").Values = "=Data!R" & Taper & "C8" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection("Total"). Name = "=Data!R" & Taper & "C9" ActiveChart.SeriesCollection("Total").BubbleSizes = "=Data!R" & Taper & "C7" Loop End Sub
I need to export serveral charts to several slides within PowerPoint from Excel Using VBA. I use 2002 versions. I added chartobjects (2) under 1 but not sure if that is the correct placement to start adding more charts to slides.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Sub PowerPointOLEAutomation() Dim ppt As Object, pres As Object 'Create a Microsoft PowerPoint session Set ppt = CreateObject("powerpoint.application") 'Copy the chart on the Chart Labels Demo sheet Worksheets("sw dr").ChartObjects(1).Copy 'Worksheets("sw dr&ot").ChartObjects(2).Copy 'Create a new document in Microsoft PowerPoint Set pres = ppt.Presentations.Add.........................
I have a chart which has Autoshapes linked to other cells in the spreadsheet above each bar on the chart. Is there any way of making them dynamic, so that if the value of the bar changes, the Autoshape will move up or down with that bar?
Is it possible to build 1 chart that holds 2 different pie charts? If possible I need to do this with VBA. The pie charts will have the same "components" the only thing that would vary is the percentage of each component (some values will be zero in one of the charts).
I'm trying to create multiple Charts with VBA, each chart on a seperate Sheet. The link below works but i need to change it some and i'm stuck. What i'm trying to do is create a new sheet for each new graph, but I need it to create a graph for the 250 associates in column B then plot 52 weeks of their % from the Row their name shows up in. First name is in (B3), his % data is in range (N3:BO3). I have the weeks numbered out 1-52 in (N2:BO2) and i'd like their name to appear in the Tab and on top of the graph. I applied the VBA code from the link below to my sheet and changed what i knew i needed to change, but it debugs. I use to do each graph manually when i had 25 associates but i would like to use this for the whole building now.
I have data that is linked and is updated automatically. I am trying to use named ranges for the rolling data for each area and my date range is 5 cells using the Today()-5,4,3,2,1. The dates are rolling fine, but I cannot get the data to update, it stays the same from day to day.
look at this and see what my error is? cookies and kudos(no password on the unprotect)