Code To Use Existing IE Tab To Pass Different Queries On Google

Jun 20, 2013

I need a code to use existing IE tab to pass different queries on google search.

For example:- If active cell contains "manoj Kumar" then macro will search "manoj Kumar" on google and if i select another cell then code will pass the another google search query on the same active IE window(It will not open new window or new tab).

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Extract HTML Source Code Not Working On Google Sites

Dec 6, 2012

I have previously used the following code to successfully pull out IE webpage source code for string manipulation.

Its a crude example to demonstrate the principle:

Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Public IE As Object
Sub Sample()
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True

[Code] ......

However when I substitute in a Google websites address into the IE.Navigate command, the code runs to the "Source_Code = IE.document ...." line then flags up a Microsoft Visual Basic error. "Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method"

The webpage that I am trying to access is a confidential company site, so you won't be able to access it yourself, but starts with [URL] ......

The one thing that I have noticed about this website is the Privacy Report icon in the lower right status window (Picture of an eye with a restricted symbol in front). I don't know whether this is the cause of my problem, or purely an incidental observation.

Is there something peculiar with Google sites that means that the source code cannot be extracted in general, or is this an issue specific to my site ? Does the Privacy Report icon have any relevance, and if so how do I switch that off ?

Using :
MS Excel 2010
IE Explorer 8.0

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Web Queries Don't Refresh During Code Execution

Sep 9, 2006

I am writing a routine to retrieve multiple stock quotes by looping through a bunch of sheets and refreshing a bunch of querytables that access the web. My data source (Livecharts) is often clogged up and queries will fail or get lost in space so after initiating the queries I wait for a while using a waitable and then check to see if each query has completed or is still refreshing. If they are still refreshing I cancel them and refresh again. Or at least that was the plan. What I have discovered is that as long as the vba code is running the results from the queries do not come back into excel. As soon as the code is exited or I go into break mode in the debugger the queries complete.

Is there some way to get the queries to refresh during code execution? Here is a code snippet that shows what I am trying. I have defined a Class Module defining an "EventfulQTable" and it's associated methods and properties so I can have a QueryTable with events. The sub Wait uses the windows API SetWaiTable command to pause for a specified period of time. It includes a DoEvents command which I thought would allow the returning queries back into Excel but no such luck.

Sub Refresh_Queries()
Dim SheetNum As Integer, ListSheet As Integer
Dim eqtQT As New EventfulQTable
Dim QueriesDone As Boolean

SheetNum = 1
ListSheet = 12
QueriesDone = False

On Error Goto QueryError

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Run Multiple Queries Macro Code

May 14, 2008

I am running 1,200 queries in succession in excel through a loop (visual basic). The problem is that, somewhere around loop 60, my computer grinds to a halt. I tried putting in a pause function and throwing in an autosave, to no avail. I think it has something to do with the memory, and somehow clearing it. Excel must be holding onto results from prior queries, and just runs out of memory after 60 or so.

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Pass A Variable To The Form Code

Jun 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with about 30 charts on it that I would like to attach a macro to which opens the chart in a form. I've figured out how to do this last part, but am stuck on how to pass a variable to the form code which tells excel which chart to copy. Essentially what I'm doing creating a macro for each chart which would run when that chart is clicked on. This macro is identical for each chart except for the name of the chart being passed.

Sub Chart1_click()
ShowChart "Chart 1"
End Sub

Sub ShowChart(c As String)
End Sub

In the UserForm_Initialize code located in the userform module, I'd like to call the code which saves and loads the image of the clicked on chart. But here's where I'm stuck. How do I pass c to the code in the form module...e.g, how to pass c to UserForm_Intialize and to ChartZoom? Here's what I have so far...

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize(c As String)
ChartZoom c
End Sub

Private Sub ChartZoom(c As String)


Dim Cht As Chart
Set Cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(c).chart
Dim CName As String
CName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "cht.gif"
Cht.Export Filename:=CName, FilterName:="GIF"
imgCht.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
imgCht.Picture = LoadPicture(CName)

End Sub

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Pass Value From User Form To Code

Jun 24, 2006

I have created a custome User Form with three option buttons inside a frame. How do I set the value for each button and then how do I pass that value back to the code that opened the form (after closing the form upon a selection?

Sub Test2()
Select Case List
Case 1
Range("b1").Value = "List 1"
Case 2
Range("B1").Value = "List 2"
Case 3
Range("B1").Value = "List 3"
End Select
End Sub

in the form I have the following code associated with each of the butons (but I do not think I have it right). Isn't there a way (becasue I have them in a frame) to shorten the code?.................

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Trying To Combine Existing Code

Mar 27, 2009

I am trying to combine the 'Mail Range' from this code with the 'Mail to address in A1' from this code and can't make it work. Maybe this is the wrong tactic to take but I have very little knowledge about writing my own code. The ideal solution would make a copy of a a specific range of cells from a specific sheet, mail it to a recipiant (could change based on what is entered in the field) and delete the copy. I will try to attach an example next week.

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Putting Input Box Into Existing Code

Jan 22, 2009

On the "If not Isempty" line, I am trying to input a box prompt. Instead of standardizing this macro, I want the user to be able to select a dollar amount to search and place on sheet3. Right now it works fine using 1.29 as the amount. However, I have other stores where this dollar amount is different, so I want the store managers to be able to choose an amount to search, for example 1.39, 2.99 etc...

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Adding Second Range To Existing VBA Code?

Nov 13, 2011

adding an second range (J1089:AI1147) to the follwing code.

Sub Clear_Range()
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Range("H3:AL1058")


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Add Date Last Modified To Existing VBA Code

Feb 10, 2014

I copied this snippet from the net and it has been working like a charm. I would like to add DateLastModified to it, but I can't get it to work, I'm still kind of new to more complex VBA codes. Here is the code...

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim cell As Range
Dim selcell As Range
Dim Value As String
Dim Folder As Variant
Dim a As Long

ReDim Folders(0)

Set cell = Range("B8")

[Code] .........

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Debuggin The Existing Code To Copy/paste

Jul 11, 2007

I use for another template and it works fine. Only change I would like to make is the column headers starts in Row 4. Col B. Some how this is not working for me.


Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With Sheets("Data").Rows("1:1")
Set c = .Find("CONTRACT #", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = c.Address
Range("B3").Insert shift:=xlRight
Set c = .FindNext(c)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address FirstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub

Again...incase what I said does not make sense: I want to copy certain columns with fixed header names, e.g. "CONTRACT #" into another sheet name "Test1" and paste starting into cell B3. Another column would be "Contract Name" and so on. Also, these col header names may not be in order. In "Data" sheet, col header names starts in row 4.

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Automatic Update In Other Sheets: Need Some Changes To The Existing Code

Aug 29, 2008

I have already got an anwer for this long back from this site. The code was writted by Mr. Krishnakumar
the thread is here :[url]

i need some changes to be made in this code. The existing code creates and updates the details in the sheets automatically from the master data. I just need the sum of Column I in all the sheets after the last row of Column I.

selecting all the sheets and typing the formula in I column is not possible because, the last row in Column I is different in all the sheets.
In sheet 1, the last row of Column I is Row 15, in sheet 2 Row150 is the last row.
I guess something could be done in macros.

follwing is the existing
Sub TestIt()
Dim sWS As Worksheet
Dim Sellers As Range, Seller As Range
Dim lRow As Long, fRow As Integer
Dim CopyRng As Range, ws As Worksheet

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Macro Code To Add More Rows To Existing Chart

Jun 17, 2008

I have managed to create something similar to what i am working for using an example from Lacher and Gant Charts. i am now stuck as I can enter more than 40 status as it then gives me an error. The following is the code: Can any1 highlight where i need to make any changes to stop the error from occuring:

Option Explicit
Sub CreateTimeChartData()
Dim vTimeData As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim sRoom As String
Dim vLastEndTime As Variant
Dim oSeries As Series
' set up
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' create chart data worksheet
With Worksheets("TimeData"). Range("TimeList"). CurrentRegion
.Sort Key1:="Room", Key2:="Start Time", Header:=xlYes
vTimeData = .Value
On Error Resume Next

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Amending Existing Code To Add New Column To Macro Output

Jun 4, 2014

Attached is my sample data Sample Data_Combine Sheets.xlsm.

What the code in the attached sheet does is that it combines the data in Sheets Set1 and Set2 into the worksheet named "Combine".

Both input sheets share same columns. Code I use is as below:

Sub BuildPivotData()
Dim wrsht As Variant
Dim i As Integer

wrsht = [{"Set1", "Set2"}]
For i = 1 To UBound(wrsht)
Sheets(wrsht(i)).[a2].CurrentRegion.Offset(1).Copy Sheets("Combine").Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2)
Next i
End Sub

I want to amend the output in such a way that when the macro is run , in the "Combine" worksheet an additional column is added at the start(col A) with header as "Category".

The category should be nothing but the input Sheet name i.e Set1 or Set2.

Here is an example ... Output Sheet.xlsx.

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Code To Copy, Paste Without Replacing The Existing Data

May 21, 2009

I have two sheets - sheet1 and sheet2. Everytime i run a macro in the sheet1and manually copy the rows from sheet1 {starting (A2:AI2)} and paste as values it in the sheet2 {starting (A2:AI2)}.

Then I ll delete the available datas in the sheet1 and will run a macro for different customer.

Again I need to repeat the same action (manually copy and paste the datas to sheet2) without replacing the existing data in the sheet1.

In simple I require a macro code where it copy the available information in sheet1 and paste it as values in the sheet2 without replacing the existing one.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Amend Existing Code In Workbook

Feb 3, 2013

How to amend existing code in a workbook that is used by many different users. I am working in Excel 2003. The existing code copies data from certain cells in the active worksheet (which is password protected) into a new worksheet and saves that new worksheet to a temp folder, sends it to a particular email address using outlook and closes it, returning the user to the first workbook. You will see that it also unhides then rehides columns of the first worksheet during this process so that the user never has to see them. Problem here is that none of the users are using outlook anymore and I would prefer that this new spreadsheet that is created just be saved to the users desktop. I have found bits and pieces of what I needed on the web, but I can't seem to put it all together (I usually end up being sent to the debugger just short of having the newly created spreadsheet saved to desktop). Here is the existing code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Essentially what I need to do is circumvent the whole email bit and save the spreadsheet that is created to the users desktop instead of a temp folder.

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Making Existing Code Work For Specific Worksheet/s

May 30, 2013

I would like the following code to be run for all those sheet/s that has a name = "single" (Not case sensitive neither an exact match) of my active workbook.

Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR
With Range("I" & i)
If .Offset(, -1).Value = 1 Then .Value = .Value & "-"
End With
Next i
End Sub

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Add Stipulation That Specific Cell Must Not Be Blank To Existing Code

Oct 21, 2013

I have a code now that in excel, when the button is clicked, will put file into a new email and format the email.

What I have been trying to do, is make it so that if Cell C10 is blank, you get a prompt telling you it must be filled out before you can proceed with the submission.

Here is the code now:

Sub SendTimeCard()
On Error GoTo err_handler
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object

Dim subject As String
Dim body As String
' Be sure the workbook is saved first

[Code] ........

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Update Existing Code To Include Two More Fields Of Info

Jun 6, 2014

I have some existing code which I did not write, nor do I have the expertise to update. The macro code takes multi rows of data for one person and "flips" the output to be one record per person with columns of data.

The source data looks like this sorted by teacher, Term and Period (columns H and I are the new ones added; the code currently looks through column G only)A

Faculty Name


I just want to add column H and I data to the period course listings by term. So instead of "Term: TM#", just have the display indicate Termcode: Tally/SectSize.... such as (example): "TM1: 20/30"

My Code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet


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Assign 2 Macros To 1 Button (or Adding VBA Code To The Existing Macro)

Dec 23, 2009

I'm verrry new to editing VBA code and I've been trying to figure out how to send a column of data ("Min Data" AB3:AB21 from "Sheet1") to a worksheet ("F4" - Min) and sending another column of data ("Max Data" AC3:AC21 from "Sheet1") to a different worksheet ("F4" - Max) by using only the one button ("Record Data" from "Sheet1"

I've been trying to figure out ways to edit the VBA in "Module 1" to make this work

Can anyone help me out here? If what i'm asking for isn't clear enough, just let me know and i'll try to explain in more detail.

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Enhance Existing Code To Hide Rows Between Specific Text

Mar 24, 2014

I have a workbook which contains 8 worksheets. I want to able to run a macro that looks for specific words in column A of each worksheet and hides any rows in between the specified words. The following code works except if a worksheet does not contain the specified words. Is there a better way to accomplish this?

Attached is an example of the spreadsheet. The code below works just fine on the tabs highlighted in green, but halts on the tab highlighted in red. The tab highlighted in yellow is showing you the rows I need to hide.


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Running Code On SharePoint Linked Worksheet To Update Existing And Future Data

Aug 8, 2012

I inherited a spreadsheet to manage that is linked to a SharePoint table.

It is trying to populate a date that a certain "Tier" is selected (1, 2, 3, or 4).

It works great if I manually type in the tiers, but does not run on existing data (about 400 records) or lines that are updated and new via the SharePoint list.

How can I have this run on all of the existing lines and anything added or changed in the future from the list?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("AD2:AD10000")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False

[Code] ....

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Pass Each Cell Value In Range To Cell & Run Macro Code

Apr 28, 2008

I have workbook template that I use to generate reports from a list of depts. This list is contained in a drop down cell that is a named range in a different worksheet. My current process is as follows:

-Select Dept Name from the list
-Click a command button which is assigned to code that calculates and saves to a file
-Repeat for next report until all reports are generated

I would like to automate this process by producing all reports with a single command with the following functionality:

-The Dept Name needs to be populated in the specified cell containing the current drop down because it drive various vlookups and other formulas
-If possible, I would like to retain the drop down functionality as I would like to have the option of running an individual report or running the “batch”.

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Insert Existing Working Code From Another Workbook Into Own Workbook

Jan 14, 2014

The amazing code I saw was from this thread Auto lock cells after data entry when file saved... where the code was made by Jafaar Tribak.

It basically locks cells that have had data inputted into them when the file is saved (with a nice prompt warning of the used cells being locked.

This is Jafaar's file [URL]

And this is my file where I'm trying to make it work in the "Employee data entry" Sheet:


And finally this is the file after I tried to copy the code over : [URL]

Trying to make it so that in the employee data entry sheet locks cells after an employee inputs some data into said cells.

I thought that by setting an "inputrange" on the employee data entry sheet the code would track it down automatically but maybe I'm completely wrong. I cant see anything wrong with it (probably because I"m not that good at vba) but I fear I may have left out something really simple!

I seem to disable my other macros when i try to insert this code in (I have a macro that when you click on a cell a calendar pops up so you can click on a day from the calendar rather than typing out the date)

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Excel Sync To Google Doc

Feb 17, 2014

Any way for an excel spreadsheet to automatically feed into or sync to a Google doc.

Unfortunately I have a dashboard which can only use a Google doc spreadsheet, so uploading the excel spreadsheet into Google drive wouldn't work. Nor vice versa as we have a Cube which feeds into Excel.

So the only way around this is for the excel spreadsheet to sync to a Google doc.

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Using Dates In Google Spreadsheets?

Jan 25, 2014

from what I can see working in Google spread sheets is very similar to excel

I have 3 columns with dates in them, what I want to do is set an alert if any of the dates in the columns are less than 30 days from today. This alert will appear on a different sheet of the same document in a column

I thought the following formula would work =if(B2-today()

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Automated Google Search

Jan 20, 2010

Is the anyway to have a macro wchich will automaticly open the IE browser when any of this word is clicked and search for this word in Google?

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Hook Into Google MAPS API

Mar 25, 2006

I have a userform which uses the WebBrowser control. The user enters a city and contry to a text box, which then calls google maps to display that area. I have a combo box on this form which list cities as well as a number. how I can link the city list on the google map to the city I have listed in my combo box and have the number associated to that combo box city appear on the google map?

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Upload Address Into Google Earth

Jan 11, 2009

I'm trying to accomplish. I have a series of addresses that I would like to import into a google earth type map (or similar mapping type program), which would put a "tack" type icon on the map where the address should be located, etc.

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How To Compile Data From A Google Spreadsheet

Jan 15, 2013

OK, I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:

File is in .csv format

HTML Code: 


Any way to compile data into a table that looks like this:

HTML Code: 


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