I am busy with a project using VBA to populate a spreadsheet based upon the data entered into a particular cell. The problem that I am experiencing is that I populate the initial cell via a combo-box which I cannot exit unless I click elsewhere with my mouse. The code that I am using to populate the other cells is as follows
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Goto dump
Dim r As Range, MyRowNum As Long, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, strPriCode As Variant, _
strNAPPIE As Long, strSInCost As Currency, strSInDesc As String
Set ws1 = Worksheets("SINVOICE")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("STOCKIMP")
Set r = ws1.Range("B11:B35")
If Intersect(target, r) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If target > 0 Then....................
I am using the cell validation command to create a drop down list on sheet1. Drop down is created from sheet 3 column A
I would like sheet 4 to be filled by information from both sheets. first line would have item chosen from drop down and the next line would be sheet 3 column B.
It is for a catering company. Sheet 1 (menu) is the creation sheet. I would like to use a drop down list to choose from a long list of appetizers. Those of which are on sheet 3 (app list) and held in column A (1-42). As that occurs, I would like sheet 4 (prep list) to generate a list of operations. A1 (prep list) would reference the item chosen and A2 would be the list of operations (sheet 3(app list) column B)
I am trying to make a calendar spreadsheet to enable me to track allowance payments i am due from my company.
This payment is worked out by three conditions - where i am working (7 regions), how many days of the week (4,5,6 or7) and how many hours (<7,8-9 or 10-12)
I have made drop down lists to select each of the values for the three conditions and want to show the total for them
i can total the entire spreadheet for the month up using fairly large "COUNTIF" statements, but i want to be able to show what the exact amount is in each cell not just a complete total.
i.e. i am away for 6 days i get £15 extra, if i am in Europe i get another £50 and if i work 12 hours i get £30.
I want to be able to calculate this total in each cell for that day.
I can send a copy of the spreadsheet i have got at the moment if that will make things clearer than what i have tried to explain.
i need some code to be able to toggle design mode, i am creating embedded flash games in excel and i want to be able to change the game using a drop down and this code:
I am kind of new to Excel programming and would like to know if there is a solution to my problem. What I need is to have a dropdown list (I know how to make this) then select an item from the drop down, then based on the name i select, Excel automatically fill up the rest of the cells.
For example, from the drop down list I select the company name then Excel automatically type the address, phone number, Fax number and the contact name of the company for me in corresponding cells. Is there a way to do this?
2 Questions here...(Entire macro is at the bottom)
QUESTION 1 - In line 4 of the code below, in Column B, how can I get this code to auto-fill ONLY equal to the bottom-most row with any data in column A? Note that it's never exactly "B254"
QUESTION 2 - How can I change these 3 lines of code...
I am looking to have the Cells that I have applied a Dropdown List to update with the changes that I make to the list itself.
If I were to validate a list with a range of a1:a3 using "Bob" "Sarah" "Bill" and then apply that list to B:B and randomly select from the three names running the length of B:B, I would want that when I go back to A2 and change "Sarah" to "Linda" that every "Sarah" that I have selected using the drop down will update to say "Linda"
I hope that I am explaining myself clearly and in a simple context.
Let's say I have column C blank, but every time it's filled in with something I want column A to be today's date and B to be current time. Unfortunately, the functions NOW() and TODAY() don't give me what I want. They get recalculated every time that I update the spreadsheet. Another thing that I can do is just press ctrl+shift+; to generate a non changing date/time, but I want it to happen automatically (being super lazy).
Is there a way to color fill a drop down box in Excel 2003? I have a workbook where info is flilled in on the first sheet, affecting the remaining sheets. I want all areas that need input on that first sheet to be color filled in Yellow.
is there a way to take a drop down list and pick 1 then have excel fill in the info i seven cell example if list box is 3 then cell 1-7 = 1 and is list box is 1 cell 1=1 cell 2-0 cell 3 = 0 cell 4-7 = 1
What I want to do is lets say in the drop down menu I have options Food, sports, Movies. now if I select Sports then it should give me a sub caterory options like baseball, hockey, football and not the options for food & movies as well - so as to make the choices lesser and more user friendly. How do I create that - is it too tough - I am a novice in excel. Can you upload an example sheet with tips on how you did it. I have uploaded an example.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ComboBox1.List = Array(100, 200, 300, 400) If Range("I11").Value < Range("N11").Value Then If Sheets("Profile").Range("K18").Value < ComboBox1.Value Then Range("I11").Interior.ColorIndex = 2 Else Range("I11").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If End If
End Sub
I want it to change the cell color on drop down change. How can I modify things to have the change in drop down selection?
Is there a way to have a drop-down list fill two columns (actually, two adjacent cells) when a selection is made from the drop-down list? Maybe using an array in the source formula?
For instance, let's say I pick a doctor from the drop down list, I would like the doctor's practice to automatically fill the cell next it so that the two always go together correctly. In the lists example below, when I select Dr. Elmer in column A, then I want Internal Medecine Associates to go in column B.
MD Practice Dr. BartholomewCentral Endocrine Specialists Dr. Elmer Internal Medicine Associates Dr. StamfordCardiology Associates
I'm working on a workbook that already exists and that contains multiple worksheets (A,B,C,D,...), each with specific info (each row consists of an item name (item 1, item 2, item3,...)and all characteristics of this item).
We now want to add a help page for each worksheet : A => A help B => B help ...
So for each item (=row) in sheet A, there should also be an according row with additional info in A help
First, I used static hyperlinks to switch from the item in A to the corresponding help in A help. However the item list can be extended in the future (meaning rows inserted) and this will cause these links to fail. Therefore I switched to dynamic hyperlinks by inserting names (in stead of the original cell names) for each item in both A and A help. This involves a lot of work since you have to give all the involved cells a unique name and you have to refer to this unique name when you set up the hyperlink.
Looking for a Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) code to concatenate cell J, K, E and F cells when both J6 and K6 are selected. The cells start in J6 and K6. When both J6 and K6 are selected, I would like a VBA code to concatenate J6, K6, E6 and F6 in cell L6
(Here is the formula =IF(OR(J6="",K6=""),"",I6&" "&J6 &" "&K6&" - "&E6&" "&" "&F6 I have but looking for a VBA code to accomplish task).
When either J6 or K6 is selected, the code should not concatenate until both cells (J and K) are selected. I would also like a Clear Contents function to clear L6 (or L7, L100, L80 or L13) contents when either J or K cell is deleted. For example, if K value is deleted, the Clear Contents should clean J and L cells contents.
I have a couple of drop down lists of data created from lists as well as fields next to it.
What I want it to do is take that data, which is name, start time, end time, days worked, queue (or work type), and fill the table next to it which is just a 30 minute by 30 minute schedule sheet with days of week 1 and week 2 on top.
I figure it would be easier to have a GO button to do this.
I will attach an example of what I mean, but please, if you guys find that there is an easier way to do this, just let me know, I feel this might involve some code/macros instead of excel functions
I have inserted the sheet. As you can see in Sheet 1 I have the Store, Address, Town etc, I would like a drop down box in D13 ( Store Name ) so when I select a store it will automatically fill all the info into D15:D19 Address, Town etc. The info will be pulled from Sheet 2.
I'm working on making a spreadsheet that allows me to select an item type from a dropdown list (through validation) and then would copy in a range of values from another worksheet based on my dropdown selection.
The set-up: I am primarily concerned with two sheets in my workbook, BiS and Weights. I have a database of items and their associated values listed in Weights. I have already managed to get dropdown lists of my specific item types using named lists and have put that in the BiS worksheet.
What I would like to do is have the values in the Weights worksheet copied over in the same order and number of cells based on what item I select from the dropdown list.
I have a list of 688 codes in a column (lets say column A). e,g 23, AB, FX, NV, D8. Each code corresponds to a text In the next column (lets say column B) for example AA is the code for "Transmission". Using a clean spreadsheet and using a drop down list, I would like the cell to the right of the selected dropdown code, to automatically fill in the text of what the code corresponds to.
I've created a macro to disable cut-copy-paste and drag-and-drop (below), but when the user exits Excel, the drag-and-drop option remains turned off.
The user has to click on the Office button, go to Excel Options, Advanced tab, and re-enable the fill handle manually. How can I have my macro do this automatically when the workbook is closed?
'*** In a standard module *** Option Explicit
Sub ToggleCutCopyAndPaste(Allow As Boolean) 'Activate/deactivate cut, copy, paste and pastespecial menu items Call EnableMenuItem(21, Allow) ' cut Call EnableMenuItem(19, Allow) ' copy Call EnableMenuItem(22, Allow) ' paste Call EnableMenuItem(755, Allow) ' pastespecial
'Activate/deactivate drag and drop ability Application.CellDragAndDrop = Allow
'Activate/deactivate cut, copy, paste and pastespecial shortcut keys With Application Select Case Allow Case Is = False ....................................
I have three lists in the first sheet 'Food', 'Quantity', 'Points Value' Each food (i.e. tuna, pasta, anchovies) has a quantity (i.e. 40g) and a points value (i.e. '50'). The first list ('Food') has been copied as a drop down list in the second sheet. When selecting a food, I would like the cells 'quantity' and 'points value' to pre-fill - taking the data from the first sheet.
i.e. if say Anchovies has the quantity value '30g' and Points Value '2' on the first sheet, then in the second sheet if anchovies was selected from the drop-down menu, these values would add themselves. how to do this? I have attached a sample file shwoing what I want to do.
how to enter data in non-adjacent cells using a fill command.
Here is what I am trying to do: in the column, I am holding ctrl button to select every 10th cell down the sheet. I need to enter a date in every selected cell that is exactly 7 days apart, i.e., 11/7/08 then 11/14/08 then 11/21/08, etc.... but no other dates or data.
I have tried to figure out a way to do this other than manually, but am confounded.
I am working on a spreadsheet for work, and have managed to do everything I need to so far but I need to colour specific letter strings, certain colours within a range of cells (each letter string will only appear once on each sheet)
The strings I will be looking for vary depending on data entered so I will need to cell reference them
The strings that need colouring are in cells with other strings that must stay black (They cannot be separated from other strings due to the nature of the grid)
I need some strings red, some green, and some blue.
These changes should also apply to the whole workbook not just one sheet.
I have a coworker trying to create a dropdown list and is using wingdings for the checkmark, x, and other symbols for filling out for. Everything works great except when you click in the field the drop down box doesnt show the wingdings font but the corresponding arial font. Is there a way to change the dropdown box to wingdings because currently the dropdown box shows various 'u's with different grammatical stresses.
In Excel 2007; I need my drop down list to then change the next cell down to a series of different values? How do i do this? i have created the drop down list, but can't link the values to the item selected in the drop down list. The JPG attached shows a basic set up of what i am trying to do: The drop down list contains various product models (yellow) Once selected this then changes the m2 value (red) which is linked to the formulas in orange; product factor is entered manually.
I have 18 drop down lists that are identical and named DropDown1, DropDown2, DropDown3, etc. Each one references cells (cell link) E1, E2, E3, etc respectively in another worksheet Lookup that is hidden. I am trying to write up some code that when the user selects any drop down, depending on which one it is, it passes certain values to another Sub which has cases. I got my first ideas from an old thread Drop Down List Box but there were no variables being passed.
My code originally worked with one variable being passed (x), but now I am trying to pass 2 (x and nrow) and I get an error in the Sub DropDown1_Change(): ByRef argument type mismatch. Below is my coding, I only included a few drop downs for this example. The Cases are based on the cell link (ie Case 2 is when the cell link shows '2' in the Lookup sheet) I only used a message box for testing purposes. I will have to do some other stuff but I need these variables passed first before I can continue
Public x, nrow As Integer Sub DropDown1_Change() x = 1 nrow = 2 Call get_surcharge(x, nrow) 'this is where I get the error End Sub Sub DropDown2_Change() x = 2 nrow = 3 Call get_surcharge(x, nrow) End Sub............