Code For Specifying Cells So That Copying And Pasting Macro Will Not Execute There

Feb 20, 2013

I've attached a sample workbook in which there are 3 macro-buttons.

The buttons will paste a shape in the active cell. So this means the buttons themselves could be deleted and replaced with a shape.

Since locking and then protecting the cells disables the macros, how can I amend the code to make sure the buttons' cells are protected from the copying and pasting macros? Or, how do I ensure that the macros only work in A1 - E5?

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Searching Cells Then Copying/pasting And Deleting Macro

Jun 25, 2009

I need to search column C for the text "X". If an "X" is found, I need to copy the text from the cell directly left of it and paste it into a seperate worksheet into cell B2, then go back to the original worksheet and delete the cell with "X" on it and the cell to the left.

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Copying And Pasting Soure-code Not Working

Jan 28, 2009

I've been trying to use the source code from one of my earlier modules pasted into a new one.

The only thing I changed was the name, and the necessary parameters.

The code doesn't run, is there some logical reason for this?

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Inscribing Cells: Run A Macro On Enter Keypress, That Would Execute Different Code Depending On That "inscription" That Would Be Invisible To User

Feb 20, 2007

Is there any way to "Inscribe" a cell? I would like to run a macro on Enter keypress, that would execute different code depending on that "inscription" that would be invisible to user. I could use some properties of . Validation property like this:

Private Sub EnterPressed
'following code to ensure proper functioning of Enter in any other Worksheet
If ActiveSheet <> mySheet 'MySheet is global Variable then
exit Sub
End If
'now the real code
If ActiveCell.Validation.InputMessage = "1" Then
'something else
End If
End Sub

The problem is, I use Data Validation and Conditional Formatting, so can't use any of these properties.

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Copying And Pasting In Macro?

Jun 6, 2013

I am creating a macro for a monthly report of inventory. When I filter out items and the copy and paste them to another sheet, how do I tell the macro to paste it in the next available cell rather than say A20? Because the report has a different number of items and filter results from month to month.

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Copying And Pasting While Recording Macro

Sep 26, 2013

I am having trouble with a project for school. The instructions are: (In Worksheet 1) Type Your Name. Now, begin recording a Macro. Copy and Paste your name from Worksheet 1 to Worksheet 2. Fill in the background and edit the font. End.

Here is an example of the coding.

Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

[Code] .....

Now, according to the instructions I should be able to run the Macro in any worksheet....but anytime I run the Macro in any other worksheet I just get a yellow block without my name there.

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Copying And Pasting Data In Selected Cells

Sep 28, 2013

i have selected cells from workbookA (b2:b8) , i want those selected cells gets pasted in workbookB in a transpose way.

like B1 cell in workbookA pasted into A2 cell in workbookB , B3 cell pasted into D2 , B4 cell pasted into B2 and B5 cell pasted into G2......

i have code but not working


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim O As Workbook
Windows("Copy of Bill Schedule Form1.xlsm").Activate


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Macro - Copying/Pasting Data From One Workbook To Another

Feb 26, 2009

I'm trying to do is record a macro that will copy data from cells A1/A2 of Test.xls and paste it to cell A1/A2 of Text2.xls. Then when I run the macro again, it will copy B1/B2 of Test.xls to B1/B2 of Test2.xls, and then do that for the remaining cells.

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Keeping Cells Locked And Protected When Copying And Pasting?

Jun 19, 2006

So i have sheet 1 with some cells locked and protected (but open to copying) as a template and sheet two will be where people paste one or more of the template formula on an ongoing basis. How do i mantain the locked and protected cells after they have been pasted? I have unlocked sheet two pasted the first template and had to choose protect cells after pasting, and further pasting of locked cells are not protected.

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Macro For Copying Columns From One Sheet Onto Another Is Pasting A Picture Instead

Mar 31, 2014

I have a sheet made into a form with some check boxes included. If I select all the relevant columns, create a new sheet, and paste into cell A1 - all of the information carries over just fine. You can still select cells and check the boxes in the new sheet.

However, when I record this action as a macro, using the macro produces a picture of the selected columns instead of actually copy/pasting the information. I can't click on the cells or check boxes. I can only move the picture around within the new sheet.

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Macro Copying & Pasting Chart Affects Its Size

Sep 13, 2006

I have a macro that takes a worksheet and copies it to another workbook. It works, but the graph that is contained in the new worksheet ends up a little screwy; for instance, the Plot Area is larger than it should be (height-wise along the screen), and the chart's legend isn't in the exact same place as in the original chart.

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(tempSheet).Copy After:=wb.ActiveSheet 'before:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)

'unlink copy from template
'must unprotect before unlinking. We'll leave it unlocked cuz we don't care.
wb.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy 'ThisWorkbook.Sheets(tempSheet).UsedRange.Copy
wb.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues ......................

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Copying Data And Pasting To Visible Cells Only After Apply Filter

Jul 7, 2014

I have productivity data sheet of employees for a month and want to update in a tracker sheet.Every productivity sheet has 5 columns containing numbers.Since its monthly it would be contain 30-31 rows and.I want to copy this data then go to tracker apply filter with respective employee name and paste it there.Is there a way to do this using vba code?

I have prepared vba code to copy paste individual rows from productivity sheet to tracker.But preparing row by row code makes it way too big.Hence i am looking for another solution.

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Copying And Pasting Current Region To Another Sheet Without Actually Copying?

May 15, 2014

I want to copy the current region on sheet 3 and paste that into sheet2 starting with cell E4. But I don't want to actually use the copy method. I believe there is a way to do this. I was thinking the following:

[Code] ......

The idea I had was to simply state that cell E4 would be assigned the value of CurrentRegion on sheet 3. Is there a way to bypass the copy method?

If not, how to copy, then paste?

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Error In Macro When Auto-pasting Code

Jun 4, 2014

I'm new to VBA but have had it working well for me, until the other night when a user complained that when he ran a macro, it came up with the error "Paste method of Worksheet class failed". I should note that this has worked time and time again, so I'm lost. I also found tonnes of answers with a Google search but they were all relative to that persons code.

So this is the code I am using to paste from the clipboard into another tabbed worksheet :

[Code] .....

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Copying And Pasting Cells From A Worksheet Into A List Format In Another Worksheet

May 18, 2006

I need help with a macro for copying and pasting of cells. I believe this should not be a problem for the Excel VBA experts, but for someone who can only record macro, I'm really at a loss.

Attached is a sample file, where sheet 'Source' is an example of the sheet from which data are to be copied. The other sheet, sheet 'Final' is an example of the final format that I need. The reason I'm doing this is I'm planning to upload my data into Access and so I need to convert them into a list format.

List of target columns in sheet 'Final' and source cells in sheet 'Source':

Column A: Biz ID - not sure if I really need this, by right it should be listed automatically once I paste the data
Column B: B2 of 'Source'
Column C: B2 of 'Source'
Column D: B1 of 'Source'
Column E: row 6, relevant column
column F: column K
column G: row 5, relevant column
column H: the specific amount

So basically I'm creating an entry for every amount in the table.

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Pasting Charts Between 2 Instances Copies Macro Code Into Hidden Workbook

Apr 13, 2008

Consider two instances of Excel - one with a workbook containing a chart and some VBA code, the other containing a blank workbook. When I paste a chart from the first instance of Excel to the other, all the VBA code from the original workbook is also pasted into a new third hidden workbook in the second instance of Excel! If that weren't weird enough ON WINDOWS XP (but not Windows 2000) if the VBA code included WorkbookOpen or AutoOpen this code is executed in the second instance of Excel, which of course fails if it references sheets that only existed in the workbook open in the first instance of Excel! This is the first time I've seen the same version of Excel do different things on different versions of Windows! Example attached - What's going on!? Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;...note: this does not happen when pasting charts between workbooks open in the SAME instance of Excel

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Macro Is Copying And Pasting Into Cell A2 On New Sheet Instead Of Cell A1

Jun 20, 2014

I have a macro that copies all my sheets onto a new sheet called combine. It is pasting onto the combine sheet starting on cell A2 instead of cell A1. Following is my macro.

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
On Error Resume Next
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub

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To Execute VBA Code @ 9:30:01 Exactly

Dec 27, 2008

Using Excel 2003 with WinXP. I'm trying to run macro code automatically whenever time = 9:30:01 (or whatever time I pick) for a stock market trading program, which is why the exact time matters so much. I've been able to get the time to update fine, but unless I click on the worksheet while the time condition is TRUE then my code doesn't run. The time actually is sent to me from the stock data provider and it shows up in a cell as a constantly updating value.

I've tried using the Workbook_SheetChange function and OnTime method, but without luck.

In both cases, unless I activate the sheet the code doesn't run. By activate, I mean that I have to click on the sheet when the values that trigger the code to run would be true. If I do that it works just fine, but sitting around and clicking on a worksheet defeats the purpose of automation. Since I'm trading stocks this has to be very exact, so I can't trust a macro scheduler to do this.

The code further below is what I'm trying to get to run. The time value is in cell L1. In cell L2 I have the following

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Copying And Pasting Using VBA

Dec 15, 2008

I have the following code which copies and pastes from one row to another

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Copying And Pasting

Dec 1, 2007

I've got cells which change after I use Solver to do simulations, These cells after the calculation is run I'd lke to paste into a seperate sheet and row for example (in preparating of charting them for example)..

I would like to paste it as folllows for example... .. but problem is, let's say the below list are in column A of the new sheet, than column B would be the first output of the calculation in the other sheet, column C would be the second output from the calculation in the other sheet. and so on..

I don't know the first thing on scripting, but I'd like to click on button where the calculations are made which when clicked on ,will paste to the other sheet in this sort of manner below.

Each calculation will use another column.. so the script must recognise there is other columns to the left already filled, ie. B, C, D, E F, coresponding to the results of calculations already performed.

Gross income
Net Tax

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Macro Won't Execute Code To Put Focus On "print To X Pages Wide By X Pages Tall"

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to execute a macro and it won't put the focus (radio button) to select x pages wide by x pages tall in the Page Setup/Page/Scaling Area. I looked at the macro and can't find a setting in the code but yet the focus won't change. What can I do about this? In other words the radio button stays selected as "adjust to "" % of normal size. Here's the code...

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VBA: Can I Execute Code When I'm WITHIN A Cell (F2)

Jan 4, 2008

Assume a cell -- say A1 -- has a long formula in it. If I select A1, press F2 to "Enter" the cell, then I have a blinking 'l' indicating the cursor/pointer position WITHIN the cell.

Is there any way to control the position of the blinking 'l' (or whatever it is called)? For instance, in a long formula, I would like to write a macro which could transport the blinking 'l' to midway into the formula string.

Alternatively, can I make a partial selection WITHIN a cell and run a macro on it. For instance, if cell B1 has a heading "Dec 2007" and I highlight just the "Dec" portion of the string, I would like to execute a macro to color it red. I have a simple macro that can do it to the entire cell, but not to only part of the cell contents. Is there any way for VBA to be active when I am WITHIN a cell.

Sub Font_Red()
'will add red color to ActiveCell font
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End Sub

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Use String To Execute Vba Code??

Mar 30, 2007

how could I use string to execute VBA. For example

mystring1="for i =1" & " to " & CStr(x)
mystring2="msgbox i"
mystring3 ="next i"

execute mystring1 & mystring2 & mystring1

Like this, I want to combine a VBA CODE string.
And use this string to execute VBA

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Copying And Pasting Graphs

Feb 16, 2009

I have a graph, that I would like to be able to copy from one sheet and paste into another, is there away of doing this without dropping the data i.e. every time I copy and paste the graph clears, I don't want to copy the spreadsheet data as well as the graph is purely for a visual

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Copying A Row And Pasting The Same Below It With Just Formulas

Feb 12, 2010

I have attached the file. The row being copied is row "X" for both buttons. I have 2 buttons in the same worksheet to copy a row and insert the copied row below it. I have this macro running for 2 different rows in the worksheet, assigned to the respective 2 buttons. See my code below.

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File Name Copying And Pasting

May 11, 2012

I have a folder with files in it. I want to copy the file names and past them into my Excel spreadsheet. This seems like it should be a simple task.

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Copying And Pasting Objects In VBA

Jul 24, 2007

I have a range of cells I want to copy which has some textboxes and check boxes in it. When I do a copy/insert cells in vba it only copies the cells and their values but not any of the boxes.

.Range(.Cells(Origin.Row + 1, Origin.Column), .Cells(Origin.Row + 12, Origin.Column + 10)).EntireRow.Copy

.Range(.Cells(Ind.Row, 3), .Cells(Ind.Row, 3)).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown

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VBA Code To Include Dos Command And Execute Same

Nov 7, 2012

I have below code to open DOS from excel. it is working fine.

I wanted to excecute some DOS command automatically after opening DOS, command is entered in the excel Sheet1 E5:E1000

Sub openDos()
Call Shell("cmd.exe " & dosCmd, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub

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Execute Code Many Times With Different Variables

May 10, 2007

I want to execute the following code once for each day (Mon to Sun)

Dim Day As String
Dim DeletedDept As String
Set StartRange = Cells(Range("Cashiers").Row + 1, Range(Day & "_Date").Column + 1)
Set EndRange = Cells(Range("Cashier_Totals").Row - 1, Range(Day & "_Date").Column + 3)
Set EntryRange = Range(StartRange, EndRange)
For Each cl In EntryRange
If cl.Value = DeletedDept Then cl.Value = ""

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Execute Code While Msgbox Displayed

Sep 19, 2007

I have some code that launches a msgbox and I would like to have the code continue to execute with the msgbox displayed rather than wait for the user to click OK/Cancel.

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