Running Code On SharePoint Linked Worksheet To Update Existing And Future Data
Aug 8, 2012
I inherited a spreadsheet to manage that is linked to a SharePoint table.
It is trying to populate a date that a certain "Tier" is selected (1, 2, 3, or 4).
It works great if I manually type in the tiers, but does not run on existing data (about 400 records) or lines that are updated and new via the SharePoint list.
How can I have this run on all of the existing lines and anything added or changed in the future from the list?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("AD2:AD10000")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
[Code] ....
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Apr 18, 2007
I have been trying to remove or disable the message on update to other worksheet " To update all linked click yes......" I have try the following unsuccessfully
Sub auto_open()
Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False
End Sub
On the menu bar choose Edit ---> Links Can not choose manual, as the option is grey out (disable) I would prefer a vba solution, but I am open to anything to get rid of this message
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Aug 29, 2008
I have already got an anwer for this long back from this site. The code was writted by Mr. Krishnakumar
the thread is here :[url]
i need some changes to be made in this code. The existing code creates and updates the details in the sheets automatically from the master data. I just need the sum of Column I in all the sheets after the last row of Column I.
selecting all the sheets and typing the formula in I column is not possible because, the last row in Column I is different in all the sheets.
In sheet 1, the last row of Column I is Row 15, in sheet 2 Row150 is the last row.
I guess something could be done in macros.
follwing is the existing
Sub TestIt()
Dim sWS As Worksheet
Dim Sellers As Range, Seller As Range
Dim lRow As Long, fRow As Integer
Dim CopyRng As Range, ws As Worksheet
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Jun 6, 2014
I have some existing code which I did not write, nor do I have the expertise to update. The macro code takes multi rows of data for one person and "flips" the output to be one record per person with columns of data.
The source data looks like this sorted by teacher, Term and Period (columns H and I are the new ones added; the code currently looks through column G only)A
Faculty Name
I just want to add column H and I data to the period course listings by term. So instead of "Term: TM#", just have the display indicate Termcode: Tally/SectSize.... such as (example): "TM1: 20/30"
My Code is as follows:
Option Explicit
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet
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Jun 2, 2014
I'm working on a workbook to track staffing patterns. I have two userforms included in my workbook. The first userform (userForm2) initiates upon opening the workbook. It's intended to allow the user to enter a date range and an office location for the report. The second userform (userform1) initiates when a command button (Weekly Summary) is clicked. I've linked texts boxes in userForm2 to cells in a hidden worksheet; this is where I'm holding the dates and office location until userform1 is initiated. I also have labels in userform1 linked to the same cells in the hidden worksheet so that when userform1 is initiated the office and date range appear at the top of userform1.
Here's the problem, when I click command button "Weekly Summary" the office location shows up perfectly however, the labels I have linked to cells in the hidden worksheet that contain dates do not update (i.e. they show the dates that were previously in those specific cells. I have to close userform1 and re-open it to get the dates to update.
I need the user to be able to choose a date range and office location when they enter the workbook. Then, I need userform1 to show the date range and office location (without having to open it, close it and re-open it) that the user chose on opening the workbook.
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Jul 11, 2014
I need to be able to export a project list to Excel and overwrite the contents in an existing Summary Report with the exported list. Is this possible? I am using SharePoint 2013 and Excel 2010.
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Aug 3, 2006
I have the following code that should open all EXCEL workbooks in a
specified path, and unprotoect any password-protected worksheets to allow
for Link Updates, then close the workbook after password protecting it.
sub UpdateAllLinks()
Dim vLinkSources
Dim iLinkSource As Integer
Dim AnySheet As Worksheet
sPath = " C:Documents and SettingsShaneMy DocumentsHarcourt
sName = Dir(sPath & "*.xls")
do while sName <> ""...............
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May 30, 2013
I would like the following code to be run for all those sheet/s that has a name = "single" (Not case sensitive neither an exact match) of my active workbook.
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LR
With Range("I" & i)
If .Offset(, -1).Value = 1 Then .Value = .Value & "-"
End With
Next i
End Sub
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Mar 17, 2013
I have attached excel with the logic I am using, but I have a problem and needed logic to update to make sure it is not inserting same data (duplicate data).
Please update the logic so that if it is having same data in sheet 3 it should not insert or delete duplicate.
Public Sub CopyData()
Dim ws As Worksheet, bi As Byte, vData(1 To 9), bi1 As Byte, vData1(1 To 9), bi2 As Byte, vData2(1 To 9), bi3 As Byte, vData3(1 To 9), bi4 As Byte, vData4(1 To 9)
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet2")
For bi = 1 To 9
[Code] .........
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May 13, 2009
Sub SplitOut()
Dim DataSH As Worksheet, OutSH As Worksheet
Set DataSH = Sheets("Input")
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
For Each ce In Range("D2:D" & lastrow)
Application.StatusBar = "Actioning " & ce.Row & " of " & lastrow.............
I am working on this spreadsheet that has a lot of information that will only get bigger as time goes on. I would like to organize the contents of one column into separate spreadsheets. So if I have "stacking" in one cell of that column, the whole row associated with that cell will go to a new spreadsheet labeled "stacking".
I have attached the sheet. I would like column D (Type_Code) to be organized by the words in that column. So I would have 5 or so worksheets labeled stacking, cartoner, wheel, inspection, etc. The data here is input by a machine.
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Jul 13, 2005
In A2 is the Stock price, and B2 the time of the update.Now every time it updates A2 and B2 get overwritten.I need some code that will save/ record the the stock price on the hour, every hour. I then need the highest and the lowest price within that hour, and lastly the price at the very end of that hour. (example)
I received what I think may work, but I dont know how to write this in VBA. If the time of the new value received > than B2 + 1 second, create new row where Open=High=Low=Close else if (last column=new value,if new value>high column then high column=new value,if new value<low coulmn then low column=new value.)
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May 3, 2007
I need to link my code to data from a different Excel file. I feel it is smth simple, i just have never done this before. In a regular (=same file) setting, my code would be smth like that:
With Worksheets("Daily1")
j = 1
Do Until IsEmpty Range("A6").Offset(j - 1, 0).Value)
j = j + 1
m = j
End With
What would be the syntax if data instead comes from, say, Z:Brazildata.xls. In general, when I retrieve data from another file, do I always have to use "With - End With" structure?
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Aug 17, 2009
I've got a worksheet_selectionchange macro on a sheet, and another macro that you can run after it. The issue is that when the second macro runs, it also runs the selectionchange macro, and wipes some of the info that the second macro should be copying.
Is there a piece of code that I can use in the second macro to block the selectionchance code from running until it's compelte?
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Oct 18, 2013
I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.
I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.
The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:
Sub Update()
Dim bottomrow As Long
Dim My_Range As Range
bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)
[Code] .....
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May 21, 2009
I have two sheets - sheet1 and sheet2. Everytime i run a macro in the sheet1and manually copy the rows from sheet1 {starting (A2:AI2)} and paste as values it in the sheet2 {starting (A2:AI2)}.
Then I ll delete the available datas in the sheet1 and will run a macro for different customer.
Again I need to repeat the same action (manually copy and paste the datas to sheet2) without replacing the existing data in the sheet1.
In simple I require a macro code where it copy the available information in sheet1 and paste it as values in the sheet2 without replacing the existing one.
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Feb 17, 2009
I am working on this estimating template. To be used on Excel 97, 2000 and XP systems.
I have a few issues i am unable to resolve.
There are 2 of the worksheets (Short Quote and Stores Req) which individually need to have a button on them so i can create a new workbook as an exact coy of that sheet. but with just the values and not the formulas.
Also i am unsure on the macro on the workbook currently( as i dont know how to do macros) i dont know what it does?
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May 2, 2009
I have created a form in VBA using txt boxes and cmd's. I want the abitility to edit the existing data on my excel worksheet using the form. Currently, I can add data, but not search through the existing data on the form.
I have been using the excel tips and it has been great, but I am stumped at this point. This is my first time to every post a message.
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Dec 1, 2006
I am trying to create a menu that calls macros based on your choice using a drop down combobox (from the control toolbox). Everything works except: When i try to reset the drop down to "Main Menu" using the Linked cell $B$1 excel hangs and suts down evertime. What i would like it to do is reset the drop down to "Main Menu" each time one of the other drop downs are selected. I have really enjoyed this forum and it has been a great resource for me in the past I hope someone can help. I have attaching the file for review.
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Sep 5, 2013
- Construct a macro to import a csv-file to my worksheet named "Info". The data in the .csv-file should start in row A5 in my worksheet.
- If the worksheet "Info" already has data, I want to overwrite the existing data with the new data starting in row A5
The directory of the csv-file is C:Testmycsvfile.csv
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Jul 19, 2012
I have a Database and every entry in the database has its own corresponding sheet with the data in a more viewer-friendly format. I want to assign a macro to a button to loop through all the sheets, copy the cells and paste to the database (to update the database).
Also, nothing prevents the user from deleting the sheets or mixing them. So is there a way to take the reference number from the database in column B, search for the corresponding sheet which has the reference number in cell B3 and then update it accordingly.
Sub Button19_Click()
Dim WS_Count As Integer
Dim I As Integer
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Aug 19, 2009
Reference a worksheet that has not yet been created, avoiding the #REF! result?
The formula I have is correct, however the macro generates new worksheets throughout the month in which the totals sheet is referencing. The problem being that the totals sheet is referencing worksheets not yet created.
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May 21, 2008
I have a number of spreadsheets in a folder called country (each sheet is the name of a region). These sheets are linked to another sheet called master which is in another folder.
The regional sheets all have a list of wrap codes and pull details specific to each code from the master sheet. All wrap codes for all sheets are stored in the master, details for wrpas are manually entered here as well as any other associated information.
The link is kept by way of an index match formula used to populate information from the master for all wrap codes in the regional sheet.
Each of the regional sheets act as a report for a specific region and the master is the main source. Every week we need to open the regional sheets (some reside in different folders/subfolders) update the index match formulas in the sheet so that the data is refreshed and then save as a new file with data as values to another folder for reporting.
I am looking for a code that can automatically update all of the excel sheets in a given folder and then save them to a new folder automatically.
I have very very limited knowledge of VB (did make a hello world dialog box once) and am stuck as to any way to automate this process.
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May 14, 2014
I have a text box in a USERFORM .Have the following code associated with the text box. (which perform basic arithmetic.... e.g. If engineers wanna key in 39+137, instead of 176.)
[Code] .....
When I run the userform, the userform’s INITIALIZE procedure populates the textbox with value from a cell in the spreadsheet. When I delete the value completely , it gives error almost instantaneously:
Error is "Could not set the value property. Type Mismatch".
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Aug 20, 2006
I have a sheet with names and subdividers (Ent, Ver) on the columns, and dates on the rows. I am trying to make a form update the sheet when the name, ent or ver, and date match. I have attached a copy of my sheet to help explain that. I don't know much vba, but I can make a userform just fine. Trouble with most places is that the userforms only update based on empty cells, not based on more complex criteria.
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Nov 16, 2007
I use an excel report that connects to an external sql datasource and using macros imports and arranges the data showing dates, job number, description and author of various jobs coming up at work.
I want to publish this spreadsheet's contents onto a calendar in excel or (preferably) onto a sharepoint calendar.
Does anyone know how to:
1) Publish the spreadsheets contents into a calendar in excel?
2) Publish the spreadsheets contents onto a calendar in sharepoint?
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Apr 25, 2014
I have a program which iterates on command. A plot on the spreadsheet is designed to show the progress of the iteration. However, the plot does not update while VBA is running. What is the command or technique to refresh the plot at an intermediate stage in the calculation?
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Apr 16, 2014
I created a macro on an excel file on my local PC that opens another excel file on my local PC and copies some data from file 2 and pastes that data in file 1. In file 1 have a Path and File Name that the Macro uses to get Open File 2 from. This works Great on my local PC!! However, I need to move this to a SharePoint. When I did I tried to change the Path and File name to the ones from the URL generated by SharePoint Send Link. No Luck, then tried to change the 20% replace for spaces. Still no luck. Do I need to use some other method of opening a file that is on SharePoint vs Local PC?
Currently have I have:
Path = Range("b2").Value
BenFile = Range("b3").Value
InterOpFile = Range("b4").Value
NMOCFile = Range("b5").Value
SECFile = Range("b6").Value
VistaAFile = Range("b7").Value
and Later in the Code:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & BenFile
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May 30, 2007
I have an Excel workbook that has a data connection to a Sharepoint List. I have 4 columns showing the quaterly status of a project. I want to apply conditional formatting based on the value in the column. I have 5 possible choices so I have to use VBA code to accomplish this because of the limit of 3 option in Excel. I am using this
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Intersect(Target, Range("X:AA"))
If rng Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
Dim cl As Range
For Each cl In rng
Select Case cl.Text
Case "1"
cl.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
Case "2"
cl.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Case "3"
cl.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Case "4"...............................
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Mar 7, 2013
I have a worksheet designed to look like a form. That worksheet pulls data from an "Application Data" worksheet using INDEX and MATCH formulas. That part works great. The user enters an Application number on row 8 and it populates all of the other cells. In fact, in cell O7 (not pictured), I have it generating the row number the data came from (based on a MATCH function).
Here's my question--if they go in and change a value in one of the other cells, they should be able to press an "Update" button. That will then kick off a macro that goes to the "Application Data" sheet, finds the row that has the Application Number (from row 8) and updates the values based on what the user entered on this form.
How do I write the statement that selects the row based on the Application Number?
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Apr 13, 2008
I have to append the cell value with a user input string in to the same cell.
i.e, if the user types "Issue" in the cells ranging C1:C200, I would like to make a mandatory issue description to be entered by the user. So a user form with text box and command button was introduced which should append the cell value with the user input in the text box.
The issue that I have is with the cell selection within the code for the form.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Issue (" + TextBox1.Text + ")"
For example if the user tabs out from cell C3, the output from the userform will be written to D3 ? or if the user hits Enter key to come out, the output will be written to C4 and so on.
How can I make ure the output is going to the same cell?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("$C$1:$C$200")) = "Issue" Then
Dim MyForm As New UserForm1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
'Code for the userform is below:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
' the user input is mandatory
MsgBox "Issue Details is mandatory", vbCritical, "Mandatory Field"
' append the cell value with user input in the text box
'****issue is here in the next line
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Issue (" + TextBox1.Text + ")"
End If
End Sub
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