Code Writes Decimal Numbers Next To Each Other Instead Of Adding

Sep 4, 2009

Code writes decimal numbers next to each other instead of adding. I have the following code on a very simple form:

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Code For Adding 2 Numbers From Another Workbook

Jul 16, 2014

I have a code that opens another WB, and gather data from it. most of the lines look like this:

HTML Code: 

wb.Sheets("Data").Range("K" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = wb2.Sheets(1).Range("M49").Value

However i need it to gather the sum: M49+M50, how can i do this without importing both values and then adding them in a 3rd column, like i am currently doing.

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Dir Folders And Subfolders Macro Writes Over It Self

Sep 14, 2009

I have a code that will write all filenames in a selected folder and all subfolders in a list. The problem is that when i open a folder with about 5000 files in only 187 are visible in the list. You could see that the program writes all filenames but it writes everyting in the first 187 columns over and over again. Here is the

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Converting Decimal Numbers To Text With Dot Numbers

May 27, 2006

we work with both Lotus 123 and Excel 2003. Lotus will be gone next year, but for now, the official mean to publish our reports is Lotus. With my work, I copy/paste a Lotus page to Excel. I use the following macro to convert Lotus format numbers (which Excel considers as text) to real numbers:

Sub ForceToNumber()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
With wSheet
. Range("IV65536") = vbNullString
.UsedRange.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd
End With
Next wSheet
End Sub

Source : The problem is that I need to send back this data in Lotus. Excel considers decimal numbers with a coma as real numbers and numbers with a dot as a text. This previous macro fixes that. However, Lotus works the other way. Only numbers with a dot are considered real numbers. So I would need to find a way to code a macro that converts any numbers in the Excel sheet to a number with a dot. It's a bit like doing the opposite operation.

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List Only Whole Numbers From Decimal Numbers

May 23, 2009

From a list of numbers I would like to delete values that have cents so only those transactions with a .00 amount are displayed

For example


Only those valaues ending in .00 will list. I tried filtering but I think there most be a function(s) string that might work or at least filter out the values with cents

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Delete Decimal Numbers Only?

Dec 14, 2008

Is there a way to delete only numbers ending in a decimal from a column of numbers? I have a column of numbers but only the non decimals are relevant to the next equation.

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Counting Decimal Numbers

Oct 25, 2006

I am trying to find a way of counting decimal numbers if, say, they begin with 3.

For example, I might have 3.33, 4.1, 3.0, 5.65, 3.8, 3.7, 3.33, etc.

I want to count anything that begins with 3 (3.33, 3.0, etc). Using the data above the answer would be 5 ...5 numbers that begin with a 3.

If this possible?

There doesn't appear to be the facility with Countif. I don't want to truncate the data (the spreadsheet already is quite extensive). I have tried using =SUMPRODUCT((Y$2:Y$170 >=3)*(Y$2:Y$170<=3.9)) but this will return an answer only when there is a complete set of data within cells within the range.

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Spliting Numbers Regarding Decimal

Aug 8, 2008

I would have a preliminary data, a number, on sheet1. The final data would be on sheet2.

In the case where there is a whole number as the preliminary data, the data would remain the same as the final output. (eg. 248 --> 248)

In the case where there is a number with a decimal, I need a function where it looks at the original number as two sets of WHOLE numbers. (Eg. 248.30 --> 248 and 30). Where the digits to the left of the decimal remains the same and the digits to the right would be divided by x (in this case, 10). The final output would be 2483 (where 248 is the same and the 30 is divided by 10.

Since I am using an older version of excel, I cannot use quotient. I know that I would be using the vlookup function and perhaps an if function. however, I do not know how to separate the numbers in regards to the decimal.

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Convertering All Numbers To Decimal

Feb 16, 2007

My coworker's excel program is converting all data to decimals. He enters in 2004 as a date and it makes it 2.004. I opened the same file on my computer and it works fine. I have done all fo the formatting to try and make it a number or a general field. The general field is not showing a preview as if there is some error overriding the whole program. He has some other numbers that he has already entered as currency and they work fine. I was able to do a =2004 and it showed as 2004 of course.

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Whole Numbers Being Changed To Decimal

Apr 29, 2007

when I tried to input numbers into an Excel spreadsheet (Excel 2003) the numbers were entered as decimals. Example: I type in 235 with NO decimal point, Excel enters it as 2.35, even when starting from scratch, using a new sheet or new workbook. I tried using format cell from the menu bar to choose "general" then as "number". Nothing changed. I also tried to set the decimal places at "0" using the number format. All that did was truncate the number to 2 with the .35 not being displayed in the cell. It IS displayed in the formula window as 2.35... but not as I entered it... 235. This happens no matter whether or not it's a brand new blank workbook or worksheet

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Subtracting Time (in Numbers) To Decimal

Oct 21, 2009

How can I add/subtract time entered as 1830 to give a decimal value?

Time between = 1.5

Also, how can I convert time as 1830 (24hr) to 12hr time? ie. 0630.

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Allow Only In Textbox1 Numbers & Decimal Point?

Jan 31, 2014

I need to allow only in textbox1 Numbers & decimal Point.

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Decimal Numbers To Feet And Inches

Jan 19, 2004

Is there a way to store a text style that will allow me to convert decimal numbers into feet and inches in the same cell?

I want to be able to type in a number like 3.5 and have it read 3'-6".

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Parse Decimal Numbers From Text

Nov 6, 2006

A while back I asked how to remove the letters from entries that have both numbers and letters. I as pointed to a UDF called "ExtractNumber".

Here is the code for that UDF: .....

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Compare Variable To Decimal Numbers

Sep 28, 2007

I have an If loop which looks like: If x < 54.5 And x > 52 Then

I have declared x as "Long", but still when it does the comparison it seems to round x up to the nearest whole number for the second comparison ( x > 52 ).

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Add X Decimal Places To Numbers But Not Zeros

May 24, 2008

I have a column of numbers with one decimal point and some blank entries too. I need to convert all the numbers (including the zeros, but not the blanks) to two decimal points. Any idea on how this can be done?

Examples: 0.1 needs to become 0.10, 0 needs to stay 0, a Blank cell needs to remain Blank.

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Validate TextBox For Decimal Numbers

Jun 6, 2008

I have set up a form which requires one textbox to have a decimal followed by four numbers (ex .5780) and another which requires two numbers, a decimal, then two more numbers (ex 57.80). how this can be accomplished? I am new to Visual Basic coding!

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Excel 2010 :: Sum And Average Of Decimal Numbers

Apr 10, 2014

Basic Excel-2010 functions.

I have given a table with some decimal values like e.g 0.3658 0.358 0.485 0.7863 0.558 0.858 0.985, I want to find the sum and average of these number.

1) I have tried the autosum or auto Function =AVERAGE(A2:A7) but it yields #DIV/0! error
2) when I use =AVERAGEA(A2:A7), it yield ans=0
3) puttin =ROUND(AVERAGEA(H2:H23);3) also yields 0;

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Changing The Decimal Places Without Rounding The Numbers

Mar 19, 2009

I was trying to decrease the decimal places of the data figures that I'm currently working on my report, however, it keeps rounding-up the decimal numbers. I wish to keep the original numbers and just decrease the decimal places.

For example:
The original figure is = 7260.12903225806
Upon decreasing the decimal figures to just 2, the result became = 7260.13

Is it possible for me to just have this result = 7260.12 instead of 7260.13?

I've tried using the TRUNC formula butit does not work if the 2nd decimal value is 0.

For example:
The original figure is = 227161.905808985
Upon applying the formula, the result became = 227161.9 instead of 227161.90

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Remove The Display Of The Leading Zero In Decimal Numbers

May 15, 2009

Is it possible to remove the display of the leading zero in decimal numbers of less than one in Excel 2007?

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Require 2 Numbers Before A Decimal In Data Validation?

Feb 16, 2012

How can I require 2 numbers before a decimal in data validation? I have a formula to require at least to characters after.

I'd like to require the user to enter at least ##.##

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Filter Only Decimal Numbers - Result In Same Column

Apr 3, 2012

I have few numbers in Column "A". Few are normal figures & few are decimal numbers, like this:


Now I want to filter only the decimal numbers, so that after filter the result will show like this:


But I don't want to use any other column for doing so. I can do it using MOD in other column but I want the result in the same column.

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How To Convert Big Hexadecimal Numbers To Decimal Format

Mar 19, 2013

I need to be able to convert big hex numbers into decimal numbers. The problem that I have with this is that when you put a hex number that includes letters excel considers it text. And if the number is too big, you can't convert it to decimal format, and when you try to, it comes up with the #NUM! error.

Number: "78652385098375A879FF747C9847A00" without quotes

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Converting Decimal Numbers To Minutes And Seconds

Jul 27, 2009

I have an excel sheet with a row of numbers example below. These numbers represent the length of time that a telephone call was. The problem is they are decimal numbers (units of 100) but they represent seconds and minutes of a phone call which change up one number when the seconds hit 60 ...

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Reducing Decimal Points Without Rounding Up The Numbers

Jul 25, 2006

I have columns of geological data in number form which may have about 4 or 5 decimal points. I want to reduce them to 2 decimal points without rounding the numbers up. Is there a simple way to do this?

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Change Default Decimal Points For Numbers

Feb 14, 2008

I've got a wierd simple problem in Excel 2003. I have a laptop and a desktop machine, and I'm an accountant who uses the fixed decimal feature as a default, with it set to 2 decimal places.

On the desktop machine, if I input "23." into a cell and then hit enter, the value left in the cell is "23.00" However, on the laptop, when I do the same thing, I get "0.23" In essence, it ignores the fact that I entered a decimal point.

If I enter "23.0" in a sheet on the laptop, it puts "23.00" in the cell.

I thought maybe it was some sort of hardware thing, like the KB was messed up, but then I used remote desktop to try to see what would happen if I enter numbers into the other computer using the laptop, and into the laptop using the desktop. The laptop when connected to the desktop performed normally, just like the desktop machine. The desktop, when connected remotely to the laptop behved like the laptop machine. In other words, I believe this test takes Hardware out of the picture.

Which leaves some strange obsure setting in excel someplace tht is causing this behavior, and I can't seem to find it.

Does anyone here know why these two installs treat the data entry so differently? It's driving me nuts.

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Convert Decimal Numbers (Minutes) To Time Format

Mar 8, 2013

How to convert decimal numbers which represent minutes into time format? Like this

Sheet3  GH1MinutesTime212.9729729700:13:00325.9459459500:26:004116.756756801:57:00

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Forcing Decimal Places (wanting NUMBERS Not TEXT)

Jun 4, 2008

I am wondering if there is any way to "force" a number to have three decimal places instead of two and still have that number valued as a number for use in formulas later (like AVERAGE, etc.).

What I have is a combination of HLOOKUPs, IF statements, and Conditional Formatting.

I have a Master Grades sheet and individual Class sheets. I use an HLOOKUP, matching a Student Number in both sheets, and looking in the Class sheet for the P/F indicator. If the indicator is a F, the HLOOKUP is to return the Final Grade from the Class sheet and input that into the Master Grades sheet, forced to three decimal places (whereas the numbers in the Class sheets are at two decimal places) If the indicator is P, the HLOOKUP simply returns the Final Grade from the Class sheet and inputs it into the Master Grades sheet with two decimal places.

I have the failure grades forced to three decimal places so that the Conditional Formatting in the Master Grades sheet highlights the failed grades for teachers and anyone else can see right away that a student failed, but the number still allows the Master Grades sheet to calculate the overall AVERAGE for the student as well as the AVERAGE for that class.

If any of this is not quite clear, please ask and I can further expand on what I am doing.

Here is the code I have right now that is not working correctly (and I know why it's not): ....

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Adding List Of Numbers But Only Numbers With $ Infront

Aug 18, 2014

[URL] .... If you take a look at the picture, what I'm trying to do is add the list of Prices up so that I can differentiate the amount received in $ and in £.

I need to add up all the numbers that don't have a $ in front into the 1 cell, and all the ones with the $ in front into another cell.


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Truncate Range Of Numbers Where Number Will Not Show More Than 2 Past The Decimal

Oct 21, 2013

How do I truncate a range of numbers where a number will not show more than 2 past the decimal ....and this be in vba as part of a macro.

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