I was playing aroung some VBA code, but the code executes 98 times and I don't know why. For example, range A1 contains 5. When I type, say 3, in A1, I want A1 to show me 8 (5+3). Then I may type 10, in this case A1 must show 18 (8+10). And so on. I decided to place entered values in different column, then sum them in A1 with below stated code
Within the code I am asking excel to sort two difference worksheets with virtually the same code, except that one of the worksheets does not get sorted. If I step through the code, it works and the worksheet is sorted, but if I just run the macro the worksheet does not get sorted, as if the line of code in question is being skipped. Pointedly, my question is - Why does the code work while debugging (stepping through) but not when I generally run it?
Also, as far as the code is concerned, I am sure that the all variables contain the information I need them to and am also sure that any ranges created from those variables are also the ranges they should be. Here are the two lines of code that are supposed to sort. The UBOC cash sheet gets sorted, but the LNB cash sheet does not.
I have an excel based report consisting of several worksheets. Each worksheet contains VBA code which allows the user to generate custom reports with a series of Excel Charts being generated. I have two related problems with the output/display. Whenever I save the file the code is triggered causing each sheet to update and scrambling charts. (To fix this I have to leave the report and then re-enter, which then works fine).
Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening? For example, to avoid the code being run on save or to refresh the active screen. A couple of things I should mention: I already have screenupdating turned off so the user is not seeing each action being calculated. At present to avoid the chart display glitches with complex tasks, I have added a line to my code at the end which moves off screen and then returns to the current screen. That ensures the chart no longer lingers on screen, however it does mean that for a split second a phantom graph appears in the middle of the screen before disapearing.
I have created code to enter data from the Active cell. However, I would like to edit it so that the user can only make this work if they are on Rows 6 through Row 29.
Here is the Sub DropDown7_Change() 'Right here I want: If ActiveCell. is in Row 6-29 Then Application.ActiveCell.Value = Range("D3").Value Application.ActiveCell.Offset(, 1).Value = Range("F3").Value Else Msg = "Move into the proper rows" End Sub How can I do a check before the code is executed to be sure the users active cell is in Rows 6-29.
it would be possible to have text disappear after being displayed in Excel for a while.
My son and I played around with games (helping create a photographic memory, I told the youngster!) on the thing and until yesterday neither of us noticed that clicking the mouse anywhere (actually just clicking it) causes the screen to "freeze" while the code still happily erases the text in the background.
Hitting ESC allows the screen to cath up to the actual code EVEN THOUGH the ESC key is actually disabled from breaking the code.
In my workbook I have about 20 sheets (less in the attached sample), and on most sheets I’d like to query data for each day and find an average value based on the time and then copy that result into another sheet. I’m not sure if I’ll need 2 macro’s for this or if one can be used.
Here’s a quick description:
Assuming that I am currently in the sheet I want to run the macro, then I will either input “1:45” or “0:45” into a popup box, or I could always simply input the 1:45 or 0:45 in the code itself. I’m flexible
If I input 1:45, then I’d like the macro to find the first 1:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation. Once 1:45 is located, then the macro moves up to find 22:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation.....
I have the following code attached to a userform. It works perfectly (for what I need) although I know it may not be perfectly written. However it does seem to take for ever to execute considering it's just filling some cells on different worksheets. Have I missed something out or got it tied up doing something that takes a long time. If it's just a fact of life that it takes this time then I can live with it.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim wsCB As Worksheet, wsLL As Worksheet, wsBond As Worksheet Dim rngFound As Range Set wsCB = Sheets("Current Bonds") Set wsLL = Sheets("Landlords") Set wsBond = Sheets("Bond") TenancyStartTxt = Format(TenancyStartTxt, "dd-mmm-yy") RnwlDteTx = Format(RnwlDteTx, "dd-mmm-yy") Application. ScreenUpdating = False 10 MyBond = Application.InputBox("Bond number for renewal?", "Bond Number") strFindMe = MyBond With wsCB Set rngData = .Range("c13:c490").......................
I am having trouble with trying to repeat or loop the below statements. I am trying to start with applying text in cell "B2" which will hide column "A" on a separate sheet. I want to know if it is possible to repeat the same statement but loop the statement until cell "SL2" and column "SK"?
[If Range("B2").Text = "" Then Sheets("43mm").Columns("A").EntireColumn.Hidden = True Else Sheets("43mm").Columns("A").EntireColumn.Hidden = False End If
The workbook has two worksheets "Data" & "Crunch". "Data" contains the raw data-range B1:U50. "Crunch" is the processing worksheet. Row 1 is a header row. Columns A-D are empty. Column E (rows 2-81) contain the numbers 1-80.
The macro is intended to run in "Crunch". I need to add the CountIf function in every cell/row filling the range F2:BC81. A loop does the trick for me to fill the rows in each column but I don't know how to move the loop down each column without creating a new loop.
A section of the code is below. Notice a majority of the code is the same, the copy in red is variable from loop to loop. I need to repeat this loop through column "BC" (50 times in total). My guess is there is a way to write this code one time instead of 50 times adjusting the variable components.
Code: 'Find total # of records and then store in variable totalrecords = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'CountIf Statement
I want to copy range B2:B5 value only and paste it 19 times from B12:B15, B17:B20, B22:B25, and on. The distance between any two pasted range is tow rows.
I've attached below a small part of my code. I am wondering if there is a way to do this, without copying and pasting something 30 times, but using a loop instead. As you can see there are a series of productsNumbers (30 in total, but this example is for 3). Each productNumber is a string that is actually a 5 digit number, so it can be an integer as well, if it has to.
I would like to code below to loop for as many products as there may be. The way that I have it right now does not work - I feel that I am missing something small or that there is no way to do this.
I have a routine that loops through a block of records containing two time fields. One is the same for every record (let's call it the start time) the other, which varies, is the last time at which an event happened before or after the Start time (let's call it the Event time). so a pseudo block of data may look like this;
I need to identify the record that has the closest time in column B to that in column A (in the example above that would be B2 (15:00:05). I then save that record off and eliminate the rest for that time block. The whole subroutine then repeats for the next block of data and so on down the list, top to bottom ( times are in descending order). Note also that times will never span the 24-hour point - they all occur betrween 12:00 and 22:00 on any given day.......
I have a sheet with data in rows across several columns.
I want to copy the data from each row into a new sheet and save it with another name (which I already have ascript for), but as I have 10 rows , basically all I've done is copy the script 10 times and chaged the row numbers and nae to save as.
What I want is one script that does all I have now, but then loops back to do the next row down and changes the name to save it as as well (which is the person's name listed in the row)
I have a rand () which provides me a different number upon calculate. I would like to run a loop for 1000 times and take the value and copy and paste in a range.
The below sorta works, but at times it stops or doesn't work at all. I have a loop for the counter and the for each to place the value into the cell and have it run over and over and placing the value in the next cell underneath. I have the counter at 10 so I dont get stuck in some endless loop before I know it works.
Sub montecarlos() Dim MCs As Long Dim c As Range Dim lCount As Long Dim lNum As Long lCount = 0 lNum = 1 Worksheets("MonteCarlo").Activate
I am coding a macro that would take all information needed from an existing pivot to put in in a new report file.
Now the problem is that I couldn t get to paste the data (for some weird reason), so I did a loop that terminates with IsEmpty...
My problem is I have to write on loop per column, because I don t know how to tell excel to go to next column (that I know!) AND to the first row, which means doing an offset of (x,1), but how do you set the x for it to be adaptable if I change the length of the pivot table?
I really hope someone can help me with this, I tried to replace range("first cell") by cell(x,... and set x as a variable but i am not good enough obviously....
Here is what I have so far:
Dim k Dim w As Integer
Workbooks.Add ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Dokumente und EinstellungenCustomerServiceDesktopMonthlyReportAutomated.xls" 'iniatiation before loop Workbooks("ChannelProductionlastestupdateJAN2007").Sheets("pivot").Activate Workbooks("ChannelProductionlastestupdateJAN2007").Sheets("pivot").Range("a20").Select k = Selection
If cboname.Value = Sheets("Data Sheet"). Range("E2") Then txtpay.Value = Sheets("Data Sheet").Range("F2") End If
this need to be done for a large list of names and input into another sheet. what i wanted to know was if there is a quicker way of doing this code without repeating the code loads of times
I have several similar statements in different events in my UserForm code. Is it possible to separate these statements in a procedure and call it each it when I need it? The similar statements are:
With Sheets("Knowledge") For Each rw In .Range("A2:A" & .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) If ListBox5.List(, 4) = Trim(rw.Value) Then Label1.Caption = rw.Offset(, 1).Value Label2.Caption = rw.Offset(, 4).Value Label3.Caption = rw.Offset(, 5).Value Exit For End If Next rw End With
If it's not possible to make my code shorter with a procedure, can I optimize somehow this repeated code?
I need a VBA code to create a Text file which should be in the form of DML (my scenario is to get Insert Statements for the Data available in the Excel) from Excel Sheet. And this has to be done by assigning a macro to command button where by clicking on it the DML text file should be generated. Even the syntax for the scenario will do.
In this workbook Test1.xlsm under column "D" i have Po numbers. Some PO numbers are the same and some aren't. I have a specific code that creates an invoice for a customer when i hit the code however i must select a cell under column "D" in order for the code to create an invoice for the customer on that row. I usually create the invoice for all the customers of the same PO number. Sometimes the amount of invoices i have to create is overwhelming so i was wondering if it's possible that when i select a cell under column "D" that has, let's say, PO number "654" if the code can create an invoice for all customers that have the same PO number of "654"?
Im having a bit of an issue getting my head around why I am getting the result I am. I have data in ws1, a search list in ws2 and the results of the search in ws3. It works though for some reason it loops 3 times... not sure why.
Additionaly I want to be able to run the same sub against 2 work sheets, ie, ws1 and another ws titled "otherWS" for this example. So run the exact sub again and return the results to ws2 as well.
I have three IF statements as below. the problem is if the first statement is true I want it to skip the next two statements or the result will be changed again.
On sheet two I need to list any date that has three or more true statements with the coresponding name.
I have the code below that puts in the file name, date and time and page numbers. That works fine, however, I changed the name of this macro to AutoOpen thinking that this would execute upon opening an Excel doc -- I think this works for Word, that's why I tried it. Anyway, it doesn't execute upon opening an Excel doc. Can anyone tell me how to get that going? Also, the font of the file name comes at at 12 point while the other entries come in at 6 pt - any way of making these all consistent, say 8 pt? Thanks for your help.
By the way, I'm a novice at Excel macros so being fundamental in your answer would be very helpful (i.e., don't know why there is a distinction between Regular Modules, Worksheet Modules and Workbook Modules. Seems to me I should always be creating Regular Module macaros so that they are accessible to all Excel docs but, again, I'm new at this so I'll have to read more about these items as well).
I want to execute the following code once for each day (Mon to Sun)
Dim Day As String Dim DeletedDept As String Set StartRange = Cells(Range("Cashiers").Row + 1, Range(Day & "_Date").Column + 1) Set EndRange = Cells(Range("Cashier_Totals").Row - 1, Range(Day & "_Date").Column + 3) Set EntryRange = Range(StartRange, EndRange) For Each cl In EntryRange If cl.Value = DeletedDept Then cl.Value = "" Next
i have an excel file with some vba code that includes some functions of a third party add-in also. It works fine when i open this file on the host machine. (Assuming host machine is where the Excel File is placed) But when i try to open the same file from some other computer(remotely/by sharing folder), the add-in malfunctions because of one reason that it considers the remote machine to be its host. Is it possible to set a permanent host machine for that any add-in. Or is it possible for that add-in / Excel file to do its calculations and updation of links on the host machine where it is placed.