I'm making an attendance list that calculates regular hour and overtime hours for days in a month on rows. Besides the number of hours, there's input for v and s, which stand for vacations and sick days. I'm using the "if" function to separate hour and overtime, and when I put v or s in a cell it messes up my totals. Is there a way to make it so that the cells with v or s don't affect my other columns?
I have a list of names and want to print an attendance certificate off for each individual on that list. is there a way of doing this automatically or is it copy/paste.. print.. then do next one.
I want to create a macro to take multiple inputs from sheet 2, apply them simultaneously to the inputs on sheet 1, take sheet 1's output and list next to the inputs on sheet 2. I want to apply this to a spreadsheet with complicated calculations. Example spreadsheet attached. Related Macros I have will do a similar thing but only take one input at a time. Code as follows.
VB: Sub x() Dim r As Range With Sheet2 For Each r In .Range("A2", .Range("A2").End(xlDown)) Sheet1.Range("A2") = r r.Offset(, 2).Resize(, 3).Value = Sheet1.Range("C2:E2").Value Next r End With End Sub
Trying to write function statement that does the following:
IF cells C9:E14 contain any of the following: "Termination" or "Forms" or "PWE" or "TSA" or "3rd Party", then cell would show "Provided Date (If Applicable):",""
This is my best shot at trying to get it to work, but it wont, no matter what iteration I try.
I've got two long columns of dates and names. The dates and names can repeat. Eg:
01/01/14 Fred
01/01/14 Joe
01/01/14 Tom
[Code] ........
I want to input a date and create a list of names with only the names from the date I enter and earlier, and excluding names that appear again with a later date.
E.g. if I enter 01/01/14 I'd get:
Joe Tom
But not Fred, as although he appears on 01/01/14 he also appears with a later date too.
I have a column with values, say column a. In column a are several rows with values equal to zero. I would now like to create a new list that omits the values that are zero, e.g.:
I want to get the list of days which are only weekdays ( excluding sat, sun but includes holidays during weekdays) I have tried WORKDAY function but it is not exactly i want coz it excludes holidays during weekdays as well.
On the attached spreadh sheet I have production costs that I wish to calculate. There are certain courses that are a constant each month and they are input via a data validation list, however there will be courses that are run that are not on this list.
on the cell with 'Other' I want to total the costs for the courses that exclude the normal monthly courses.
Ive managed to use the formula below to exclude certain text but I cannot do it for multiple keywords, or maybe there is a simpler formula. =SUMPRODUCT(--(G4:G31>0),L4:L31,--ISNUMBER(FIND("Suicide",G4:G31)))
I have a list generator that creates a set of data in a multi-column & row dataset. I would like a formula to create a list of the alpha data points only which excludes blanks and any errors.
I'm trying to get excel to calculate the average time spent on appointments by officers in a small team. Each of them sees people each day, and as we're very busy I'm eager to get the time spent on each appointment down, by giving them a target of the number of people to see each day. At the moment we gather some stats on this, which show how many people are being seen by each officer.
The attached example sheet shows for one week a list of columns with officer's initials at the top, and says how many people were seen by each person each day during that week and then a how many people overall for the week.
I'd like to be able to generate statistics on the amount of time each officer has spent on average with customers, and base this on the fact that people have 360 minutes per day (they do 6 hours of appointments and another hour for admin) to see people.
I think the spreadsheet attached gives a good idea of the system and what I want to do.
I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.
The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.
in range B9:B187 I have names and I have their attendance in I9:AM187 I have all the dates in I8:AM8
attendance codes are PL SL CL LWP TRG & P. I want to segregate all PL SL CL LWP and TRG
I want the output in a different sheet where in column A I will should get name, in column B I should get type "SL PL CL LWP TRG", in column C I should get start date and in column I should get end date.
I am recording attendance to our various activities as follows (screenshot):
Column A show the activity
Columns B onwards show attendance by day of the week (names gathered from list).
Now I've got a simple formula =COUNTA(Sep!B4:AE51) to count the total attendance for the month, modifying the range to cater for each activity, but it would be better if I could keep the range the same and modify the activity.
Also, I would like a formula to show the attendance at each activity by the day of the week (ie to show the total and average attendances for Mondays or Tuesday etc).
If you take a look at the spreadsheet you'll see that there are 11 sessions. I'd like to figure out a way by looking at the attendance log to get the percentage/number of people from a certain unit that attended each session. The Y's means that they were present and the N's means that they weren't.
I tried = countif( range,"12WT") which I guess is wrong because it only counts the number of times the word 12WT appears. It doesn't count the number of time a person from 12WT attended the session which is what I'm looking for. How do I go about getting the percentage of people that attended from each unit?
For all the units that didn't attend, is there a formula that would list the units that didn't attend according to the session number? For instance for session one, someone for EC, 9WT, didn't attend. Is there a way that the end result for the formula could be: EC,9WT. Or, does the result for every formula always have to be numeric?
I would like to have a workbook with class lists for 21 classrooms.
Then I would like to use this each month to generate a workbook that has one sheet per class with the teacher name and class name as an overall header. The row stubs would be the student names. The 2 column headers would be the weekdays (Mon through Fri) and the day of the month as a number.
It seems that this could very well be an application that already exists. It seems like the kind of thing a business would create and put on the web as a free download as a good will thing.
Does such an application already exist? If not, is there a small example of populating a workbook with information in another workbook?
I've started with an Attendance tracking template that I found in Excel. My company has implemented an attendance policy where each employee is allowed up to 10 points before they are terminated. A 1/2 point is given for arriving late or leaving early and a whole point is given for an unscheduled absence. The points stay on the employee's record for one year, after that time period it drops off their record. We want to monitor each employee's cumulative points.
So, I'm looking for a way to look back 1 year from the current date and add up the cumulative points over that period.
I am trying to create a 'simple' spreadsheet which will allow me to check how many children are going to be attending my nursery and split them into the different age bands.The columns I am using at the moment are
Name D.o.B Start date Mon AM Mon PM Tues AM Tues PM
I need to be able to split this data into three age groups: Babies (under 2 years), Tweenies (2-3 years) and Pre-school (3+).I would also like the formula to take account of the start date so to remove children from the list who will not have started by this data.
The idea is that I can use this as a quick look to see if I can accept another child / give me an idea of staffing needs. I know there is software out there that can do all this and more, and used to use them on previous nurseries, however this is a new start nursery which does not have the cash to pay for the software at the moment so I am looking to save myself a few hours of checking it all myself until the nursery is up and running and can afford the software which we would hopefully buy in year 2.
I would like for a vba programmer to tell me if the following program can be written before I attempt to code it. When I open Excel I want to see cells containing names in a square array with red backgrounds. As I click on each cell I want the cell to turn green and I want an alphabetized column of the names to have a 1 recorded(after I click) indicating that the person is present. If a person's name is red then I need a 0 recorded. If possible, I would like to be able move over one column each day that I take attendance by clicking on a cell in a row above the column of names. I am a math professor and I write computer code most every day but I have only written some small routines in vba that did not involve events.
What I want to do is Average out a range of cells "F4:F343". That's the easy part =average(F4:F343). However I want to exclude any numbers for that average if data in coloumn "Q" = "FMC"
Would that look anything like:
=average(F4:F343)/countif(Q4:Q343, "<>FMC")
I'm also displaying it as minutes in a day so i added *24*60 to the end of the formula and formatted to Number/.00. I've entered the formula and it will calculate but when i enter FMC to the appropriate area the average wont change.