Checking All Inputs In A Userform

Dec 24, 2006

I've a userform with just textboxes and have written code that checks each textbox in turn to ensure a correct value has been entered. I want to run the code after any changes are made; where then would I insert the code? doesn't appear to work nor keypress. Would I have to enter the code in each textbox_afterupdate?

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Nested IF Statement For Array Checking For Different Text Inputs?

Sep 11, 2012

Trying to write function statement that does the following:

IF cells C9:E14 contain any of the following: "Termination" or "Forms" or "PWE" or "TSA" or "3rd Party", then cell would show "Provided Date (If Applicable):",""

This is my best shot at trying to get it to work, but it wont, no matter what iteration I try.


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Storing Userform Textbox Inputs As Currency In Array?

Jun 23, 2014

I have a userform where the user enters prices for up to 12 items in textbox controls, and these prices are stored in an array. The textboxes are titled tbPrice1, tbPrice2, etc. I'm having an issue with the line of code I am using to store the values in an array. Every time I attempt to store them, I get runtime error 13 type mismatch, but I don't understand why.

dim PartPrices(1 to 12) as Currency

For x = 1 to 12PartPrices(x) = IIf(Trim(Me.Controls("tbPrice" & x).Value) & vbNullString = vbNullString, CCur(0), CCur(Trim(Me.Controls("tbPrice" & x).Value)))Next

A little more explanation here. Not all 12 parts will have prices, so I use the IIf statement to store the value 0 whenever the user has left a price field blank. I use trim in case they leave spaces in the price textbox or something. When the field is not blank, I take the value entered in the textbox, convert it to currency and attempt to store it in the relevant element of the array.

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Capture Changes To Userform Selections When Compared To Initial Inputs

Jul 18, 2014

I'm trying to capture if any changes are made to a UserForms selections.

I initially load all the data from the database when the first user form is initialized, see code below


Once I have selected the corresponing record from the combobox , in this case Planning Number, then select the command button which runs the code below

[Code] .....

Now the user form frmProcessEngineeringTemp is opened, it now populates all the comboboxes, textboxes and option buttons in this form based on the planning number choosen from initial user form

[Code] ....

Once the user has finished with the user form the information from the form is passed to a worksheet via a command button. If changes to the user form selections were made i need to capture what has changed (if anything), from what was initially loaded into the second user form (frmProcessEngineeringTemp).

I have seen numerous posts from various sites that discuss Change and Exit events from a Class module and many instances where each combobox, textbox and option button is hard coded to capture changes.

Being that I have captured my initial inputs from the database thru the myVar 1 thru 40, can this be put into a string array and the current inputs/selections in the frmProcessEngineeringTemp put into a second array then compare 1 to another looking for difference, then output the differences to a worksheet for tracking purposes. At the same time if changes were indeed made i would increment the Revison record by 1.

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User Inputs Information Into Userform When Click Enter?

Mar 21, 2012

Say a user inputs information into the user form, when they click enter, it enters all the data on the next available line in a workbook.

Is is possible for the user to click a cell on a previously entered row, and have the userform populate with the existing information?

say the user has to fill out 3 separate areas. 1, 2, 3. However the user only has data for 1 and 2. They go ahead and enter the infromation for 1 and 2 and click submit to transfer to sheet. Now later he gets information for area 3, can the row the information that he previously entered, lets say column 1, row 1, and it reopens the userform with the information for 1 and 2 prefilled from what he entered previously?

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Checking Two Dates On Userform?

Apr 4, 2014

I've got two text boxes where users input the dates in specified format (dd/mm/yyyy). current validation checks whether one date is not earlier than the other one and it looks like this:

[Code] .....

However if they are equal which suits me I am still getting an error. don't need a calendar btw

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Checking Data In A Userform

Feb 2, 2007

I have a user form that writes data to a worksheet (Sheet1)

Is there any way of getting a macro to check what is in "textbox1" against all the entries in column A of "Sheet1"?...........and bring back a message if it already exists?

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Error Checking With Range Cell In Userform

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to build a user form to find out the customers who purchase more than $1,000 during a certain period. The userform has two inputs:

One is to select the data range of customer information. Assume all customer information are in the cell A2: H10, how shall I write the error checking code if the user selects the range which is out of (A2:H10)? message box would be " You selection include invalid data, please check"..

The other input is called " Get data past this data", and I can enter a date in the following cell ( txtDate). Regarding the error checking, I am thinking to use IsDate() function to make sure it is a valid date. Will be there be any other error checking you will recommend?

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Values Based On Three Inputs?

Jan 27, 2014

Trying to look up values based on three inputs:

Attached is the file:

Month Input, Column Input and Network Input are changeable based on user input, I am trying to get the desired output based on selection from A20, B20, C20 into cells G20, G21, G22 from row number 2 and corresponding values in H20, H21, H22 from the corresponding row based on the selection.

I have populated an example in the attached file.

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Returning A Value Based On 3 Inputs?

Feb 27, 2014

I have 3 tables as per the attached samples (there is more but this is a sample for now).

In the table below these I have what I am trying to do. There is the manual input and the auto output based on the inputs.

e.g. if I input 12 in size, ball in type & A01B in piping class I hope to get the following output 20, 35, 51, 67, 83, 99 in the respective columns.

The formula needs to work across all three tables at the same time.

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Lookups With Multiple Inputs

Aug 19, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a medium-sized data set, and I need to look up values from the large table, and thin the table down to only the relevant values.

To arrive at each unique value, I will have to match 3 input cells to the first 3 cells of the data table, then copy values from across that specific line to the appropriate cells of my smaller table. I really don't need to sum or do any math in this step, its just a copy from the master table to the smaller table, the math will come later.

I think I'm attaching the file (remember-first post) so hopefully it will help with what I'm trying to accomplish. Hopefully this isn't a big deal, but I've been pulling my hair out on this all day and I just can't find a solution anywhere that really matches up to this.

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Composing Date From 3 Inputs

Mar 11, 2014

I'm trying to compose a date based on inputs from a userform. The user selects the day, month and year in combo boxes, and I want to place this data on a single cell in the format DD/MM/YYYY. How can I do this?

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Multiple Inputs Into Other Worksheets

Dec 26, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with over 70 worksheets. The majority of these are concerned with Work standards (National Occupational Standards), each of these standards are further broken down into performance criteria.

What I would like to happen is for a person to be able to enter a "Yes" or "No" response in a box to a specific question on an assessment report or a witness testimony worksheet. If a Yes is entered I would like the spreadsheet to automatically enter a reference i.e AR1 or WT2 (stated by the inputter on that worksheet) in each of the other seperate worksheets that cover this perfromance criteria with this reference.

Because many of the worksheets contain similar performance criteria, i.e "treating people fairly and with respect". The answer of "Yes" on the assessment report worksheet may require a reference inputting on anything up to 60 different worksheets. Is this possible or am I dreaming of the impossible?

I really should have asked this question before I wrote out all the seperate worksheets.

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Restrict Inputs On Sheet

May 20, 2008

I have an excel sheet which acts as a form for multiple users, and I wanted to restrict the way certain cells can be filled in.

For example, if the value in Range E12:E100=PD then the values in Range B12:B100 must be blank. Is there anyway to do something like this?

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Limit Cell Inputs

Mar 8, 2008

how I can ensure that only the letter X can be accepted in a cell? If any other letter or number is typed in the cell or group of cells excel should not accept it & the cell should remain blank?

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Create A Polynomial Equation Of Z From The X And Y Inputs?

Jan 20, 2014

I'm familiar with 2d graphs, trendlines, and regression equations. Now I have some tabular data that has 2 input variables and a result. As with my 2d data, I would like Excel to create a polynomial equation of z from the x and y inputs. Can Excel do this, or do I need a plug-in or another software package?

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VBA Code For InputBox With Multiple Inputs

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to create a vba using only one macro button (excel). I would like for them to enter their names and have their own password that will then insert their signature(pic.jpg) in a specific cell.

I created a certificate in excel and I don't want 12 (number of people) buttons visible. Id rather have a long code. Im not sure if using If and Then and ElseIf is the way to go.

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Filldown Macro For 2 Sets Of Inputs

Oct 8, 2008

I am currently using this macro to fill down cells full of numbers which have been passed through formulae. It works for one input (C10), however I want it to work for another input (C11). Im trying to make it fill down the cells after a new set of headings identical to row 12. It has to take into account the rows used for the original fill down which relies on C10. I have tried to use the same macro twice, but I cant get it to do both layers. Basically I need a fill down of layer 1 (already done), and then a fill down for layer 2 after layer 1.

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Macro Prompts And User Inputs

Jul 20, 2009

I am not new to excel - but I have never required the use of advanced excel features before today - so I apologize in advance. I am a health professional student (graduate level) assisting my preceptor in developing patient management mechanisms.

I am building an excel spreadsheet to manage current medications for several patients.

I have built the spreadsheet with the first 'sheet' being a directory and subsequent sheets being patient data files(one sheet per patient).

I am now in the process of creating a macro to build new patient data files (a new sheet for a new patient). I recorded a macro to build the new sheet with the proper formatting of information. What I am trying to do now is automate the naming and linking of the new sheet.

What I am really after is how can you create a "prompt" such that after activating the macro button it asks:

Patient last name:
Patient first name:

Then uses this data to:

1. Rename the newly made sheet to 'last, first'
2. Title the newly made sheet with 'last, first'
3. Create an entry in the directory in the 'last, first' format
4. Finally, build the hyperlink from the directory to the newly created sheet

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Different Calculations Based On Variable Inputs

Feb 15, 2009

If I input any FX pair (Column B) without ???JPY in it, then the formula in Column K produces the correct result. Formula is: eg: If Column B = EURUSD pairs and the like: =IF(C3="L",F3-E3,IF(C3="S",E3-F3))*10000.

This formula will produce a +ve or -ve result in points (PIPS) based on the values of E3 and F3. (eg. E3 = 1.2800 & F3 = 1.2750. If C3 = L then the result is -50. Conversely if C3 = S then the result is 50.)

When I input the JPY pairs in Column B, I need the formula to calculate the same way but multiply by 100 (not 10,000). This is because all non JPY cross pairs have 4 decimal places and JPY cross pairs have 2 decimal places. (eg. 1 PIP in EURUSD = .0001, 1 PIP in USDJPY = .01).....

So if Column B = USDJPY the formula would need to be: =IF(C3="L",F3-E3,IF(C3="S",E3-F3))*100 . Have tried many combination's of the IF function but am now starting to think this is not quite the right formula for this situation. Attached is a sample of what I am trying to achieve. The formula would need to incorporate any/all variations in currency pairs as listed in the attached sample.

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Finding Sum When Locations Of Inputs Not Originally Known

Mar 5, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where there are two drop down menus with various options. Based on those two inputs, my spreadsheet calculates a "savings" for each row. Now, I want to have cells that will keep a running total of each combination possible. I tried:

=IF(AND(A2:A37="OKC",C2:C37="AF33"),SUM(G2:G37)) but it didn't work...

A column is where you can enter 1st option
C column is where you can enter 2nd option
G column is where the savings results for those combination of inputs is populated.

I need a cell in say, J column, to sum all numbers from G column, where the combo of "OKC" and "AF33" exist.

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Record Calculated Value Before Changing Inputs?

Jul 11, 2014

A1 = 5
A2 = 7
A3 = A1+A2 = 12

Now I would like to keep value of A3 in cell A7 every time I change input values in A1 and A2 and so on.

A1 = 15
A2 = 8
A3 = 15+8 = 23
A7 = 12

And when an input in A3 > 100, it will popup a message, that a total cannot over 100. My code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Row = 1 And Target.Column = 3 Then

Range("A7").Insert , CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Range("A3").Value = Range("A7").Value
Exit Sub
If Range("A3").Value > 100 Then MsgBox "Total exceed 100. Check you inputs!"
End If
End Sub

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Combo Box Inputs Creates New Boxes

Jul 30, 2007

i have a combo box that contain range of number from (1-9)

i need some help in creating the yellow boxes automatically after i have choose the number that i want from the combo box

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Search With Multiple Inputs/Outputs

Jun 2, 2008

I am looking to create an excel search with two input and three output values on Sheet 1 that will link to a table on Sheet 2. To help illustrate:

Sheet 1:

The two white cells indicate the two input values, and the three blue cells indicate the three desired output values.

Sheet 2:

I want to enter the two input values (Length and Width), press the "Search" button, and have the corresponding output values (DWG#, Item #, and Tooling #) from Sheet 2 appear in the three output cells on Sheet 1.

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Rank Function With Array Inputs

Mar 10, 2009

why this returns a #Value! error?


I just used the even row selector as an example.

MAX(IF(MOD(ROW(F3:F9),2)=0,F3:F9)) returns 203 and IF(MOD(ROW(F3:F9),2)=0,F3:F9,E1) returns {0;47;0;203;0;"A";0}
when you press F9.

If I change the range to exclude the non-numeric value I get the same error (it shouldn't matter according to the help file as non-numeric values are ignored).

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Insert Columns Based On Inputs

Aug 15, 2008

This is for my fantasy football league, so perhaps being familiar with fantasy football will be of help. It's somewhat complicated, so I'm just going to explain what I would like to do: Upon opening the Excel file, there will be a few questions. The first will ask what type of draft, with just two choices, A or B. Below that, it will have inputs asking how many teams, how many players per team, and, if option B was chosen, how many dollars per team. After answering the questions, there should be a button that will "generate" what I'm about to describe.

Choosing option A or B will result in two completely different sheets: -Option A will have X columns for the number of teams entered, and Y rows for the number of players per team. If possible, something will pop up allowing the user to input each team name.

-Option B will be a bit more complicated. I have a template of what one column will be for each team, and would need to have that repeated for the number of teams entered. Additionally, the number of players per team and dollars per team will need to be placed into an existing formula that will perform certain calculations. And, if possible, the number of players per team will alter the column template if the number is over a pre-defined number. And, like the previous option, it would present a pop up allowing the user to input each team name.

I apologize for the length of this question, and while it is too extensive to ask someone here to do, I would like to know what I can expect if I try to achieve this. Will I need to know programming code? Can you point me to some articles that will help me in terms of turning an inputted number into a spreadsheet with that number of columns after hitting a "submit" button?

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If Macro Picking Up 5 Inputs Changing To 3 Outputs

Sep 11, 2012

I'm trying to take 5 inputs that are all in text format and inputs have fixed options what i need is a macro that will take them and turn them in to the relevant outputs. there is a select amount of combinations and i've been asked to do each combination as a separate macro or sub macro.

What I have so far is;

If C6 = "Panel plate" And D6 = "24 by 21" And E6 = "<1.59" And F6 = "N/A " Then I6 = "120" And j6 = "4" And L6 = "120"
End Sub

6 Panel plate 24 by 21 <1.59 N/A

(Doesn't seem to work)...

If those four cell match up then i need I6-L6 to line up with whats required.
If they don't equal that i need it to stay clear.

I also need to add the same macro with different options.

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Expense Tracker By Month For Multiple Inputs Then Add Together?

May 14, 2014

I am looking to take the data off of a "detail" sheet and put it to a summary page. I want the summary page to find the capital and expense from "details" sheet by the month on the "details" sheet. Then for every month add all the expenses and capital and put as 2 values per month, Capital and expense, on the summary page. I am not really sure where to begin but have added my excel workbook that I have started.

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Excluding Text Inputs For Attendance List

Jul 29, 2014

I'm making an attendance list that calculates regular hour and overtime hours for days in a month on rows. Besides the number of hours, there's input for v and s, which stand for vacations and sick days. I'm using the "if" function to separate hour and overtime, and when I put v or s in a cell it messes up my totals. Is there a way to make it so that the cells with v or s don't affect my other columns?

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Completing IF Function With Date And Time As Inputs?

Jan 16, 2014

Using the attached doc, and its legend tab, I need the following columns corrected as I am seriously tripping up on formats vs inputs for outputs.

1.) Column "N's" result based on the duration output of the preceding column "M" is:

<=4 = 40
5 = 30
6 = 20
>=7 = 10

2.) Column "Q's" result based on the duration output of the preceding column "P" is:

<=18 == 40
>=19<=24 == 30
>=25<=48 == 20
>=49 == 10

The legend tab shows the info as well.

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