Clearing Cell Of All Remnants To Clean Cell To Execute Function

Oct 1, 2012

In a cell I had a formula that was executing a function:


I deleted the cell using right-click "ClearContents"

Now when I try to type another function it just prints out the symbols not the result of the function.


Is there a way to clear the cell of all and anything that is left behind so the new function can execute?

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Execute Function When Cell Value Changes

Oct 31, 2006

I'm doing a function to comprobate that a cell value has 11 digits. I'm not use only a validation because the the cell value can start with a 0. So I make this function

'This function is to get all the characters from a cell
Function ValidaSeguro(SS As String) As Boolean
Dim strArray() As String
Dim lLoop As Long, lCount As Long
Dim Respuesta As Integer
lCount = Len(SS)
If lCount <> 11 Then
ValidaSeguro = False
Respuesta = MsgBox("Don't have 11 digits")
Exit Function
End If
Redim strArray(lCount - 1)
For lLoop = 0 To lCount - 1.........................

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Cell Clean Up Using VBA

Apr 28, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that has data in columns A through AE. I have built a VBA that deletes all columns except 2 (columns C & AF), and brings them over to columns A & B.

Column C contains a 10 digit number and column AF contains text similiar to "ASSIGNED ON 10 CALLS BOLDI". My VBA deletes all unneeded columns, but I am having trouble getting it to do 2 additional functions. I want it to delete the verbiage of "Assigned ON" in the cells under column AF, and delete the last number of the account number under column C, so that the account number is only 9 digits long.
Here is my VBA:

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Clean & Trim Function In VBA

Aug 21, 2006

"clean" function is not recognized.

Sub ConvertToTrim()
For Each rng In Selection
rng.Value = Clean(Trim(rng.Value))
Next rng
End Sub

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Function To Clean Up Date/timestamp

Jun 8, 2009

I have date/time data in the following form:

Mon Jan 12 07:26:26 EST 2009

I have tried multiple forms of LEFT, RIGHT, MID, etc. Date & Month are always three characters, but the date ("12" in this example) can vary between 1 or 2 characters.

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Auto Clearing Content If Name Of Associated Cell Changes

Dec 4, 2012

Any way to have cell information clear if the name of the cell associated with the values changes.

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Clearing Filters And Returning To Cell A1

Feb 27, 2009

I am not sure if this is doable in VB or if there is an excel function to do this but I am using a rather large worksheet that is shared amongst my staff. I would like to have the sheet clear any filters that have been used by one member and for the sheet to save with the cursor in the home cell (A1). This way the sheet is ready for the next user. Can this be done with VB?

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Trim And Clean Function But Formula Doesn't Work?

Jan 31, 2014

I'm coping and pasting data (html) into a worksheet. When I try to format some of the columns as accounting$, number, ect. They won't format. It looks as if there are spaces before and after the data. So I tried the trim and clean function but it doesn't work, so I guess the blank "spaces" are not really spaces.

It gets better...

When I do the same exact copy and paste (as html) on another persons computer, they are able to format just fine, and the "spaces" are removed automatically.

Why is this working on one computer but not the other? Is it a setting that my computer has enabled or disabled? If so, what is it?

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Clean Function - Replace Special Character With Space?

Feb 28, 2013

I have special character that I removed with =CLEAN formula.

It was only one character which represents carriage return. It looks like one little square with question mark inside.

After I applied =CLEAN formula it disappeared, but now I don't have space between these two words.

How could I replace this special character with space?

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VBA: Can I Execute Code When I'm WITHIN A Cell (F2)

Jan 4, 2008

Assume a cell -- say A1 -- has a long formula in it. If I select A1, press F2 to "Enter" the cell, then I have a blinking 'l' indicating the cursor/pointer position WITHIN the cell.

Is there any way to control the position of the blinking 'l' (or whatever it is called)? For instance, in a long formula, I would like to write a macro which could transport the blinking 'l' to midway into the formula string.

Alternatively, can I make a partial selection WITHIN a cell and run a macro on it. For instance, if cell B1 has a heading "Dec 2007" and I highlight just the "Dec" portion of the string, I would like to execute a macro to color it red. I have a simple macro that can do it to the entire cell, but not to only part of the cell contents. Is there any way for VBA to be active when I am WITHIN a cell.

Sub Font_Red()
'will add red color to ActiveCell font
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End Sub

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Clearing Cell Contents If Conditionally Formatted

May 3, 2009

This is my first use of the forum as I only joined yesterday after a recommendation from another colleague.

I am attempting to write a macro to clear the contents of cells in a range that have conditional formatting. Below is the formula I have used...

Sub clr()
Dim r As Range
For Each r In Range("09:050")
If InStr(r.Interior.ColorIndex, "40") Then r.ClearContents
Next r
End Sub

While the formula runs without error, it does not clear the contents, although I read on another thread on this forum that you cannot clear contents of cells that are conditionally formatted.

Alternatively, if there is a more efficient way to clear cell contents (without using a formula in the cell itself),

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Mouse Over A Cell Execute A Macro

Feb 2, 2009

On my worksheet, i want to execute a macro to calculate and display some informations when the mouse is positioned over certains cells. I look around but did not found how to do it.

I want the information to be displayed above that cell and disapeared when mouse pointer moved away.

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Execute Sub Via Textbox Or Cell With Enter Key

Oct 3, 2006

I was wondering, is it possible to execute my VBA sub from textbox1 using the enter key?

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Filtering By Cell Entry - Clearing Filter If Blank

Nov 7, 2013

I'm wanting to filter a set of data by inputting in to a cell. And it works perfectly...

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If (Intersect(Target, Range("B4")) Is Nothing) _
Exit Sub
End If
Cells.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=" & Range("B4")
End Sub

The only thing is I now need is for the code to clear the filter if the cell (B4) is blank. It currently filters out all the data if the cell is blank.

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Execute Code Based On Cell Entry

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to write the code or create a macro that will execute when the value of a range of cells is greater than null. The macro or code that I would like to execute will UNHIDE a group of consecutive rows.

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Macro To Execute F2 Function Key?

Feb 3, 2003

I need a macro that will execute the F2 function key so that the cell can be edited.

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Automatically Execute Code Based On Cell Change?

Sep 5, 2013

I need to be able to hide and unhide a given set of rows based on the value in a particular cell. My current code allows me to successfully do this, ONLY, when I select the cell being 'watched' for changes and press enter. It does not execute the code automatically.

The cell is changed by a set of filters that modifies the data. The watched cell is then a summation of the filter modified cells. If the filters change to all "0" or "-" then my 'watched' cell sum becomes "0" and thus should execute the code automatically.

Current Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=3
If Range("I62").Value = "0" Then
Rows("63:87").Hidden = True
End If
End Sub

So, right now if I use the filter and the cells change then the sum in I62 becomes "0", I have to manually select cell I62 and press enter and which point the above code executes exactly as I intend.

I need the execution part to be automatic and not have to manual click into cell I62.

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Execute Function When Workbook Closes

Feb 22, 2010

I'm looking for a way to execute some code, when the user closes the workbook/excel.
So far, I've found this

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Select First Cell In Every 20th Column Execute Autofill Till The Last Row?

Apr 18, 2013

I try to do something like this

Sub autofill()
Selection.autofill Destination:=Range("A1:A1048576 "), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub

but i need to select first cell in every 20th column and then execute autofill till the last row that excel provides. I can only do this manually but I have for now 125 columns to fill or to write some monstrous code. Unfortunately I do not have the knowledge to do this in a smart way and I guess there is an elegant way to solve this problem.

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Using Macro To Open Specific File And Execute VLookup Function

Oct 5, 2012

I have to run a report each morning and in once cell I need to pull in the contents of another cell from another worksheet. I'd rather not have to open the additional file each morning to copy and paste special the values so I'd like to add to my current macro to pull this data in automatically. I have to do this for two different reports/portfolios and the data I am pulling in for each portfolio is located in the same exel file but under two different tab names, the portfolio names 2010 and 2045.

The spreadsheet I am pulling data in from is located here:
K:Risk OversightMarket RiskTracking ErrorBARRA
and the file name is: Daily Barra Tracking Error.xls

Tab name would be 2010 for the 2010 portfolio or 2045 for the 2045 portfolio The vlookup will be from "A32:B2500" and I would like to incorpoprate an IFERROR function that returns "" in the event of an error. Column "A" are dates and column "B" is the data I need to pull in.

Receivables I am pulling the data into cell "J23" of a summary report (sheet 2) and would like the vlookup to read something like this:

IFERROR(VLOOKUP("K1"Active.Workbook.Sheets2,[K:Risk OversightMarket RiskTracking ErrorBARRA"&"Daily Barra Tracking Error.xls"(Sheets)]."2010""A32:B2500",2,0),"")

This should return a blank cell if the date cannot be found in the data spreadsheet and return the correct data for teh correct date being referenced in my summary sheet.

how to do the bracketed parts for pulling in the right spreadsheet and tab.

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Change From Execute On Selections To Execute On All

Feb 28, 2014

I have the following code:

[Code] .......

What do I need to change in order to make it execute the Call statement on EVERY item in the ListBox2, not the Selections.

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Passing Cell References From A Cell's Text To LINEST Function And A Graph

Mar 2, 2009

I'm using Excel 2003 and I'm trying to make my LINEST function and the source cells for a scatter graph use the cell range specified in another cell in the document. I figured out that it was simple to do the following:

I250 contains: 10, shows: 10
I251 contains: ="I"&I250, shows I10

But I can't figure out how to do this in a larger function. I've tried a few things but none of them work. Here is an example where I want it to do a LINEST with y values in cells Ja - Jb and x values in cells Ia - Ib (where a and b are integers specified in cells I250 and J250 respectively):

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Formula/Function Reference To Cell Address In Another Cell

May 22, 2008

how can I use the cell function inside a NPV fuction as one argument of the start for the NPV string to calculate?

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Inserting An INDEX,MATCH Function Into A HYPERLINK Function Instead Of Cell Reference

Mar 20, 2009

Another interesting dilemma to solve. Using this formula:

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Function Returns Value To Cell As Single - Function Is Defined To Return Double

May 14, 2013

Function Haversine has correct value in debugger but in cell it has the same value as Haversine2. Is this a known bug?

Public Function Haversine(lat1 As Double, long1 As Double, lat2 As Double, long2 As Double) As Double
Dim temp As Double


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Function To Mirroring Cell Relative To Function's Location

Jul 17, 2008

I have created a List in excel of various tasks. (See attached example.) Each row contains one cell with a function which equals the cell above it and to the right. So the function for cell C3 would be D2. The only importance is that the cell mirrored is always the cell one above and to the right. However, now I would like to be able to rearrange this List, but the “one up and to the right” function will now be all over the place.

Is someone aware of a function which will target a relative location instead of an exact cell?

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Force Function To Use Row Relative To Cell Housing Function

Mar 2, 2008

I have been looking around have this much code from this site, modified. What I am trying to do is calculate numbers by a position with cells D through K having numeric values. I have 'hardcoded' the cells (D2, E2, etc in the code below), but in reality I only want the current row (so if the formula is on the 2nd row, I want D2, if it is on the 3rd row, I want D3).

My problem is obviously the formula isn't working because I am not correctly tying back to the spreadsheet (Positioncalc.xls). When I put the formula in the spreadsheet it works, but in my script I get 0 everytime.

My Script:

Function Position(rCell As Range, Optional RightPosition As Boolean)
Dim vResult

Select Case rCell.Text
Case "QB"
vResult = (2*D2) + (2*E2) + (2*F2) + (4*G2) + (2*H2) + (1*I2) + (4*J2) + (3*K2)
Case Else
vResult = "Invalid Position"
End Select

If RightPosition = True Then
Position = vResult
Position = "Position not valid"
End If

End Function

So, when I put =Position(A2,True) I expect to see the formula results of those cells calculated based on the position (QB, HB, etc with their unique formulas).

My next challenge after this is to highlight certain cells based on the Position. So if A2 = QB, I want cell D2 boldface and Red, etc. I have seen some scripts on colors and such here, so I might be able to figure it out.

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Function That Will Find Value In A Cell And Copy It To Another Cell

Apr 27, 2009

Function for G6 that will look for data in A6 and put results in F6. I have attached a sample woorkbook so you can better see what i am needing.

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Contains Function: Function That States If A Cell In The Email Column Contains A String Or Value From The Names Column

Oct 13, 2009

On sheet 1 I have a list of 1000 firstnames
On sheet 2 I have a list of 1000 emails,

I need a function that states If a cell in the email column contains a string or value from the names column, it will result in a true statement so that I can separate out the emails that have these peoples first names.

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DATE Function & IF Function (return A TRUE Or FALSE Based On A Date In A Cell)

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.

for example:

if cell A1 = 07/11/2009

I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.

I have tried stuff like:


but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?

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