Code To Make Each Fill To The Right
Nov 27, 2012
I tried to find this answer but maybe this will be easier to explain. What can I add to this code to make each fill to the right?
HTML Code:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False
[Code] .....
In the first part E1 is pasted to A1, if A1 is filled then paste to B1, then to C1
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Mar 30, 2013
I am currently trying to adapt the following code which is in VBA (Sheet1). It currently ensures mandatory cell entry of cell C2 before saving, and if this is not done then it would not save the item into the relevant directory. I would like to adapt this code so that cells B2 to R2 are all mandatory, and if they are not filled in a message box with the cell title (which would be in B1 to R1) would pop up. If the cells are not filled in then it will not save (the same function it carries out for cell c2 currently). The code is attached to a command button, i have tried to make the additional cells mandatory by playing around with the If Trim(.cells(2, 3).value) part of the code with the AND function etc however i have had not had any luck.
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May 26, 2014
For this example.. Think of this information:
shape = rectangle 1
starting fill colour = 255,255,255 (white)
I have a cell on the other part of sheet which has a value of 0 - but changes to 1 when I hover over another part of the sheet.
I need this shape to change fill from white to an image whenever that cell changes value to "1".
I need all this without clicking on an object! JUST when the cell changes, I can mange it with a click but that's besides the point.
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Jan 24, 2009
I have 2 cell, A1 and B1. When any data is entered into A1, B1 will display the time corresponding to when the data was entered.
I was thinking about function for B1 would be "=IF(A1="","",now()) ". It worked such that it will display the time, however the value in B1 will automatically update itself if I were to randomly input any data in any other cell too.
For example, I input "testing" in A1. B1 display "11:20PM". Ten minutes later, I input "hello" in A2. B1 now display "11:30PM".
Anyone know a way to stop B1 from updating? or only update when new data is entered into A1 only?
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May 21, 2009
in my spreadsheet (attached), i want it so that when someone clicks a button, it will fill in the next available cell in column A. For example, when I click on the "Create" button on the green NIPRNet side, then it'll fill in the next available cell in column A (cell A4) with "(N) Created Account". Then, if I click on "Unlock" on the red SIPRNet Side, then it will fill in cell A5 with "(S) Unlocked Account". and so on, and so on, down column A.
At the moment, i have it so that all the cells in column A are dropdown menus. But I want to eliminate the drop-down menus and use buttons instead.
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May 27, 2014
if I have one cell that ive enlarged to half the sheet.... and it is effected with rollover hyperlink so that when I hover over other cells. it turns different colours..
is it possible to make that cell open up different files using the double click event depending on the colour it currently is?
i.e. if its blue, open file1. if its yellow, open file 2 etc
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Feb 9, 2014
I have class monday, tuesday, wednesday & friday but no class thursday. How can I make automatically fill in dates for weekdays only and skip thursday using excel 2013's "Fill" function then "series" ??
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Feb 28, 2007
how the code to make a listbox.. The code I have in Excel VB is as shows... I want the function_code to be shown as a listbox!
Sub Get_Category()
resrow = 3 'börjar vid cell 3,2
rescol = 2
OpenConnection ("RFC")
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Dec 27, 2008
I have the following section of code and i am trying to make it faster. Currently when this procedure runs the screen "changes" durings its execution. Now i know i can "turn off screen updating" and this will increase speed but are there commands in the code which will prevent the screen from updating. I know activating or selecting things causes the screen to change. Also, any inputs to make this faster/better would be greatly appreciated.
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Oct 19, 2009
I found sheet code on the forum that highlights the both the entire row and column when a cell is selected.
This is great, but is there a way I can make this an add-in so it is easily available in all workbooks and sheets?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have the following checkboxes objects, in my form:
CheckBox1, CheckBox2, CheckBox3, ...
I want to know what is the value of each one in code.
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May 3, 2009
I am only looping it through about 4 thousand records, looking for match and dups and moving it over to the other sheet, so why is my code running so slow?
I have run other programs where the records are in 40 thousand and it doesn't take as long as it is right now. Is there a way to make code run faster?
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Nov 1, 2011
how to make VBA code work in all workbooks. I created a new module in my PERSONAL.xls file, and added the code, but the code does not work when I open a new workbook. Using Excel 2007.
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Aug 14, 2007
I have created code to enter data from the Active cell. However, I would like to edit it so that the user can only make this work if they are on Rows 6 through Row 29.
Here is the
Sub DropDown7_Change()
'Right here I want: If ActiveCell. is in Row 6-29 Then
Application.ActiveCell.Value = Range("D3").Value
Application.ActiveCell.Offset(, 1).Value = Range("F3").Value
Else Msg = "Move into the proper rows"
End Sub
How can I do a check before the code is executed to be sure the users active cell is in Rows 6-29.
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May 19, 2009
If I have 3 fields: zip code, city and state; is there a way where I can have the user of my form enter their zip code and it will populate both city and state. I have the data, I just dont know exactly how to code it.
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Oct 11, 2006
i have a userform named: usf_History.
i would like to refresh all the text boxes (they either refer to cells or are calculations)...?
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Apr 10, 2014
Any way of shortening the attached code. The first part 'Sub Loop1()' works great but I can't figure out how to shorten the second part. As you can see the distance between columns is always consistent i.e. add 5 columns to find the next outcome to work out the next result. Ideally I wanted to somehow loop through the next 5 columns again and again until the cell is blank.
[Code] ......
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Apr 25, 2014
When you create a userform in the vba editor, then go to another module, then return to the userform, you see the userform object by default and in order to show the code you have to right-click on the userform and select "view code".
How can I make the "view code" view the default view for the form in the VBA editor? (i.e. so that when the form is selected, I am presented with the code, not the object).
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Dec 18, 2012
How to "hard code" a cell's fill color? I want to assign a cell's fill color to yellow. While setting the fill color is easily done, my problem is that as soon as I paste data into that cell, it looses its fill color. Is there a way to tell the cell to never change the fill color?
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Jun 10, 2009
2 Questions here...(Entire macro is at the bottom)
QUESTION 1 - In line 4 of the code below, in Column B, how can I get this code to auto-fill ONLY equal to the bottom-most row with any data in column A?
Note that it's never exactly "B254"
QUESTION 2 - How can I change these 3 lines of code...
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Jan 25, 2013
I am looking for code that would delete all columns in a worksheet that do not contain a fill color.
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Feb 1, 2013
I need a macro that will count the number of rows that contain values in column C. I then need to Fill cells in column A with the text "product", cells in column D with text "P", and cells in column I with text "Right" until a blank is found in column C.
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Oct 15, 2007
I am busy with a project using VBA to populate a spreadsheet based upon the data entered into a particular cell. The problem that I am experiencing is that I populate the initial cell via a combo-box which I cannot exit unless I click elsewhere with my mouse. The code that I am using to populate the other cells is as follows
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Goto dump
Dim r As Range, MyRowNum As Long, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, strPriCode As Variant, _
strNAPPIE As Long, strSInCost As Currency, strSInDesc As String
Set ws1 = Worksheets("SINVOICE")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("STOCKIMP")
Set r = ws1.Range("B11:B35")
If Intersect(target, r) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If target > 0 Then....................
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Mar 13, 2008
I want a Macro to be able to copy a formula down from cell A2 down the entire column within the data range. But, the problem I've got is that the spreadsheets I'll be using the Macro on will be different sizes. Currently, the VBA looks like this:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= LOWER(RC[3])"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A2:A17340"), Type:=xlFillDefault
So the "Destination:=Range("A2:A17340")" part copies the formula into all cells from A2 to A17340. Other spreadsheets might only have data up to cell A200, or Awhatever - is there a way of getting the macro to populate just the cells in column A but only where there is data adjacent in other columns?
Also, I want the Macro to be able to delete all rows wherever "DELETE" appears in a certain column - I had a look at the "Delete Entire Row Based on Criteria" Macro but I'm looking for a fully automated solution, rather than the question boxes coming up and asking which cell/criteria, I need to run this macro on multiple sheets and the criteria/column position will always be the same -
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Apr 29, 2008
I'm working on some macros to fill and file paperwork from an IBM Reflection based system into an Excel spreadsheet. Here's the code I've written so far:
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Dim ExcelObj As Object
Dim ExcelWasNotRunning As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Set ExcelObj = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ExcelWasNotRunning = True
If optObligation = True Then
Set ExcelObj = GetObject("S:PublicVisual Basic FormsExcel FormsObligation.xls")
The problem I'm running into is that the data isn't loading the first time through. The spreadsheet opens, nothing happens, Excel closes. If I attempt to run the macro again without closing the form and clearing all the variables it runs perfectly as many times as I want to run it (which isn't terribly useful, because I'm stuck putting the same data into the form over and over again). If I unload the form then I get the same problem: first run, no data transfered.
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Jun 5, 2008
I have created a macro with the below formula in it:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LEN(RC[-1])"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("L2:L234")
I am using column K and it looks up the length of this cell. When I created the formula I was using info that only went to line 234 which was fine. Once I clear the info in column K and input new info it can go further than line 234. How do I get the macro to look up the whole of column k without having to create a new macro each time?
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Jul 17, 2014
I have a project coming up where I will receive tables in a certain format. I want to be able to create a macro that well create a chart based on a single inputted cell (start of data). The chart will have 4 series and five values per series. See the link below for sample data! The first data point is not in the same place in the sheet, but the table will have the rest of the data relative to that!
[URL] .......
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Nov 5, 2008
I am trying to add something to a spreadsheet. I want to do some Conditional Formatting but I am not certain on what the formula would be to accomplish it. I am putting the Cond Format in cell E5 and I need a formula to say: IF F5 AND G5 are BLANK then do the format I set up which is simply to fill the cell with RED. (.ColorIndex = 3)
The next portion of my problem is I need to revise my VBA Coding to check and make sure that there is not any cells in Column E that have the Formatting Active. This is the portion of code I need to alter. I have changed the wording of the message but am not sure on how to change the IF statement:
'Checks to see make sure there are no Actions or Resolutions WITHOUT a Topic
If Sheets("Meeting Minutes").Range("C1").Value = "" Then 'NEEDS TO CHANGE
MsgBox "Oops! You forgot to enter a Topic for Discussion in a cell(s). You MUST have a Topic in order for your Meeting Minutes to transfer to the Master sheet." & vbCr & vbCr & "Please click OK to return to the Minutes sheet so that you may fill in the Topic(s).", vbOKOnly, "CAUTION! PLEASE Note!"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = ""
Exit Sub
End If
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Nov 17, 2012
Why this error is coming up on a macro. Now to what I'm trying to accomplish is I have 1 sheet called GDL and I want to pull certain data from that sheet into another sheet called data sheet. I have formulas set in the data sheet to pull the information I want. However, I want to create a macro to pull the data for those formula or I guess another way of looking at it would be a auto fill function, except with a macro button. Please see the following error I receive when trying to run the macro.
Run-time error '1004': Autofill method of range class failed. The following is the macro.
Sub ResetDataSheet()
' ResetDataSheet Macro
' Macro recorded 11/13/2012 by asdf
[Code] ....
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Oct 11, 2011
I need a macro script that goes to a particular cell in a column based on a criteria (say, locate the first instance where $0.21 appears in col. H), insert a row above it, and fill the row with the text "Note:These are above $0.20"
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