Storing Userform Textbox Inputs As Currency In Array?

Jun 23, 2014

I have a userform where the user enters prices for up to 12 items in textbox controls, and these prices are stored in an array. The textboxes are titled tbPrice1, tbPrice2, etc. I'm having an issue with the line of code I am using to store the values in an array. Every time I attempt to store them, I get runtime error 13 type mismatch, but I don't understand why.

dim PartPrices(1 to 12) as Currency

For x = 1 to 12PartPrices(x) = IIf(Trim(Me.Controls("tbPrice" & x).Value) & vbNullString = vbNullString, CCur(0), CCur(Trim(Me.Controls("tbPrice" & x).Value)))Next

A little more explanation here. Not all 12 parts will have prices, so I use the IIf statement to store the value 0 whenever the user has left a price field blank. I use trim in case they leave spaces in the price textbox or something. When the field is not blank, I take the value entered in the textbox, convert it to currency and attempt to store it in the relevant element of the array.

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Storing Textbox Contents In Array

Feb 13, 2012

I've created a textbox, call it Textbox1, where I've set EnterKeyBehavior and WordWrap to be true. If someone types something like


in the textbox, and I use the following code


Dim TextBoxVal as String
TextBoxVal = Textbox1.Value
then TextBoxVal will be applesbananascherries.

I'd like to have the array be something like

apples,bananas,cherries, or

or something else so I can tell when the user has hit the enter key. Is there any way to do this?

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Storing In Array

Feb 20, 2007

Here's the code linked with excel spreadsheet:

Function Function1(DailyClose, EFBillsYield)

TradingDays = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(DailyClose)

For i_cnt = 1 To TradingDays - 1
DailyReturn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Ln(DailyClose(i_cnt) / DailyClose(i_cnt + 1))
Next i_cnt

AnnualReturn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(DailyReturn) * TradingDays
AnnualVolatility = Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(DailyReturn) * Sqr(TradingDays)
RiskFreeRate = Application.WorksheetFunction.Ln(1 + EFBillsYield)

Function1 = (AnnualReturn - RiskFreeRate) / AnnualVolatility

End Function

When I enter the parameters DailyClose (which is an array of numeric), and EFBillsYield, which is a numeric also, the function will calculate the DailyReturn (in array) for each array element in DailyClose.

The problem is, I don't know how to catch the DailyReturn for each DailyClose element. The above code only loops and calculates DailyReturn one by one, but not storing it as an array.

How should it be modified so that the DailyReturn can be numeric array also, so that it can perform average and SD functions below the loop?

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Excel 2007 :: VBA Storing Variables In Array?

Sep 7, 2012

Excel 2007.

I'm basically copying and pasting a bunch of columns. Currently, my code is very long because I'm not using a loop to plug in the column header. how I'd store all the column headers in an array (I think) and loop through 1-by-1.

Here's a look at what I'm doing now:

' ''Project Number
x = "Project number"
i = Sheets("RawData").Rows(FirstRow).Find(x).Column

how to store these column headers in an array and then pull them?

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Format Textbox As Currency?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that has a default value of 0.00. When the user enters a number I want it to format it to currency with two decimal places. I've tried form.textbox1.text = formatcurrency(textbox1.text,"0.00") but it won't format it to two decimal places.

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Format Textbox For Currency

Sep 21, 2007

I need to be able to format a textbox as curancy. Simple enough, right?

The problem is that this box is loaded from two sources. The first is automatic using the change event, this works well. The second is to enter directly into the textbox, which requires using the exit event, this also works.

The problem comes when I try to use both events. The change event interfers with the direct entry (the format keeps changing the entered value and will not allow the user to finish entering).

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()

TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1.Text, "$ #,##0.00")

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1.Text, "$ #,##0.00")

End Sub

How can this be changed to work for both aut load and direct load?

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Textbox Currency Cannot Enter Figures Less Than 1.00?

Nov 11, 2008

I have a userform with several texboxes formatted as currency. The problem I have is that I cannot enter figures less than £1.00 i.e. (.90) whicch should format as £0.90
Here is the code I am using so far! As I have said it works perfectly apart from this ...

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Assign Currency To Textbox Property

Jun 27, 2006

how I might assign the $ Currency property to one of my textboxes in my user form. I was hoping I could set the property in the spreadsheet and the form would inherit what properties the cell in the spreadsheet had but that did not work. Here is the line of code I tried to use to assign the property to the cell (TextBox 16 is the one I am trying to change)

Set c = Worksheets("database").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' speed up, hide task
'write userform entries to database
c.Value = Me.TextBox1.Value
c.Offset(0, 1).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value
c.Offset(0, 2).Value = Me.TextBox3.Value
c.Offset(0, 3).Value = Me.TextBox4.Value
c.Offset(0, 4).Value = Me.TextBox5.Value
c.Offset(0, 5).Value = Me.TextBox6.Value
c.Offset(0, 6).Value = Me.TextBox7.Value
c.Offset(0, 7).Value = Me.TextBox8.Value
c.Offset(0, 8).Value = Me.TextBox9.Value

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Convert Textbox Currency To Number

Nov 24, 2006

I have a Userform where i have the user in put a dollar amount in a text box. Im having difficulty getting this assigned to a variable as an integer. I get a "type mismatch" error. I have tried declaring the variable as an integer, and tried the cint() function, but i get the same error.

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Rank Function With Array Inputs

Mar 10, 2009

why this returns a #Value! error?


I just used the even row selector as an example.

MAX(IF(MOD(ROW(F3:F9),2)=0,F3:F9)) returns 203 and IF(MOD(ROW(F3:F9),2)=0,F3:F9,E1) returns {0;47;0;203;0;"A";0}
when you press F9.

If I change the range to exclude the non-numeric value I get the same error (it shouldn't matter according to the help file as non-numeric values are ignored).

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TextBox Display Format Currency Query?

May 22, 2014

When I enter a number, say 2456 in this textbox why does it display "$2.45" instead of "$2,456". I've tried fiddling with the ###'s and .'s but it just gets worse.

[Code] ....

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Apply Currency Format To Textbox While Typing

Jan 28, 2009

I would like to create a textbox that displays the typed numbers as currency format (similar to selecting currency format for a cell)

so that as the user types in 9999 they will see the textbox populate with

$99.99 instead of just $9.09 which is what happens when I try the following code

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Checking All Inputs In A Userform

Dec 24, 2006

I've a userform with just textboxes and have written code that checks each textbox in turn to ensure a correct value has been entered. I want to run the code after any changes are made; where then would I insert the code? doesn't appear to work nor keypress. Would I have to enter the code in each textbox_afterupdate?

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Nested IF Statement For Array Checking For Different Text Inputs?

Sep 11, 2012

Trying to write function statement that does the following:

IF cells C9:E14 contain any of the following: "Termination" or "Forms" or "PWE" or "TSA" or "3rd Party", then cell would show "Provided Date (If Applicable):",""

This is my best shot at trying to get it to work, but it wont, no matter what iteration I try.


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Capture Changes To Userform Selections When Compared To Initial Inputs

Jul 18, 2014

I'm trying to capture if any changes are made to a UserForms selections.

I initially load all the data from the database when the first user form is initialized, see code below


Once I have selected the corresponing record from the combobox , in this case Planning Number, then select the command button which runs the code below

[Code] .....

Now the user form frmProcessEngineeringTemp is opened, it now populates all the comboboxes, textboxes and option buttons in this form based on the planning number choosen from initial user form

[Code] ....

Once the user has finished with the user form the information from the form is passed to a worksheet via a command button. If changes to the user form selections were made i need to capture what has changed (if anything), from what was initially loaded into the second user form (frmProcessEngineeringTemp).

I have seen numerous posts from various sites that discuss Change and Exit events from a Class module and many instances where each combobox, textbox and option button is hard coded to capture changes.

Being that I have captured my initial inputs from the database thru the myVar 1 thru 40, can this be put into a string array and the current inputs/selections in the frmProcessEngineeringTemp put into a second array then compare 1 to another looking for difference, then output the differences to a worksheet for tracking purposes. At the same time if changes were indeed made i would increment the Revison record by 1.

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User Inputs Information Into Userform When Click Enter?

Mar 21, 2012

Say a user inputs information into the user form, when they click enter, it enters all the data on the next available line in a workbook.

Is is possible for the user to click a cell on a previously entered row, and have the userform populate with the existing information?

say the user has to fill out 3 separate areas. 1, 2, 3. However the user only has data for 1 and 2. They go ahead and enter the infromation for 1 and 2 and click submit to transfer to sheet. Now later he gets information for area 3, can the row the information that he previously entered, lets say column 1, row 1, and it reopens the userform with the information for 1 and 2 prefilled from what he entered previously?

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Currency Format In Textboxes Of Userform?

Feb 11, 2014

I have a userform that one textbox takes it's value from a cell in sheet3.(k2). The format of this cell is currency. How the textbox takes the same format as the cell?

In the same userform i have a series(prcase1,prcase2..) of textboxes that i want to have currency format as the user type numbers on these.

How can i do this?

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How To Get Userform To Display Figure As Currency

Dec 30, 2012

I am planning to use a userform to input various figures, and come up with a total.

How do I get the user form to display a figure as currency?

Also, how do I get the user form to display a figure as a date?

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Multiple Currency Format From UserForm?

Feb 26, 2013

I have a UserForm with a ComboBox for the currency (30-35 items) and a TextBox for the amount.

The currency codes are displayed like this: EUR, USD, RUB, GBP etc.

How do I paste the result of TextBox in a selected currency format in a cell in worksheet?

ComboBox value is "USD"
TextBoxValue is "500"

Cell A1 value should read "500 USD" as currency not text.

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Conditional Formatting Userform Textbox Based On Textbox Value?

Jul 3, 2014

I've been using the following code to conditionally format userform textboxes based on a specific value (in this case 2490):

[Code] ........

What I'm looking to do now is amend this so rather than use a specific value, to use the value in a specific textbox on the same userform.

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Userform Textbox Event That Fires After I Exit The Textbox

Feb 2, 2010

I need a userform textbox event that fires after I tab or click out of the textbox. Going by the list of options:Beforedragover, BeforeDroporPaste, Change, DblClick, DropButtonClick, Error, Keydown, Keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup.

I can't figure out which one will do what I want. The change event happens instantaneously which doesn't work. I need to fire off the event when my focus leaves the textbox.

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Copy One Value Of Textbox ActiveX On Worksheet To Userform Textbox

Jul 25, 2014

I need the value of active x control textbox on my worksheet 1, to be copied to a textbox in my userform, that pops up from that sheet....

And I want it to display after the textbox on my worksheet has been updated and the comman button for the userform is clicked...

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Texts Automatically Change The Currency Depending On The Choice Made In The Previous Userform

Jul 3, 2008

I have options buttons in a userform, first is "$" the other is "€"

When somebody chooses one of them, it writes the choice to a cell in the data sheet. But when clicked on the next userform I want some of the texts automatically change the currency depending on the choice made in the previous userform.

The formula below was is example

=""&Data!$A$2&" / m³"

=""&Data!$A$2&" / kWh"

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Converting All CURRENCY Symbols To ONLY Currency Selected

Mar 11, 2012

How to make EXCEL 2007 Automatically convert all my CURRENCY symbols in all cells formatted for CURRENCY in THE SAME SHEET to the one and ONLY currency selected in JUST ONE cell ? (i mean, after conversion, all of them are Not just display currency symbols, but Calculable monetary values like regular Excel's built-in currency format)

I am a dummy in VBA so I really am not familiar at all if the solution is really one of VBA. I don't even know how to start programming VBA at all in Excel.

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Adding Text From One Userform Textbox To Another Textbox

Oct 12, 2011

Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click()
Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value
Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box
Dim ForeName As String
Dim SurName As String
Dim wwid As Variant
Dim iPosition As Integer

[Code] .......

Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add

frmAdd.txtForename.Text = "&ForeName &"
frmAdd.txtSurname.Text = "&SureName &"

It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..

eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.

What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.

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Copy Value Of Textbox On Worksheet To Textbox On Userform

Jul 27, 2014

I tried looking for everywhere, but i still cant seem to find the solution.. I have an Active X textbox on a worksheet, and I need it's value to show up on a textbox on my userform, that shows up through a command button on that worksheet. I'm fairly new to vba.

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Currency Additions (show The Total Of Each Currency Separtely)

Apr 23, 2009

I have several rows which lists different currencies - USD, GBP, EURO, JPY etc.,

A1 usd 5000
A2 GBP 7000
A3 USD 3400
A4 EUR 12000
A5 JPY 89000
A6 EUR 1000

At the bottom I want to show the total of each currency separtely.

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Copy From Textbox To TextBox In Another Userform

May 23, 2008

I am trying to copy data from a Textbox in a Userform to a Textbox in another Userform. Is it possible?

In Userform1 I have a button from which I can open Userform2 keeping the Userform1 opened. When closing Userform2 I want to copy the data from TextBox2 in Userform2 to TextBox1 in Userform1.

I was trying to guess the code... but it is not working...:

UserForms("Userform1").TextBox1.Value = UserForms("Userform2").TextBox2.Value

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How To Print Only Contents Of Textbox From Userform Not Whole Userform

Apr 26, 2014

I Have a Userform which Have My Data i Print User Form Using Print Command Button And My Code Is

[Code] ......

But Its Printout Whole Form I only Wants To Print contents of Text Box's Or only Text From Userform TextBox. How To Print out Only Content of User Form Not The Whole Form ...

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Populate Userform Textbox From Another Userform

Nov 22, 2007

I want to populate a textbox (output) on one userform with data from a textbox (target) on another userform.

The data in the textbox (target) is the result of calculations in the userform code and is not gathered from or saved to a cell.

I want the textbox (output) to be populated at "Userform intialize" event.

I have tried various other methods without any success.

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