Anyway To Make Auto Fill Time Value Static
Jan 24, 2009
I have 2 cell, A1 and B1. When any data is entered into A1, B1 will display the time corresponding to when the data was entered.
I was thinking about function for B1 would be "=IF(A1="","",now()) ". It worked such that it will display the time, however the value in B1 will automatically update itself if I were to randomly input any data in any other cell too.
For example, I input "testing" in A1. B1 display "11:20PM". Ten minutes later, I input "hello" in A2. B1 now display "11:30PM".
Anyone know a way to stop B1 from updating? or only update when new data is entered into A1 only?
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Mar 18, 2008
When a value is placed in a cell (Mr Brown) I would like a static time to automatically appear in the next cell.
I have never written macros or used the VBA.
Can someone give me simple, step by step instructions on how to do it.
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Apr 17, 2007
Let's say I have column C blank, but every time it's filled in with something I want column A to be today's date and B to be current time. Unfortunately, the functions NOW() and TODAY() don't give me what I want. They get recalculated every time that I update the spreadsheet.
Another thing that I can do is just press ctrl+shift+; to generate a non changing date/time, but I want it to happen automatically (being super lazy).
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Dec 7, 2006
what im creating is a live odds program for NFL football... and in my workbook I have ALL the teams as individual sheets.
The problem im having is say im looking at the calculations for Pittsburgh on the pittsburgh sheet, and my macro decides to update.
What it does is pulls me away from the pittsburgh sheet and goes through all the updates for all the teams on all the sheets. By the time its updated all the odds for all the sheets and running and highlighting with the other macros I have to click back to Pittsburgh and view again for like 20 seconds.. and away she goes again updating the sheets.
Is there any substitute for "select" in the programming where it will not select the sheet.. but just update it "behind the scenes" ?? making the page static and remaining viewable while it runs all the processes in the background??
( yep im pretty new at all this, but i have a great method for calculating games and winners each week, but probably better without looking for 20 seconds waiting, clicking back to the sheet and looking for another 20 seconds .. etc etc .)
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Mar 22, 2006
I have a problem with the today Function. It appears that it changes each day. But that isn't what I want! I'd like to have a funtion that puts the current Date in a field when Data is being added in the Row and then having this date static the next day. Here is what I had so far but I have no clue to make the date static:
=IF(C10>0;TODAY();IF(D10>0;TODAY();" "))
in this case it checks for information in field C10 and D10 and if there is information it will add a Date like 2006-03-22. But new day the field will change to 2006-03-23 and that is not what i want. I want it to stay the same when data is put in and the date is being presented.
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Jan 19, 2014
Any way where is a list of cells (b3:b113) has text entered, or specific text entered, it will enter a static cell in the corresponding "d" column.
I know of CTRL + ; but i don't really know how to get it to work as a macro, can't find a forumla that enters the static date, and i don't want to make a macro to copy + paste special the date when it happens.
So all i should have to do is entered text in column b, then it will add a time stamp, when that text was entered, it doesn't have to update.
Like all i need is this, but instead of the "now()" function, it will have another function that doesn't automatically update?
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Sep 25, 2013
I am trying to send my field reps a spreadsheet that will allow them to pick the proper location for each building. The problem I am having is that there are ~45,000 buildings, each with anywhere from 1 - 92 locations. Here is how my spreadsheet is set up.
Sheet 1
Column B is where I want the drop down to be available for the rep to pick the location
Sheet 2
Column A has a list of the buildings
Column B has a list of the locations
I understand that normally I would need to create a named range for each building and its locations. However, there are more Buildings than columns in Excel. Is there a way I can do this using Index/Match, or Offset, or Indirect? I have a sample spreadsheet that can be found in my dropbox account using this link [URL]
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Nov 5, 2006
I have a problem using indirect in a counta function. Basically, I want to count the number of used cells in a range. However, there would be insertions to the rows (using the insert row) on top of the range.
my function is now =counta(indirect(" events database"!"A"&M22&":A"&M500)
However, this formula returns an error. What have I typed wrongly?
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Feb 11, 2006
What I am wanting to do is have excel insert a static date automatically. I know ctrl + : inserts date and ctrl shft + ; inserts time. I want excel to do this automatically. The now() and today() functions auto update the date. I dont want the date auto updated when the file is reopened after it is saved. The file is a template so I guess what I am really wanting is a automatic date/time stamp when the user saves the file so when it is emailed and reopened the date does not auto update.
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Apr 30, 2014
Is there anyway to automatically fill the empty added cell after inserting a row without using the fill handle? For example, for a series of numbers: [URL]
2. Drag the fill handle Selected cell with fill handle across the range that you want to fill.
Or running balance: [URL]
2. Extend the running balance formula into the new rows by selecting the last cell in the balance column and then double-clicking the fill handle.
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Aug 24, 2013
If I want date to be current and time constant how to do it for ex:
in A1 want display of 8/23/13 8:00 next day when I open excel A1 should display 8/24/13 8:00
so my date is dynamic but time is static.
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Nov 8, 2006
I am not sure whether this can happen, I want to capture time taken for different activities, without manually entering the details.I tried the formula "=Now()", but what happens is that at the end of the day the times are all the same because the live time is changing. Is there a way where the live time is captured and freezed, so that at the end of the day i have a time log sheet.
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Aug 2, 2008
Here is the code I'm using
Now H5 can be three different things, and all three different things are linked to three different cells. Once one cell gets populated with a date in this case is there a way to then have that cell stay populated even when H5 gets changed?
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Nov 29, 2012
what type of vba code I could use to populate a static date and time that I could plug into a formula. Basically what I need is:
IF A1<>"" then L1 shows the date and time of the entry. If A1="" then L1 remains blank. I don't want the date to change once it has been entered.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a spreadsheet in which a check box fills the corresponding cell with the value "TRUE" if checked and "False" if unchecked. I use this check box for several functions (e.g. assigning a unique ID number). One of the functions I would like to make is a time and date stamp in another column when a user checks a box.
I have perused some of the past topics on this subject and there are a few hiccups in the other fixes.
1. I can't simply set the iterations to one because this sheet also is used to calculate expenditures, fund balances, etc. I need the calculations to be ongoing.
2. I currently have a check box macro that placed a check box on a thousand rows. It may require more rows later on. I need a solution that sets up a time stamp for all of these rows, not just a macro for one row at a time.
3. I need the time stamp to be static. I need to know when entries were made. I cannot use track changes, because we will be using this data to measure the effectiveness of our process. I need to be able to add and subtract the time between the timestamps.
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Nov 22, 2010
I am trying to automatically insert a time into B and a date into A every time something is entered into C. I want the time and date to not change from the time it was posted. What formula will accomplish this?
I tried using if(C"",now(),"") while having Workbook Calculation set to automatic, but it would update every cell in column B every time I entered data into a new cell in column C.
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Aug 15, 2008
What I need is lets say I have 3 columns Name, Date & Time
Name field has a drop down menu having a list of names
Now what I need is - lets say from the dropdown menu someone selects a name - THEN at the same instance the Time & Date fields gets populated with the Date & Time of that update.
and that Date & Time shouldn’t change if someone selects the same or different name in the row below
Kindly assist in lay man terms as I am a novice to Excel
In this format what I need is like above , the start date & start time should update real time ONLY when a name is selected
and when the End date is selected the End time , Date Elapsed & Time Elapsed should Populate automatically.
However there should be NO effect if data is entered or changed in the Request Id or Issue Cells - basically the triggers should only be Name field & End date Field
Can you attach an example sheet as well please
Have enclosed an sample attachment
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Oct 5, 2006
I need VBA code for a time stamp. I just need code that will allow me to have a time stamp inserted in the current cell.
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Oct 24, 2007
I have a column of values resulting from subtracting a static date and time from the current date and time.
This means it is constantly updating, which makes it impossible to sort.
All my work depends on sorting those values, though.
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Jan 25, 2008
I have used the following =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(NOW())) & =IF(ISBLANK(Q6),"",(Today())),
but when the excel file is closed and opened the date changes to now or today. How can I make the date stay and not change?
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Nov 27, 2012
I tried to find this answer but maybe this will be easier to explain. What can I add to this code to make each fill to the right?
HTML Code:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False
[Code] .....
In the first part E1 is pasted to A1, if A1 is filled then paste to B1, then to C1
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May 26, 2014
For this example.. Think of this information:
shape = rectangle 1
starting fill colour = 255,255,255 (white)
I have a cell on the other part of sheet which has a value of 0 - but changes to 1 when I hover over another part of the sheet.
I need this shape to change fill from white to an image whenever that cell changes value to "1".
I need all this without clicking on an object! JUST when the cell changes, I can mange it with a click but that's besides the point.
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May 21, 2009
in my spreadsheet (attached), i want it so that when someone clicks a button, it will fill in the next available cell in column A. For example, when I click on the "Create" button on the green NIPRNet side, then it'll fill in the next available cell in column A (cell A4) with "(N) Created Account". Then, if I click on "Unlock" on the red SIPRNet Side, then it will fill in cell A5 with "(S) Unlocked Account". and so on, and so on, down column A.
At the moment, i have it so that all the cells in column A are dropdown menus. But I want to eliminate the drop-down menus and use buttons instead.
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Aug 22, 2014
I wrote below code, I am expecting column to be updated as 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 ,2 till last row, but it is updating as 123456...
[Code] .....
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Jun 8, 2009
I need it to autofill just as if you selected range A1 and A2 and double clicked that little square on the bottom right hand side of the cell (so it stopps auto-filling at the last active cell in B)
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Jul 3, 2008
I currently have this code ( which works perfect ) that was written by someone else. It performs an auto-fill in column "A".
I need to learn how to adjust this code to do it for other columns, but do not know currently.
Maybe someone could highlight of BOLD the adjustments to direct the code to the column.
Sub fill_rows_A_4()
Dim arrTmp As Variant
Dim lngRow As Long
With Worksheets("sheet1") 'adapt
arrTmp = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
For lngRow = 1 To UBound(arrTmp)
If arrTmp(lngRow, 1) = "" Then arrTmp(lngRow, 1) = arrTmp(lngRow - 1, 1)
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(UBound(arrTmp), 1)) = arrTmp
End With
End Sub
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May 27, 2014
if I have one cell that ive enlarged to half the sheet.... and it is effected with rollover hyperlink so that when I hover over other cells. it turns different colours..
is it possible to make that cell open up different files using the double click event depending on the colour it currently is?
i.e. if its blue, open file1. if its yellow, open file 2 etc
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Mar 30, 2013
I am currently trying to adapt the following code which is in VBA (Sheet1). It currently ensures mandatory cell entry of cell C2 before saving, and if this is not done then it would not save the item into the relevant directory. I would like to adapt this code so that cells B2 to R2 are all mandatory, and if they are not filled in a message box with the cell title (which would be in B1 to R1) would pop up. If the cells are not filled in then it will not save (the same function it carries out for cell c2 currently). The code is attached to a command button, i have tried to make the additional cells mandatory by playing around with the If Trim(.cells(2, 3).value) part of the code with the AND function etc however i have had not had any luck.
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Sep 11, 2007
I am fighting with this for a longer time now and can't find a solution:
is it possible in Excel to generate a number sequence (to create a list for auto fill) representing numbers like this:
and so on till 001000
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Jan 16, 2009
Working with 2 worksheets in the same spreadsheet. In worksheet A cell F6 is a solution (hex2dec) these solutions are staggered consistently in column F (F6, F9, F12, F15 etc) In worksheet B cell A2 displays workshop A cell F6 details (=ATR!F6)
Worksheet B cell A3 Autofil uses (=ATR!F7) I want (=ATR!F9) Worksheet B cell A4 I want (=ATR!F12) How do I condition autofil to follow my chosen sequence ie F6,F9,F12,F15 etc...
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