Macro For Copying Columns From One Sheet Onto Another Is Pasting A Picture Instead
Mar 31, 2014
I have a sheet made into a form with some check boxes included. If I select all the relevant columns, create a new sheet, and paste into cell A1 - all of the information carries over just fine. You can still select cells and check the boxes in the new sheet.
However, when I record this action as a macro, using the macro produces a picture of the selected columns instead of actually copy/pasting the information. I can't click on the cells or check boxes. I can only move the picture around within the new sheet.
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May 15, 2014
I want to copy the current region on sheet 3 and paste that into sheet2 starting with cell E4. But I don't want to actually use the copy method. I believe there is a way to do this. I was thinking the following:
[Code] ......
The idea I had was to simply state that cell E4 would be assigned the value of CurrentRegion on sheet 3. Is there a way to bypass the copy method?
If not, how to copy, then paste?
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May 21, 2014
Excel 2010 and the camera function.
I have been using it to take a picture of a graph, pasting to an alternative sheet within the same workbook, and renaming the picture by a defined name. S by selecting the names from a drop down list the picture will select various different sized graphs defined within my drop down.
What I am experiencing is when I initially do this the pic works great and resizes automatically with each selection, however the next day some of the pictures resize and some do not.
Is this a glitch within excel or am I missing a setting which will resolve this?
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a macro that copies all my sheets onto a new sheet called combine. It is pasting onto the combine sheet starting on cell A2 instead of cell A1. Following is my macro.
Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
On Error Resume Next
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub
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Jul 10, 2014
So, I have a document 25 pages long. It has 26 sections (1-26) and each section has up to 10 (.1 - .10) sub sections which contain 16 (a-p) sub-sub-sections. There are 6 columns of varying widths. Some cells, in a row, merge into adjacent cells.
I would like to break this document into 26 documents - one for each section - so that I may recombine and regroup them in the future incorporating a few modifications. Whenever I copy and paste to a new Workbook, I loose the formatting of column widths. Resetting these alone takes lots of time.
I have come up with is to duplicate the entire document and delete everything above and below the section I would like to save. Then repeat for next section. There's got to be a better way?
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Jun 21, 2014
I am trying to copy several columns into another sheet within the same workbook.
I want to copy Columns 1,2, 15, 19, 23, 40.
I don't know how to work with arrays.
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Aug 14, 2012
I have the following code (which works fine when the sheet isn't hidden)
FinalRow2 = TtlRev.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TtlRev.Range(Cells(6, 39), Cells(FinalRow2, 41)).Select
However, I need to hide the sheet, but it doesn't work because you can't use .select on a hidden sheet I believe. Any way of doing this to a hidden sheet?
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Jul 22, 2006
I just need a code that will copy items in a row from column A:F...
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Feb 6, 2014
I have code that "mostly" works great. I'm copying columns from one sheet to another sheet, but in different columns. I have unique code for each copy/paste. The source is mostly raw data. However, there are a few columns that are formula-based, and I'm having a problem. I've attached my code, and it works, but it takes 20 minutes to complete.
I'm very new to macros, but I think(?) I know enough that a data source with 2,000 rows and 30 columns shouldn't take 20 minutes to complete the macro calculations. All of the columns (copy and paste) in the code are pure data. The only exception is the column labeled "AI". Is there are shortcut, other than creating new columns in the source data sheet and pasting these results as values? I put the specific pieces of code that I'm referencing in bold.
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Dec 18, 2008
doesnt work when recording a macro because the group name changes each time I group the pictures (visios) and the picture names change depending on what is on the sheet at the time.
Is there a way to group every picture on a sheet1 (excluding macro buttons), then copy them to sheet 2?
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Jan 16, 2007
I'm writing code which will copy multiple sheets of information in a workbook (from a report) and trying to paste it onto one sheet in another document where I can further manipulate the data. Here's my code, I've made some mistakes, and I've just been banging my head against the screen try to fix it. I'm erroring at ActiveCell. Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select. I'm trying to paste it all in one sheet at the next blank cell in the sheet and then close the document after it's all been pasted.
Sub OpenDataSheet()
'Opens CSS Report
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingseichornjDesktopTest and Destroy est and destroy CSS.xls"
'Delete first two sheets of CSS report
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets( Array(1, 2)).Delete
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
For Each mySheet In Worksheets
'Delete unneeded rows of CSS report
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Jun 28, 2006
I have multiple worksheets and I am looking to take specific information from those worksheets and paste them into a new one, thereby compiling the information.
The "C" column is populated with certain cells that say "Not Acceptable". This varies from sheet to sheet, but all in the C column. I'm looking for a code that will run through all the sheets, find the cells that say "Not Acceptable", copy that row of information it is in, and paste it onto a specific sheet that we'll call "Summary"
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Jun 6, 2013
I am creating a macro for a monthly report of inventory. When I filter out items and the copy and paste them to another sheet, how do I tell the macro to paste it in the next available cell rather than say A20? Because the report has a different number of items and filter results from month to month.
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Apr 17, 2014
I'm generating a runtime 1004 error with the macro I have attached to CommandButton1, "Clock_In".
The macro is copying the name, date and time from 3 cells on Sheet1 and pasting special values to another sheet.
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Sep 26, 2013
I am having trouble with a project for school. The instructions are: (In Worksheet 1) Type Your Name. Now, begin recording a Macro. Copy and Paste your name from Worksheet 1 to Worksheet 2. Fill in the background and edit the font. End.
Here is an example of the coding.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
[Code] .....
Now, according to the instructions I should be able to run the Macro in any worksheet....but anytime I run the Macro in any other worksheet I just get a yellow block without my name there.
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Feb 26, 2009
I'm trying to do is record a macro that will copy data from cells A1/A2 of Test.xls and paste it to cell A1/A2 of Text2.xls. Then when I run the macro again, it will copy B1/B2 of Test.xls to B1/B2 of Test2.xls, and then do that for the remaining cells.
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Feb 20, 2013
I've attached a sample workbook in which there are 3 macro-buttons.
The buttons will paste a shape in the active cell. So this means the buttons themselves could be deleted and replaced with a shape.
Since locking and then protecting the cells disables the macros, how can I amend the code to make sure the buttons' cells are protected from the copying and pasting macros? Or, how do I ensure that the macros only work in A1 - E5?
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Jun 25, 2009
I need to search column C for the text "X". If an "X" is found, I need to copy the text from the cell directly left of it and paste it into a seperate worksheet into cell B2, then go back to the original worksheet and delete the cell with "X" on it and the cell to the left.
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Sep 13, 2006
I have a macro that takes a worksheet and copies it to another workbook. It works, but the graph that is contained in the new worksheet ends up a little screwy; for instance, the Plot Area is larger than it should be (height-wise along the screen), and the chart's legend isn't in the exact same place as in the original chart.
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(tempSheet).Copy After:=wb.ActiveSheet 'before:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
'unlink copy from template
'must unprotect before unlinking. We'll leave it unlocked cuz we don't care.
wb.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy 'ThisWorkbook.Sheets(tempSheet).UsedRange.Copy
wb.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues ......................
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Mar 8, 2007
I would like a macro that would analyze a range (H15:GI15) to see if they contain FH, FS, FB, FR, or FC and if they do, copy the related picture associated with the 5 variables and paste it in the cell.
I did this code and it worked, but the code is very long. Another problem I have is there needs to be a way to delete the existing pictures before the code runs too. Because the cells may change and the button that runs the macro would be labeled "update" or something to that effect. I don't really need it to run everytime the cell is updated, just when the "update" button is pushed.
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May 31, 2006
Here is my situation:
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
The above format is how I want my spreadsheet to look like. On another sheet within the workbook, I have a chart with some control options that allow me to vary X, Y, Z (I can vary either of these individually). Anytime I vary any one of X,Y,or Z, then the values in A,B,and C all change. This is what I am looking for, a Macro that will allow me the opportunity to everytime I change or vary an option (X,Y,Z), I can hit "Save Scenario" and the new values will be appended to my "Report" sheet. The values of A-C and X and Y are kept on a sheet entitled "FY 07". X is maintained on a sheet called "Inputs". So in all, X,Y, Z and A,B,C are all copied for each scenario.
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Nov 18, 2007
I want to have a sample file in excel which store picture of student in comment, I did this, but when I want to insert picture the file dialog appears, and if I click cancel, then there is an error, why? If some one optimise the code it would be very nice
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Mar 5, 2014
I'm trying to copy some columns from one sheet to another using column numbers. Why this doesn't work?
Dim leftColumn As Integer
Dim rightColumn As Integer
leftColumn = Sheets("Hidden-Summary").Range("B3")
rightColumn = Sheets("Hidden-Summary").Range("B4")
Sheets("Hidden-Summary").Range(Columns(leftColumn), Columns(rightColumn)).Copy _
Destination:=Sheets("Summary").Range(Columns(leftColumn), Columns(rightColumn))
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Jul 11, 2014
i was wonder is there was any way I could go to the following website:
and copy paste it into an excel sheet. What i would need is to get this page and the previous 7 days by changing the date "20140711" to "20140710" and so on. Each orevious day needs to be copy pasted to a different sheet.
As a new day occurs, I would like to delete the page 7 days ago and add the new day on a new sheet.
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Nov 16, 2013
I want to copy certain columns from Sheet6 to Sheet1. For instance, Column G in Sheet6 would be copied to Column A in Sheet1. I have over 20 columns that need to be copied. There are over 5,000 rows in Sheet6. Thiomething that I have to do daily.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a macro which opens a csv file, moves a few columns about then pastes the data into a master workbook. The problem I have is that even though there is only around 1,500 rows of data on the csv file, the sheet on the master workbook is showing up to row 1,048,576 after the data has been pasted in! This is causing issues as I use this data later on in the macro and there are a couple of 'find and replace' commands that take an age to run because of the number of blank rows.
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"L:PVDDBB15." & Format$(Sheet1.Range("G5"), "ddmmyy") & ".csv"
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May 22, 2012
I am trying to copy two columns to a different sheet in vba code. I will ultimately need to do this multiple times but I think I have the iteration part ok, it's just the copy part that seems to be wrong.
Range(n & lngRevStart & ":" & n + 1 & lngEndRow).Select
Range(Columns(o), Rows(m)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
The original code I used for this works great on one column but I knew the letter column each time I used it. Now I am trying to get two columns at a time and will be iterating through several based on user selections. I figure that will be faster to do both columns as the two columns are side by side.
I am getting an error on the PasteSpectial line "Run-time error '1004' PasteSpecail method of Range class failed.
I'm not sure where to go with this but I am assuming I have a problem with the Range selection lines on either the source or destination or both. The support is just for Macro errors.
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Oct 8, 2013
With reference to attached file. I want to copy column D&E for 'n' number of times of value based on B1. If value in cell B2 is 0 then hide cell D&E and if there is any other value, excel to copy E&F to next column (leaving one column blank after each paste).
Product A
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Mar 2, 2014
I have a master data sheet with the structure as below: I need a few of the columns (i.e. not all) to be copied to another (filter) sheet (starts from Row 20 say). The "notes" column should be fed back to the master list. If the condition changes in the master list, the entire row (including the data entered in notes) should be removed on the filter sheet.
The filter sheet structure is as below:
I initially used Index, Small, Countif to pull data to the filter sheet but could not "input" into the cells as they all held formulas in order to copy to the new sheet.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have the following code which copies and pastes from one row to another
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