Code Works In Debug Mode But Will Not Run Through When Played
Mar 13, 2013
I put together about 10 separate macros that will log you into a site using the values in a given cell. I was having trouble with the last one because of AutoComplete remembering the username. So I put in an IF statement, and when I used F8 to go line for line, it works perfectly. However, when I click F5 and just let it play through, it doesn't log in. I tried adding a 5 second delay, but that didn't seem to work. I still get a run-time error when I hit play.
It get hung on this line:
If doc.getElementById("user_name").Value = cUsername Then
But the complete code is this:
Sub StreetLinks_Login()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim cURL As String
cURL = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B9").Value
I am trying to open a xls file and convert into csv. My macro works when I'm in debug mode. but If i run the macro (Not in debug) mode then After opening a file control is not going to next function. What is problem? Even I am not getting any error too
sub open file (FileName as string)
Dim xlx As Object, xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object Dim RowNo As Integer Set xlx = CreateObject("Excel.Application") xlx.Visible = True 'Set xlw = xlx.Workbooks.Open(SourceFolder + "" + FileName)
Workbooks.Open FileName:=SourceFolder + "" + FileName ' Columns("F:G").Select ' Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Save_in_WDrive (FileName) Set xlx = Nothing end sub
i want to do is throw a break in my vba code if the user selects yes through a msgbox vbYesNo prompt and proceed in debug mode. is it possible to code in a break point in this fashion? my desired pseudo
if user selects yes: set break point (to send to debug mode at that point... i dont mean to end the code with a END statement.) if user selects no: proceed program normally
I use excel 2002 but some of my office are on 97, i want to add a small workbook open event code which works for me but debugs for the others?? The code is basically, go to a tab, on that tab and that range sort..
I don't understand the relationships that are happening and what the final value would be if for example the PT was Red. I'm confused and was curious how four lines could all equal different values(highlighted).
UpUserPaint = UCase(RegPaint.Value) Dim icount As Integer LenRegPaint = Len(RegPaint.Value)
For icount = 1 To LenRegPaint ValPAint = ValPAint + Asc(Mid(UpUserPaint, icount, 1)) Next icount
When stepping through my macro it moves through each line of the code showing me the code as it steps through. Is there a way to step through and see the results of the code as it is going through. I have an "IF THEN" statement in the macro that is not giving me any results so I think I must have an incorrect reference in the code, but I can't see it. I think if I could watch what it is supposed to be doing as I step through I might be able to find the error.
We have had a macro running for a few years (Excel 2007 now, but started in 2003) that imports about 35 text files into separate sheets, creates a calculated SUM field for each sheet and copies that value to a title (or summary) sheet. We use this 2 to 4 times per year at inventory time, copying to a new file and deleting the old data before running the macro. The imported files initially create new workbooks, but the data is copied to the initial workbook into a distinct sheets for each file.
Recently (well, last August) this macro started hanging after importing (Workbooks.OpenText) a number of files, and not necessarily the same file every time (on repeated runs.) While trying to figure out the problem, I have now managed to get it to hang every time on the first file! However, if I am stepping through in the debugger it continues past the OpenText command and on F5:Run/Continue will then continue processing the rest of the files normally. If I delete the first file before running the macro, it then hangs on the second file instead.
Without debugging, the first file will import, display on-screen, and there it stops. If I put a break-point on the very next instruction after the import, that break-point is never reached. THINGS I'VE TRIED:.......
I have written a macro to loop through files and subfolders to open a specific file for a specific month. I extract the datasets for every excel file into a master template. The code works flawlessly when all of the files have the .xlsm extension. However, I need to open .xls file formats also. When my code opens the first .xls file, named "Staffing Plan.xls" it opens it and automatically makes it "Staffing Plan1 [Compatibility Mode]. I can't open the file in the original "Staffing Plan.xls" file format to read data from. How can I fix this?
This code, supplied through this forum, works perfectly in one workbook but not another. I have created a range called ColourRange, one called ColourIndex but I am getting a '400' error message when I attempt to run it. Can anone explain to me (in very simple terms) why it won't work?
Sub CopyFormatMMT() 'Colour code Owners Dim r As Range Dim f As Range Dim c As Range Dim j As Range Set r = Range("ColourRangeMMT") Set f = Range("ColourIndex") Range("ColourRangeMMT").Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone For Each c In r.Cells For Each j In f.Cells If c = j Then c.Interior.ColorIndex = j.Interior.ColorIndex End If Next j Next c Range("C9").Select End Sub
I am trying to programmatically select an item from a single selection listbox (i.e., set to fmMultiSelectSingle). The following code works properly only every other time I run it; the problem is extremely repeatable.
Const storeStartCell = "B5000" Private Sub ListBox_CounterTOs_Click() selectedTOName = CStr(Mid(Worksheets("Sheet1"). Range(storeStartCell).Offset(ListBox_CounterTOs.ListIndex, 0), 3, 3)) selectedTONumber = CInt(Mid(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(storeStartCell).Offset(ListBox_CounterTOs.ListIndex, 0), 6, 4)) ListBox_TO_Name.Value = selectedTOName ListBox_TO_Number.Value = selectedTONumber End Sub
The times that it works, ListBox_TO_Name.Value is set to something like "ABC" and ListBox_TO_Number.Value is set to something like "1234". When the values get set properly, the associated click subroutines (e.g., ListBox_TO_Name_Click()) get called automatically when the value is set. The times that it doesn't work, they are both set to "" and the click subroutines do not get called. I also tried
I am trying to create this macro for my accounting journal What I want to happen is that in my sheet1 if the 1st cell in column a is "CASH" then the whole row should be copied and pasted in sheet 2. i want this to happen from the first cell in a column until the very last data in column a which means i am not certain up to what row number it will have data since this is a journal with uncertain number of transactions.
I wrote code to update some workbooks. The code opens the workbooks and then activates the workbook to add the update.
I was tired when I wrote the code to activate the workbook and it is written:
The updates have already been sent out and it is not working on some computers. (If I change the code to
it works fine.)
Is there some option in the VBA editor that I can have people change on their computer so the code will run? Why does it work on some computers and not others?
(Unfortunately, rewriting the code to add ".xls" and resending everything isn't an option.)
i need some code to be able to toggle design mode, i am creating embedded flash games in excel and i want to be able to change the game using a drop down and this code:
I am trying to write a function that searches a column for an index then sums the value in a corresponding column. This function works when run in the immediate window of VBA but when I use it in the spreadsheet it can't find any rows.
The reason I need this formula is because there are more than one rows that can be found.
Function SumIndex2(ByVal sField As String, ByVal sIndex As String) As Double
Dim i As Integer Dim dSum As Double Dim rng As Range Dim firstaddress As String
I wrote the following basic code earlier (which will end up being part of a larger code)
Code: Dim DateInput As String Dim LastCell As String
Sub LastRowInputBox()
LastCell = InputBox("What is the last row number in the range?", "Last Row Input")
[Code] ......
As you can see, all the ColumnCopyInsert Subroutine does is copy select/copy four columns (E:H), inserts the copied selection immediately to the right, inserts formulas and autofills down to the last row required. I added the LastRowInputBox routine as the range of rows varies from week to week (inserting new rows, deleting others).
The code works great...up to a point unfortunately. If ran as it is, everything that should be copied/pasted will be and cells autofilled to the row specified via the InputBox. Here comes the problem, if any rows are either inserted or deleted then the code throws out "The object invoked has disconnected from its clients" when it reaches the first instance of the following line:
Code: Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
At which point, Excel hangs (or maybe in some sort of loop) and I have to open Device Manager and close the Excel exe process.
I have searched the FAQ's but have not found a suitable answer to my problem. I have some code that works perfectly when it is run from the VB Editor but when I put it behind a command button it gives me an error almost straight away. I have read that when a command button is used the command button defaults the active sheet to the one that it is one therefore you always have to specify the active sheet but I have done this so am still confused as to why it is falling over. Below is my code, I have commented where it is tripping:
Sub FormattingAcutalReport() Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesMF Consolidated Risk DAILY LIVE DATA FROM BO.xls" Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesDaily Non Banks LIVE.xls" Dim myBorders() As Variant, item As Variant Set SEGNSEG = Workbooks("Todays Reports.xls").Worksheets("Seg and Non Seg Bank Summary")............................
I have this code attached to a button on the first sheet of a workbook with hundreds of sheets.
it is suposed to look for a cell that contains "SAY:" and then move one column to the right and make it a zero. It works on the first sheet but not on any other sheet.
Sub RemoveCodeAndSave() 'Remove all code from ThisWorkbook code module ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, _
I get the error "Run-time error 440: The specified dimension is not valid for the current chart type" why I am getting this. The macro does everything I want it to, except for throwing the error at the end.
The two code extracts below are associated with two separate worksheets in the same workbook. They work fine. They simply are used to assign either a PO# or a Temp Unit #, located in a third sheet, in their respective sheets.
The problem is that when I'm in either the Master or the Work Orders sheets where these two codes are used, and I do something simple like drag down some values or paste something in a cell, I get the "Run time error "13" type mismatch error" in the popup debug window for my VBA code. And in each case, it highlights the codeline I've color coded below:
I have a column that adds the total points for each Golfer at each Golf Course. (Column AI) I've added another column that I want to add the total points for each Golfer from each Course played. (Column AJ)
How can this be done so that it adds each players total points for each Course Played? There could be more Courses as well. Would I use a: (=IF(Course=Courses,Vlookup(Course,B2:B65536),35,False) with a Sum???
I have selected numbers to play in the table shown above from cell G2:AD7 and celebrated draw result numbers are shown in cells A3:F7
Now, suppose I want to play the numbers, which are in cell G2:AD2 and the draw-celebrated numbers are shown in the cell A3:F3.
Now I want to check cells A3:F3 with G2:AD2 and want to know in which position are the celebrated draw matched with the numbers played.
In this case the result in AE2 will be 3; 22 that means only two numbers are matched with the played numbers. Those numbers are the number ‘6’ which is in the position 3 counting from G2 and number ‘48’ which is in the position 22 counting from G2 again.
The result must be shown in column AE for all the draws as shown in the table above.
I am trying to create a golf table that shows how many games are played how many points are given for 1st 2nd 3rd and so on we give 10 pts for 9 for 2nd and so on......
I currently have two columns one for each of the following formulas and then another column that's works on the result of the two together but what I want to know is how do I get the two combined?
I've put the bits that I want to be "or" in red, The first bits are obviously the same and just the last bit needs to be or.
I am basically trying to find out how many games played by the selected team had the first goal scored after a certain time(the first formula) or the first goal was scored by the away team(the second formula)
I have a problem with a HUGE macro project I'm working on. The macro itself isn't huge, but it's being applied to about 10,000 files. The macro is updating information on three spreadsheets in each workbook, but the problem is that the password protection (and Macro in general) fails to unlock when the password was entered in UPPERCASE. So the password is "king" and/or "KING" depending on the sheet. There is no way of predicting which sheets will be caps and which will not, but it's frustrating when my macro stops every 5 files with an error because of a wrong password (even though it's always one of those two).
Is there an IF THEN statement or something that I can do so that the macro doesn't stall every 30 seconds to 2 minutes... I have 10,000 files to crawl through.
I have a working Excel 2007 macro that accesses two worksheets. I then added a third worksheet and want to access it from the macro. I get a debug error 13 Type Mismatch when the macro tries to access the third worksheet. I know I need to add the third worksheet on a pop-up but I don't remember how to open it.
I am trying to put together an automation. I am having problem debuging the code. I am trying to have the automation autofilter with "Interior" and "Exterior" at column P. I am using a statement as follow to pick the cell that is showing at at second row each time after the autofilter ran. (the first row of Exterior and Interior are different) However, when i pick Exterior, the automation was able to locate the second cell after picking Exterior, but when I try Interior, then i will have a debug meesage.